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航海英语 甲板部物料.docx

1、航海英语 甲板部物料甲板部物料水手长物料 丙纶缆 polypropylene 尼龙缆 nylon hawser 纤维尼龙缆 polyethylene hawser 麻绳 manila rope 塑料绳 吊货钢丝 cargo runner 千斤索 topping lift 稳索 preventer stay 卸扣 shackle 花兰螺丝 turnbuckle 三角圈 wire rope thimble 钢丝轧头 wire rope clip 吊杆顶索滑车 topping lift block 大滑车 head block 根滑车 heel block 开口滑车 snatch block 牵索滑

2、车 gay block 单柄滑车 single sheave block 双柄滑车 double sheave block 嵌环 thimble 棍梯 液压钢丝铡刀 船壳灰漆 grey topside 船壳白漆 white gloss exterior 奶黄漆 buff cream paint 甲板红漆 deck red 绿水线漆 green boot toping 货舱银漆 hold aluminium 抗热油漆 heat resistant aluminium 标志红/兰/绿/黄/黑 red lead 凡立水 varnish 稀释剂 thinner 牛油 grease 煤油 kerosen

3、e 钢丝绳油 wire dressing oil/ tar oil 去漆水 撇缆绳 heaving line 测水绳 sounding rope 榔头 hammer 长柄铲刀 long hand flat scraper 刮锈刀 gooseneck scraper 电榔头 electric chipping machine 轴 spare shaft 片 spare blade 头 spare head set 气榔头 pneumatic chipping machine 钢丝钳 wire cutter 尖嘴钳 long nose pliers 梅花扳手 hexag. r. spanner 套

4、筒扳手 socket wrench 管子扳手 pipe wrench 活动扳手 shifting spanner 螺栓 bolt 螺母 nut 扁螺丝刀 screw driver 十字螺丝刀 cross head driver 铁皮剪刀 tins snips 剪刀 scissors 水手刀 jack knife 手拉葫芦 chain block 液压千斤顶 hydraulic jack 钢卷尺 steel tape ruler 皮卷尺 measuring tape 扁漆刷 flat paint brush 弯漆刷 gooseneck paint brush 滚筒漆刷 roller paint

5、brush 喷漆枪 paint sprayer 牛油枪 grease gun 游标卡尺 vernier caliper 闹钟 alarm clock 皮大衣 fur overcoat 雨衣 rain coat 安全帽 safety helmet / hard cap 舷梯安全网 gangway net 安全带 safety belt 太阳镜 sun glasses 护眼镜 goggles 帆布手套 canvas gloves 线手套 cotton gloves 皮手套 leather gloves 肥皂粉 soap powder / detergent 棉纱 cotton waste 破布 c

6、otton rag 毛巾布 towel cloth 竹扫巴 bamboo broom 棕扫巴 palm broom, coir broom 铁水桶 galvanic iron bucket 塑料水桶 plastic bucket 老鼠挡 rat guard 电筒 torch, flash light 钳子 pincers 铜锁 padlock 大副物料 海水比重计 配载仪 木匠物料 麻花钻头 auger bits 钢丝钳 combination pliers 斜口钳 side cutting pliers 扁嘴钳 flat nose pliers 什锦锉 assorted files 手电钻

7、electric drill machine 双头开口扳手 spanner 活动扳手 adjustable spanner 手电锯 electric saw machine 不锈钢尺 stainless steel ruler 量水尺 wooden sounding ruler 量水绳 sounding rope 门锁 lock 三合板 three-lay board 五合板 five-lay board 地板胶 万能胶水 general purpose glue 手摇钻 hand drill 量油尺 oil gauging tape 封舱胶布 seal adhesive tape 油布 ta

8、rpaulin 二副物料 尼龙旗绳 halyard nylon 国旗 national flag 海图橡皮 eraser , rubber 秒表 stop watch 透明胶纸 海图三角板 triangular 海图两脚规 chart devider 放大镜 chart magnifier 望远镜 binoculars, telescope 理发剪子 hair clippers 信号旗 字母旗 数字旗 代旗 回答旗 六分仪 sextant 三副物料 救生圈 life buoy 救生衣 life jacket 救生浮灯 man-over-board signal light 救生饼干 lifeb

9、oat biscuit 烟幕信号 smoke signal 降落伞信号 parachute distress signal 红火号 red hand flare 鱼钩 fishing tackle 抛绳器 line throwing appliance 消防斧 fire axe 消防撬棍 fire fighting crowbar 消防火钩 fire fighting hook 消防衣 asbestos fire suit 氧气呼吸器 breathing apparatus, respiration 防毒面具 smoke helmet 直流水枪 jet squirt 两用水枪 multi je

10、t squirt 国际通用接头 international shore connector 消防皮龙 fire hose 水带接扣 fire hose coupler CO2灭火器 CO2 extinguisher 泡沫灭火器 foam extinguisher 干粉灭火器 dry powder fire extinguisher 救生服 exposure suit 保温袋 反光带 reflective tape 救生衣灯 防火救生绳 呼吸器氧气瓶 compressed oxygen bottle 电台物料 硫酸 sulphuric aid 蒸馏水 distilled water 单胶线 si

11、ngle cord wire 老虎钳 hand plier 奶子榔头 ball peen hammer 钢丝钳 wire cutter plier 剥线钳 wire cover c. plier 电工刀 electrician knife 电烙铁 electric smolder iron 手风器 moulders bellow 液体比重计 hydrometer 万用表 A.V.O. meter , multimeter 测电笔 test pencil 系解缆MOORING AND UNMOORING be ready for mooringtake tugs towing line to c

12、apstanslack down on tug towing linesend out the head linesend headline down to 1 meter above waterlower stern line down to mooring boatsend out the ropeheave in, haul in , heave awaystop heavingavast heavinghold on forward springslack awaytake in the slackheave tightmake fastall fastsingle upsingle

13、up forward to headline and springlet gohead off 船头先离码头(开头) stern offclear aftpropeller clearall clearshift 2 meter aheadjust in positionalongside port side气象occluded front quasi-stationary front axis of trough shear line intertropical convergence zone cumuliform cloud cirriform cloud stratiform clou

14、d cirrus striations tenuous Cloud amount Open (O) less than 20% Mostly open (MOP) 20-50% Mostly covered (MOC) 50-80% Covered (C) more than 80% vortex millibar hectopascal 其他RANK / RATING OF CREWapprentice officercadetsupercargoboatswain bosuncassabcoxswainhelmsmanfireman 生火oilergreasergalley boypant

15、ry boysallon boycabin boysupernumeraryships complement 船上的定员印巴语:deck / engine room serangdeck / engine room tindalseacunny 舵工bhandary 厨师topass 清洁工scullion 助厨杂项1. 证书 Certificate of vessels nationality 国籍证书 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate Cargo Ship S

16、afety Radiotelephony Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Radiotelegraphy Certificate Deratting Exemption Certificate 免于除鼠证书 International Tonnage Certificate(1969) 吨位证书 International Load Line Certificate(1966) 载重线证书 International Load Line Exemption Certificate Certificate of Class and Survey Reports Sue

17、z Canal Special Tonnage Certificate Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate Certificate of Port of Registery USEFUL PHRASESmodification regarding items of registryprotocolalterationintermediate survey initial surveynext intermediate survey duemain/ reserve transmitter/installation2. ORGANIZATIONSHarbour Ad

18、ministration BureauHarbour Supervision OfficeThe Customs OfficeFrontier Inspection StationQuarantine OfficeAnimal and Plant Quarantine ServiceChina Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau (CCITB)China Ocean Shipping AgencyChina Marine Bunker Supply CorporationThe . Office of the Register of Shipping

19、 of PRCPublic Security BureauCoast Guard海事声明SEA PROTESTUSEFUL SENTENCES: The said ship encountered very heavy weather during the voyage between .as per logbook abstracts attached. And fearing loss and /or damage, I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving the right to exte

20、nd same at time and place convenient. Fearing loss or damage that might have been sustained by the vessels hull , machinery and cargo through rough and boisterous weather during the passage, I hereby note my protest against all losses and damages caused thereby, reserving the right to extend same wh

21、enever and wherever necessary. In anticipation of the possibility of damage to the cargo, the hull and/or the machinery, I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving my right to extend same at time and place convenient. Fearing damage from the above mentioned incidents, the

22、master now enter this Note of Protest, reserving to himself the right to extend same at time and place convenient.Enclosures: Abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident.Enclosed herein the Log Extracts covering the said incident. *It has been established with certainty that . I wish to ext

23、end my previous protest to cover losses and damages as enumerated above and reserve the right to claim such losses and damages from the parties concerned. *As fearing the fact that the conditions encountered by my ship have caused damage to the cargo and my ship, I hereby note my protest against all

24、 losses, damages, etc., reserving my right to claim against parties concerned and to extend the same at time and place convenient. *The ship to pitch and pound heavily, and to ship seas over deck during the time. *the vessel labored heavily and to such extend that at times it was necessary to change

25、 course and reduce speeds in order to ease her and prevent damage to herself and her cargo.租船CHARTERUSEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES:charter partytime chartervoyage charterbareboat charterdemise charterdemurragedispatchadvanced freightliner rateslighterage clausebunker clausecessar clause 责任终止条款charter hire

26、 租金dead freight 空舱费deductlienindemnitychartering brokerclosing datelaydayscancelling dateordinary wear and tearconsecutive voyages船体结构THE STRUCTURE OF A SHIPelementary diagramsinstallation diagramsarrangement diagramspiping diagramaccommodation 房间(总称)accommodation ladder ,gangway 舷梯aerial, antenna a

27、ft part , after partafter peak 尾尖舱air sirenaldis lampalleyway 走道bilgebitts, bollardsboom, derrickguyguy pendent 软稳索preventer guy 硬稳索bowbreakbridgebulkheadbulwarks 舷墙bunk 迭床pilots cabincaptains day room 休息室captains office 办公室captains saloon 接待室cargo holdcatwalk 狭窄的舷梯awning 帆布蓬basic line baulk, beam 船

28、梁hatch beam 舱盖横梁berth 船上床位changing room cold storagecompanion ladder (way) 从一层甲板到另一层甲板的楼梯corridor crews quarters dark chamberboat deck lower decklower tween deck upper tween deckmain deckpoop deckpromenade deck shelter deckupper deckdining saloondouble bottomdraught marks, draft marksdrying room 干衣室

29、escape trunk 逃生孔fenderflag staff 旗杆forecastleforepartforepeakfreeboard deck linefunnelgalley (船上)厨房halliard, halyard 帆旗之升降索hatch board,hatch cover hatch coaminghatch wayhawse holehawse pipehulljack ladder , Jacobs ladder 软梯、绳梯jackstaff 船头小旗杆foremast mainmastjigger mast 尾桅mizzen mast 后桅king post 将军柱jumbo derrickkeellaundrylavatory 厕所lobby 门廊、大厅loungeman-rope 绳梯mast housecrews mess 船员餐厅du

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