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高中英语 Unit 8《The Olympic Games》说课稿1 新人教版必修.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 8The Olympic Games说课稿1 新人教版必修2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 8The Olympic Games说课稿1 新人教版必修一、教材分析:1 教材概述本单元以世界性的体育盛会Olympic Games 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解奥运会的起源、宗旨、比赛项目以及古现代奥运会的异同。学会用英语表达自己的兴趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好,同时培养学生对体育运动的爱好。2 教学目标根据新课程标准关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们分语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面制定相应教学目标:1) 语言

2、知识:双基词汇:学习掌握一些有关奥运会的词汇,如:pete, petitor, medal, Greece, Greek, athlete, stadium, gymnasium等。掌握文中涉及的其他一些词汇,如: honest, host, magical, interview, admit, a set of, as well as等。 语用功能:学习掌握一些用于讨论奥运会的结构句式,如:When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?I have e to your time.that in xxthey are to be held

3、 in my hometown of Athens.All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.It is just as much a petition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal. 表达自己的兴趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好的结构句式,如:What are your hobbies? How do you bee good at them? I t

4、hink/dont think that I agree/dont agree that etc.语法结构:学习掌握将来时态的被动结构的用法。如: When and where will the next Olympic Games be held? The xx Olympic Games will be held in China.2)语言技能: 听:训练学生集中注意力、抓住疑问词线索、捕捉特定信息的能力;并熟悉interview这种形式。 说:学生能尝试当演员,利用“信息差”进行相互采访,提高在真实语境中的英语交际能力。 读:通过Scanning, skimming, careful r

5、eading, generalization, inference等阅读微技能训练,获取关于奥运会的信息,处理信息,运用信息进行推理、判断的能力。 写:运用本单元所学,尝试写一篇有关“北京xx奥运会”的报道。3)学习策略:学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,进行有效交际、信息处理,养成英语思维习惯。4)情感态度:学习奥运会的知识,培养学生热爱体育运动。学习更快,更高,更强的奥运精神,培养学生团体合作、努力拼博、积极向上的精神。5)文化意识:了解奥运会,培养全球意识,认识世界一体化以及国际合作的趋势;通过对比古现代奥运会,加深对奥运会的了解。3教学重点和难点1) 引导学生发现、感悟将来时态的被动结构的

6、语言规律,培养语感; 2) 帮助学生按类别归纳整理,用有效的记忆词汇的方法来掌握与奥运会相关的词汇;3) 学生能够表达自己的兴趣爱好以及如何向别人推荐某一种爱好。二、教学方法与教材处理1教学方法上述教学目标的确定是基于“第二语言习得论”和“整体语言教学理论”,其中渗透当前课程改革的一些理念。为达成上述教学目标,我们将运用任务型教学途径,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式(Pre-task-Task-cycle-Post-task)。 2教材处理根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,阶段学习的侧重点以及高一学生的实际,我们把本单元划分为6课时:Period 1: Reading (Warming, Pr

7、e-reading, Reading, prehending )Period2:Grammar(Learning about Language, Workbook中的Using Words and Expressions和Using Structures)Period 3: Extensive(Using Language中的Reading和Workbook中的Reading)Period 4: Listening(Using Language中的Listening和Workbook中的Listening)Period 5: Speaking(Speaking, Speaking Task和T

8、alking)Period 6: Writing(Writing和Workbook中的Writing Task和Project)下面请看第一课时的课堂教学设计。本课时将充分利用教材所提供的练习,借助多媒体来完成教学任务。Step 1. Pre-taskActivity 1. Warming up (6 minutes)1.师生互动:教师展示一些中国体育健儿在28届雅典奥运会上夺冠的精彩画面,提出一些问题如Who can tell me what it is about? Can you describe what you have seen? Do you know some details

9、about the Olympic Games? 引出本单元的话题-奥运会。在此过程中教师展示一些学生熟悉并喜欢的体育明星及体育运动的画面,从视觉上激发学生对本话题的兴趣,并为过渡到Warming up部分做准备。2.小组活动:学生两人一组进行问答Warming up(P9)里的问题。教师给出答案和各题分值,让学生自我评分,了解自己对奥运会的熟悉程度。在活动过程中,教师适时教授新词汇,激发学生的求知欲望,从而将学生引向课文的学习。Activity2.Pre-reading (5 minutes)1.师生互动:在教学过程中,教师出示北京风光、xx奥林匹克体育场等一些图 片,然后提出问题:When

10、 and where will the next Olympic Games be held?紧接着引向 Pre-reading的教学。2.小组活动:六人一组讨论Pre-reading(P9)里的其他问题。然后请各组派代表回答问题,进一步激发学生学习课文的兴趣。Step 2. Task-cycleActivity 1. Listening and fast reading (4 minutes)1 个人活动:通过听课文录音总结文章大意: It tells us the differences and similarities about the ancient and modern Olymp

11、ics.2.班级活动:学生发言,校对完善对文章大意的把握,为detail reading作铺垫。Activity 2. Read the text carefully again and fill in the chart (10 minutes)1. 个人活动: 认真阅读课文,找出古现代奥运会的异同。Ancient and modern OlympicsWhat is the same?What is different?Events in the Winter OlympicsEvents in the Summer OlympicsWhere are the Summer Olympic

12、s held?Who can take part in the Olympics?Who cannot take part in the Olympics?PrizesBeliefs 2. 小组活动:六人一组讨论上表的问题。 3. 班级活动:学生按上表抢答古现代奥运会的异同,加深对奥运会的了解。Activity 3. Know more about the Olympic Games (3 minutes)班级活动:学生按上表的提示用自己的语言分别描述古代与现代奥运会,加深对课文的理解。Activity 4. The analysis of the passage (9 minutes) 班级

13、活动:帮助学生总结归纳课文中出现的重要词汇、短语和句子,如: take part in, a set of, as well as, pete with, pete for, be admitted as, relate to, be related to When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?I have e to your time.that in xx. They are to be held in my hometown of Athens.教师作必要的解析。Step 3. Post-task Activity 1. Di

14、scussion (5 minutes)小组活动:六人一组讨论prehending中第二题练习的问题。班级活动:各组派代表回答刚才讨论的问题,教师给予指导,提高学生解答阅读理解问题的能力。Activity2. Talk show (3 minutes) 班级活动:选两位学生,一位当主持人,一位当被采访者,其他同学充当观众,模仿央视“艺术人生”的形式作一访谈,要求主持人留一些时间给观众提问。通过活动巩固所学知识,进一步熟悉interview这种形式。Homework: 借助课文中的关键句子,用第一人称复述课文。板书设计(教学过程中借助课件逐步展示):(Part 1)Ancient and mod

15、ern OlympicsWhat is the same?What is different?Events in the Winter OlympicsNothingOnly held in modern OGEvents in the Summer OlympicsRunning, pentathlon, wrestlingMany more events in modern OGWhere are the Summer Olympics held?NothingOnly held in Athens;Different cities can pete for the right to ho

16、st OGWho can take part in the Olympics?Only menWomen, special Olympic for disable and mentally impaired athletes in modern OGWho cannot take part in the Olympics?NothingWomen and all people outside Greece;Those who cannot reach the standardPrizesNothing Olive wreaths;Medals of gold, silver and bronz

17、eBeliefsOlympic mottoSwifter, higher, stronger!For the honour of the Gods;For the honour of the person and the country.Unit8 The Olympic Games 教案Teaching Goals:Getting to know the Olympic games, read words and expressions by heart.Importance1) skimming:Read the passage quickly, ask and answer some q

18、uestions: what do you know about the Olympic games?2) scanning: write down sth important the year 776 BC _ the ancient Olympic games began the year 393 AD_ the Olympic games stopped 1896_the first Olympic games in modern times.Difficulties:Practicing the following language points:1) every four years

19、/ every fourth year / every second day/every two days/every other day2) do ones best/ try ones bestTeaching process:StepI Revision1.Greet the whole class as usual.2.Ask some questions about the text to check their homework.T: Good afternoon everyone!Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Lin!T: Have you prepared

20、your reading text?Ss: Yes!Show some pictures and ask Ss what sport they are (shooting, diving, swimming, wrestling, weightlifting)Ask the following questions about the text while showing some pictures going with them on the screen. Meanwhile, ask the Ss to answer then one by one.T: How often are the

21、 Olympic Games held?Sa: The Olympic Games are held every four years.T: When and where did the ancient Olympic Games begin?Sb: The ancient Olympic Games began around the year776BC in Greece.T: What games did they pete at that time?Sc: Running, jumping and wrestling.T: When and where did the modern Ol

22、ympic Games happen?Sd: The first modern Olympics happened in 1896 in Greece.T: What is the Olympic motto?Se: The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.T: Very good! It seems you have prepared the text very well.StepII Pre-readingT: I think all of you have a favorite sport and a favorite sport

23、star. All the sports men will take part in different matches, whats the highest sports match in the world?Ss: The Olympic Games.T: Today we are going to learn a passage about the Olympic Games. Now there are 2 questions here. (The teacher shows the 2 questions on the screen.)T: You will discuss thes

24、e questions with you partners. Then I will ask some of you to report you work. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.After they begin, the teacher will visit each group and give help as needed. (After a few minutes.)T: Now whod like to answer the first question? Volunteer!Sa: Ill try. I like basketball most. Thats

25、to say, I like to watch the plays training and playing games, including all kinds of activities they take part in. Their spirit of fearing no difficulties and their unity always encourage me in my life and study.T: Very good. In our study and life, we need such kind of spirit. Please go on.(e to the

26、 second question.)Sb: I think it is important to win in a sports match. It can prove that our levels in sports are very high. If we could not win even one match, I think the other countries would call us “the Oriental Sick Men” again.Sc: I dont think so. I think every athlete will try their best to

27、train and to perform in the matches. If they couldnt win in the matches, they have nothing to regret, and we shouldnt plain them.T: Both of you did a good job. The students can be free to e up with different opinions, so the answers vary.Step III While-readingT: You have done very well, now lets lea

28、rn about the further information about the Olympic Games. I will play the tape for you and please read the text following the tape, then decide the following sentences are true or false.(Show the “T”or “F” exercises on the screen.)1.( ) In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to pete and w

29、atch the Games.2.( ) The motto of the Olympic Games is “ Faster, Higher, Further”.3.( ) Carl Lewis won the three gold medals in the 1984 Olympic Games.4.( ) The 27th Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles.5.( ) The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.6.( ) The Winter Olympic Games are held ev

30、ery three years.(About 4 minutes later.)T: Now whod like to try?Sa: T F F F F FT: Do you agree?Ss: Yes!T: Well done! Now read the passages again, this time, try to obtain a general understanding of the whole passage. While reading, try to find out the main idea of each paragraph. While the students

31、reading, the teacher can go through the desks to find if they have any questions to ask and give necessary help. Then prepare the slide show.(After 3 or 4 minutes.)T: Now lets sum up every paragraph in one sentence. The first paragraphAfter each answer, the teach will show the main idea of this paragraph on the screen. The students may give different answers, and the teacher should help them make the answers simple and clear.(On the screen)Para.1: The Olympic Games ar

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