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1、高三英语写作材料汇总二十二邂逅世间最美的英语诗歌314031、Sadness of August 八月的忧伤 32、The Beautiful Lady Yu 虞美人 33、Old Black Joe 老黑乔 34、Twenty-Four Years 二十四年 35、I Hear America Singing 我听见美洲在歌唱 36、Sun of the Sleepless 失眠的太阳37、I Never Saw a Moor 我从未见过荒原 38、wild Fire 野火 39、Hope 希望 40、Goodbye Again, Cambridge 再别康桥 31、Sadness of A

2、ugust八月的忧伤Lin Huiyin林徽因In a yellow pond there are white ducks swimming.黄水塘里游着白鸭,Only a little taller than people, sorghums are still green.高粱梗油青的刚高过头,Where should I put, in this pounding heart,这跳动的心怎样安插,A narrow path in the field, this sadness in August.田里一窄条路,八月里这忧愁?Rain washed the sky clean last n

3、ight, sun shines天是昨夜雨洗过的,山岗On hills and leaves some shadows,照着太阳又留一片影;Sheep follow the shepherd into the village,羊跟着放羊的转进村庄,And shading a well, a big tree looks like a heart.一大棵树荫下罩着井,又像是心!No one ever spoke of August, summer is over从没有人说过八月什么话,And fall isnt here. I look onto a farmland夏天过去了,也不到秋天。An

4、d then at the squashes over the earth wall,但我望着田垄,土墙上的瓜,I just dont understand how life and dream connect.仍不明白生活同梦怎样的连牵。32、The Beautiful Lady Yu虞美人Li Yu李煜Spring flowers and autumn moon-when will they be ended?春花秋月何时了,How many past events can we tell?往事知多少!The east wind blew through my small lodge ag

5、ain last night.小楼昨夜又东风,The old country, bathed in a bright moon.故国不堪回首月明中。Is an overwhelming sight!Those carved balustrades, those marble terraces-雕栏玉砌应犹在,They should still be there.Only the rosy cheeks have faded.只是朱颜改。How much sorrow and pray, can a person carry?问君能有几多愁?Like the spring torrent flo

6、wing eastward, without tarry!恰似一江春水向东流。33、Old Black Joe老黑乔Stephen Collins Foster史蒂芬 柯林斯 福斯特1Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay;快乐童年,如今一去不复返,Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away;亲爱的朋友,都已离开家园,Gone from the earth to a better land I know,离开尘世到那天上的乐园,I hear their gentle voices c

7、alling,我听见他们轻声把我呼唤,Old Black Joe!“老黑乔!”Im coming, I,m coming, for my head is bending low;我来了,我来了,I hear their gentle voices calling,我已年老背又弯,Old Black Joe!我听见他们轻声把我呼唤。2Why do I weep when my heart should feel no pain?为何哭泣,如今我不应忧伤?Why do I sigh that my friends come not again?为何叹息,朋友不能重相见?Grieving for f

8、orms now departed long ago,为何悲痛,亲人去世已多年。I hear their gentle voices calling,我听见他们轻声把我呼唤,Old Black Joe!“老黑乔!”3Where are thee hearts once so happy and so free?昔日快乐无羁的人们,如今安在?The children so dear that I held upon my knee?还有,我抱在膝上可爱的小家伙?Gone to the shore where my soul has longed to go,他们都已经到了我灵魂所渴望去的海岸,I

9、 hear their gentle voices calling,我听见他们柔声呼唤,Old Black Joe!老黑乔! ”34、Twenty-Four Years二十四年Dylan Thomas狄兰 托马斯Twenty-four years remind the tears of my eyes.回顾二十四年的岁月,我的眼里充满泪水。(Bury the dead for fear that they walk to the grave in labour.)(埋葬死者以免他们在阵痛中步向坟地。)In the groin of the natural doorway I crouched

10、like a tailor我曾蹲在天然门廊的腹沟里,Sewing a shroud for a journey像个裁缝,借用一吞食切的阳光,By the light of the meat-eating sun.缝制一件旅行用的寿衣。Dressed to die, the sensual strut begun,盛装就死,肉欲之徜徉已开始,With my red veins full of money,我的红色血管里满是金钱,In the final direction of the elementary town朝着小市镇最后的方向I advance for as long as forev

11、er is.我永久地前行。35、I Hear America Singing我听见美洲在歌唱Walt Whitman沃尔特 惠特曼I Hear America singing, the varied carols I hear.我听见美洲在唱歌,我听到了各种颂歌,Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,机械工人在歌唱着,每个人都在唱着他那快乐而嘹亮的歌,The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,木匠边丈量着他的

12、木板和房梁,边唱着他的歌,The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,瓦匠在工作或休息的时候唱着他的歌,The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the船夫歌唱着他船上的一切,水手也在轮船的甲板上歌唱着,deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,鞋匠坐在板凳上歌唱,帽匠也在站着歌唱,The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter sin

13、ging as he stands,伐木者、耕童们走在清晨的路上,在歇息的中午,The wood-cuttes song, the ploughboys,on his way in the或在日落时分歌唱着,morning,or at the noon intermission or at sundown,我还听到来自母亲的美妙歌声,正在操作的年轻的The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at妻子们或缝衣或洗衣女孩子们的歌。work, or of the girl sewing or washing,Each sing

14、ing what每个人歌唱属于他或她而不属于别人的一切,belongs to her and to none else,白天唱着属于白天的歌,The day what belongs to the day At night, the party of young夜晚,在这一群体格健壮、友好相处fellows, robust, friendly,的年轻人聚会上,Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.唱着他们那嘹亮而优美的旋律。36、Sun of the Sleepless失眠的太阳George Gordon Byron乔治 戈

15、登 拜伦Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star! 嗬,失眠人的太阳!忧郁的星!Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far,有如泪珠,你射来抖颤的光明That show,st the darkness thou canst not dispel,只不过显现你逐不开的幽暗,How like art thou to joy rememberd well! 你多么像欢乐追忆在心坎!So gleams the past, the light of other days,“过去”,那往日的明辉也在闪烁,Which shines, b

16、ut warms not with its powerless rays;但它微弱的光却没有一丝热;A night-beam Sorrow watcheth to behold,“忧伤”尽在瞭望黑夜的一线光明,Distinct but distant dear but, oh how cold!它清晰,却遥远;灿烂,却多么寒冷!37、I Never Saw a Moor我从未见过荒原Emily Dickinson艾米莉 狄金森I never saw a Moor-我从未见过荒原-I never saw the Sea-我从未见过海洋-Yet know I how the Heather loo

17、ks可我知道石楠的容貌And what a Billow be.和狂涛巨浪。I never spoke with God我从未与上帝交谈Nor visited in Heaven-也不曾拜访过天堂-Yet certain am I of the spot可我好像已通过检查As if the Checks were given-一定会到那个地方。38、wild Fire野火Ai Qing艾青Set these black nights ablaze,在这些黑夜里燃烧起来On these lofty mountaintops ,在这些高高的山巅上Extend your arms of flame,

18、伸出你的光焰的手Embrace her dark-blue, ice-cold bosom,去抚扪夜的宽阔的胸脯From the tips of your high-leaping flames,从你的最处跳动着的尖顶Let your sparks fly out把你的火星飞飏起来Let them descend, like a host of sprites让它们像群仙似的飘落在Down the unfathomable, dark-cold abyss那些莫测的黑暗而又冰冷的深谷Let them flash on the souls fast asleep there去照见那些沉睡的灵魂L

19、et them, even if only in dazed dreaming让它们即使在缥缈的梦中Dance, for once, the dance of joy.也能得一次狂欢的舞蹈Set these black nights ablaze在这些黑夜燃烧起来Lat the flames climb higher and higher!更高些!更高些!Let your joyous configurations让你的欢乐的形体Rise from the ground to the heavens从地面升向高空Inspire this wearisome world of ours使我们这困

20、倦的世界With the dance of your spirited fire因了你的火光的鼓舞Rise up and soar!苏醒起来!喧腾起来!Look to you让这黑夜里的一切的眼Let the thousand eyes of this dark night都在看望着你Let the hearts on this dark night让这黑夜里的一切的心All heed your earth-shaking summons都因了你的召唤而震荡Oh, your Joyous flames欢笑的火焰啊Oh, your trembling flames颤动的火焰啊Listen! Fr

21、om what profound comer听呀从什么深邃的角落Comes this song that hymns your praise like a waterfall.传来了那赞颂你的瀑布似的歌声39、Hope希望Emily Bronte艾米莉 勃朗特Hope was but a timid friend,希望只是个羞怯的友伴。She sat without the grated den,她坐在我的囚牢之外,Watching how my fate would tend,以自私者的冷眼旁观Even as selfish-hearted men.观察我的命运的好歹。She was cru

22、el in her fear,她因胆怯而如此冷酷。Through the bars one weary day,郁闷的一天,我透过铁栏,I looked out to see her there,想看到我的希望的面目,And she turned her face away!却见她立即背转了脸!Like a false guard, false watch keeping,像一个假看守在假意监视,Still in strife, she whispered peace ;一面敌对一面又暗示和平;She would sing while I was weeping,当我哀泣时她吟唱歌词,If I

23、 listened, she would cease.当我静听她却噤口无声。False she was, and unrelenting;她心如铁石而且虚假。When my last joys strewed the ground,当我最后的欢乐落满地,Even Sorrow saw, repenting,见此悲惨的遗物四处抛撒,Those sad relics scattered round;就连“哀愁”也遗憾不已Those days. Those people, Those poems而希望,她本来能悄悄耳语Balm to all my frenzied pain,为痛苦欲狂者搽膏止痛,S

24、tretched her wings,and soared to heaven,却伸展双翼向天堂飞去,Went, and neer eturned again!一去不回,从此不见影踪。40、Goodbye Again, Cambridge再别康桥Xu Zhimo徐志摩I leave softly, gently,轻轻的我走了,Exactly as I came.正如我轻轻的来,I wave to the western sky,我轻轻的招手,Telling it goodbye softly, gently.作别西天的云彩。The golden willow at the river edge

25、那河畔的金柳,Is the setting suns bride.是夕阳中的新娘,Her quivering reflection波光里的艳影,Stays fixed in my mind.在我的心头荡漾。Green grass on the bank软泥上的青荇,Dances on a watery floor油油的在水底招摇;In bright reflection.在康河的柔波里,I wish myself a bit of waterweed我甘心做一条水草Vibrating to the ripple. Of the River Cam.那榆荫下的一潭,That creek in t

26、he shade of the great elms不是清泉,Is not a creek but a shattered rainbow,是天上虹;Printed on the water And inlaid with duckweed,揉碎在浮藻间,It is my lost dream.沉淀着彩虹似的梦。Hunting a dream? Wielding a long punting pole寻梦!撑一支长篙,I get my boat into green water,向青草更青处漫溯,Into still greener grass.满载一船星辉,In a flood of sta

27、rlight, On a river of silver and diamond在星辉斑斓里放歌。I sing to my hearts content.但我不能放歌,But, I cannot sing aloud悄悄是别离的笙箫。Quietness is my farewell music;夏虫也为我沉默,Even Summer insects heap silence for me沉默是今晚的康桥!Silent is Cambridge tonight!悄悄的我走了,I leave quietly As I came quietly.正如我悄悄的来,Gently I flick my sleeves我挥一挥衣袖,Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.不带走一片云彩!

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