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版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版特训必修3 3.docx

1、版高考英语培优增分一轮人教经典版特训必修3 3.完形填空2017北京高考Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Manitoba, Canada. One day, when she was five years old, she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg. They saw a man _1_ out of a garbage can. She asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man was hom

2、eless and hungry. Hannah was very _2_. She couldnt understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food. Hannah started to think about how she could _3_, but, of course, there is not a lot one fiveyearold can do to solve (解决) the problem of homelessness.Later, when Hanna

3、h attended school, she saw another homeless person. It was a woman, _4_ an old shopping trolley (购物车) which was piled with _5_. It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them. This made Hannah very sad, and even more _6_ to do something. She had been talking to her mother about the lives of h

4、omeless people _7_ they first saw the homeless man. Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem that made her sad, she wouldnt _8_ as bad.Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces. She hoped to _9_ her message of hope and awarene

5、ss. She started the Ladybug Foundation, an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness. She began to _10_ “Big Bosses” lunches, where she would try to persuade local business leaders to _11_ to the cause. She also organized a fundraising (募捐) drive in “Ladybug Jars” to collect everyones spare

6、 change during “Make Change” month. More recently, the foundation began another _12_ called National Red Scarf Daya day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canadas _13_ and homeless.There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called “Hannahs Place”, something that Hannah is very

7、_14_ of. Hannahs Place is divided into several areas, providing shelter for people when it is so cold that _15_ outdoors can mean death. In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities, she has received a lot of _16_. For example, she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the _17_

8、of young people to change the world. But _18_ all this, Hannah still has the _19_ life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl, except that she pays regular visits to homeless people.Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a _20_ in the world. You can, too!篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位心地善良的小女孩,在两次目睹了

9、无家可归的流浪者的悲惨生活后,竭尽所能地帮助无家可归者。在自己的努力和影响下,她让更多的人参与了进来。1A.jumping BeatingCcrying Dwaving答案:B根据后面的“the man was homeless and hungry”可知,那个人无家可归,并且很饿,所以他应该是从垃圾桶里找东西吃(eating)。2A.annoyed BnervousCashamed Dupset答案:D根据后面的“She couldnt understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough f

10、ood.”可知,她不能理解为什么一些人没有庇护之所,没有足够的食物,这让她很难过(upset)。第二段最后一句出现的sad是近义词复现,也可由此印证答案。3A.behave BmanageChelp Dwork答案:C根据后面的“there is not a lot one fiveyearold can do to solve (解决) the problem of homelessness”可知,Hannah想尽一己之力帮助(help)无家可归者,不过一个5岁的女孩毕竟能力有限,可做的事情不多。4A.pushing BcarryingCbuying Dholding答案:A根据后面的“an

11、 old shopping trolley (购物车)”可知,她碰到的那个妇女推着(pushing)一辆旧的购物车。5A.goods BbottlesCfoods Dbags答案:D根据后面的“It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them.”可知,那个女人所有的家当好像都在包里,所以购物车里应该堆满了包(bags)。6A.excited BdeterminedCenergetic Dgrateful答案:B根据第一段的内容可知,Hannah在5岁时就想帮助无家可归者,根据第三、四段的内容可知,Hannah做了一些事情来帮助他们,所以

12、此处表示,碰到这个无家可归的女人,她很伤心,这更坚定了(determined)她要做点儿事情的决心。7A.since BunlessCalthough Das答案:A根据第一段的内容“She asked her mother why he did that .”可知,自从(since)她们第一次碰到那个无家可归的人,Hannah就和她的妈妈一直讨论他们的生活。since “自以来”,可引导时间状语从句。8A.sound BgetCfeel Dlook答案:C根据空前的“made her sad”可知,碰到无家可归的人让Hannah很伤心,所以她的妈妈告诉她,如果她能做点儿什么来改变这个问题,那

13、么她就不会感觉(feel)这么糟糕了。 BleaveCkeep Dspread答案:D根据此段第一句中的“began to speak out”可知,Hannah开始在公开场合做些关于无家可归的人的演讲,想呼吁人们关注他们。她希望把希望传播(spread)下去,并提升人们的意识。10A.sell BdeliverChost Dpack答案:C根据此空句子的后半句可知,她会在午餐期间尽力说服当地的商界领袖为这一事业做出贡献,所以Hannah是主办(host)了“大老板”午餐,这是她组织的一种活动。11A.contribute BleadCapply Dagree答案:AHa

14、nnah举办“大老板”午餐活动,是为了让他们为这一事业出一己之力(contribute)。12A.campaign BtripCprocedure Dtrial答案:A空格前的another提示,前面已经出现过一个同类型的名词,而前文提到的与募捐有关的活动,是一个零钱月(“Make Change” month), another后面是另一个活动(campaign)National Red Scarf Day,人们在当天捐献20美元。13A.elderly BhungryClonely Dsick答案:B第一段中提到了“the man was homeless and hungry”,和本空相对

15、应,是同义词复现。14A.aware BafraidCproud Dsure答案:C根据下文的描述,Hannahs Place分布在好几个区,为流浪者提供了栖身之处,所以Hannah已经给很多流浪者提供了帮助,这是她感到骄傲的(proud)事。15A.going BsleepingCtravelling Dplaying答案:BHannah给流浪者提供了栖身之处,让他们在严寒的天气有地方可住。在寒冷的天气,睡(sleeping)在户外就可能死亡。16A.praises BinvitationsCreplies Dappointments答案:A根据本段中的“she received the 2

16、007 BRICK Award”可知,Hannah曾获得2007年盘石奖,所以可以判断她因自己的善行获得了很多赞扬(praises)。17A.needs BinterestsCdreams Defforts答案:DHannah获得了2007年盘石奖,这个奖项是对年轻人为改变世界所做出努力(efforts)的认可。18A.for BthroughCbesides Dalong答案:B但是在这期间,Hannah依然过着正常的校园生活。19A.healthy BpublicCnormal Dtough答案:C根据上下文可知,在做慈善的过程中,她依旧过着普通(normal)校园女孩的生活,和其他女孩并

17、无区别,只是常常要去探望无家可归的人。20A.choice BprofitCjudgement Ddifference答案:D根据上文内容可知,Hannah是通过自己的努力改变世界的年轻人之一。make a difference “使变得不同,有影响”,符合语境。.阅读理解AWinter is often a time when we switch our activities indoors and wait for spring. We miss out on the fresh air, beautiful scenery and healthy exercise that outdoo

18、r activities in Saskatchewan offer. If youre not the skiing or snowmobiling type, ice fishing is a great way to spend part of your winter outdoors.Murry Koob, a biologist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, notes that there are over 50,000 fishbearing waters in this province. “We have a l

19、ot of opportunities for ice fishing here, especially when most lakes are covered with ice for almost half of the year.”It is estimated that one third of those who fish during the summer also fish in the winter. Koob says that a minimum amount of equipment is required for ice fishing. “In reality, al

20、l you need is something to cut a hole in the ice and a line with a hook on it. Warm clothes are obviously needed too.”Ice fishing can start as soon as the ice is thick enough to support a person walking on it: about 10cm thick. When it reaches 30cm, it will support a truck. Koob warns that ice thick

21、ness can vary greatly, so it should be tested as you cross it. He suggests that anyone fishing on the ice carry emergency equipment, such as a throw rope, in case you break through the ice. “You should always fish with a companion and let people know where you will be fishing.”Carrying a cell phone

22、with you is also a good idea. As noted, the equipment for ice fishing can be simple and inexpensiveor it can be costly. “Ive seen people fishing with a homemade chisel (凿子) and a spool of line. But you can also spend hundreds of dollars or more on underwater cameras and portable tentlike shelters or

23、 a wooden shack. It all depends on how much you want to spend,” said Koob.Often, the hardest part about ice fishing is getting out on the lake and cutting a hole through the ice.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。Saskatchewan是加拿大西部的一个省,这里水域广阔,尤其是进入冬季后,大面积的水域结冰给此地特有的冬季冰上垂钓提供了便利。1The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 re

24、fers to _.Aice Bice thicknessCrope Dice fishing答案:A指代判断题。本段介绍的是冰上垂钓要在冰的厚度能够承受人在上面行走的时候才可以开始,也就是大约在10厘米厚的冰上。接下来说冰的厚度变化很大,在你穿越冰面时需要测试冰的厚度,所以cross的对象是冰,即ice,因此A项正确。2If you like to go ice fishing, _.Ayou should have many pieces of equipmentByou should stay on the ice for a long timeCyou should be dresse

25、d in better clothesDyou should make sure of your safety答案:D推理判断题。依据文章内容可知,等冰达到一定厚度,穿上暖和的衣服,与同伴一起垂钓,告知他人垂钓的地点等都是确保自身安全的措施。因此D项正确。3The throw rope suggested in the passage means that _.Amore fish can be taken home with it Bit can meet the need of emergencyCa hole in the ice can be broken easily Dit can

26、 be used to break through the ice答案:B细节理解题。依据第四段第四句可知,他建议在冰上垂钓要有应急设备,如抛绳,以防你掉进冰窟里面。因此B项正确。BBack to three years before, the hit song Call Me Maybe was on everyones lips, and Carly Rae Jepsen had risen to pop status. But many critics wondered whether the Canadian singersongwriter was a onehit wonder.J

27、epsen admits that she felt a sudden increase of pressure after the singles unexpected popularity. To do with the stress, Jepsen threw herself into creating new songs every single day. It was as if Jepsen disappearedat least by the standard of pop stars. She had vanished from music charts and gossip

28、columns as she got down to work.Over the next three years, the singer wrote over 200 songs and selected 17 of them to showcase in her new album Emotion, released last month.The 29yearold Jepsen found herself with another hit when the albums lead single, I Really Like You, started to top the charts.S

29、ome people have made fun of the song for repeating “really” five times in a row and 67 times throughout the whole song. “But its also an example of how more simple music can be art,” The Atlantic commented.The appealing, energetic Emotion proves that Jepsen will be a chief support in the music indus

30、try for the long journey. But her success is more than just bright and attractive earworms.Yes, its true that I Really Like You is a kind of 2015 version of Call Me Maybe. But in the albums other singles, Jepsen gets adventurous, experimenting with deeper material.Emotion is not all pop. Jepsen reve

31、als a few musical styles that weve never heard from her before.Run Away With Me, a song filled with crying saxophones, opens the album. In Boy Problems, Jepsen shows unexpected fierceness. And Jepsens personal favorite, All That, is a hot ballad that talks about the desire for intimacy (亲密)“I hope that Im always changing, and that with every album Im kind of reinventing what excites me and reinventing sort of where I want to go musically,” Jepsen said.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了加拿大的创作型歌手Jepsen是如何通过自己的努力在音乐界获得成功的。4What did

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