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1、最新高一英语必修一句子翻译附答案高一英语必修一句子翻译及小作文必修一 M1 1. 很荣幸参加你的生日宴会。(honor)2. 现在他的工作进展得非常顺利。(get along with )3. 使我大为惊奇的是,他能把这首诗从头至尾背诵出来。 4. 你对高中生做兼职有什么看法?5. 他的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。6. 他的研究涉及的范围很广。His studies covered a wide field. 7. 众所周知,一年分为四季。 话题写作:根据提示,完成小作文。1. 我在天津一中学习,它完全不同于我在初中的学校。(nothing like )2. 这儿的老师好极了,他们热情,对待工作

2、态度积极。(brilliant, enthusiastic, have a positive attitude towards)3. 他们的教学方法给我留下了深刻印象以至于我期盼着每一节课。(method, be impressed with, look forward to )4. 放学后,男老师邀请一些学生参加诸如打篮球、踢足球这样的活动。(take part in)5. 我认为在他们的教导下我会做得更好。(instruction)M2 1. 我代表家人欢迎你的到来。(on behalf of )2. 我从你的演讲中受益匪浅。(benefit from )3. 他躺在草地上,两眼望着天空。

3、(with)4. 如果不去尝试,我们永远都不知道我们会成功。(unless)5. 解出这道题很难。(it)6. 我宁愿在家里读点书,也不愿意与他们去购物。(would ratherthan / preferto )7. 由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。话题作文: 根据提示完成下面的小作文1 保罗是我们的英语老师,他精力充沛而且有趣。(energetic, amusing)2. 他非常热爱教育事业,对我们很有耐心。(patient)3. 为了确保我们每个人理解他的课,他采用多种教学方法。(make sure)4. 然而, 他对我们也很严格。(strict)5. 如果我们在作业中犯错误,他要求我们立刻改正

4、并做类似的练习。(make mistakes)6. 因此,我们在做作业时都很细心,避免犯错误。(as a result, avoid)7.有保罗教我们,我们在英语上都取得了进步。(with 符合结构, make progress)8. 我们都感激他,因他努力工作而尊重他。(appreciate, respect)9.我认为在他的帮助下,我们能被大学录取。(admit)M3 1. 那个男孩躺在床上看报纸。(现在分词短语作状语)2. 我从来没想到玛丽会成为一名成功的女演员。(make it)3. 你认为他要和谁一起去那里?4. 明天去什么地方尚未决定。5. 不知您能否告诉我如何去做这件事。6. 孩

5、子太小,不知道在困境中该做什么。根据提示完成小作文1. 去年,国庆节,我和父母决定去青岛欣赏美景。(scenery)2. 午夜时分,我们上了公共汽车。(midnight, get on )3. 6个小时候,我们到达了青岛汽车站,在那儿我们买了一张地图来查阅。(refer to )4. 首先,我们去了迷人的海边,在那儿,我们拍了一些照片,尽情地在沙滩上散步,在海中游泳。(seaside)5. 午饭后,我们决定爬崂山。尽管到达山顶时筋疲力尽,但我们很高兴。(exhausted)6. 多么棒的一次旅行啊!(journey)M4 1. 因为缺钱,这次旅行取消了。(for lack of )2. 我没能

6、买车,一方面是因为我不会开车,另一方面是因为我没有足够的钱。(for one thing for another thing) 根据提示完成作文1. 这对夫妇自从上次见面已经有一年了。 (It is since . )2. 她丈夫在广州郊区盖楼。(put up )3. 一天,她打电话联系他说,她决定来看他。(contact)4. 这是她第一次来广州。(It is the first time that)5. 广州是她到过的最吸引人的地方之一,因此她决定去买些东西。(attractive )6. 然而当她接近一家购物中心时发生了交通事故,她伤得很重。(approach, traffic)7. 一

7、听到这个噩耗,她丈夫立刻来到医院和医生交换了看法。(exchange)8. 在医生的帮助才,她活了下来。(survive)9. 遇见这么优秀的医生,她觉得很幸运。(fortunate)M5 1. 尽管他很累,但他仍然工作到深夜。(让步状语从句)2. 为了您的家庭新都,务必遵守交通规则。(do+ v. 表示强调)1 那天王老师发表的演讲是关于学习的。(lecture)2.首先,他高三学生确立目标是必要的。(It is + adj. + to do , aim )3. 举了几个例子之后,他得出结论,学生不应该过没有目标的生活。(conclusion)4. 一些学生对此感到惊讶,因为他们过去认为学习

8、不需要目标。(astonished, used to)5.其次,他说学生们应该养成好的学习习惯,比如上课记笔记.(be supposed to, form ) 6. 再次,学生们应该博览群书,因为读书可以使人学识丰富。(ordinary)7. 最后,他提醒学生要合理膳食。(balanced)8. 一个学生越健康,越有可能学好功课。(the + 比较级,the + 比较级)M6 1. 雨下得越来越大。(比较级 and 比较级)Its raining harder and harder. 2. 你的计划意味着节省许多时间、金钱及其他材料。Your plan means saving lots of

9、 time, money and the other materials. 根据提示完成作文1. 这所学校作为省级规范化学校而出名。(become known as )2. 去年,该校校长在会上提出了一个新的提议。(come up with )3. 也就是说,为了满足学生的需求,学校应该建一栋由图书馆和阅览室组成的新楼.(consist of )4. 阅览室设计将容纳200名学生,在那儿学生们还可以使用因特网。(design, contain, access, as well)5. 自从阅览室开放以来,平均每天有100人来此专心阅读。(average, concentrate)6.然而,由于期

10、中考试临近,和山个月相比,来阅读的学生数量下降了。(compared with, go down) 高一英语必修一句子翻译及小作文参考译文必修一 M1 8. Its my honor to take part in your birthday party.9. He is getting along well with his work now.10. To my amazement , he was able to recite the whole poem from memory. 11. What is your attitude to / toward senior high stud

11、ents taking up a part-time job?12. His speech made a great impression on me.13. His studies covered a wide field. 14. As is known to us, a year is divided into four seasons. I study at No.1 middle school of Tianjin, which is nothing like my junior school. The teachers are brilliant, who are enthusia

12、stic and have a positive attitude towards their work. I m so impressed with their teaching method that I look forward to each class. After school, the male teachers invite some students to take part in activities such as playing basketball and football. I think I can do better under their instructio

13、n.M2 8. On behalf of my family, I welcome you to be here. 9. I benefited greatly from your lecture. 10. He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky. 11. We will never know we will succeed unless we try. 12. It is very difficult to work out the problem. 13. I prefer reading books at home to

14、going shopping with them. I would rather do some reading at home than go shopping with them. I prefer to read books at home rather than go shopping with them. I like to do some reading at home instead of going shopping with them. 14. He was caught in a traffic jam. As a result, he was late. He was l

15、ate as a result of a traffic jam. He was late because of a traffic jam. A traffic jam contributed / led to / resulted in his late. Paul is my English teacher, who is energetic and amusing. He loves teaching very much and is patient with us. To make sure each of us understands his class, he adopts ma

16、ny teaching methods. However , he is also strict with us. If we make mistakes in our homework, he asks us to correct them at once and lets us do some similar exercises. As a result, when we do our homework, we are always careful and avoiding making mistakes. With Paul teaching us, we all have made p

17、rogress in English. We all appreciate him and respect him for his hard work. I think we can be admitted to universities with his help. M3 7. The boy lay on the bed, reading a newspaper.8. I never thought Mary could make it as an actress. 9. 10. 喜欢 一般 不喜欢加拿大公司就是根据年轻女性要充分展现自己个性的需求,将世界各地的珠类饰品汇集于“碧芝自制饰品

18、店”内,由消费者自选、自组、自制,这样就能在每个消费者亲手制作、充分发挥她们的艺术想像力的基础上,创作出作品,达到展现个性的效果。Who do you think he will go there with ?11. Where to go tomorrow has not been decided. 12. I wonder if you could tell me how to do it. 13. The boy is too young to know what to do in trouble.The boy is too young to know what he should d

19、o in trouble. 当然,在竞争日益激烈的现代社会中,创业是件相当困难的事。我们认为,在实行我们的创业计划之前,我们首先要了解竞争对手,吸取别人的经验教训,制订相应竞争的策略。我相信只要我们的小店有自己独到的风格,价格优惠,服务热情周到,就一定能取得大多女孩的信任和喜爱。人民广场地铁站有一家名为“漂亮女生”的饰品店,小店新开,10平方米不到的店堂里挤满了穿着时尚的女孩子。不几日,在北京东路、淮海东路也发现了“漂亮女生”的踪影,生意也十分火爆。现在上海卖饰品的小店不计其数,大家都在叫生意难做,而“漂亮女生”却用自己独特的经营方式和魅力吸引了大批的女生。Last year, on Nati

20、onal Day, my parents and I decided to go to Qingdao to enjoy the beautiful scenery. At midnight, we got on a bus. Six hours later, we got to the Qingdao bus station , where we bought a map in case we might refer to it. We first went to the attractive seaside , where we took some photos, walked on th

21、e sands and swam in the sea as much as we liked. After lunch, we decided to climb Mountain Lao. Through we were exhausted when we got to the top of it, we felt very glad. What a great journey!M4 3. For lack of money, the trips was cancelled. 4. 5. (三)DIY手工艺品的“自助化”此次调查以女生为主,男生只占很少比例,调查发现58的学生月生活费基本在4

22、00元左右,其具体分布如(图1-1)I cant buy a car. For one thing, I cant drive. For another thing, I dont have enough money. It is a year since he couple last saw each other. Her husband is putting up buildings in the suburb of Guangzhou. One day, she made contact with her husband by telephone, saying she decided

23、to see him. It was the first time that she had come to Guangzhou. It was one of the most attractive places she had been to, so she decided to do some shopping. However , she had a traffic accident when she was approaching a shopping center and was badly hurt. On hearing the bad news, her husband cam

24、e to the hospital at once and exchanged his opinion with the doctor. She survived with the doctors help. She felt fortunate coming across such an excellent doctor. M5 3. Tired as he was, he worked late into the night. 自制性手工艺品。自制饰品其实很简单,工艺一点也不复杂。近两年来,由于手机的普及,自制的手机挂坠特别受欢迎。2. For the happiness of your

25、family, do obey traffic rules. The lecture Mr. Wang gave that day is about study. First, he told the students that it was necessary to set an aim. After giving some examples, he drew a conclusion that the students shouldnt lead an aimless life. Some students were astonished at this because they used

26、 to think that study didnt need an aim. Second, he said that the students were supposed to form a good study habit, for example, taking notes in class. Third, the students should do more reading because reading can make an ordinary people learned. At last he reminded the students to keep a balanced

27、diet. The healthier a student is, the more likely he or she is to learn the subject well. M6 3. Its raining harder and harder. 十几年的学校教育让我们大学生掌握了足够的科学文化知识,深韵的文化底子为我们创业奠定了一定的基础。特别是在大学期间,我们学到的不单单是书本知识,假期的打工经验也帮了大忙。2. Your plan means saving lots of time, money and the other materials. 就算你买手工艺品来送给朋友也是一份意

28、义非凡的绝佳礼品哦。而这一份礼物于在工艺品店买的现成的礼品相比,就有价值意义,虽然它的成本比较低但它毕竟它是你花心血花时间去完成的。就像现在最流行的针织围巾,为何会如此深得人心,更有人称它为温暖牌绝大部分多是因为这个原因哦。而且还可以锻炼你的动手能力,不仅实用还有很大的装饰功用哦。 The school becomes known as a provincial standardized school. Its headmaster came up with a new proposal at the meeting last year. That is, to meet the studen

29、ts need, the school should put up a new building, which consists of a library and a reading room. The reading room is designed to contain 200students , where students can have (an) access to the Internet as well. Since it opened up, an average of 100studnets come to here to concentrate their attention on reading every day. However, with the mid-term exam approaching, the number of the students who come to read has gone down compared with that of last month. 公司成功地创造了这样一种气氛:商店和顾客不再是单纯的买卖关系,营业员只是起着参谋的作用,顾客成为商品或者说是作品的作参与者,营业员和顾客互相交流切磋,成为一个共同的创作体

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