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1、模具专业英语培训教案资料模具专业英语培训注塑模(一) 模具专业基本用词 Professional Terms塑料 - plastic,resin样件 - sample钢料 - steel注塑机 - injection machine,press产品 - part,product,molding模具 - mold,mould,toolA 简易模(样板模)- prototype mold B 量产用模具 production mold 三维造型(数模)- model,3D data二维产品图 - 2D part drawing设计 - design制造 - manufacture,build up

2、,construction检验 - check,inspection测量 - measure,inspection修改 - change,modify,correction14.工程更改 - engineer change15.质量 - quality 16.数量 - quantity17.基准 - datum,reference (二)如何解析2D产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?一产品几何 Geometry1.点 - point2.线(边)- line,edge3.面 - face A 侧面 side B 表面 - surface C 外观面 - appear

3、ance surface4.壁厚 - wall thickness,stock thickness5.价强筋(骨位)- rib6.孔 - hole7.槽 - slot8.柱位 - boss9.角 - corner A 圆角 fillet B 倒角 chamfer C 尖角 Sharp corner10.斜度 - angle,taper 二分模信息 Splitting1.分型线 - parting line(P/L),splitting line2.主分模具方向 - main direction,line of draw3.浇口设定 - gating三产品标识 Part Identificati

4、on1.产品名称 - part name(P/L)2.产品编号+版本号 - part number +revision(P/L)3.型腔号 - cavity number4.材料标记 - material symbol5.模具编号 - mold number(no.)6.日期印 - dating insert,date code7.循环印 - cycling code8.公司标志 - company logo四技术要求 Specification(Special Requirement)1.项目启动表 Kick-off sheet1)项目名称 - program name,project na

5、me2)产品名称 - part name,product name,part description3)产品编号 - part number(P/N)4)客户模号 - customer mold no.5)项目启动日期 - kick off date,start date6)项目完成日期 - due date,lead time7)内模件用钢 - tool steel8)型腔数量 - number of cavities9)数模文件编号 - data file no.10)注塑材料 - resin,plastic,raw material11)收缩率 - shrink,shrinkage,sh

6、rink factor12)注塑机吨位 - molding machine size,injection machine size13)成型周期 - cycle time14)型腔光洁度 - cavity polish15)型芯光洁度 - core polish16)皮纹(晒纹)- texture,grain17)拔模斜度 - draft angle,removal taper18)注塑件颜色及光泽 - molded color & gloss19)模具加工地 - manufacturing facility20)热流道供应商 - manifold manufacturer,manifold

7、supplier21)浇口位置 - gate location / position22)浇口类型 - gate type23)产品标识 - stamp information,part identification24)特殊要求 - special instructions2.产品质量及外观要求 Part Quality & Appearance 1)尺寸及公差 Dimension & Tolerance重要尺寸 - critical dimension,important dim. ,key dim.理论尺寸 - nominal dimension实际尺寸 - actual dimensi

8、on公差 - tolerance公差带 - tolerance range尺寸超差 - dimension deviation接受(合格)- accept,OK拒绝(不合格)- reject,refuse,obsolete,NG让步接受 - concession,special admit 返工 - re-work2)产品缺陷(较常见)Defects(normal) 缩印 - sink mark,shrinkage 飞边 - flash,burr 段差 - mismatch 银丝纹 - snake marks,streak 弯曲 - warpage 打不足(缺料)- short shot 熔接

9、线 - weld line3产品外观 Part Appearance 产品颜色 - part color 产品光泽 - gloss 皮纹粒度 - grain4.常用词汇、词组及短语 Normal Word,Short Sentence 1)单边 - per side 2) 双边 - both sides 3)加入,添加 - add,incorporate 4)去除,取消 - remove,cancel 5)满足的要求,符合,与要求一致 according to,conform to,satisfy,meet 6)要求,需要 - require,need,demand 7)确认 - be app

10、roved,agreed by 8)允许 - permit,allow 9)在范围之内 - within 10)不可以,不允许,禁止 - free from,prevent,avoid 11),除非有另指 - unless otherwise specified 12)或少于 - or less 13)自动化运作 - automatic operation 14)未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型 Non dimensioned contour(detailed shape)see 3D model 15)分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差小于 Burrs and discrepancy on the

11、P/L shall beor less五. 标题栏 Title Block1. 产品名称 - part name2. 图纸编号+版本号(索引号) - drawing no. +level(index)3一般公差的标准 - general tolerance(三)如何阅读制模标准?How to read tooling standard?一 模具结构术语 Mold Construction TerminologyA模架 Mold Base1. 模架量化特征 Measurement Feature 长X宽X高 -Length X Width X Height 模具推高尺寸(模厚)- stack h

12、eight of mould 模具重量 total weight of mould,mould thickness2. 定模底板 - front plate,top clamping plate,clamp plate,clamping plate3. 定模板 - cavity plate,fixed mould plate,A-plate4. 动模板 - core plate,moving mould plate,B-plate5. 支撑板 - support plate,backing plate6. 模脚 - support blocks,rails,risers,spacer bloc

13、k7. 顶杆固定板 - retaining plate,ejector retaining plate8. 顶板 - ejector plate9. 动模底板 - back plate10. 导柱 - guide pillar,leader pin,guide pin11. 导套 - guide bush,leader pin bush12. 复位杆 - return pin,push-back pin13. 弹簧 - spring14. 撑头 - support pillar15. 推板导柱、导套 - ejector guide pin/bush16,挡钉 - stop pin,stop b

14、utton17. 站立脚 - standing-off pillars18. 标牌 - plaqueB成形零部件 molding components19. 型芯 - core20. 型腔 - cavity21 镶针 - core pin22. 镶块 - insert,split23. 滑块 - slide,sliding split24. 斜顶 - lifter,angled-lift split A 斜顶头 - lifter head B 斜顶杆 - lifter rod,lifter shaft25. 成型顶杆 - molding face pin,form pinC. 浇注系统 Fee

15、d System1.塑料 Molding a主流道 - sprue b分流道 - runner 主分流道 - main runner 二级分流道 - branch runner分流道断面形状 cross-sectional shape of runner圆形 - full round半圆形 semicircular改形的梯形 - modified trapezoidalc浇口 gate 常用浇口形式 normal gate type 边缘浇口(J形浇口)- edge gate,J-gate 侧浇口 - side gate 潜伏式浇口 - sub-gate,cashew gate,subsurf

16、ace gate submarine gate 潜伏式二次浇口(隧道式浇口)-tunnel gate onto feeder past 点浇口 - pin gate 直接浇口(主流道型浇口)- sprue gate,direct gate 护耳式浇口 - tab gated模腔 - impressione冷料井 - cold slug wellf热流道 - hot runner2.模具零件 mold componentsa定位圈 - locating ring,location ring,register ringb浇口套 - sprue bushc挡圈 - stop ringd浇口镶块 -

17、gate inserte热流道板 - manifoldf热嘴 - hot dropD分型面及其紧锁、排气 Parting Surface,inter-locking & venting1. 分形线 - parting line(P/L)2. 镶拼线 - bodyline,joint line3. 平/不平的分型面 - flat / non-flat parting surface4. 分胶面 - shot off surface,seal-off surface5. 擦位 - shutoffs6. 碰穿位 - kiss-off7. 管位 - parting line lock8. 分型面的释放

18、(避空)- relief of parting surface9. 分型面的平衡 - balancing of parting surface10. 锁紧角度 - locking angle11. 锁紧力 - lamping force12. 锁模板 - safety strap13. 精定位 - interlock,die lock14. 困气 - air trap15. 排气槽 - vent,vent slotE滑块机构 Slide1驱动 Actuation 斜导柱 - angled pin,horn pin,cam pin 弹簧 - spring 油缸 - hydraulic cylin

19、der,parker2制动 Detention 滑块固定器 - slide retainer 弹簧制动器 - spring-loaded detention(plunger) 挡钉、挡板 - stop pin,stop plate,slide stop 3导轨 - gib,guide strip4锁紧块(楔紧块)- heel block,locking heel,wedge block,chase block5耐磨片 - wear plate,wear strip6压板 - retainer7螺钉 - screw8定位销 - dowelF斜顶机构 Lifter 1斜顶头 - lifter he

20、ad 2斜顶杆 - lifter rod,lifter shaft 3开口销 - split pin 4固定板(压板)- retainer plate 5铜导套 - bronze bushing 6衬套 - spacer 7导轨 - L-gib 8滑动块 - slideG顶出系统 Ejection System 1基本词汇 Basic Word 顶出行程 - ejection stroke 模具开档 - daylight 粘模 - stick 产品脱模 - part is push off form,clear part of mould,separation of part 2顶板机构 Ej

21、ector plate assembly 顶板(推板)- ejector plate 顶板固定板 - retaining plate 推板导柱 - ejector guide pin 推板导套 - ejector guide bush 撑头 - support pillar,pillar support 3复位机构 Return System 复位杆(回程杆)- return pin,push-back pin 挡钉 - stop pin,stop button 压簧 - compressed spring 碟簧 - a stack of “Belleville”washers 早复位机构 -

22、 early return 强制复位机构 - positive return system4顶出方法 Ejection Techniques 1)顶杆顶出 - pin ejection 2)顶管顶出 - sleeve ejection 3)顶块顶出 -bar ejection 4)扁顶顶出 - blade ejection 5)顶板顶出 - stripper ejection 6)油缸顶出 - hydraulic ejection 7) 气顶 - air ejection 8) 阀门顶出 - valve ejection5顶出元件 Ejection Elements 1)拉料杆 - sprue

23、 puller,sucker pin 2)顶杆 - ejector pin 3)阶梯式顶杆 - stepped ejector pin 4)顶管 - ejection sleeve,sleeve 5)扁顶 - ejector blade,slabbed off ejector pin 6)顶块 - stripper bar 7)顶环 - stripper ring 8)推板 - stripper plate 9)加速顶 - accelerated ejection 6顶出辅助机构 Supplementary operating system 1)弹簧柱塞器 - spring-loaded pl

24、unger 2)弹珠定位器 - ball catch system 3)插销式锁扣 - Latch-lock 4)尼龙拉杆装置 - friction puller device7电器元件 Electric components 1)压力传感器 - pressure transducer 2)限位开关 - limit switchF冷却系统 Cooling System 1.基本词汇 Basic Word 1)温差 - temperature variation 2)水孔(水道)- waterlines,water-ways,flow-ways,channel3)水路 - cooling cir

25、cuit4)水路示意图 - water schematic,schematic circuit5)冷却液 - coolant,coolant fluid 6)内连接 - interconnect7)外连接 - external connection8)出口、入口 - outlet,inlet9)漏水 - water leakage2水路分布 Circuit1)阶梯式水路 - stepped system2)喷淋 - baffled hole system3)斜孔式水路 - angled hole system3水路元件 Components1)闷头(螺塞、止水栓)-(threadless)br

26、ass pressure : female plug & male 2) 隔水片 - baffle3)密封圈 - O-ring4)快插水路接头-quick disconnect fitting,quick connection adaptor5)弯头 - elbow6)偶合器(连接头、接头)-adaptor(including a plug & a socket)7)橡皮管 - rubber hose 8)分水板 - water manifoldG螺纹、螺纹孔 & 螺钉 Thread,thread hole & screw1螺纹 - thread2管螺纹 - pipe thread3螺纹孔 -

27、 screw hole,tapped hole4起吊孔 - handing hole,jack screw hole,eye bolt hole5螺钉 - screw6内六角螺钉 - socket headed cap screw7沉头螺钉 - flat headed cap screw8螺栓 - bolt,eye bolt9螺母 - nut10锁紧螺母 - locknut11螺纹标准 Thread Standard 公制标准 - Metric 英制标准 - Imperial 英制管螺纹标准 - British Standard Piped thread(BSP) 美制管螺纹标准 - NPT

28、美制粗螺纹标准 - United Coarse thread(UNC) 美制细螺纹标准 - United Fine thread(UNF)H润滑 Lubrication1润滑槽 - grease groove2加油管 - grease line3油杯 - lubrication fittingI测量仪器 Measuring Instruments1游标卡尺 - vernier caliper2千分尺 - micrometer3高度规 - height gauge4刻度规 - dial gauge5三坐标测量仪 - Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM)6塞规 - pin gauge7圆角量规 - radii gaugeJ注塑机参数 Injection Machine Parameter1注塑机规格参数 Injection Machine Specification锁紧类型 clamp ty

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