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管理学 Management 要点.docx

1、管理学 Management 要点Chap 1 Introduction to management and organization Manager Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating and integrating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals.Efficiency: ding the things rightEffectiveness: doing the right thingsWhat do

2、managers do: Planning: defining goals, establishing strategyOrganizing: determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do itLeading: directing and motivating all involved parties and resolving conflicts Controlling: monitoring activities to ensure that they are accomplished as

3、 plannedClassifying managers: First-line Managers Are at the lowest level of management and manage the work of non-managerial employees. Middle Managers Manage the work of first-line managers. Top Managers Are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that a

4、ffect the entire organization. Management Roles Approach Interpersonal rolesv Figurehead, leader, liaison Informational rolesv Monitor, disseminator, spokesperson Decisional rolesv Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator Skills Approach Technical skillsv Knowledge and proficiency in a sp

5、ecific field Human skillsv The ability to work well with other people Conceptual skillsv The ability to think and conceptualize about abstract and complex situations concerning the organization Chapter 3 Organizational Culture and the Environment: The Constraints The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?

6、 Omnipotent全能的View of ManagementThe view that managers are directly responsible for an organizations success or failure. Symbolic View of ManagementThe view that managers have only a limited effect on substantive organizational outcomes because of the large number of factors outside their control. R

7、eality suggests a synthesis Organizational Culture A system of shared meanings and common beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in a large degree, how they act towards each other. Values, symbols, rituals, myths, and practicesStrong versus weak cultureStrong culture: orgs in which

8、the key values are intensely held and widely shared.Socialization: the process that adapts employees to the organizations culuture.How employees learn cultureStories, ritual 仪式典礼 material symbols, language, Sources of Organizational Culture The organizations founder Vision and mission (IBM) Past pra

9、ctices of the organization The way things have been done The behavior of top management Continuation of the Organizational Culture Recruitment of like-minded employees who “fit”Socialization of new employees to help them adapt to the cultureDefining the External Environment External Environment The

10、forces and institutions outside the organization that potentially can affect the organizations performance. Components of the External Environment Specific environment: external forces that have a direct and immediate impact on the organization. General environment: broad economic, socio-cultural, p

11、olitical/legal, demographic, technological, and global conditions that may affect the organization.The general environment is the broad external conditions that may affect the organization.Stakeholder Relationships Stakeholders Any constituencies in the organizations external environment that are af

12、fected by the organizations decisions and actions Why Manage Stakeholder Relationships? It can lead to improved organizational performance. Its the “right” thing to do given the interdependence of the organization and its external stakeholders.Chapter 4 Managing in a Global Environment Hofstedes fra

13、mework for assessing cultures(p.90) Power distance: a measure of the extent to which a society accepts the unequal distribution of power in institutions and orgs. 权力距离 Individualism versus collectivism 个人主义 集体主义Individualism: the degree to which people in a country prefer to act as individuals.Colle

14、ctivism: a social framework in which people expect others in their groups to look after them and to protect them. Quantity of life versus quality of lifeQuantity of life: the degree to which values such as assertiveness, the acquisition of money and material goods, and competition prevail. Quality o

15、f life: a national culture attribute that emphasizes relationships and concern for others. Uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避 The degree to which people tolerate risk and prefer structured over unstructured situations. Long-term versus short-term orientationA national culture attribute that emphasizes the

16、 future, thrift, and persisitence.Chapter 5 Social responsibility and managerial ethicsWhat Is Social Responsibility? Two Opposing Views of Social Responsibility Classical view - managements only social responsibility is to maximize profits Milton Friedman - managers primary responsibility is to ser

17、ve the interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation). doing “social good” adds to the cost of doing business costs have to be passed on to consumers The Socioeconomic View(社会经济学) Managements social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving societys wel

18、fare.From Obligation to Responsiveness to Responsibility Social Obligation (legality based) The obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more. Social Responsiveness (self willingness based) The capacity of a firm to adapt to changing societal conditions th

19、rough the practical decisions of its managers in responding to important social needs. Social Responsibility (service scope based) A firms obligations as a moral agent extends beyond its legal and economic obligations, to the pursuit of long-termManagerial Ethics Ethics Defined The rules and princip

20、les that define right and wrong conduct. (a system of values and beliefs)ethics Business ethics relate to how a business organization conducts its affairs Both personal and business ethics vary among people, situations and cultures Managerial ethics are standards of behavior that guide managers in t

21、heir workFour Views of Ethics The utilitarian view:ethical decisions are made on the basis of their outcomes or consequences The rights view:Concerned with respecting and protecting individual liberties and privacy. The theory of justice view:Organizational rules are enforced fairly and impartially

22、and follow all legal rules and regulations. The integrative social contracts theory:decisions should be based on empirical 完全根据经验的 and normative 标准化的 factorsFactors That Affect Ethical and Unethical Behavior stage of moral developmentChapter 6 decision making: the essence of the managers jobMaking D

23、ecisions: Rationality, Bounded Rationality, and institution.Rational decision making: describes the choices that are consistent and value-maximizing within specified constraints.Assumptions of rationality 理性假设Bounded rationality 有限合理性 Satisficing: acceptance of solutions that are “good enough” Escal

24、ation of commitment: an increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that It may have been wrong.Role of institution 直觉的作用Problems and Decisions Structured ProblemsProgrammed DecisionStraightforward, familiar, and easily defined problems.A repetitive decision that can be handled by a

25、 routine approach. (policy, procedure, rule) Unstructured ProblemsNonprogrammed DecisionsProblems that are new or unusual and for which information is ambiguous or in complete.A unique decision that requires a custuom-made solution.IntegrationCHAPTER 7 FOUNDATIONS OF PLANNING Types of planning Infor

26、mal: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit. (都在脑子里) Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals for the organization. We mean formal planning in this book. Strategic Plans策略规划 plans that apply to eh entire organization, establish the organiz

27、ations overall goals, and seek to position the organization in terms of its environment. Operational Plans 操作规划 plans that specify the details of how the overall goals are to be achieved.Long-Term Plansplans with a time frame beyond three year.Short-Term Plansplans covering one year of less.Specific

28、 Plans 特殊性计划 plans that are clearly defined and that leave no room for interpretation.Directional Plans 方向性计划 plans that are flexible and that set out general guidelines.Single-use plan a one-time plan specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation.Standing plans ongoing plans that pr

29、ovide guidance for activities performed repeatedly.Approaches to Establishing Goals Traditional Goal Setting目标设定理论 Management By Objectives (MBO) MBO的要素: 目标明确 Goal specificity 目标必須是可以测量和评估的具体目标 參与式决策 participative decision making 管理者和员工共同设定目标,決定如何达成目标。 时限清楚 an explicit performance/evaluation period

30、每个目标都必須在預定的时间內达成 绩效回馈 feedback 提供员工进度回馈,以达成具体目标。Criticisms of planning1) planning may create rigidity2) plans cant be developed for a dynamic environment.3) Formal plans cant replace institution and creativity.Chapter 8 Strategic ManagementStrategic Management: the set of managerial decisions and ac

31、tions that determines the long-run performance of an org.Why is strategic management important?1. It results in higher organizational performance.2. It requires that managers examine and adapt to business environment changes.3. It coordinates diverse organizational units, helping them focus on organizational goals.4. It is very much involved in the managerial decision-making process.The Strategic Management ProcessStep 1: identifying the orgs current mission, objectives and strategiesStep 2: extern

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