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1、非谓语动词复习板块十七第九讲非谓语动词高考真题体验1(2009山东高考)We are invited to a party_in our club next Friday.Ato be heldBheldCbeing held Dholding解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词短语作定语,修饰party,hold与party之间为被动关系,且依据next Friday可知应选择不定式来表示将来,故答案为答案:2(2009全国卷)They use computers to keep the traffic_smoothly.Abeing run BrunCto run Dr

2、unning答案:3(2009上海高考)David threatened_his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.Ato be reported BreportingCto report Dhaving reported答案:4(2009四川高考)Ladies and gentlemen,please remain_until the plane has come to a complete stop.Aseated BseatingCto seat Dseat答案:5(2009四川高考)He told us wheth

3、er_a picnic was still under discussion.Ato have BhavingChave Dhad解析:考查“疑问词/连词不定式”结构。该结构由疑问代词(what,who,whom,which)/疑问副词(when,where,why)/连接词(whether)后面接带to的动词不定式构成,起名词的作用,在句中可以作主语、表语、动词(或介词)的宾语等。本题中该结构作主语。答案:名校模拟检测1(2010北京东城月考)The pop star walked out of the stage,_her hands elegantly to her crazy fans

4、.Awaving Bwas wavingCwaved Dto wave答案:2(2010北京西城月考)The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years_trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value.Ato planting Bto plantCplant Dplanting解析:句意:人们认为他在过去的几年里在植树方面所花的时间和付出的努力是非常有价值的。本题题干中He has devoted during the past few yea

5、rs为定语从句,先行词是the time and effort,将先行词代入定语从句后为:He has devoted the time and effort to planting trees during the past few years.由此可知,答案为A项。答案:A3(2010山东实验中学模拟)Eyes are known _a powerful part of human body.Abeing Bhaving beenCto be Dto have been解析:句意:人们都知道眼睛是人体作用最大的一部分。know sth./ be sth.“认定为某事物”,是固定的

6、表达形式,所以C项正确。答案:C4(2010东北三校一联)It is generally believed that being a good flight attendant means_your passengers feel relaxed.Amake Bto makeCmaking Dmade解析:考查动词ing形式作宾语。句意:当一个好的空姐就是要让乘客们感到旅途轻松愉快。mean doing sth.意味着,意思是;mean to do sth.打算去做某事。答案:C5(2010四川南充适应性考试)What made you all discouraged?_the volleyb

7、all match.ATo lose BWe lostCLosing DBecause we lost答案:6(2010河北石家庄模拟)The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught_in the exam.Ato cheat BcheatingCcheated Dcheat答案:7(2010江苏宿迁调研)The return of snow and freezing weather in the south blocked about 14,000km of roads,_more than 12,000 passenge

8、rs on Sunday alone.Ato delay BdelayingChaving delayed Ddelayed答案:8(2010福建质检)The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them,the more questions I think of_.Aask BaskedCbeing asked Dto ask解析:句意:计算机程序对我来说是个谜。越考虑,我觉得越多的问题要问。题干中第二句采用了“The more.,the more.”句型。第二个the more形式可改为:I think of m

9、ore questions_.由此可知设空处需要用不定式作more questions的定语。答案:D9(2010山东外国语学校高三统练)It is reported that some wild animals were found_in a big cave in the mountain.Ato hide dead Bhidden deadChiding dead Dhidden death答案:10(2010湖南长沙一中,雅礼中学联考)Its dark and little Anne cant find her way home.She really doesnt know_.Awhe

10、n to leave Bwhat to doCwhether to go Dwhich to choose解析:句意:天黑了小安妮找不到回家的路,她不知道如何是好。本题考查“疑问词不定式”作宾语,本题中用what to do相当于“what she will do”。答案:B11(2010江苏徐州统考)_from media reports,the result has been unclear.ATo judge BHaving judgedCJudging DJudged解析:在英语中,有一些惯用语:generally speaking“一般说来”;strictly speaking“严格

11、地说”;frankly speaking“坦白地说”;judging from“由看来,根据判断”;seeing that“既然”;concerning“关于”;considering“以而论”,这些惯用语表达形式都是固定的,不能改成其他的表达形式。句意:根据媒体的报导判断,结果还不明朗。答案:C12(2010山西晋中一次调研)I walked out of the cinema,_Id never come back to this hell of a place.Adetermining BdecidedCto determine Dto decide解析:句意:我走出了剧院,决心再也不来

12、这个鬼地方。如选B项,前面需要加and。本题考查现在分词作状语,determining在本句中表伴随。答案:A13(2010浙江宁波八校联考)The moving picture of a little boy of 5,_from the big earthquake,has been made_to all Chinese people for the boys saluting to the soldiers.Asaved;to know Bto save;knowingChaving been saved;know Dsaved;known解析:句意:全国人民都知道那个从大地震中被救出

13、的5岁男孩向战士们敬礼的感人镜头。第一空为过去分词作定语,相当于定语从句who was saved;第二空考查非谓语动词作补语,the moving picture与know之间为逻辑上的被动关系,所以只有D项符合题意。答案:D14(2010湖南十二所重点3月模拟)With exports_a big role in its economic growth,China has been affected by the current financial storm.Aplaying Bto playCplayed Dplay答案:15(2010湖南雅礼中学月考)Despite_no hope of recovery,the disease sometimes permits its victim to linger on for many months in great torment.Athere is Bthere to beCthere being Dthere be解析:考查v.ing形式作宾语。句意:虽然这种病无法医治,但病人能在痛苦的折磨中挣扎好几个月。despite为介词,后接v.ing形式作宾语。答案:

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