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1、英语专业课程教学大纲综合英语1教学大纲课程代码:0402011一、课程名称(中英文)、学分/学时、适用专业1、 课程名称:综合英语1英文名称:Intensive English 12、学时/学分:76学时/4学分3、适用专业:商务英语专业二、课程的性质、目的和任务1、课程性质:专业必修课2、目的和任务:本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解和写作能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。学生通过积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动,获得基本的交际技能,并达到大纲所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。三、课程各章

2、、节的主要内容和基本要求Unit 1Contents: Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning Section C Teaching Children at HomeRequirements for Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases2. Have a clear view on online learning3. Understand the p

3、assage and language points in it4. Be able to write a cause-and-effect paragraph 5. Master the reading skill (Finding out Word Meanings)Focus:1. Vocabulary: frustrate, positive, opportunity, intimidate, access, insight, be well worth sth., far from, come across, trade for, now that 2. Language point

4、s: adverbial clause 3. Grammar: Inverted order4. Writing (Text Structure Analysis): 5. Reading Skills: Finding out word MeaningsUnit 2Contents: Section A A Busy Weekday Morning Section B Parent Talk Section C Teenage TalkRequirements for Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news

5、words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and language points in it. 3. Be able to write a paragraph of a time sequence 4. Master the reading skill (Distinguishing between facts and opinions)Focus: 1. Vocabulary: horrible, definitely, offensive, disturb, disgust, annoy, blast forth, along with, bu

6、rst into, reach for, turn down2. Language Points: as: Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. 3. Grammar: while+-ing4. Wringing (Text Structure Analysis): A paragraph of time sequence5. Reading Skills: Distinguishing between facts and opinionsUnit 3Content

7、s: Section A A Good Heart to Lean On Section B The Right Son at the Right Time Section C Love of LifeRequirements for Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and language points in it.3. Be able to write a paragraph of a general point

8、 supported by examples 4. Master the reading skill (Reading for the key ideas in sentences).Focus: 1. Vocabulary: severe, coordinate, impatient, adjust, cling, complain, precise, unaided, make it, subject to, in some way, on leave 2. Language Points: even though; . and I could have done this, too, i

9、f things had been different3. Grammar: Adverbial clause 4. Writing (Text Structure Analysis): a paragraph of a general point supported by examples5. Reading Skills: Reading for the key ideas in sentencesUnit 4Contents: Section A How to Make a Good Impression Section B Body Language Section C Gesture

10、sRequirements for Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and language points in it. 3. Be able to write a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of things 4. Master the reading skill (reading for the main ideas in paragraphs)Fo

11、cus:1. Vocabulary: conscious, attitude, interview, encounter, gesture, absorb, audience, make up ones mind, at ones best, light up 2. Language Points: and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-consciousness; Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualit

12、ies; the trick is to be consistently you, at your best. 3. Grammar: v-ing structure4. Text Structure Analysis: a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of things5. Reading Skills: reading for the main ideas in paragraphsUnit 5Contents: Section A The Battle Against AIDS Section B The Last Dive

13、at the Olympics Section C International Joint Efforts Against AIDSRequirements for Students:1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text.2. Understand the structure of problem-solution writing.3. Write a problem-solution essay4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the te

14、xt.5. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Focus: 1. Vocabulary: acquire, immune, infect, alarm, implement, emerge, client, literature, illustrate, establish, risk, crisis, represent, pass out, at risk, distractfrom 2. Language Poin

15、ts: Such misinformation plagues the medical establishment; This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for it in order for us to win.3. Grammar: attributive clause; despite4. Text Structure Analysis: problem-solution5. Reading Skills: reading for major detailsUnit 6Contents: Section A The W

16、idow Section B The Trashman Section C My Moving ExperienceRequirements for Students:1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and language points in it.3. Learn how to read for the main ideas in paragraphs.4. Learn how to write a paragraph of tim

17、e sequence.Focus:1. Vocabulary: considerable, blur, surround, sympathize, recall, respond, peculiar, assert, restrain, curiosity, mission, share with, defineas, bring up2. Language Points: I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man

18、 who is my husband; Then quickly, for such a short, portly, elderly person, she disappeared.3. Grammar: emphasis sentences4. Text Structure Analysis: a paragraph of time sequence5. Reading Skills: understanding idiomatic expressions大学英语应用能力训练Lecture 1:句子成分与基本句型1. 了解英语句子的六个主要成分:主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语和状语。2. 英

19、语的基本句型: Pattern 1S+V (主+动词)Pattern 2S+V+Cs (主+动词+表语,或:主+动词+主补)Pattern 3S+V+O (主+动词+宾语)Pattern 4S+V+Oi+Od (主+动词+间宾+直宾)Pattern 5S+V+Od+Co (主+动词+直宾+宾补)3. 一致关系:了解主谓一致的三大原则(语法一致、意义一致和毗邻一致)Lecture 2:动词的时态和语态1. 容易混淆的几种时态一般过去时与现在完成时一般过去时、过去完成时与过去完成时现在完成时与现在完成进行时2. 时态呼应:从句时态应与主句时态相呼应Lecture 3:从句 1. 主语从句定义与基本

20、句型(It is a fact/ a pity/ a question /good news that ) 2. 宾语从句定义与基本句型(I promised (that) I would change the situation.)3. 表语从句定义与基本句型(The reason why so many people died there is that there were not enough food supplies.)4. 同位语从句定义与基本句型(I had no idea how many books I could borrow at a time.)5. 定语从句定义与基

21、本句型(The girl whose parents died in an accident is living with her grandmother.)6. 装语从句定义与基本句型(时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因、结果和目的状语从句、条件和让步状语从句、方式状语从句)四、学时分配章 节综合英语 2备注课内讲授学时实验学时第一单元10第二单元10第三单元10第四单元10第五单元10第六单元10大学英语应用能力训练16总计 76五、课外辅导与答疑的安排要求 课外辅导与答疑主要针对学生不能很好理解上课内容、解答作业有困难时进行,方式灵活多样,根据实际情况可个别进行,也可以全班辅导,上课时提问

22、发现学生有基本概念不清时要及时答疑。六、考核方法 (1)考试形式:学期期中、期末闭卷考试。 (2)出卷要求:命题应反映本门课程教学大纲的内容与要求,采用A、B卷。试卷 应附有标准答案及评分标准,并经教研室主任审核,系(部)主任批准。 (3)题型:词汇、语法、阅读、翻译、写作等。 (4)重点:本学期所学的知识点以及惯用词汇为考核重点。 (5)考核评分:平时成绩20%;期中成绩 20;期末成绩60。七、有关说明1、教学设施及手段 选用合适的教材或自编教材有利于提高学习效果;以学生为主体、教师为主导, 注重培养学生的学习能力和研究能力。采用启发式、讨论式、发现式和研究式的 教学方法,充分调动学生学习

23、的积极性,激发学生的学习动机2、使用教材及参考书教材名称、作者、出版社及版次新视野大学英语 读写教程2 郑树棠 外语教学与研究出版社 2002年6月第1版参考书名称、作者、出版社及版次新视野大学英语 教师用书2 郑树棠 外语教学与研究出版社 2002年6月第1版朗文当代高级英语词典艾迪生维斯理朗文出版公司词典部编 商务印书馆 1998年8月第1版 制定者: 审定者: 批准者: 日期: 综合英语2教学大纲课程代码:0402012一、课程名称(中英文)、学分/学时、适用专业1、课程名称:综合英语2英文名称:Intensive English 22、学时/学分:76学时/4学分3、适用专业:商务英语

24、专业二、课程的性质、目的和任务1、课程性质:专业必修课2、目的和任务:本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析,使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解和写作能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点,扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型,具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力。学生通过积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动,获得基本的交际技能,并达到大纲所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。三、课程各章、节的主要内容和基本要求Unit 1Contents: Section A Learning a Foreign Language Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning Sectio

25、n C Teaching Children at HomeRequirements for Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases2. Have a clear view on online learning3. Understand the passage and language points in it4. Be able to write a cause-and-effect paragraph 5. Master the reading skill (Finding

26、 out Word Meanings)Focus:1. Vocabulary: frustrate, positive, opportunity, intimidate, access, insight, be well worth sth., far from, come across, trade for, now that 3. Language points: adverbial clause 3. Grammar: Inverted order5. Writing (Text Structure Analysis): 5. Reading Skills: Finding out wo

27、rd MeaningsUnit 2Contents: Section A A Busy Weekday Morning Section B Parent Talk Section C Teenage TalkRequirements for Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and language points in it. 3. Be able to write a paragraph of a time sequ

28、ence 4. Master the reading skill (Distinguishing between facts and opinions)Focus: 6. Vocabulary: horrible, definitely, offensive, disturb, disgust, annoy, blast forth, along with, burst into, reach for, turn down7. Language Points: as: Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her fav

29、orite radio station. 8. Grammar: while+-ing9. Wringing (Text Structure Analysis): A paragraph of time sequence10. Reading Skills: Distinguishing between facts and opinionsUnit 3Contents: Section A A Good Heart to Lean On Section B The Right Son at the Right Time Section C Love of LifeRequirements fo

30、r Students: 1. Have a good command of some frequently used news words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and language points in it.3. Be able to write a paragraph of a general point supported by examples 4. Master the reading skill (Reading for the key ideas in sentences).Focus: 6. Vocabulary: se

31、vere, coordinate, impatient, adjust, cling, complain, precise, unaided, make it, subject to, in some way, on leave 7. Language Points: even though; . and I could have done this, too, if things had been different8. Grammar: Adverbial clause 9. Writing (Text Structure Analysis): a paragraph of a general point supported by examples10. Reading Skills: Reading for the key ideas in sentencesUnit 4Contents: Sec

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