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1、美赛论文LaTeX模板% 本论文的排版主要参考了LaTeX2e插图指南(王磊), LaTeX2e用户手册, media的中文学位 % 论文宏包(CDT), happaytex的ORmain1.tex等文件以及ChinaTeX, CTeX论坛上的诸多贴子. % 本论文采用了Miktex2.2的方式在ChinaTeX.iso系统下得到了实现,其编译方式为 % latex(得到DVI文件)+dvips(得到PS文件)+ps2pdf(可得PDF文件). %documentclass12ptarticle%需要的一些宏包usepackageCJK % 中文输入环境宏包usepackagetitlesec

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9、其标题的间距setlengthabovecaptionskip10ptsetlengthbelowcaptionskip10pt%定义产生不浮动图形和表格的标题的命令figcaption和tabcaptionmakeatletternewcommandfigcaptiondefcaptypefigurecaptionnewcommandtabcaptiondefcaptypetablecaptionmakeatother%自定义的可以调整粗细的水平线命令, 用于绘制表格, 调用格式myhline0.5mm.makeatletterdefmyhline#1% noalignifnum0=fihr

10、ule height #1 futurelet reservedaxhlinemakeatother%第一层列表序号为带圈的阿拉伯数字renewcommandlabelenumitextcircledarabicenumi%更改脚注设置renewcommandthefootnotefnsymbolfootnotebegindocumentbeginCJK*GBKsongCJKtildetitlebfyihao Aviation Baggage Screening& Flight ScheduleauthordatemaketitlesectionIntroductionFollowing th

11、e terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, there isintense interest in improving the security screening process forairline passengers and their baggage. Airlines and airports areconsidered high-threat targets for terrorism, so aviation securityis crucial to the safety of the air-travelling public. B

12、ombs andexplosives have been known to be introduced to aircraft by holdbaggage and cargo, carried on by passengers, and hidden withinaircraft supplies.At present To Screen or Not to Screen, that is a Hobsons choice.US Current laws mandate 100% screening of all checked bags at the 429passenger airpor

13、ts throughout the nation by explosive detection systems(EDS) by the end of the Dec 31 2003. However, because the manufacturers arenot able to produce the expected number of EDS required to meet the federalmandate, so it is significant to determine the correct number of devicesdeploy at each airport,

14、 and to take advantage of them effectively.The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) needs a complicatedanalysis on how to allocate limited device and how to best use them.Our paper contains the mathematical models to determine the number of EDSsand flight schedules for all airports in Midwes

15、t Region. We also discuss theETD devices as the additional security measures and the future developmentof the security systems.sectionAssumption and Hypothesisbeginitemize item The passengers who will get on the same airplane will arrive uniformly, namely the distribution is flat. item The detection

16、 systems, both EDS and ETD, operate all the time during peak hour, except downtime. item The airline checks the passengers randomly, according to its claim. item The passengers, who are just landing and leave out, do not have to be checked through EDS or ETD. item According to the literature, the ai

17、rcraft loads approximately equal among the sets of departing flight during the peak hour. item The landing flight did not affect the departure of the plane. item Once a passenger arrives, he can go to EDS to be checked, except he has to wait in line. item Once passengers finish screening, they can b

18、road on the plane in no time. item During peak hours, a set of flights departs at the same time every the same minutes. item All the runways are used as much as possible during peak hours. item The maximum number of the baggage is two, which a passenger can carry on plane. Luggagepoint. item The det

19、ection machine examines the bags at the same speed. item EDS cannot make mistakes that it detect a normal object as an explosive.enditemizesectionVariable and Definitionbeginlongtablep100ptp280pt captionVariables %第一页表头的标题 endfirsthead %第一页的标题结束 caption(continued) %第二页的标题 endhead %第二页的标题结束 hlinehlin

20、e textbfSymbol&textbfDescription hline $n_ij$&The airplane number of the $imathrmth$ type in the $jmathrmth$ flight set hline $NP_i:(i=1,2,ldots)$&The number of passengers on each airplanes of the same type. hline $xi_ij:(i,j = 1,2,cdots)$&The number of baggage on each airplane of the $jmathrmth$ fl

21、ights hline $a$&The maximal number of airplanes type hline $B_jset$&The total baggage number of each set of flight hline $NF_i$&Number of airplanes of each type hline $barrho$&The mean value of passengers baggage coming per minute in every flight set hline $N_set$&The number of flight sets hline $B_

22、total$&The total number of checked baggage during the peak hour hline $H_peak$&The length of the peak hour hline $T_set$&The time length during which each flight sets passengers wait to be checked hline $Delta t$&The time interval between two consecutive flight set hline $N_EDS$&The number of all th

23、e EDSs hline $N_shadow$&The number of flight sets whose passengers will be mixed up before being checked hline $v_EDS$&The number of baggage checking by one EDS per minute hline $rho_j$&The number of passengers baggage coming per minute in one flight set hline $N_runway$&The number of an airports ru

24、nway hline*-2.2ex $barBset$&The mean value of checked baggage number of every flight set hline $M$&The security cost hlinehline labeltab1endlongtablesubsubsectionDefinition:begindescription itemFlight set A group of flights take off at the same time itemThe length of peak hour The time between the f

25、irst set of flight and the last setenddescriptionsectionBasic ModelDuring a peak hour, many planes and many passengers would departfrom airports. Therefore, It is difficult to arrange for thepassengers to enter airports. If there are not enough EDSs forpassengers baggage to check, it will take too l

26、ong time for themto enter. That would result in the delay of airplanes. On thecontrary, if there are too many EDSs, it will be a waste. It isour task to find a suitable number of EDSs for airport. In orderto reach this objective, we use the linear programming method tosolve it.subsectionBase analysi

27、sThe airplanes are occupied at least partly. The passengersbaggage would be checked by EDSs before they get on the airplanes.We have assumed that every passenger carry two baggages. Thisassumption would simplify the problem. According to the data fromthe problem sheet, we can obtain the useful infor

28、mation thatairlines claim 20% of the passengers do not check any luggage,20% check one bag, and the remaining passengers check two bags.Therefore, we can gain the total number of passengers baggagethat should be carried on one plane: $xi_ij$. Moreover, we canget the equation that calculate $xi_ij$: xi_ij=NP_itimes 20%+NP_itimes 60%times 2We define the matrix below as airplane baggage number matrix: oversetrightharpoonupxi_j=leftxi_1jquadxi_2jquadcdotsquadxi_ijquadcdotsrightWe define the matrix below as flight schedule matrix: leftbeginarrayllcl n_11&n_12&cdots&n_1N_set n_21&n_22&cdots&n_

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