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高中英语 Unit 11《The sounds of the world》说课稿 新人教版.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 11The sounds of the world说课稿 新人教版2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 11The sounds of the world说课稿 新人教版1. Teaching aims and demands类 别课程标准要求掌握的项目话 题1) Talk about different kinds of music2) Discuss characteristics of different kinds of music and differences between them3) Write a parison essay功 能Giving advi

2、ce and making suggestionsYoud better (not)You should/ought toYou need (to) Shall we?LetsWhat/How about?Why not?Why dont you?I think I am sure (that)Maybe you could词汇suggestion musical instrument perform performer blues characteristic slave jazz contain traditional spread variety universal folk guita

3、r record satisfy inner desire emotion process musician totally express intelligence chantin mon turn into 语法The passive voice in different tenses1) 一般现在时(amisare done)Our monitor keeps the key to the classroom.The key to the classroom is kept by our monitor.2) 一般过去时(waswere done)Ricky Martin perform

4、ed the song of the xx World Cup. The song of the xx World Cup was performed by Ricky Martin.3) 现在进行时(amisare being done)Everyone in the country is singing the beautiful song. The beautiful song is being sung by everyone in the country.4) 过去进行时(waswere being done)Smith was weighing the baby elephant.

5、 The baby elephant was being weighed by Smith.5) 一般将来时(will be done)The famous band will give a performance in the Capital Concert Hall. A performance will be given by the famous band in the Capital Concert Hall.6) 过去将来时(would be done)He knew that they would invite him to perform in the New Years Co

6、ncert.He knew that he would be invited to perform in the New Years Concert.7) 现在完成时(havehas been done)They have picked out the top ten pop songs The top ten pop songs have been picked out.8) 过去完成时(had been done)The headmaster had given the boy a golden pen. The boy had been given a golden pen by the

7、 headmaster.2. 教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“音乐”。语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕“音乐”这一中心话题设计的。由热身、听力、口语、读前、阅读、读后、语言学习、综合技能、学习建议、复习要点等十个部分组成。“热身”(Warming up)部分提供了地图,然后听音乐,要求学生明白所听音乐来自哪里,并展开讨论。这部分的目的是呈现本单元的中心话题音乐,帮助学生在大脑中形成一个有关“音乐”的信息包,并复习或学习有关音乐的词和句型。“听力”(Listening)部分提供了三首歌曲,要求学生通过听弄清歌名,歌词大意并对这些歌曲谈感受。“口语”(Speaking)部分提供了Joe和Susan之间

8、的对话。Peter的生日就要到了,Joe想送Peter生日礼物,于是征求Susan的意见,从而引出了asking and giving advice.整个活动以说为主,同时涉及了听、读、写的技能。这一设计训练学生在比较真实情景中口头表达的能力和丰富他们asking and giving advice的句型。“读前”(Pre-reading)提供了有关“音乐”话题的四个问题。引导学生为下一不“阅读”作好思想准备。“阅读”(Reading)部分介绍了一些有趣的音乐风格,如blueship-hoprapLatin music等。“读后”(Post-reading)部分分两块。第一块要求学生在小组里讨

9、论四个问题,其中前两个问题是针对文章的理解,评价学生对文章理解的程度;第三个问题要求学生结合文章谈论自己的看法;第四个问题是开发性的,目的在于培养学生的思辩能力。第二块要求学生根据课文对所设计的六个句子先判断正误,然后加以改正。“语言学习”(Language study)分词汇和语法两部分。判断一个人词汇量的大小,应该看两个方面,一个是外在数量,即单词的个数;另一个是内在数量,即单词词义的个数。本教材与旧教材相比,大大重视单词词义的个数,本单元讲解了四个词汇:beatpickrockstyle,每个词都讲解了三个用法。语法部分是各种时态的主动语态和被动语态的转换。“综合技能”(Integrat

10、ing skills)提供了一篇北京师范大学xx级学生曹向前同学写的文章(经过改写)Pop Versus Rock。文中着重阐述了Pop songs 和Rock songs之间的区别。通过对这篇文章的学习,要求学生写一篇题为Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music的文章。“学习建议”(Tips)部分提供了有关话题“音乐”的总结性语言。“复习要点”(Checkpoint)部分简要地总结了本单元的语法要点The Passive Voice in Different Tenses,并且设计了练习,帮助学生自评。同时通过两个问题引导学生对本单元

11、所学的词汇作一次小结。3. Teaching procedures:This unit consists of 10 parts: warming uplisteningspeakingpre-readingreadingpost-reading language study integrating skills tips and checkpoints. I plan to cover this unit in 6 periods. Period One: Warming up and Listening Period Two: Speaking Period Three: Pre-read

12、ing Reading and Post-reading Period Four:Post-reading and Word-study Period Five: Grammar Period Six: Integrating skills4. 教学评估(Assessment)1) 自我评估(Self-assessment)(了解学生对本单元的学习情况)要求学生自我评估可以提高学生学习的主动性和积极性,促进学生对自己的学习进行反思,并能帮助学生掌握评估技术,增加教师的评估信息。通过自我评估,学生可设定目标,并更清楚地认识到自己的优势与不足。 设计本单元的自我评价:根据自己的实际情况回答下列问题

13、,并存入个人学习档案:(1) What is the most important thing you learned in this unit?(2) What do you think you did best in this unit?(3) What do you find the most difficult in this unit?(4) Where do you see the most improvement?(5) Where do you need to work harder?2) 同伴评估(Peer-assessment)(了解学生的学习情感、策略) 沟通技能和合作技

14、能在同伴评估中十分重要。同学间彼此信任和真诚的互相评估需要长时间来培养。但是同伴评估可以通过简单的活动来实施。例如:如果一个小组要完成一项任务,组中每个成员都要做出贡献,共同完成任务。每个成员都要评估自己和他人的贡献。也可以由一组或几组同学在班上演示他们完成的任务,有其他同学根据制定好的表格对他们做出评价。 设计本单元的同伴评估:由组长或指定学生负责,组织小组反思,填写下表,并存入小组学习档案:Peer-assessment on group workListeningseldomsometimesoftenalwaysHeShe listens to their partners caref

15、ully.HeShe understands their partners well.HeShe understand the reporters well.HeShe follows the teachers oral instructions.SpeakingHeShe pronounces words correctly.HeShe speaks clearly and fluently.HeShe uses body language properly while speaking.HeShe uses linking words while speaking.HeShe states

16、 the topictheir opinion briefly but clearly and pletely.ParticipationHeShe involves himself in group work willingly.HeShe works with their partners happily.HeShe makes good preparations for group work in advance.HeShe gives their reasonable suggestions.HeShe follows their reasonable suggestions.ment

17、s and suggestions for improvement:3) 自我检验(Self-testing) Finish Workbook vocabulary and grammar exercises. After finishing these exercises, students carry out self-assessment: I think these exercises easymoderatedifficult1. TitlePeriod 1 Warming up & listeningTeaching objectives1. Increase students o

18、ral English by asking them to do some discussion.2. Improve students listening ability by do some listening .TeachingKeys andDifficultiesHelp students enrich their knowledge about the world-wide music.Raise students interest in music and their love the world-wide music.TeachingProcedureStep 1 Lead-i

19、n & Warming-up . Ask students a question : “ What is your hobby?” Some students must say that they like listening to music , then lead to the topic in . Ask students to listen to the music on the tape-recorder and ask them to do some discussion about it and tell their feeling according to their own

20、understanding.Step 2 Listening .Ask students to do the listening part and finish the exercise on P72. then check the answer with them .Step 3 Exercise . Find the right words from unit 11 for the phrases on Page 146. . plete the sentences with the phrases in their correct verb forms.Step 4 HomeworkPr

21、eview the speaking part.EvaluationTitlePeriod 2 SpeakingTeaching objectivesImprove students speaking ability by asking them to make some dialogue.Improve students ability to cooperate with others by making dialogue.TeachingKeys andDifficultiesMaking suggestions and giving advice.make a decisionhave

22、in mind dance toTeachingProcedureStep 1 Revision Dictate some words about musicStep 2 Speaking . Explain to the students about the background of the dialogue. then ask them to read the dialogue given on the book . Listen to the tape and give Ss several minutes to practise the dialogue. Tell students

23、 some useful expressions related to how to make suggestions and give advice. Ask students to make their own dialogue with their classmates by using the useful expressions in the box. Choose some group to act out the dialogue.Step 3 Language pointsDeal with some useful phrases.make a decision What do

24、 you have in mind?dance to the song I suggest that Step 4 Homework. Make up a new dialogue about making suggestions and giving opinions. Preview new words and phrases in next part.EvaluationTitlePeriod 3 & 4 ReadingTeaching objectivesImprove students reading ability.Help students learn more about th

25、e world-wide music.Master some useful phrases and expressions.TeachingKeys andDifficultiesEnrich students knowledge about different kinds of music around the world and help them get a better understanding on the idea “ Global Village”Teaching MethodsDo some discussion to improve students oral Englis

26、h .Do the fast-reading to get the main idea of the text .Do some scanning to better their understanding Do some explanation to help students master some important phrases .Do some True or False exercise to consolidate their understanding on the text .TeachingProcedureStep 1 Revision. Teacher asks Ss

27、 for suggestions. Act out their dialogue.Step 2 Presentation In last period we enjoyed some music. Today we will learn something more about music.Step 3 Pre-reading Discuss the following questions with your partner.1) What kind of music do you like?2) When you listen to a song, do you listen to the

28、words or the music.3) Do you play any musical instrument? What is your favorite instrument?4) Do you like to listen to music from other countries?Step 4 Reading . Fast reading -analyze the title1) What does the word “sound” mean here?2) Why does the author use “sounds”?3) How many styles of music do

29、es the author write about in the text?4) What are they?TeachingProcedure. Careful reading Find the topic sentences of each paragraph.1) There is a world of music out there.2) Blues music has a long history3) Todays American music culture contains many different styles.4) Latin music has spread all o

30、ver the world.5) There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.Step 4 Post reading Do the Exe 1& 2 on page 74.Step 5 Language points1) a world of 2) a small part of3) Here is a brief look at 4) People have been playing the blues for many years人们演奏布鲁斯音乐已有很多年了。5) have in mon 有共同点 I havent a thing in mon with my father. 我没有一点和我父亲相同。6) open your ears to the sounds of the worldStep 6 HomeworkReview the text and try to retell the text.Preview next period.EvaluationTitlePeriod 5 Language study

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