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1、大学英语教学大纲版大学英语教学大纲 课程代码适用对象所有专业课程类型基础课课程学时讲授96,实践58, 其它16,共计170一、课程简介(一)教学目的和任务大学英语大学英语是我院所有类本科学生的通识课。该课程重在培养本科学生基本英语能力,提高学生的实际使用英语水平,注重人文精神和跨文化教育的融合与渗透,提高学生的综合水平和素质。本课程旨在全面提高学生的英语综合应用能力。以培养学生的英语综合应用能力为主,打好阅读基础,加强听说,使他们能用英语交流信息,在听、说、读、写、译方面达到教育部大学英语课程教学要求(试行)所提出的一般要求。同时,结合我院作为警察院校这一行业特点,在打好语言基础功的同时还应

2、注重行业知识培养,大学英语教学涵盖了英语教学,使我院的学生既有扎实的语言基础,和文化素养,又有一定的行业知识,使之毕业后能够更加快的适应工作和服务社会的需要。具体内容如下:在听力方面,能听懂英语讲课,并能听懂一般性内容的英语讲座。对题材熟悉、句子结构比较简单、基本上没有生词,语速为每分钟130-140词的简短会话(包括英语会话)、谈话和讲座,能正确理解中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,了解讲话者的观点和态度。基本听懂China Radio International的新闻报道(50%-60%)。在口头表达方面:能就精读教材内容和适当的听力材料进行问答和复述,能进行日常英语会话(包括英语会话),能就

3、熟悉的话题稍做准备后作简短发言。表达意思清楚,语音、语调基本正确。在阅读方面,能阅读并正确理解语言难度中等的一般题材的文章(包括英语阅读),掌握中心大意,了解说明中心大意的事实和细节,能根据所读材料进行一定的分析、推理和判断,了解作者的观点和态度,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度较低、生词不超过总词数3%的材料时,能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达每分钟100-120词。能较快阅读The 21st Century, China Daily等报纸。领会式掌握单词5000-6000词,复用式掌握单词3000词及其常用短语。在写的方面,能就与课文难度相仿的阅读材料写


5、更加生动,使理论知识易于理解,便于掌握。以教师为主导,以学生为主体,采纳多样化的教学手段和方法,注重理论联系实际,尽量突出应用性和所有特色。大学英语教学大纲是本课程开展教学活动的基本依据。由韩旭执笔,经征求朱安春及部分教师意见,王丰审阅后,于年月日由学术委员会审定。二、知识准备本课程的学习应当具备高中阶段英语的基础知识,具备高中阶段英语听、说、读、写等基本技能。同时,本课程还是学生进一步学习所有专业英语的基础课程,也是学生学习双语课程的前提和保证。三、理论教学The First Semester 本学期共12周,每周4课时,共48课时。其中教学44课时,学期教学介绍1课时,机动3课时(如节假日

6、)。所用教材新视野大学英语读写教程1新视野大学英语听说教程1新视野大学英语综合训练1。具体教学内容如下:Introduction to the course 1 periodDetailed introduction to the teaching tasks and schedule of this semester, and some approaches of English study in college.Unit 1 (NHCE R&W Book1/ NHCE L&S Book 1) 8 periodsSection A Learning a Foreign Language (N

7、HCE R&W Book 1) (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important words, phrases and structures as well as the structured writing of cause-and-effect. Besides, students can learn how to learn a foreign language from the passage.Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning (2 periods) The key point

8、 is to learn a reading skill of how to find out word meanings.Listening and Speaking Unit 1 ( NHCE V&S ) (2periods)The key point is to listen for names and learn how to greet and introduce.Unit 2 8 periodsSection A Deep Concern (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important words, phrases and s

9、tructures, as well as the structured writing of using sequence order and time markers whenever possible. Besides, to teach students how to communicate with their parents.Section B Is There A Generation Gap? ( 2 periods)The key point is to learn a reading skill of distinguishing between facts and opi

10、nions. Listening and Speaking Unit 2 (2 periods )The key point is identifying numbers and asking for and giving directions.Unit 3 8 periodsSection A A Good Heart to Lean On (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important words, phrases and structures as well as the structured writing of a paragr

11、aph of a general point supported by examples. Besides, to teach students how to have a good heart.Section B The Right Son at the Right Time (2 periods)The key point is to learn a reading skill of reading for the key ideas in sentences.Listening and Speaking Unit 3 (2 periods)The key point is underst

12、anding times and dates and how to congratulate and sympathize.Mid-term review (2 periods)The key point is to review the first three units, esp. the important words, phrases and some grammar rules. Unit 4 8 periodsSection A How to Make a Good Impression (4 periods)The key point is to learn some impor

13、tant words, phrases and structures as well as the structured writing of a paragraph that starts with a general statement and goes on to list several examples to support it. Besides, to teach students how to make a good impression on others.Section B Body Language (2 periods)The key point is to learn

14、 a reading skill of reading for the main idea in paragraphs.Listening and Speaking Unit 4 (2 periods) The key point is listening for telephone numbers and how to make complaints and give warning.Unit 5 8 periods Section A The Battle Against AIDS (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important wo

15、rds, phrases and structures as well as the structured writing of a general statement supported by a problem-solution pattern. Besides, to enable students to know something about AIDS.Section B The Last Dive at the Olympics (2 periods)The key point is to learn a reading skill of reading for major det

16、ails.Listening and Speaking Unit 5 (2 periods) The key point is listening for peoples food preferences and listening to people ask for and offer suggestions.Unit 7 4 periodsSection A Face to Face with Guns (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important words, phrases and structures as well as t

17、he structured writing of a paragraph of sequent actions. The Second Semester本学期共17周,每周4课时,共68课时。其中教学56课时,上学期教学总结回顾1课时,机动5课时(节假日等),四级辅导6课时。所用教材新视野大学英语读写教程2新视野大学英语听说教程2新视野大学英语综合训练2。具体教学内容如下:Summary and introduction 1 periodSummarize the final exam of last term and introduce the teaching tasks and sche

18、dule of this semester. Unit 1 (NHCE R&W Book2/ NHCE L&S Book 2) 8 periodsSection A Time-conscious Americans (NHCE R&W Book2) (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a paragraph of a general statement supported by specific de

19、tails and reasons. In addition, let students know the cultural differences between China and America.Section B Culture Shock (2 periods)The key point is to further learn the reading skill of reading for the main idea in paragraphs and know more about culture shock.Listening and Speaking Unit 1 (NHCE

20、 L&S Book 2) (2 periods)The key point is about the confusion that can rise when people from different cultures around the world, with different views about time, interact with each other; and talking about Maximum and Minimum Quantities.Unit 2 8 periodsSection A Learning the Olympic Standard for Lov

21、e (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a paragraph starting with a general statement followed by details. Moreover, let students know how to truly achieve glory by upholding the highest standard of sportsmanship and servi

22、ng as a role model for other people.Section B The Standard for Olympic Excellence (2 periods)The key point is to further learn how to find out word meanings and have a practice of fast reading.Listening and Speaking Unit 2 (2 periods)The key point is about the Olympic spirit of courage, strength, an

23、d the refusal to give up; and talking about Happiness, Unhappiness and Worry Situational ConversationsUnit 3 8 periodsSection A Marriage Across the Nations ( 4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a paragraph of denial of so

24、me opinions followed by some other opinions. In addition, let students know a little about marriage affairs across the nations.Section B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law (2 periods)The key point is to further learn how to recognize differences between facts and opinions and know more cultural d

25、ifferences between China and foreign countries.Listening and Speaking Unit 3 (2 periods)The key point is about marriages across cultures and nationalities and the joys and sorrows that arise when two people from different cultures get married; and talking about Volume, Distance and Temperature Conve

26、rsation Activity.Unit 4 8 periodsSection A A Test of True Love (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a paragraph starting with a point of view followed by some reasons. In addition, let students know a little about true lo

27、ve.Section B Love Under the Nazis (2 periods)The key point is to further learn the reading skill of reading for the key idea in a sentence.Listening and speaking Unit 4 (2 periods)The key point is about exploring issues of romance and love, the good and the bad; and talking about how to Do Something

28、 and Giving Examples Conversation Activity.Unit 5 8 periodsSection A Weeping for my smoking daughter (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a paragraph of cause and effect. In addition, let students know the harms of smokin

29、g.Section B Stop Spoiling Your Children (2 periods)The key point is to learn a reading skill of understanding figurative language and know more the harms of spoiling the children.Listening and speaking Unit 5 (2 periods)The key point is about the difficulties and pain of parenthood; and talking abou

30、t Likes, Dislikes and Preferences.Unit 6 8 periodsSection A As His Name Is, So Is He (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a paragraph of comparison. Moreover, let students discuss the meanings of different names.Section B

31、 Judge by Appearances (2 periods)The key point is to further learn the reading skill of reading for the main idea in paragraphs. Listening and speaking Unit 6 (2 periods)The key point is about the importance of names; and talking about Approximations, Averages, Proportions and Ratios.Unit 7 8 period

32、sSection A Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life (4 periods)The key point is to learn some important new words, phrases and structures as well as a writing skill of a Paragraph of cause and effect. In addition, let students know how to relax themselves and enjoy their lives.Section B Are you a Workaholic (2 periods)The key point is further to l

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