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1、英语课外小知识1.2.【揭露for的英语秘密】1) for a start=首先;2) for a wonder=说来奇怪;3) for a song=非常便宜地;4) for a change=为了换花样;5) for all I care=与我无关;6) for certain=肯定地;7) for a time=一段时期 ;8) for all I know=就我所知;9) Are you for or against?=你是赞成还是反对?3.【揭露时间time的英语秘密】1) in time=及时;2) on time=准时;3) in no time=立马地;4) all the t

2、ime=一直/总是;5) behind the times=落伍;6) at times=有时偶尔;7) at the same time=同时;8) the whole time=自始至终;9) time after time=屡次/一再;10) time and again=常常4.【揭露difference的英语秘密】1)退差价=refund the difference;2)split the difference=平分剩余的东西;3)make a difference 有影响, 起(重要)作用;4)sink difference 屏除分歧;4)temperature differen

3、ce=温差;5)individual difference=个体差异;6)with a difference 特别的; 与众不同的5.nice用法:1)nasty-nice=笑里藏刀,He is a nasty-nice person=他笑里藏刀;2)in a nice pickle=乱七八糟,The room is in a nice pickle=这房间乱七八糟;3)as nice as pie=可爱, She is as nice as pie=她很可爱;4)Nice work=干得好5)nicetiesnaisitis=场面话,Lets save the niceties=咱们别说场面

4、话6.:【No字开头的短语】1.No pain No gain:没有付出就没有回报;2.No interest:没兴趣;3.No objection:没意见;4.No use:没用;5.No idea:不知道;6.No confidence:没自信;7.No problem:没问题;8.No way:没门儿;9.No sense :没道理;10.No wonder:怪不得!7.好good的英语用法:1) This is no good=这个不好用;2) do someone good=对某人有好处,The experience will do you good=这个经验对你有好处;3) for

5、 good=永久地,I am going back home for good=我要回家,不再回来;4) She is a person of good will=她是个亲切的人;5) He is goodhearted=他心肠好8.稍等片刻的一些说法。1. One moment please. 2. Hold on just one second. 3. I will be with you shortly. 4. Just a minute. 比方:A: Can I talk to you about something? B: Sure. Grab a seat. I will be d

6、one in just a minute. (A: 我能跟你说点事吗?B: 好,你先坐,我一分钟就完。)9.【汽车趣谈】你觉得BMW的含义是什么?1. Big Money Works (大生意) ;2. Business Money Woman (事业 金钱 女人) ;3. Bring More Women (带来更多女人);4. Bie Mo Wo (别摸我);5.Be My Wife (嫁给我);6. Break My Window (打破俺窗);7.Broke My Wallet (让钱包破产) 。10.揭露“雨”rain的英语秘密。毛毛雨=drizzle;小雨=light rain;

7、大雨=heavy rain; 雷阵雨=thunderstorm; 冻雨=freezing rain. 瓢泼大雨= rain cats and dogs. 比如,It is raining cats and dogs, so the concert has been canceled. 外面是瓢泼大雨,所以演唱会已经取消了。11.:【实用口语六字句(7)】 事情就是这样。Thats the way it is. 别瞧不起人了!Dont look down on others! 我不是故意的。I didnt do it on purpose. 那我就放心了。That eases my mind.

8、有总比没有好。Better than nothing. :【实用口语六字句(6)】 问你也是白问。No use asking you. 是这样子的吗?Is that so? 你到底想怎样?What do you want? 我才懒得理你。Youre not worth my time. 为什么不早说?Why didnt you say so?12.称赞男性的英语用词 smart-时髦 virile-有男子气概 handsome-英俊 charismatic-(领导风范)有魅力的 athletic-活跃健壮 dashing-生气勃勃 spruce-外表干净英挺 aristocratic-有皇室风

9、范 clean-faced-五官清秀 clean-shaven-剃净胡须 majestic-宏伟 adorable-可爱 suave-(对女性)体贴温柔13.称赞女友的实用句1)你人见人爱You are everybodys darling; 2)你仙女下凡You are as pretty as an angel; 3)你美的倾国倾城You are devastatingly beautiful; 4)你如花似玉You are delicately lovely like flowers and jade; 5)你明艳动人=Youre so dazzling that you put oth

10、ers to shade14.【用于称赞女性打扮的英语用词】 taking-迷人的 dainty-小巧精致 scrumptious-可口漂亮 celestial-仙女下凡 bewitching-迷人的, superb-极美丽的 grand-宏伟壮丽 beauteous-如诗般地美丽 devilish-魔鬼般的亮艳 rapturous-令人狂喜 otherworldly-超脱尘世的 elegant-优雅 well-formed-仪态优雅winning-赢得众人目光 sensuous-眼花缭乱的美 delectable-可口 desirable-令人向往, enticing-诱人 lovely-可

11、爱可人 covetable-众人渴望 irresistible-无法抗拒 dreamy-梦幻般 adorable-可爱 engaging-有魅力 teasing-撩拨人 magnetic-有磁性 fetching-引人迷恋。delicious-美丽可口 glorious-辉煌 sublime- 其极高尚, magnificent-壮丽宏伟 splendid-壮观杰出 foxy-美艳 plush-豪华 dreamy-梦幻般 adorable-可爱 tantalizing-诱人 inviting-吸引人 luscious-甜美 divine-神仙般美丽 dishy-有魅力 appealing-动人

12、的breathtaking-令人赞叹 dazzling-耀眼 classy-品味高 graceful-优雅得体 ravishing-令人陶醉 angelic-如天使般 radiant-光彩夺目 alluring-迷人诱惑 refined-优雅 enchanting-迷人 seductive-美丽诱惑 stunning-极漂亮 tempting-诱惑人 gorgeous-美艳灿烂的15.表达爱意定会用到的句子 1) I love you with all my heart我全心全意爱你。2) My love for you is as deep as the sea对你的爱似海深。3) Were

13、 a right match我们是天生一对。4) Ill love you as long as I live爱你一辈子(爱你千万年) 5) I love you more than I can say我对你的爱无法用言语表达16.接受道歉肯定会用到的句子1)Thats all right 没关系 2)Youre forgiven 我原谅你 3)Think no more of it 别再想它了 4)It really doesnt matter at all 真的没关系 5)Dont worry about it 别放在心上 6)Ill let you off this time 这回放过你

14、 7)I wont hold it against you 我不会记仇的17.道歉肯定会用到的句子1)I apologize.我道歉. 2)Please forgive me.请原谅. 3)Its all my fault.这事儿全怪我. 4)I was wrong.我错了. 5)I really feel bad about it.我真的感到很内疚. 6)Please accept my sincere apology.请接受我诚心诚意的道歉. 7)I honestly didnt mean it.我的确不是故意的18.优雅骂人肯定会用到的句子1)Take a hike 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧

15、 2)You make me sick! 你真让我恶心 3)Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!4)Youre nothing to me 你对我什么都不是5)Get off my back 少跟我罗嗦 6)Im about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!7)You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!19.!【缓解谈话紧张气氛】1.Were getting off the subject.我们跑题了 2.Wait, can I take that back?等一下,我能收回我说的话吗? 3.I can see my part in this.这个问题,我有错.

16、4.That came out all wrong.我表达错了 5.What are we really fighting about?我们到底在争什么呢?20.超流行给力词汇,不知道你就OUT 了1.给力(Awesome)、 2.犀利(Sharp)、3.神马都是浮云(Nothing is important/Everything is nothing)、 4.路过(Pass by)、 5.我是来打酱油的(I just pop in and say hi)、6.牛x(Fucking great)、 7.淡定(Relax/Calm down)、 8.死去(Go to hell)21.几句英文狠话

17、 杀人于无形之中1、You make me sick ! 你真让我恶心! 2、Stop complaining ! 别发牢骚! 3、Dont bother me. 别烦我. 4、Knock it off. 少来这一套。5、Its none of your business. 关你屁事! 6、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!22.三个你肯定会用到的英文短语1. Tick me off !(气死我了!); 2. Thats too much !(太过分了!); 3. Are you kidding ? (你开玩笑呢吧?) 4. Ive no idea (我不知道)

18、;5. Dont push me!(别逼我!); 6.Its a deal! (一言为定!); 7. You said it(我也是这么认为的23.英语交流中的客套话1. So far so good(目前为止,一切都好) 2. Be my guest(请便,别客气) 3. Youre the boss(听你的) 4.Ive heard so much about you!(久仰大名!) 5. Ill keep my ears open(我会留意的) 6. Sorry to bother you(抱歉打扰你) 7.Thats really something!(真了不起24.别人骂你,如何回应

19、1) It takes one to know one=彼此彼此;2) See if I care=老爷/老娘懒得理你;3) I dont give a crap=我一点都不在乎;4) Talk to my hand=头撇开,略微举起手掌,表示对方只够格跟你的手说话别烦我;5) Whatever=俺不在乎;6) All I hear is blah blah blah=废话一堆。25.【别怪我狠】1.Dont push me.别逼我.2.Youre way too far.你太过分了. 3.Youre such a bitch.你这个婊子! 4.You have a lot of nerve.

20、你脸皮真厚.5.Youre nothing to me.你对我什么都不是.6.Enough is enough!够了够了!7.Youre such a bastard.你这个贱种. 8. F*uck off!去你的26.:【二字骂人大全】1、Get lost.滚开! 2、How dare you! 你敢! 3、Shut up! 闭嘴! 4、Drop dead. 去死! 5、Nonsense! 鬼话! 6、Enough is enough! 够了! 7、You bastard! 杂种! 8、Youre a jerk! 混账! 9、Leave me alone. 走开。10、Youre crazy

21、!疯子27.别人说Thank you(谢谢),除了可回答You are welcome(不客气),你还可以说:1) Sure! 2) No problem! 3) Not at all! 4) Dont mention it! 5) My pleasure! 6) It was nothing! 7) Of course! 8) No big deal! 9) Any time! 10) No worries! 11) Never mind! 12) It was the least I could do!28.热hot的秘密:have the hots for暗恋,Ive the hots

22、for her我默默喜欢她|go hot and cold害臊,He goes hot and cold in front of her他在她面前害臊|hot up=(事情)紧张,Everythings hotting up near the deadline截止前所有事情很紧张|hot and heavy激烈,They love each other hot and heavy他们热恋29.金钱money的英语奥秘:1) in the money=富有的,He is in the money=他很有钱。2) for ones money=某人认为,For my money, I think

23、her idea is better than his=我个人认为,她的想法比他的好。3) on the money=正好在恰当的地方/时间,I got to the show on the money at 8 pm=我“正好”晚上8点到秀场30.刷子brush英语奥秘:1)brush up温习,I need to brush up my English我得复习英语;2)brush someone off不理睬某人,Dont brush me off不要不理我;3)give something a good brush好好刷理,Ill give my coat a good brush我要好

24、好刷理我的外套;4)brush还指小冲突,He had a brush with me他和我有点摩擦31.make up用途多1)make up化妆,She is made up她化好妆了;2)make up for something补偿某物,Ill make up for the loss我会补偿损失;3)make it up to someone补偿某人,Sorry, Im late. I will make it up to you抱歉迟到,我会补偿你;4)make up to讨好, He likes to make up to his boss他喜欢讨好老板32.好友夜深难过,你安慰

25、他/她别苦,可说Cheer up=开心点,还可说其他安慰:1) Perk up! 2) Feel better! 3) Snap out of it! 4) Brighten up! 5) Rise above it! 6) Shake it off! 7) Toughen up! 8) Be happy! 9) You have my sympathy! 10) Get over it! 11) Stay in perspective! 12) Youll be fine!33.我想要减肥=I want to lose weight,所以我要节食=I am going on a diet。但

26、要瘦得健康=fit 或 healthy,瘦得苗条=slim 或 slender,而非骨瘦如柴=a bag of bones,I dont want to be a bag of bones=我不想要骨瘦如柴。若瘦身不当,穿夏衣,会被比下去成了loser=输家。Lets all be winners!34.称赞/鼓励别人“表现很好”常用Good!,在此提供其他说法:1) Nice going! 2) Good for you! 3) Youve got it made! 4) THATS IT! 5) SUPERB! 6) That was first class work! 7) SENSAT

27、IONAL! 8) Now you have it! 9) Couldnt have done it better myself! 10) Youre really going to town! 1) Right on! 2) FANTASTIC! 3) Good going! 4) Thats the way to do it! 5) Thats the best ever! 6) SUPER! 7) TREMENDOUS! 8) Well done! 9) Way to go! 10) WOW!35.小心使用look这个单词。Look at me!=看着我(不见得是看着你的眼睛)!Look

28、 at me; I feel so fat=你看我,我觉得我好胖。但若有人说话眼神飘忽,你要他钉着你的眼睛说实话,你要说Look me in the eyes!没有at哦!。此外look here=(不爽地说)你给我听清楚,Look here, get lost=给我听清楚,你给我滚蛋36.一般说“加油”会用Good luck!但是还有别的说法,任君挑选。1) More power to you! 2) Keep up the good work! 3) Go, go, go! 4) Break a leg! 5) Keep it up! 6) Bring the house down!通常用

29、于鼓励艺术表演者 7) Be a fighter!!学习新知,我们一起加油!Lets work hard together!37.The die is cast木已成舟。Think twice before you move三思而后行。Unity is strength团结就是力量。Two heads are better than one=一个好汉三个帮。Things at their worst will only get better否极泰来。Kindness can be found everywhere人间处处有温情。Teach others by your example躬亲示范3

30、8.“你好吗“除了可说How are you?,口语还可说:1)How have you been? 2)What gives? 3)Hows it going? 4)Whats up? 5)Sup? 6) Whats up with you? 7)Whats new? 8)Whats happening? 10)How are things? 10)You okay?第10个比较适用于英国 。朋友问“你好吗?”,咱们阳光点回答:1) Couldnt be better=在好不过了; 2) Hearing/Seeing you has just made my day=听/看见你让我整天的心情

31、舒畅; 3) Cool, calm, collected=很淡定。如果真的蛮累/烦,可以说Getting by=挺着,还行啦;或是I am still breathing=(我还在呼吸)死不了。39.Honesty is the best policy做人诚信为本;It never rains but it pours不鸣则已一鸣惊人;Learn not and know not不学无术;Life without a friend is death没朋友虽生犹死;Like knows like惺惺相惜;Never say die永不言败;No man is content人心不足蛇吞象;The

32、 finest diamond must be cut玉不琢,不成器40.Experience must be bought吃一堑,长一智。A bad thing never dies遗臭万年;A close mouth catches no flies病从口入;A fox may grow gray, but never good江山易改,本性难移;A good fame is better than a good face美名胜过美貌;A leopard cannot change its spots积习难改;Hear all parties兼听则明41.Industry is the parent of success=勤奋是成功之母。Money isnt everything=钱不是万能。No sweet without sweat=先苦后甜。Seeing is believing=眼见为实。The best man stumbles=人非圣贤。Something is better than nothing=聊胜于无。Love me; love

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