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1、中考英语语法复习方案10介词介词短语中考英语语法复习方案10-介词、介词短语年中考英语语法复习方案10介词、介词短语【趋势解读】 中考、自主招生考试对介词的考点主要集中在介词的基本用法上,即与名词搭配组成介词短语和与动词措配组成动词短语的用法。介词虽然是一种虚词,自身不能单独充当句子成分,但它是英语中最活跃、最难掌握的词类之一。介词与名词、形容词、副词、动词都有特定的措配,那些固定短语必须熟记。【思维引导】精彩笔记1 方位介词(一) 核心题根1 (1)He suddenly saw Sue the room. He pushed his way the crowd of people to g

2、et to her. A. across; across $. over; through C. over; into D. across; through 思路点拨:句意:他突然看见Sue在房间的对面,他从拥挤的人群中穿过去走到她身旁。across意为“横过”,从这边到那边强调横过一定的宽度。through意为“穿过”,从一边到另一边,强调通过、穿越某个地方。如:across the street横过马路”,through the street“从这条街穿过去”。over意为“从某物上面越过,跳过”“在某物的正上方”。into意为“进入”。根据句意可知,他要挤过人群从房子这一边走到对面的Su

3、e待的地方。 (2)Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day. A. between B. along C. below D. with 思路点拨:Sean已经养成了每天沿着林荫大道慢跑2小时的习惯。考查介词along的用法。根据句意,符合“林荫大道”情景的只有along。 (3)Four Chinese models were the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competiti

4、on. A. among B. between C. along D. beside 思路点拨: 14个模特儿中有4个中国模特儿在星期五的世界超级模特儿大赛中被授奖。首先排除C, D项,因为along意为“沿着”,beside意为“在旁边”,不符合句意。among意为“在中,在之间”,通常用以指三个以上的人或物之间。表示在“两者之间”要用between。 (4)Connie arrived the village a snowy night. A. at; on B. at; in C. in; at D. in; on 思路点拨:in, at表示地点时,有大小之别,in后接大地方,at接小地

5、方。在具体某一天,用on表示。 同类变式(1)His grade in the exam put him the top students in his class. A. between B. over C. among D. above (2)Maria is leaving for France soon by air. She will arrive Paris the morning of August 8th. A. at; in B. in; on C. in; in D. at; on (3)Excuse me, where is the bookstore? Go the b

6、ridge. Youll see it on your left. A. on B. cross C. across D. through方法技巧 (1) in, on与at跟地点,“大小”要分辨! in后接较大的地方,如in Beijing, in Japan。 on常用在一些习惯用语中,如on a farm, on the moon。 at后接较小的地方,如 at a village, at the bus stop。 (2)between与among“在之间”,“数量”有限!between“在(两者) 中间”,among“在(三者或三者以上)之间”。 (3)across, over与th

7、rough巧妙“穿过”! across强调从某个平面的一边到另一边;over侧重越过某种障碍物,如山脉、墙等;through指从某个立体空间内穿过。精彩笔记2 方位介词(二) 如何表达树上有一些鸟和有一些苹果, 中西方的文化差异和思维方式的不同,给跨文化交际带来了困难,解题时容易大意失分,平时要多积累。核心题根2 (1)China lies the east of Asia and the north of Australia. A. to; to B. in; to C. to; in D. in; on 思路点拨:句意:中国在亚洲的东部,在澳大利亚的北方。in the . of是指“在某一

8、地域范围之内的”。 on the. of是指“与某一地域边界相接”。to the . of是指“在某一地域范围之外的”。中国在亚洲的范围之内,故填介词in。中国和澳大利亚是不在同一个洲且不接壤的两个国家,故第二空应凑to。 (2)There are some apples the tree and some birds are singing the tree. A. on; on B. in; on C. on; in 思路点拨:表示树本身长出来的枝、果等,用on the tree。鸟不是树本身生长出来的,鸟在树上用in the tree表示,指其逗留在树上。 (3)根据汉语提示,用正确的介

9、词完成句子。 a. The ball hit the man on the bike the back.(打在背上) b. When Bob tried to catch hold of Johns arm, John hit him hard the face.(打他的脸) c. The plane flew the clouds.(在云层上) d. The bridge the river has long history.(河上) e. The cat is sleeping the chair.(椅子下) f. The sun has just sunk(落) the horizon.

10、(落到地平线以下) g. The earth is our feet.(在我们脚下) h. There is a window the wall.(墙上) 思路点拨:考查介词on, over, above及其反义词的用法。 考查on, in如何表达在“上面”,on侧重表面接触,in侧重于接触的深度。 同类变式2 (1)There is good news todays newspaper. A. on B. in C. of D. above (2)Taiwan is a beautiful island and its the east of Fujian. A. in B. on C. t

11、o (3)用介词in, to, off, over, above填空。 a. Japan is/lies the east of China. b. Beijing lies the north of China. c. The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place the main road at the far end of the lake. d. Shes been here for two hours.她在这里已超过两小时了。 e. A great person is always putting others interests his own.伟人

12、总是置他人利益高于自己的利益之上。 f. He is average intelligence.他的智力在一般水平以上。易错警示 注意:on. over与above都高高“在上”,但心态大不一样! on强调某物在另一物体的表面,两者为接触关系,反义词是beneath。 over表示垂直的上方或正上方,两物体之间有一定距离,反义词是under;或表示“覆盖在上面”。 above表示在离开某物的上方,强调高于某一点或某物,但不一定在垂直的上方,反义词是below。方法技巧 (1) in, on二者均可表示“在上”,描述两个物体的接触情况。on侧重于表面接触,而in侧重于接触的深度。英语中的某些习惯

13、表达常用in或on。若打击某人的脸、眼、嘴、胸、腹等部位时,用in,而打击头、额、鼻、耳、颈、肩、腿等部位时,用on。表示树本身生长出来的枝、叶、花、果等,用on the tree,但表示树本身以外的人或动物“在树上”,用in the tree,意指被枝叶遮掩其中。 (2)over和above都可以表示在数量上“多于”的意思,但above一般用于表示与“最低限度”或“标准”有关的事物,而over则表示“多于”,相当于more than,其反义词是under(=less than)。 (3)above表示“级别、地位、重要性等高于” , over则强调“控制、掌握、权威、优越”等。精彩笔记3 时

14、间介词(一)1. at,in,on at表示时间的一点,时刻;in表示在较长的时间内;on表示具体的或特定的时间,也用于表示特定的上午、下午或晚上,如:on Christmas Eve(在圣诞节前夕),on the morning of January the third, on the afternoon of his arrival等。2. in,after (1)in表时间,常表示“在之内”,有时in还有“在之后”的意思,但表示此意时,必须具备两个条件:所在句子的谓语动词必须表将来;后面必须是一段时间。这两个条件缺一不可,否则用after或later。 (2) after表时间,意为“在

15、之后”。通常“after+时间段”与过去时连用;“after+时间点”与将来时连用。核心题根3 (1)A terrible earthquake happened in Nepal April 25th,2015. A. on B. in C. at D. from (2)I hear two high speed railways will be built in Xiangyang a few years.That sounds great. Itll be more convenient and faster for us to go out. A. after B. on C. in

16、D. at (3) the silence of the pauses, we could hear each others breathing and could almost hear our own heartbeats. A. In B. For C. Under D. Between 思路点拨:(1)on用于表示具体的某一天或某一天的某个时间;in用于世纪、月份、季节等名词前,也可用于固定短语in the morning/afternoon/evening中,还可与一段时间连用,意为“之后”;at用于表示一天之中的具体时间点;by“在之前”。由句中时间状语很容易推断出答案。(2)in

17、可用于表示将来某段时间之后。空格处句子的时态是一种将来时。(3)句意:在暂停的寂静中,我们能听到彼此的呼吸声,而且几乎能听到自己的心跳声。在本句中in意为“在期间”,其他三项无法和the silence搭配。 同类变式3 (1)用in, after, later填空。 a. My father will be back three days.我父亲将在3天以后回来。 b. My father will be back three oclock.我父亲将在3点后回来。 c. My father came back three days .我父亲是3天后回来的。 (2)翻译下列词组。 a.在星期天

18、上午 b.在三月初 c.在儿童节 d.在19世纪20年代 知识归纳 记住这些介词短语: (1) at 12 : 00 , at noon(在中午),at night(在夜里),at midnight(在半夜),at dawn/daybreak(在黎明,破晓), at sunrise/sunset(在日出/日落),at dusk(在黄昏),at Christmas在圣诞节。 (2)in表示在某段较长的时间内(如:世纪、朝代、年代、月份及泛指上午、下午和傍晚等)。如:in the 1980s, in the Qing Dynasty, in October, in the morning/afte

19、rnoon/evening。 (3) in time及时;on time准时,按时。精彩笔记4 时间介词(二)1. for,from,since for后接时间段,表示行为或状态持续了多久;from后接时间点,表示行为或状态的起始点,而不涉及其持续时间的长短;since后接时间点,不仅表示行为或状态的起始点,而且还强调该行为或状态从起始点一直持续到说话的时刻,因而常与延续性动词的完成时连用。2. before,by,till,until (1)before的用法:早于;在之前 (2)by的用法:表示“不迟于,在(某时)前”。如:All of you are to arrive at schoo

20、l by seven oclock.你们所有人必须在7点钟前到校。表示“在期间,在时间内”。如:He worked by night and slept by day.他晚上工作,白天睡觉。 (3) until和till的用法:until是比较正式的用法。在肯定句中和延续性动词连用,表示动作一直持续到until后面的时间为止;在否定句中和非延续性动词连用,表示该动作直到until后面的时间才开始。如:I shall wait until ten oclock.我将等到10点钟。I didnt go to sleep until midnight.直到半夜我才睡觉。核心题根4 (1)This s

21、hop will be closed for repairs further notice. A. with B. until C. for D. at (2)When do we need to pay the balance? 一 September 30. A. In B. By C. During D. Within (3)一 when has the country been open to international trade?一1978,I suppose. A. Since B. In C. From D. After 思路点拨:(1)句意:这家商店将要关门装修,开门营业(时

22、间)另行通知。with意为“与一起,用”;until“到为止,直到”;for“为了,由于”;at“在(某地),在几点,因为”。只有until符合句意。 (2)句意:一我们要什么时候付余款?9月30日前。题中答语给出September 30,这是个具体的时间点,而题中所给的四个选项中,只有B项可以与时间点搭配,意为“到时候(为止)”。A项in后面可接月份、年份,表示具体日期要用on,而C,D项后面则要接一段时间,如during the holiday, within the three days。 (3)句意:一这个国家从什么时候开展国际贸易的?一我猜想是1978年。根据题干所用时态是现在完成时

23、可知,空白处应填“自从以来”。 同类变式4 (1)用for, from, since填空。 a. then on she knew she would win. b. I lost my money and 1 have been worried then. c. The meeting lasted three hours yesterday. (2)用before, by, until填空。 a. Well have finished the work ten oclock tomorrow. b. I usually take a bath having my breakfast. c.

24、 Up last year, they didnt even own a car.方法技巧 (1)表示一段时间的时间介词“since+时间点”,而“for+时间段”,用how long(多久)对它们提问。 (2) until用于肯定句时,与之搭配的是延续性谓语动词,而用于否定句中,与之搭配的动词须是非延续性的。 (3)by“在之前”含有“最晚不迟于,到为止”的意思;before没有此意,其反义词是after。精彩笔记5 表示工具、方式、手段的介词1. by, in, on三个词都可以表示旅行的方式。 (1)不涉及交通工具的名词时用by,名词前不带冠词。如:by sea, by water, b

25、y land, by air等。 (2)涉及交通工具的名词时用by,但名词需用单数,其前面不加冠词和任何修饰语。如:by bike, by taxi, by plane,by ship声oat,by train,by spaceship等。 (3)当旅行方式涉及特指的交通工具时,用。n或in,名词前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。如:travel to New York on this plane,go to school on my bike等。2. with,in (1) with用于有形的工具或身体某些器官之前,其后的名词多被冠词、物主代词等修饰。 原料、颜料、语言、钢笔、铅笔等

26、(2)in 大、小写字母核心题根5 (1)Mo Yans books are very popular. You can find they are on sale many languages. A. in B. to C. with D. at (2)The two kids practice spoken English joining the English club. A. by B. in C. on D. with (3)Could you please give me a hand? I cant complete the task on time your help. A.

27、without B. under C. with D. for (4)Everyone is born the ability to learn. A. at B. on C. with D. in (5)More and more people in Shanghai choose to go to work underground. A. in B. with C. by D. for 思路点拨:(1)句意:莫言的书很受欢迎,你可以发现他的书被译成了多种语言销售。with指用某种具体的工具或器官,in指用语言、颜料等。 (2)with表示“借助于具体工具”;by表示“借助于某些泛指的手段或

28、工具”,在by后一般不加冠词;in通常用来表示“借助于某种语言”。句中所缺的词是by,表示“通过的方式”。 (3) without“没有”,with“用,带有”;under“在之下”,for“为了,适合”。句意:你帮我好吗?如果没有你的帮助我不能按时完成任务。 (4)be born with“天生具有的”。句意:每个人天生具有学习的能力。 (5)句意为“在上海越来越多的人选择乘地铁去上班”a by underground相当于by subway,意为“乘地铁”。by后接交通工具时,意为“乘、骑”。知识归纳 请记住这些短语: (1)on foot步行;on a horse/camel骑马/骆驼;

29、on/over the elephone/ radio通过电话/广播。 (2)in this/that way, by this/that means, with this/that method:用这/那种方式。 同类变式5 (1)Bruce is learning Chinese watching news on TV. A. in B. by C. at (2)Jack, is maths difficult to learn in high school? Sure. No subject can be learned well hard work. A. without B. thr

30、ough C. by D. with (3)Yesterday I downloaded a new program the Internet. Now I can watch TV and movies my computer. A. from; on B. with; in C. in; with D. on; from (4)Welcome to our store. We have skirts all colors $16 each. A. at; in B. in; for C. at; at D. in; in知识归纳 (1)by+地点,表方位,意为“在旁”。如:He sat d

31、own by the door.他在门旁边坐下。 (2)by+时间,意为“到时”。如:Tom must have returned by now.汤姆现在一定已经回来了。 (3) by +交通工具,意为“乘”。如:I go to work by bike.我骑自行车上班。 (4)by用于被动语态,意为“被,由”。如:This car is repaired by his father.这辆车是他父亲修的。 (5)by的固定短语:by the way顺便提一下;by oneself独自。 同类变式5 (1)Bruce is learning Chinese watching news on TV. A. in B. by C. at (2)Jack, is maths difficult to learn in high

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