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本文(音频指标名称类型范围精度描述PESQScorefornarrow.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、音频指标名称类型范围精度描述PESQScorefornarrow1. 1. 1 音频指标名称类型范围精度描述PESQ Score for narrow-band signals according to P.862 (PESQ Score) PESQ分数据P.862窄带信号(PESQ分数)。Overall PESQ Score (P862) 总体PESQ (P862)。-0.5 4.5 The PESQ Score according to P.862根据P.862的PESQ得分mfPESQScoreP862 配乐?Speech PESQ Score (P862) 语音PESQ (P862)。

2、-0.5 4.5 PESQ Score during active speech periods在活跃的时期PESQ讲话mfPESQScoreP862Speech配乐? MOS for narrow-band signals according to P.862.1 (MOS-LQO) 窄带根据P.862.1(MOS-LQO信号)。Overall MOS-LQO (P.862.1) 总体MOS-LQO(P.862.1)。 MOSLQO 1.02 4.56 PESQ score mapped to MOSLQO according to P.862.1 PESQ映射到MOSLQO根据P.862.

3、1 representing the overall quality 代表综合素质的提高mfMOSLQO_P862_1 Speech MOS-LQO (P.862.1) 语音MOS-LQO(P.862.1)。MOSLQO 1.02 4.56 PESQ score mapped to MOS-LQO according to P.862.1 PESQ映射到MOS-LQO依据P.862.1representing the quality of speech parts only 仅代表语音质量的部分mfMOSLQO_P862_1Speech Pause MOS-LQO (P.862.1) 暂停MO

4、SLQO 1.02 4.56 PESQ score mapped to MOSLQO according to P.862.1PESQ 映射到MOSLQO 依据P.862.1representing the quality of speech pauses only代表语音停下质量mfMOSLQO_P862_1Noise MOS for wide-band signals according to P.862.2 (MOS-LQO) 对宽带信号根据P.862.2(MOS-LQO)。Overall MOS-LQO (P.862.2) 总体MOS-LQO(P.862.2)。MOSLQO 1.04

5、4.64 PESQ score mapped to MOSLQO according to P.862.2 representing the overall quality PESQ 映射到MOSLQO依据P.862.2代表综合质量mfMOSLQO_P862_2 Speech MOS-LQO (P.862.2) 语音MOS-LQO(P.862.2)。MOSLQO 1.04 4.64 PESQ score mapped to MOS-LQO according to P.862.2 representing the quality of speech parts only PESQ映射到MOS-

6、LQO依据P.862.2仅代表语音质量的部分mfMOSLQO_P862_2Speech Transmission Distortions and Delay传输失真和延迟Minimum Transmission Delay最小的传送延迟ms | Shortest occurring delay between reference and test signal. ideal value 300ms最短的发生时间耽搁在参考和测试signal之间.理想值 300msmfMinDelay最小耽搁或推迟Maximum Transmission Delay最大的传输延迟ms | Largest occu

7、rring delay between reference and test signal. ideal value 300ms最长的发生时间耽搁在参考和测试signal之间.理想值 300msmfMaxDelay 最大耽搁或推迟Average Transmission Delay平均传输延迟ms | Average delay between reference and test signal. ideal value 300ms平均耽搁在参考和测试signal之间.理想值 0.9 (values below 0.35 indicates that the signals may be to

8、o different to be aligned temporally) 最高信号相关性的相应参考数和测试信号的理想值 0.9(价值低于0.35表明信号可能不同不能对齐mfBestUttCorrelation最高的话语的相关性Average Utterance Correlation平均话语的相关性float 0 1.0 Average signal correlation between corresponding utterances of reference and test signal ideal value is 0.9 (values below 0.35 indicates

9、that the signals may be too different to be aligned temporally) 平均信号相关性的相应参考数和测试信号的理想值 0.9(价值低于0.35表明信号可能不同不能对齐mfConfidenceMeasure信心测量Reliability of PESQ Results PESQ可靠的语音结果-enum PESQ_RESULT_RELIABILITY列举 PESQ_RESULT_RELI能力Result code for reliability of the measurement. 测量的可靠结果密码eReliabilityOfResult

10、可靠的结果 Codec Distortions / Background Noise编解码器扭曲/背景噪声SNR信噪比,dB -100; 300dB Signal to Noise Ratio typical range -7; 13dB信噪比典型的范围-7; 13dBmfSnr信噪比,SNR during Speech Bursts在语音脉冲中信噪比dB -100; 300dB SNR during speech bursts typical range -7; 13dB在语音脉冲中信噪比典型的范围-7; 13dBmfSnrSpeech 语音信噪比SNR during Speech Paus

11、es在语音停顿的信噪比dB -100; 300dB SNR during speech pauses typical range is -102; -7dB 在语音停顿的信噪比典型的范围-102; -7dBmfSnrSilent 信噪比沉默Quality vs. Time质量和时间PESQ Score vs. Time PESQ分数与时间-0.5 4.5 Buffer containing the PESQ score for each frame缓冲包含 PESQ对每一帧fpMosOverTime (iMosOverTimeBufferSize) 在Mos延长时间MOS-LQO vs. Ti

12、me MOS-LQO与时间MOSLQO 1.02 4.64 Buffer to hold the local MOS per frame mapped by either P.862.1 or P.862.2 depending on the input signals audio bandwidth缓冲区来保存地方MOS每帧映射被P.862.1或P.862.2取决于输入信号的音频的带宽fpMOSLQOOverTime (iMosOverTimeBufferSize) 在MOSLQO延长时间Level vs. Time水平与时间Signal Attenuation vs. Time信号衰减和时

13、间dB Attenuation between reference and test signal参考图和测试信号衰减之间fpLocalScale (iLocalScaleBufferSize) 局部比例Level Clipping Start Times 水平剪裁开始时间ms Vector with the start time of each level clipping period in the reference /test signal向量与起始时间周期的各个层面剪裁参考/测试信号ClippingStartRef ClippingStartTest (iNrClippingRef)

14、剪裁开始参考,剪辑开始测试Level Clipping Stop Times水平剪裁停止时间ms Vector with the stop time of each level clipping period in the reference/ test signal向量与各层次停止时间周期的剪裁参考/测试信号ClippingStopRef ClippingStartTest (iNrClippingRef) 剪裁停止参考,剪辑停止测试Signal Spectrum vs. Time 信号频谱和时间Reference Signal Spectrum vs. Time参考信号频谱和时间Spect

15、rogram of the reference signal (Hz scale) 光谱图上的参考信号(赫兹比例)。 ppfSpectrumRef (lNrFramesInSpectrogram, iNrBandsinHz) 光谱参考 光谱图Test Signal Spectrum vs. Time测试信号频谱和时间Spectrogram of the test signal (Hz scale) 光谱图上的测试信号(赫兹比例)。ppfSpectrumDeg (lNrFramesInSpectrogram, iNrBandsinHz) 光谱图程度Signal Loudness vs. Time

16、信号响度和时间Loudness Density of音量的密度Spectrogram of the reference图上的参考(lNrFramesInSpectrogram, 多窗口光谱图Reference Signal参考信号-signal (Bark scale) 信号(吠声比例)。iNrBandsinBark) 信号吠声ppfLoudnessDensityDeg 响度密度程度Loudness Density of Test响度密度的测试Spectrogram of the degraded图上的退化(lNrFramesInSpectrogram, 多窗口光谱图Signal信号-sign

17、al (Bark scale) 信号(吠声比例)。iNrBandsinBark) 信号吠声Loudness Density of NoiseSignal响度密度的噪音信号,Spectrogram of the NoiseLoudness (Bark scale) 图上的噪音(吠声规模)。ppfNoiseLoudnessGraph噪声响度曲线图(lNrFramesInSpectrogram, 多窗口光谱图iNrBandsinBark信号吠声VAD performance Indicators VAD性能指标。Front-End Clipping前端剪裁ms Vector with front-e

18、nd clipping time for each utterance向量与时间的前端剪裁的话语mpfFrontEndClipping (iNrUtterances) 前面最后剪裁Hang-Over Time延迟时间ms Vector with hold-over time for each utterance hold-over向量与时间对于每次话语mpfHoldOverTime (iNrUtterances) 保留时间Temporal Signal Structure暂时的信号结构Start of Utterances in Reference/ Test Signal在开始话语的参考/测试信号ms Vector with start

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