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1、高一英语阅读理解专项训练及答案阅读理解专项训练A. If you travel by air across the center of Africa or south . America , you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers .These great forests are the oceans of trees . There are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals . However , the worlds fo

2、rests are getting smaller all the time . We are cutting down the trees because we need wood , and we need more farm land . Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years . what will happen if they disappear ? If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals wi

3、ll disappear from the world . In a lot of places the new farm land will soon look like the old deserts . Crops will not grow there . It will not rain very often , and the weather will get very hot . Perhaps the climate of the world will change . This will be dangerous for everyone in the world . Tha

4、t is why we must take care of our forests ._1. The passage mainly tells us about _ . A. the importance of taking care of our plants B. the result of cutting down the trees C. the locations of great forests D. the reasons for forming the deserts_2. Which of the following is true according to the pass

5、age ? A. Africa and South America are the oceans of trees . B. Forests are homes for different kinds of animals . C. Forests are usually several square kilometers large D. Different plants cant be found in the same forest ._3. The need for more wood and more land results in _ . A. the change of the

6、world climate B. the disappearance of many plants and animals C. more deserts and less farm land . D. all of the above_4. What will happen in 20 or 30 years in some peoples view ? A. Well have more and greater forests . B. Well have enough land to support our people . C. Well have no forests like th

7、ose in the center of Africa . D. Well have enough wood to do some cooking ._5. The writer thinks _ . A. it dangerous for everyone to cut down the forests B. it necessary for everyone to protect the forests C. it important for everyone to take care of the worldD. it important for everyone to keep ani

8、malsB A traveller hurried down to the hall of an American hotel and went to the cash-desk . He had just 15 minutes to pay his bill and get to the station . Suddenly he remembered that he had left something in his room . Look here , boy , he said to the bellboy , run up to my room and see if I have l

9、eft a parcel on the table there . Be quick about it . The boy tan upstairs . Five minutes passed . The traveler was walking up and down the hall , looking very angry . At last the boy appeared . Yes , sir , he reported to te traveler , you have left the parcel there , its right the table in your roo

10、m . _6. The traveler _ . A. ran down the street B. came downstairs very much C. ran so quickly that he fell down D. came into the hotel hall very quickly_7. Which statement is true ? A. He had to pay his bill and arrived at the station in 15 minutes . B. It took him 15 minutes to go to the station f

11、rom the hotel. C. He could pay his bill in 15 minutes and then go to the station . D. He had nothing but 15 minutes ._8. According to the passage , a bellboy is _ . A. a boy whose work is to ring the bell B. a boy who plays with a bell C. a boy whose work in a hotel id to help guests with their bags

12、 D. the hotel owners boy_9. The traveler asked the boy _ . A. to go upstairs B. to look for his parcel C. to fetch the parcel he had left in his room D. only to see if the parcel was on the table in his room_10 . Five minutes later , the boy _ . A. ran up to the room B. came downstairs C. reported t

13、o the traveler in the roomD. came down to the hall but brought nothing backC Ted worked in a factory in a big town . He liked fishing very much , and was very good at it . Whenever he was free , he went to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch some fish , but there were very few ther

14、e , because the river was polluted . Then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel . Ive never fished in the sea before , he thought . It will be rather different from fishing in out river . On the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very happy .

15、He gave them to the owner of the hotel , and he cooked them for all the guests , and they enjoyed them very much . After that , he did this every day . But when Ted got his bill (账单)at the end of the week , he saw on it : For oil to cook fish ( 7 days) : $ 3.5 ._11. In the first paragraph , the word

16、 Polluted means _ . A. clean B. deep C. dirty D. wide_12. During the summer holidays one summer , Ted went to the seaside _ . A. to stay a cheap hotel B. to catch fish for the owner C. to cook fish for the guests D. to fish in the sea_13. Ted gave the fish to the hotel for _ . A. nothing B. money C.

17、 the guest D. the bill_14. When Ted got his bill , he felt _ . A. expensive B. surprise C. cheap D. pleased_15. Which of the following is TRUE ? A. Ted went fishing every day when he worked in a factory . B. Ted didnt want to pay money for his staying at the hotel because the owner and the guests at

18、e his fish . C. There were fewer fish in the river than in the sea .D. Ted thought it right for him to pay for the cook fish .D Tom had retired (退休)and lived by himself a long way from town . He seldom left his home . But one day he went into town to buy some things in the market, and after he had b

19、ought them , he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself . When he looked around , he saw several old people put eyeglasses o before reading their newspapers , so after lunch he decided to go to a store to buy himself some glasses too . He walked a long the road , and soon found a s

20、tore . The man in the store made him try on a lot of glasses , but Tom always said , No , I cant read with these . The man because more and more puzzles , until finally he said , Excuse me , but can you read at all ? No , of course I cant ! Tom said angrily , If I was already able to read , do you t

21、hink I could have come here to buy glasses ?_16. Tom lived _ . A. alone B. with his children C. happily D. with his wife_17. He _ to town . A. often B. sometimes C. didnt often go D. never went_18. The old people Tom found in the restaurant _ before reading their newspapers . A. were drinking someth

22、ing in the glasses B. put their glasses on C. took their glasses off D. looked around_19. The store Tom went into sold _ . A. window glasses B. glasses for drinking C. glasses for people who couldnt read D. glasses for people who could see well_20. Tom made a mistake that he _ . A. didnt try on all

23、the glasses in the store B. thought that all old people could understand words in newspapers with glasses on C. couldnt read D. didnt try a special kind of glassesE. These days experience , like many other things , are becoming increasingly expensive . One has to get to pay a lot to get , even an or

24、dinary one Not long ago , I wanted to invite m friends to a lunch . What we really need was a good and a quiet place for a talk , not a big meal . So I chose one and told my friends to go there . After I ordered , I was asked whether I would eat a 100 yuan or 200 yuan lunch , I said , 200 yuan . I d

25、idnt realize until I was asked to pay after lunch, that 200 yuan means 200 yuan for person each . There were five people that day , and all of us were surprises by the 200 yuan meal .The bill came at last : it was 1260 1000 for the five of us , plus the money for drinks , frits and air conditioning(

26、空调) . I paid the bill without a word . What could I say ? It was not their fault(过失). It was my own fault that made me pay the largest bill in my life . However , it was not so dad : we had a good lunch and at a quiet place . Besides , the experience will help in my later years . To support my idea,

27、 I have developed my own way of thinking about the price : 200 yuan for the lunch and 1060 for the experience . This paid experience has made me ten times wiser ._21. According to the passage , now one has to pay _ . A. more for a lunch in a restaurant B. more to get an ordinary lunch C. more for so

28、me experience C. increasingly high price_22. I ordered a lunch _ . A. so as to have a big lunch B. so that we could have a good meal C. in order to introduce my friends to the restaurant D. to have a talk in a good place_23. I thought I ordered a meal that would cost _ . A. me 100 yuan B. me 200 yua

29、n C. us 200 yuan each D. me 1260 yuan_24. The last sentence of the passage expressed _ . A. my thanks to the restaurant B. my happiness to be times wiser C. my anger at the experience D. my pleasure to have a good lunch_25. I paid the largest bill in my life because _ . A. the restaurant cheated the

30、 customers B. there was a misunderstanding between the restaurant and the customer C. I was unknown to the restaurantD. I knew little about the market pricesF One day a few years ago , a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine . He is a teacher at one of Londons big medical schools . He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture .

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