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1、英语新标准初中阶段初三上册M5Module 5 Museums(外研版 初三上)庄河市第三初级中学 李丽一、 教学内容分析:根据新教材“题材-功能-结构-任务”的编写原则来分析本模块的具体内容如下:本模块以“博物馆”为题材,比较详细地介绍了伦敦科技馆。功能是利用对话等相关内容展示了参观展馆时的一些注意事项以及应遵守的规则,并扩展到理解公共场所的常见规则标志等。任务是通过合作学习完成去博物馆参观的导游计划。语法是能给出指令并学习合成词的构词法。 第一单元是以听说为主,以对话的形式涉及参观博物馆时的一些注意事项及博物馆的规定等,呈现的语言主要是提醒别人不要做某事的表达方式,其中包括祈使句的否定形式

2、,情态动词,公共场所的提示标语等。 第二单元是阅读课文,以读写为主,听说兼顾,借Tony之口介绍伦敦科技馆,要求学生了解它和其他博物馆之间的不同之处。 第三单元是复习单元,复习巩固本模块的重点词汇并能在语境中熟练运用。通过大量的习题练习,归纳、总结了本模块的语法,完成了本模块的任务。二、 学习者分析:1、 学生们是初次学习构词法,兴趣会很浓,学习的积极性会很高。因此本模块的语法学生会很轻松地掌握。2、 学生们在学英语的过程中最大的障碍就是词汇,因此本模块的学习对学生来说是个机会,为词汇的学习和下一个模块的学习要作好铺垫。这个基础很重要。3、 学生们因为没亲自参观过博物馆,对本模块话题的学习是既

3、感兴趣又陌生,因此要运用各种学习策略,学好本模块知识,完成本模块任务。三、 教学目标分析: I.语言知识目标:1、语音:能掌握祈使句的语调。2、词汇:(1) 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:entry, familiar, attention, pay attention to, upstairs, guard, as well, downstairs, sculpture, either, experiment, unusual, work out, physics, sand, truck, wheel, position, rocket, travel, human, speed, obey

4、, above all, drop in, asas, communication, toilet.(2) 能够理解下列单词和词组:photography, sign, exhibit, launch pad, falling, court, store, cloakroom, inventor, caf.3、语法:能使用祈使句禁止某行为;能初步了解复合词。4、功能:能给指令;能理解公共场所提示标语。II、语言技能目标:1.听:能听懂并获取具体信息;能听懂指令。2.说:能发出指令,提示某人不要做某事。3.读:能读懂简单介绍博物馆的短文;读懂公共场所的常用提示标语;培养学生在阅读中通过速读来抓住

5、文章大意的能力;通过阅读使学生掌握文章中各段落之间的逻辑关系和文章结构;培养学生在阅读中辨认代词在上下文中指代的人或物的阅读技巧。4.写:能在写作中正确使用代词。III、学习策略目标:能注意公共场所的英语提示标语;学会有礼貌地向别人发出提示;能尝试运用多种表达方式表达同一个意思;学会与他人进行合作学习的策略。IV、文化意识目标:培养对博物馆的兴趣;通过了解伦敦科技馆,加强对西方文化的了解;引导学生注意在公共场所提示标语上中、外文化的异同。V、情感态度目标:引导学生提高自觉遵守公共规则的自觉性;使学生在了解博物馆的有关知识的同时,也增长了日常生活的常识。Unit 1 You mustnt tou

6、ch it.一、 教学目标分析:I.语言知识目标:1.语音:能掌握祈使句的语调。2.词汇:(1)掌握entry, familiar, attention, pay attention to, upstairs, guard, as well, downstairs, sculpture, either的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。(2)了解photography, sign的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。3.功能:能给指令;4.语法:能理解公共场所提示标语。II.语言技能目标:1.听:能听懂并获取具体信息;能听懂指令。2.说:能发出指令,提示某人不要做某事。句型为:No +n. No +v.

7、ing Dont +v. be not allowed to do sth.二、 教学步骤:Step I. Listening and vocabulary (Activities 1&2)1. Activity 1. Ask the students to read it individually, then talk about the meanings of the pictures, finally match the pictures with the phrases in the box. At the same time, ask them to pay attention to

8、 the structures of the sentences: No +n. / No. / Dont +v. /Another way of saying is “be not allowed to do sth.”设计意图:熟悉巩固生词,理解标志的意思,为下文学习做铺垫。2. Activity 2.First ask the students to read the vocabulary, then listen and underline the correct word in each sentence individually, finally check the

9、answers in groups and together, After that, read the sentences loudly.设计意图:训练听力,导入话题,为学习对话做好词汇准备。Step II Listen and read. (Activities Activity 3. Play the tape. Ask the students to listen and answer the question:“Is it a real sculpture?” Listen twice. Check it in groups and then togethe

10、r.设计意图:让学生通过听对话,了解对话的大意,为对话的细节学习打基础。2Ask the students to listen again. Do Activity 5. Choose the best answer. Check it in groups and then together.设计意图:让学生再次听对话,掌握对话的细节,培养学生听对话掌握大意的能力。3 Ask the students to read the conversation. And then do Activity 4. Make notes about what people cannot do in the m

11、useum. After that, listen again and check the answers in groups and together. Finally read the rules loudly.设计意图:让学生通过听、读对话,获取具体信息;学会使用指令性语言。4. Ask the students to read the conversation. Do the exercises about the conversation.(1).Lets go to the Science and _(科技) room.(2).Im looking forward to _(see

12、) the film.(3).Its _(违反) the rules. (4)._(等一会儿).(5).Lets go _(下楼).(6).Hes go off _(独自).(7).Look at this _ (令人吃惊的)_(雕像).(8).Look at the sign-“No _(照相).”(9).Pay attention to _(listen) to this song.(10)._(快点).Or we will be late.(11).Its _(有点) familiar.(12)._(难怪) it looks real.(13) I am familiar _(介词) t

13、he story.(14). The story is familiar _(介词) me.5. Play the tape again. Let the Ss to listen and repeat. Especially pay attention to the sentences in Activity 7. Make sure they use the correct stress for the underlined words. 设计意图:通过听音朗读对话,使学生完成本单元的语音目标,培养了学生朗读能力。6. Read the conversation in different

14、roles.设计意图:使学生再次熟悉对话内容,体会不同角色的语言,同时加深对指令性语言在具体语境中的运用的理解。7. Read the conversation individually. And find out the meanings of the words and phrases in Activity 6.Then do Activity 6.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and phrases in the box. Check in groups, then together.设计意图:掌握并

15、熟练运用对话中出现的词汇短语。Step III Practice . (Activity8)1. Activity8.Tell the partner about the rules for museums or libraries in different ways of saying. For example: Do it individually, check in groups and together.e.g. You cant use your camera in the museum.-Dont take photos in the museum.-No photography

16、in the museum.-You arent allowed to take photos in the museum.设计意图:让学生掌握博物馆或图书馆的有关规定,熟悉指令性语言的使用,培养学生的创新能力,同时训练学生说的能力。2Do exercises about the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box.No shouting, against, allowed, report, closed, downstairs, sculpture, funny, signs, No en

17、try, There are some _ in the museums. They are telling the rules to us with the pictures or words that can be easily understood. If we see “_”, we mustnt speak loudly. After seeing “_”,we cant enter the room. Taking photos is _the rules unless there isnt “No photography”. You are not _ to touch the

18、exhibits when you see the words “Dont touch”.Betty with two friends is visiting a museum. They have to write a _ for homework by Friday, but the two rooms are_. When they are going to the shop _, they cant find Daming. Wheres he? Hes standing very still, like a _ in order to frighten his friends, It

19、s very _.设计意图:掌握巩固本篇对话。Step IV. Consolidation.1. Ask the students to sum up: (1).the new vocabulary they learnt today. (2).the sentences which are used to express instructive ideas.设计意图:通过总结,使学生对本单元所学知识心中有数,易于复习掌握。2. Homework: (1). Tell other students about the rules for museums or libraries.(2). Re

20、tell the conversation.设计意图:让学生巩固本单元所学对话。三、(一)课堂试题评价:(见教学步骤中4 和练习中2) (二)课堂教学评价量表:1我能理解博物馆中的标志意思。2我能告诉别人不要去做某事。3我知道在博物馆里需要注意什么。4我学会并掌握了本单元的词汇。5我能熟练朗读本单元对话。6我能听懂并熟练使用指令性用语。Unit 2 Theres no shouting and no running.一、 教学目标分析:I.语言知识目标:词汇:(1)掌握experiment, unusual, work out, physics, sand, truck, wheel, pos

21、ition, rocket, travel, human, speed, obey, above all, drop in, asas的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。(2)了解launch pad, falling的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。II.语言技能目标:1. 读:能读懂简单介绍博物馆的短文;培养学生在阅读中通过速读来抓住文章大意的能力;通过阅读使学生掌握文章中各段落之间的逻辑关系和文章结构;培养学生在阅读中辨认代词在上下文中指代的人或物的阅读技巧。2. 写:能在写作中正确使用代词。III.学习策略目标:学会与他人进行合作学习的策略。IV.文化意识目标:培养对博物馆的兴趣;通过了解伦

22、敦科技馆,加强对西方文化的了解;引导学生注意在公共场所提示标语上中、外文化的异同。V. 情感态度目标:引导学生提高自觉遵守公共规则的自觉性;使学生在了解博物馆的有关知识的同时,也增长了日常生活的常识。二、 教学步骤:Step I Revision.1. Greetings.2. Ask the students to say some rules for museums or libraries. Then retell the conversation in Unit 1.设计意图:巩固第一单元所学知识,体会指令性语言的运用,为本单元课文学习做铺垫。Step II. Reading and

23、vocabulary. (Activity 1)Books open. Look at the pictures, read it first, and talk about the differences in two museums. Use the words in the box. Check in groups.设计意图:激活学生思维,导入话题;扫清障碍,为阅读做准备。Step III. Reading (Activities Read the passage silently. Answer the question: How much does it cos

24、t to go in the Science Museum? (Activity 5中3)设计意图:通过默读,培养学生抓住文章大意的能力。2. The teacher shows the paragraphs and the main ideas to the students, and ask them to read it silently and quickly and match it. First in pairs, then check in groups and together.Paragraph 1 the rooms which the writer visitParagr

25、aphs 2-4 the differences between the Science Museum and usual museumsParagraphs 56 the cost, rules, open time of the Science Museum设计意图:在前一环节的基础上继续熟悉课文大意,掌握课文结构,为下一步课文学习打好基础。3. 精读第一部分:(1).Read Paragraph 1. Answer the question: In what way is the Science Museum different from other museums? (Activity

26、 2中1)板书;difference usual museums - no shouting, no running, Dont touch the exhibits. the Science Museum- noisy / fun to visit .becausework out/ try out (2).Retell the paragraph 1 according to the phrases above.设计意图:巩固该段所学内容。(3).Do Activity 4中1.2 设计意图:培养学生在阅读中辨认代词在上下文中指代的人或物的阅读技巧。(4).Play the tape fo

27、r the students to listen and repeat.设计意图: 培养语感,规范朗读。4.精读第二部分:Paragraphs 2-4 (1) Ask and answer some questions about it. Do it individually, then check in groups and together.a. Where does Tony go when he visits the Science Museum? (Activity 2中2)b. What kind of physics experiments can Tony do at the

28、Launch Pad? (Activity 5中1)c. What can Tony learn in the Rocket Show?d. What can Tony try out in the Human and Nature room? (Activity 5中2)e. What else is there to see in the Science Museum? (Activity 2中3)设计意图:学生通过问题小组合作找出答案,培养了他们小组合作意识。同时准确理解文章细节。(2).Play the tape for the students to listen and repea

29、t.设计意图: 培养语感,规范朗读5 精读第三部分:Paragraphs 56 (1) Ask and answer some questions about it. Do it individually, then check in groups and together.a. What rules should be obeyed in the Science Museum?b. How much does it cost to go in the Science Museum? (Activity 5中3)c. For how long can you stay at the Scien

30、ce Museum? (Activity 5中4)设计意图:学生通过问题小组合作找出答案,培养了他们小组合作意识。同时准确理解文章细节。(2) Do Activity 4中3.设计意图:培养学生在阅读中辨认代词在上下文中指代的人或物的阅读技巧。(3) Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.设计意图: 培养语感,规范朗读6. Read the passage again. Do Activity 3. Complete the table.设计意图: 通过阅读,加强对文章细节的理解。Step IV. Writing. (Activities 6&7)1. Activity 6.Complete the passage with “it, they, that and there”. Ask the students to pay attention to the use of them.设计意图: 培养学生正确使用代词的能力。2 Activity 7. Complete the table in Activity 3 for their favourite museum. Write a sh

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