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本文(最新冀教版英语七年级上册词句识记与语法知识点微测试及解析精编试题.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新冀教版英语七年级上册词句识记与语法知识点微测试及解析精编试题冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Colours and clothes 词句识记与语法知识点微测试微测1(知识识记个,语法点个)( )1.Whos that man _a white shirt? He is MrWu A.for D.on正确答案是C解析句意:那个穿白色衬衫的男士是谁啊?他是吴老师。考查固定短语in+衣物表示穿着什么衣服,做定语用来修饰前面的the man,故选C。( )2.It is kind the doctor to spend all the time he had after th

2、e patients A.for; look B.of; look C.for; looking D.of; looking正确答案是D解析句意:这位医生花费了他所有的时间来照顾这些病人们,真是太好了。此句中he had做的是定语修饰time,考查的是spend some time doing something花费时间做某事;it is kind of sb to do 某人做了某事,某人真是太好了。 根据句意,故选D。( )3.Why not let _ help you? friend and I friend and me C.I and my friend D.m

3、y friend and I to正确答案是B解析句意:为什么不让我的朋友和我来帮你呀?人称代词有个先人后己原则,并且做动词let的宾语,应用宾格形式,根据句意,故选B。( )4.What are those? _ buses A.Its B.Those are C.They are正确答案是C解析句意:那些是什么?它们是公交车。此题考查特殊疑问句的回答,those应用they代替,故选C。( )5.No one can be successful _ hard work. A.through B.for C.with D.without正确答案是D解析试题分析:句意为:不努力没有人能够成功。

4、through:通过, for:为了, with:带着, without:没有。根据语境可知应选D。( )6.I have a pair of gloves. One is on the bed, but I cant find _. A.the other B.other C.others D.Another正确答案是A解析试题分析:句意:我有一双手套,一只在床上,但我找不到另一只了。根据句意两者中另一个应用the other表示,所以此题选A。( )7._the trousers? Theyre very nice. They feel soft and smooth. A.What do

5、 you think of B.What do you like C.How do you do D.How would you like正确答案是A解析试题分析:句意:你认为这裤子怎么样?非常好,它摸起来又软又滑。根据句意“你认为怎么样?”是What do you think of.?/How do you like.?所以此题选A。( )8.Let me _ you _our school, OK? Yes, please. show, around, for, around show, for正确答案是C解析试题分析:句意:-让我领你参观我

6、们的学校,好吗?-好的,请。此题考查固定句式let sb do sth让某人做某事和show sb around sp领某人参观某地,根据句意,故选C。( )9.Jim plans _ his friends during the summer holiday. visiting B.visits visit D.Visit正确答案是C解析试题分析:句意: Jim计划在暑假期间拜访他的朋友。此题根据plan to do 的固定搭配即可得知答案 to visit在初中英语中want、plan、would like、promise、等动词后面经常考察非谓语动词to do不定式。

7、故选C。( )10.We usually have our school trip a morning of April. D.on正确答案是D解析试题分析:on+具体的日期; on a morning of April.在四月份的早上;句意:我们通常举行学校郊游在四月份的早上。结合句意,故选D微测(知识识记个,语法点个)( )1.This is a photo _ my family. A.for C.of D.on正确答案是C解析句意:这是我的一张全家福。此题考查固定短语a photo of my family我的全家福;根据句意,故选C。( )._

8、 do you go walking? Three times a week. A.How long B.How much C.How often D.How many正确答案是C解析你多久散一次步?一周三次。AHow long多长; BHow much多少;(提问不可数名词) CHow often 多久一次; DHow many多少,(提问可数名词)根据答语此题是提问频率,故选C。( ).Is Mr Wang your English teacher, Li Lei _. A.Yes, she is B.Yes, shes C.No, he isnt D.No, she isnt正确答案是C

9、解析句意:李雷,王先生是你的英语老师吗?不,他不是。Mr Wang是男名,代替Mr Wang用代词he,故选C。( ).-Are these your goldfish? - Yes, please give _ to _. A.they; me B.them; I C.they; I D.them ; me正确答案是D解析试题分析:句意为:-这些是你的金鱼吗?-请把它们给回我。give sth to sb是固定短语,表示“把某物给某人”。其中,指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语,代词应用宾格。由于指物的是“这些金鱼”,代词用复数。故选D。( ).Are _ Kates _? A.this,

10、book B.that,book C.these,books D.those,book正确答案是C解析试题分析:this这个;that那个;those这些。根据本句系动词are,可知代词和名词都要用复数,选C。( ).They cant mend the shoes,we cant A.too B.also C.either D.neither正确答案是C解析试题分析:句意:他们不会修鞋,我们也不会。否定句中的也用either。too, 也,用于句末;also也,放在句中。neither两者一个也不是。因此,选C。( ).-Jim! _ “yellow”, please. - Y-E-L-L-

11、O-W. A.Say B.Spell C.Answer D.Whats正确答案是B解析试题分析:句意:吉姆!请拼写“黄色”。- Y-E-L-L-O-WSay说;Spell拼写;Answer回答;Whats什么是。根据答语可知该选B。考点:考查动词辨析。( ).Miss Chen can help _ with our English. A.we B.Your C.us正确答案是C解析试题分析:句意:陈小姐可以帮助我们学英语。所填代词跟在及物动词help之后作宾语,因此该用人称代词的宾格形式,所以选C。考点:考查人称代词。( ).I go to school with Wang Bin ever

12、y morning. Wang Bins father takes_ to school by car. B.him D.them正确答案是C解析试题分析:句意:我每天早上和王斌去上学,王斌的爸爸用车带我们去学校。根据题干分析此空作take的宾语,代指的是我们,所以用us,故选C。( )1._? Two hundred yuan. A.How much is this apple B.How is your schoolbag C.How much is that recorder D.How do you like this recorder正确答案是C解析句意:那个录音

13、机多少钱?二百元。A. How much is this apple 这个苹果多少钱? B. How is your schoolbag你的书包怎么样?C. How much is that recorder 呢个录音机多少钱? D. How do you like this recorder你认为这个录音机怎么样?根据Two hundred yuan.可知这是对价钱提问,故排除BD两项。结合常识,应是一个录音机二百元。故选C。微测(知识识记5个,语法点4个) ( )1.Excuse me. How much is the shirt? _. A.Extra Large B.50 each C

14、.It sells well D.Altogether there are 5正确答案是B解析本题考查交际用语。句意为“打扰一下,这衬衫多少钱?”“ 。”A意为“超大号”,B意为“每件50”C意为“它很畅销”,D意为“总共有5(件)”。根据语境,故选B。( ). Would you like_. No, thanks. Im full. A.something else B.else somethingC.anything else D.else anything正确答案是A解析句意:你想要其他一些东西吗?不,谢谢。我吃饱了。else修饰不定代词时位于不定代词的后面,故排除BD两项。anyth

15、ing用于否定句和一般疑问句;something用于肯定句,或者表示要求建议的一般疑问句中,Would you like?表示你想要吗?这是委婉的提出请求或建议,故用something,故选A。( ).Would you like_to eat? No. thanks. Id like_to drink. A.something, anything B.something, something C.anything, something D.anything, anything正确答案是B解析在表示提建议的疑问句型中用something不用anything。意为“你想来点吃的吗?”。答语“我想

16、要一些喝的。”是肯定句,也用something。故选B.( ).Could you buy us_drinks? Sorry, I dont have_money. A.any; any B.any; some C.some; some D.some; any正确答案是D解析前文希望别人帮忙买饮料,应用some,后文表示没有钱,否定句用any。故答案为:D( )5.Do your friends often communicate with you on wechat微信? Yes. Sometimes. Its_we enjoy doing at weekends. A.something

17、B.anything C.everything D.nothing正确答案是A解析句意:你的朋友经常和你用微信交谈吗?是的,偶尔。那是我们周末都喜欢做的事情。A某事,有事B任何事情C一切D没有事情。根据句意,故选A。( )6.Would you like something to eat? 一Some_, please. A.rices B.fishes C.tomatoes正确答案是C解析句意:你想要一些吃的吗?来一些土豆吧。rice米饭,不可数名词。fish鱼肉,不可数名词。tomatoes土豆,可数名词,根据句意和结构,故选C。( )7.What_it is to go swimming

18、 in_ weather! A.a great fun; so fine B.a great fun; such a fine C.great fun; so fine a D.great fun; such fine正确答案是D解析感叹句一般有两种结构:what +(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!名词是复数或不可数名词,不加a/形容词+主语+谓语!fun不可数名词。so、such 区别So,如此,那么,用法是so+形容词,such,如此,那么。用法是:such+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词,weather不可数名词,故选D( )8.Which of the follo

19、wing is not true? A.The computer doesnt work. B.Theres something wrong with my computer. C.The computer has something wrong. D.Something is wrong with my computer.正确答案是C解析句意:下面那一项是错误的。A.The computer doesnt work. 电脑不工作了; B. Theres something wrong with my computer. 电脑有毛病了;C. The computer has something wrong. 这里不能用这种表达方式; D. Something is wrong with my computer.这里是句式Something is wrong with sth某物有毛病了。故选C。( )9._would you like? Strawberry and banana ice cream. A.What kind of dessert B.What size bowl of dessert C.What kind of noodles D.What size bowl of soup正确答案是A解析根据回答草莓香蕉冰激凌,可知上句问你想要什么甜点,故选A。

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