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1、雅思口语描述一件衣服雅思口语描述一件衣服虽然每天出门都会把自己捯饬的光鲜亮丽,可是到了要开口描述的时候却不知道该如何下手了。下面是雅思口语描述一件衣服的方法,跟小编一起来了解下吧。雅思口语描述一件衣服Describe your favorite piece of clothingYou should say:What it looks likeWhere did you get itWhy do you like itAnd when do you wear it口语范文:1.适合人群:全适合2.主题:深蓝色防水外套3.故事线:网购的一件深蓝色运动防水外套,实用且多功能,适合英国阴雨的季节。I

2、m going to describe a coat that I often wear at the moment. The coat is dark blue in colour, and its made out of a lightweight, waterproof material, which makes it perfect for wearing at this time of year here in the UK. It also has a detachable hood, which I used yesterday when it was raining, and

3、various pockets on the outside and on the inside.I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the weather started to get colder. It was easy to buy because I had had the exact same coat before; my old coat was starting to look a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version. As I kn

4、ew which size I needed, I simply went online and found the best offer; I bought it through a shopping website, and it was delivered to my house a few days later.As I said, Im wearing this coat a lot at the moment. Its my everyday coat for going to work or for when I go out shopping or for any other

5、reason.The reason why I like this coat is that its so practical and functional. Its waterproof and it keeps me warm, but it also comes in handy for carrying things like my phone, wallet, loose change, a pen, and even a notebook; I tend to fill my pockets with whatever I can. It even folds up small e

6、nough to fit in my bag when I dont need it.4.口语高分语料:地道用词:detachable hood 可拆卸的帽子be worn out 破旧everyday coat 常服practical and functional 实用型和功能型loose change 零钱come in handy 迟早有用高分句型:its made out of a lightweight, waterproof material, which makes it perfect for wearing at this time of year here in the U

7、 old coat was starting to look a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version.雅思口语如何描述一件衣服Describe your favorite piece of clothingYou should say:What it looks likeWhere did you get itWhy do you like itAnd when do you wear it口语范文:1.适合人群:全适用2.主题:一件穿了多年的运动速干衬衣3.故事线:这款运动速干衬衣是作者去东南亚旅行前购买,非常适合东南亚潮湿

8、的气候,衬衣的高度舒适性和速干特性另她爱不释手。Ooh, favourite item of clothing! Im not much of a clothes horse to be honest, Im not very interested in fashion so at first I thought this topic might be quite hard. However, Ive thought of one. Ill tell you what it is, when and why I bought it and why I like it so much.The i

9、tem is in itself unremarkable. It is a purple crag hoppers long-sleeved shirt. It is made of a quick-drying poly cotton blend and the fabric has some stretchy qualities which make it easy to wear. The fabric keeps out the sun, and the design incorporates a couple of pockets, one of which has a zip s

10、o you can keep small items securely on your person. It is designed as a travel shirt, and to be honest, was rather expensive compared to clothes I would normally buy.I bought the shirt online ahead of travelling to South East Asia. It was just coming out of winter in the UK, but Id be going to a hot

11、 climate. I wanted something lightweight and comfortable to take with me. It was the wrong time of year to be browsing shops in England, they were all still full of winter clothes, so I just had to trust the description on the site that this would be a good buy, but I was nervous in case it didnt fi

12、t or wasnt practical. I shouldnt have worried.I LOVE this shirt. It is incredibly comfortable to wear, the colour suits me quite well, and even though it is designed as a travel shirt, its actually smart enough to wear for work if you match it with some respectable trousers (or a skirt I suppose, bu

13、t I never wear skirts!). It washes brilliantly, and if you shake it out and put it on a hanger it dries crease-free within an hour or so. The hidden pocket is handy for carrying emergency cash on your person, and I like to have a hanky with me too there is a pocket for that as well. Because the shir

14、t is so comfy, and much harder wearing than I expected, I wore it almost all the time on my travels. This means that the shirt is now linked to very many happy memories of places Ive been, people Ive met and adventures Ive had. I wish Id bought loads of them at the same time. Ill be heart-broken whe

15、n it eventually wears out as one day it surely must.Talking about it has got me thinking would it really hurt to have another quick look at their travel clothes website once again? You never know, perhaps theyll have a sale on and it would be shame to miss out.4.口语高分语料:地道用词: clothes horse 晾衣架quick-d

16、rying poly cotton blend 速干混纺keeps out the sun 遮住阳光ahead of travelling 旅行前come out 出现emergency cash紧急兑现高分句型:This means that the shirt is now linked to very many happy memories of places Ive been, people Ive met and adventures Ive had.Ill be heart-broken when it eventually wears out as one day it sure

17、ly must.雅思口语描述衣服怎么说1.适合人群:全适用2.主题:牛仔衬衫3.故事线:网购来的一件深蓝色运动防水外套,适合英国阴雨的季节。People around the world wear different sorts of dresses and due to geographical location and seasonal changes, the attires vary. I always prefer wearing jeans clothes, especially jeans pant and shirt.Jeans are common clothing item

18、s and are available around the world and mostly popular among the youths who are of my age. I wear jeans pant and shirt always even when I attend in any formal occasion. The most important benefit of wearing jeans clothing is that they do not become dirty as easily as the other types of clothes do.

19、Moreover, you can have the pant and shirt of all size and shape and are sold at a reasonable price. They are found in different colours and attractive designs too. It makes the look smarter in some cases than the formal attires.Usually, the jeans cloth is like all the other available clothes, and pr

20、oduced from jean fabric but it is special in the sense that it lasts longer than the other clothes. Jeans is a bit heavier in weight and thus the attires made with the cloths are of higher quality. Besides, the colours are also attractive and able to get attentions of the surrounding people for the

21、distinguished design. The pants and shirts made with jeans cloths are like usual shirt and pants but you can use them both for formal and informal purposes whereas the other clothes are not suitable to serve the same purpose simultaneously.4.口语高分语料:地道用词:be available around the world 世界各地都有attires 盛装

22、of my age 属于自己的年纪a reasonable price 合理的价格高分句型:I always prefer wearing jeans clothes, especially jeans pant and shirt.Jeans are common clothing items and are available around the world and mostly popular among the youths who are of my age.The pants and shirts made with jeans cloths are like usual shi

23、rt and pants but you can use them both for formal and informal purposes whereas the other clothes are not suitable to serve the same purpose simultaneously.雅思口语描述你最喜欢的衣服Describe your favorite piece of clothing,You should say:what it looks like;how often you wear it;Where you got itand explain why it

24、 is your favorite首先是衣服的材质cotton 棉polyester 聚酯纤维,化纤woolen 羊毛chiffon雪纺linen 亚麻silk 丝绸另外就是衣服的来源,我们可以从网购,朋友赠送,商场购买等几个途径展开;I bought this shirt from a really fancy shopping mall and I still remember I tried it on for several times to make sure it looked good on me.有些小伙伴喜欢网购,就可讲:Im not a mall rat at all, s

25、o, I tend to do some online shopping which is rather energy-effective.对于购买目的及试穿效果也可以做简单的描述,尤其是可以从为什么喜欢这件衣服的原因上下手。举个例子:I love this shirt a lot since the color agrees with my skin. More importantly, it makes me look pretty professional and mature.再来一个给女同学们用的例子:Its a lemon yellow dress which adds great

26、 charm to me when Im in it. And most of my friends said that I look slimmer because of this dress.对于女生来说,穿上美美的才是最重要的!附上参考范文:My favorite piece of clothing is a cheongsam which is a kind of traditional female dress with distinctive Chinese features. Although this kind of female dress could date back t

27、o, ah, let me see, probably Qing Dynasty, it really enjoys a growing popularity in the international world of high fashion as well as common peoples everyday lives in China.I received this dress from my grandma on last Spring Festival. To be quite honest with you, it was a big surprise since I was s

28、o used to the red envelops (with cash inside) from her. So, as you could imagine, how pleasantly surprised I was! Well, its a light pink one since grandma knew that red was just not my cup of tea. It has closed collar, high neck and its sleeves are medium. The dress is buttoned on the right side, wi

29、th a loose chest, a fitting waist, and slits up from the sides. You know, I just love those handmade buttons which are so curiously-designed! I could never do the needle work like that!Its made of pure silk which is best of the best and I used to wear it 6 days in a row cause it feels so comfortable and almost everyone loves it. Plus, grandmas happy to see how much I love this dress! And I love it even more since its from my grandma. Its the best ever surprise Ive got.雅思口语描述一件衣服

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