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1、本科毕业设计谈日常用品广告英译汉的特色 论文编号: 华南师范大学增城学院本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目:谈日常用品广告英译汉的特色姓 名:周燕雯 学 号:060114409 系 别: 外语系 专业班级: 商务英语 指导教师: 翁涛 2010年 4 月 21 日On English-Chinese Translation Features of Daily Necessities AdvertisementsA Thesis Submittedto the Department of Foreign Languages Zengcheng College of South China Normal

2、 Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Zhou YanwenTutor:Weng TaoAPR 21, 2010ContentsAbstract i中文摘要 ii1. Introduction 11.1 Significance of the study 11.2 Research Questions and purpose of the study 11.3 Structures of the thesis 22.Literature Review 3

3、3. Description of Advertisements 53.1 Definition of an Advertisement 53.2 Main Functions of an Advertisement 53.3 Elements of an Advertisement 53.4 Definition of Daily Necessities Advertisements 64. Language Features of Daily Necessities Advertisements 84.1 Lexical words 84.2 Rhetorical Figures in A

4、dvertisement English 104.3 Syntactic Features 115. Translation Principles and Skills of Daily Necessities Advertisements 135.1 Conciseness 135.2 Smoothness 135.3 Literaltranslationandfreetranslation 146. Conclusions 16Bibliography 17Acknowledgements 18AbstractWith Chinas accession to the WTO,all inc

5、reasing number of Chinese enterprises and commodities have the opportunity to enter the international market,but at the same time more and more foreign enterprises and their products are entering the domestic market.In market-competing battle,the most powerful weapon is advertisementEvery year many

6、companies in different countries are to pay a large sum of money for the shaping of their corporate image and promote their own products. For both Chinese and foreign enterprises,there is all advertisement internationalization problem,that is product advertising translation Under this situation, it

7、is very indispensable to translate the advertisement timely, correctly and efficiently to promote the information exchange both at home and abroad in order to improve the economic development.Advertisements are not only an economic activity promoting sales and services, but also a carrier, which set

8、s great influences on our life styles and consumption habits. Especially for the daily necessities, which is more common in our everyday life, we see the products everywhere; we use the products every minute; we watch the advertisements every means of broadcast. So that so far, it is very important

9、for us to learn the characteristics of advertisement, and English to Chinese translation is a must to reach this goal.This thesis focuses on the features of the language, especially for the words, rhetoric, sentences; and some basic principles that should be observed when translators try to translat

10、e the original advertisements. Such researches are served for the themedaily necessities. Also, some methods are introduced good quality of advertising translation. This thesis aims at achieving a better understanding translation process and raising a positive influence on the research at home and a

11、broad.Key words: English advertisement;daily necessities; characteristics;translation中文摘要随着我国加入世界贸易组织,越来越多的中国企业和商品都有机会进入国际市场,但同时也有越来越多的外国企业及其产品不断进入国内市场。在这种产品市场的争夺战中,最有力的武器就是商业广告,各个国家,各个企业每年都会支付一笔庞大的费用用于塑造自己的企业形象、宣传自己的各种产品。在经济全球化的2l世纪里,广告宣传的国际化趋势将会越来越明显、越来越激烈。无论是中国企业还是外国企业,都存在着一个广告国际化、全球化问题即商品广告的翻译问题

12、。广告是一种经济活动,是对商品和服务的一种促销手段,但广告同时又是一种载体,它对人们的生活方式和消费习惯会产生一定的影响。特别是对日常用品广告,广告产品随处可见,时常使用广告产品;时常可见产品广告。由此可见,对于研究广告的特点显得异常重要,英译汉也凸显其达到目的的必要性。本文介绍广告的语言特点,着重介绍其语言,修辞,句子,提出广告翻译中必须遵循的原则。以上所有研究都服务于文章主体-日常用品广告。同时,在论述提高广告翻译的质量时采用了一些翻译的方法。本文旨在使广告翻译者对广告翻译过程有更好的理解,以及对国内外的研究起到一定的积极作用。关键字:英语广告;日常用品;特点;翻译1. Introduct

13、ion1.1 Significance of the studyAdvertisements are with us all the time: whenever we open a newspaper or a magazine, turn on the TV, or look at the billboards in the stations or on buildings, people are confronted with advertisements. It can be said that advertisements have penetrated almost every a

14、spect of society. Whats more, with opening up to the outside world, establishment of the socialist market system and Chinas entry into WTO, more and more foreign products have entered Chinas consumption market while English advertisements are rushing into our life. These famous world-renowned brands

15、 including Macdonald, Kodak and Coca-Cola can be seen everywhere. It seems that we are living a foreign life without going abroad. Since English advertisements play an important role in the modern social life, it is of great value to make the study of English advertisements and their translation. On

16、 one hand, it is necessary for people to be aware of some basic knowledge about English advertisements. Only in this way can people comprehend, appreciate and translate English advertisements better to fully achieve their communicative and commercial functions. On the other hand, advertising transla

17、tion has become one of the most important marketing strategies to many corporations.Since advertising language forms direct communication between the producer and the target consumers, the content it conveys should be informative and persuasive to impress customers and get their ideas into buying ac

18、tion. To achieve the ideal effect, advertising translator should attempt to offer other customers a concise, elegant and attractive version of target text.1.2 Research Questions and purpose of the study Opposed to the long tradition of analysis in various kinds of advertisements translation, this th

19、esis looks at the other side of the advertising translation by studying the characteristics of the daily necessities advertisements from English to Chinese translation and the basic principles, etc. Three research questions are asked in the study:1) What are the features of the English to Chinese tr

20、anslation of daily necessities advertisements?2) How to deal with the daily necessities advertisements translation well?3) What are the principles of the English to Chinese translation of daily necessities?The thesis will focus on the language features of English advertisements at wording characteri

21、stics, syntax and rhetorical devices. It is hoped that through the discussion of these three parts, the linguistic features of advertising English will be clearly illustrated and helps will be provided for those English learners in understanding and appreciating English advertisements.1.3 Structures

22、 of the thesisWith the above part as all introduction to this thesisthe rest expands the theme ideas as follows:Chapter Two Literature Review, about the study home and aboard.Chapter Three Description of Advertisements describes the defintion, functions and elements of the advertisements.Chapter Fou

23、r Language Features of Daily Necessities Advertisements ,explores the language of advertising in terms of three levels:wording features,syntax features and figures of rhetoric of this thesisChapter Five Translation Principles and Skills of Daily Necessities Advertisements is also the main concern of

24、 this thesis.Chapter Six Conclusions ends with the conclusions and suggestions for further study92. Literature Review2.1 Foreign Scholar ContributionsThe study of language of advertising from a linguistic perspective has been attempted by several scholars(Leech 1966;Kumar 1978;Gopal 1980;Geis 1982;

25、Vestergaard and Schrodder 1985)Leech(1966),in his pioneering and comprehensive study on English in advertisinganalyzed in detail different aspects pertaining to grammar,vocabulary, discourse and rhyme and rhetoric of advertising with special reference to television He effectively related these aspec

26、ts to the functional factors such as attention Value, memorability and selling powerIllustration, display typography, vocal emphasis,prompt spelling,grammatical solcism,metaphor and paradox ale some of the aspects linked with attention valueSimple and colloquial style and familiar vocabulary are con

27、nected with readabilityGeis (1982) made an attempt to describe how language is used in American advertising, especially television advertisingHe focused on certain linguistic devices that figure most prominently in advertisingVestergaard and Schroder (1985) studied the language use in commercial pre

28、ss advertising in relationship with communicative functions of language such as expressive,directive,informational, metalingual,interactional,comextual and poetic and the five advertising functions2.2 Chinese Scholars ContributionsIn this field,Chinese scholars has not only assimilate foreign expert

29、sresearch findings,but also pushed this study forward,in particular to the relationship between cross-culture and advertising EnglishAdvertising English is one of the examples of English for special purposes,which demands the appropriate language to be equal to its functions or purposesAs to adverti

30、sing functions,Ma Jianqing(1997)presented his AIDA theory in his book. The Psychology in Modern Advertising, in which he claims that AIDA is the most popular and classic theory in foreign countriesIt represents the four English words:attention, interest, desire and actionAttention means that a good

31、advertisement should get consumersattention to its products, services or ideasInterest means that the introduction of the advertising should arouse consumersgreat interest in what is advertised in itDesire means that the publicity of advertising should create consumersdesire to buy the products or a

32、ccept the ideasAnd action means that the advertisement can finally urge eonsurflers to take action of purchasing to satisfy their desirability, which is the ultimate purpose of advertising. AIDA is regarded not only as the principle of advertisement-making, but also as the consumerspsychological reflection in advertising process2.3 Their ShortcomingsInspiring and pioneering as they are,their paradoxical ideas are still to be desired in some

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