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1、高中英语一轮复习BOOK5 UNIT21主语read/write/act/iron/cut/draw/drive/sell/wash/clean/wear/open/cook/lock/shut/dry/eat/drinkwell/easily.,常用来表示对事物的特性加以描述This coat dries easily.这种外衣容易干。Nylon cleans easily.尼龙容易洗干净。2主语be(或其他系动词)easy/difficult/hard/cheap/expensive/fit/nice/dangerous/comfortable/exciting/heavy/importa

2、nt/interestingto doIt seems that the box is easy to carry.那个箱子似乎搬起来很容易。The bench is comfortable to sit on.这个长凳坐起来很舒服。3主语can/couldnever.enough/too.You can never be careful enough when you cross the road.You can never be too careful when you cross the road.过马路时怎么小心也不为过。81do harm to.对有害/不利82organize a

3、series of interesting activities组织一系列有趣的活动83acquire various types of knowledge and skills获得各种各样的知识与技能84raise ones awareness of.提高某人的意识85be quite familiar with the students十分了解学生86learn to depend on oneself学会自立87improve the quality of life提高生活质量88have a positive/negative effect on sb.对某人产生正面/负面影响89be

4、 really beneficial to.对非常有益90take good advantage of.充分利用的价值.词汇与派生1clarify vt.澄清;阐明 clarify说得清楚一些2conflict n矛盾;冲突 conflict with sb.和某人存在分歧/争执3unwilling adj.不愿意的,不乐意的be (un)willing sth.(不)愿意去做某事4convenience n方便;便利 sb.s convenience在方便时;在适宜的地点5attract vt.吸引;引起注意attract ones 吸引某人的注意6furnished adj.配备好装备的;

5、带家具的furnish. .用布置(房间等);用配备/装备7 prep.加上;和;adj.加的;正的;零上的(反义词)minus8quarrel n争吵;争论;吵架;vi.争吵;吵架quarrel sb. sth.和某人就/因某事争吵,吵架9arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理 arranged按照安排;按时10delight n快乐;高兴;喜悦;vt.使高兴;使欣喜 delight高兴地 one s delight令某人高兴的是11thrill vt.使激动;使胆战心惊be thrilled sth./to do sth.某事使某人激动、兴奋(某人对感到激动、兴奋)1unite vi.&

6、vt.联合;团结 adj.联合的,统一的;团结的2consist vi.组成;在于;一致 adj.一致的3accomplish vt.完成;达到;实现 n成就;成绩4rough adj.粗糙的;粗暴的 adv.粗略地;粗糙地5collection n收藏品;珍藏;收集 vt.收集;收藏6enjoyable adj.令人愉快的;使人高兴的 vt.享受;喜爱7description n描写;描述 vt.描写;描述8possibility n可能(性) adj.(不)可能的9alike adj.相同的;类似的 adj.类似的,相似的10fold vt.折叠;对折 vt.打开,展开The sights

7、eeing is delightful,enjoyable,and even thrilling.The attraction of the splendid statues there is beyond description.学情自测根据句意用框中所给词的适当形式填空1.The citys bright lights,theatres and films are that are hard to avoid.2If it is to you,I will visit you next weekend.3The company will for a taxi to meet you at

8、the airport.4To the of the children,they found many toys at the party.5The in this book are beautiful.6The factory is well with modern equipment.7One two is three.8They with each other but soon made up.9The two sisters are very much .10I hope (that) this can my position (立场).短语与拓展1 由组成be made of.由组成

9、2 把分成separate. .把分隔开3 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下4 省去;遗漏;不考虑leave 使落后5 提及,谈到;参与6 在特殊场合7 为了纪念(同义短语)in of.8 对感到自豪take pride 以为骄傲学情自测用介、副词填空1The Group of Eight consists the eight richest countries in the world.2The paragraph refers the events of last year.3 her credit,she cleaned the rooms for the old.4He hadnt bee

10、n asked to the party and was feeling very left .单元语法自测根据句意补全句子1What he had said made me (surprise)2My glasses are broken.Ill have to get them (repair)3They kept the door (lock) for a long time.4We can hear the windows (beat) by the heavy rain drops.5I want the suit (make) to my own measure.词汇梳理. A 1

11、 do4.at5.attention6with7.plus8.with;about/over9.as10with;to11.about/at/withB 1.united2.consistent3.accomplishment4.roughly5.collect6.enjoy7.describe8(im)possible9.like10.unfold学情自测1attractions2.convenient3.arrange4delight5.descriptions6.furnished7.plus8quarreled9.alike10.clarify. 1.consis

12、t of.;up2.divide.into; ones credit4.leave out;behind5.refer to 6on special memory of.;honor8feel/be proud of;in学情自测1of2.to3.To4.out. 1.surprised2.repaired3.locked4.beaten 5Made1attract vto make someone interested in something so that they do it or come to see or hear it吸引;诱惑att

13、ract ones attention吸引某人的注意力attract sb. to.把某人吸引到be attracted by被吸引have an/no/a little/much attraction for sb.对某人有/不具有/有一点/很有吸引力attractive adj.吸引人的(1)Compared with his dramatic works,Yeatss poems attract much admiring notice.(2011重庆,阅读D)和他的戏剧作品相比,Yeats的诗歌得到了许多人的赞赏。(2)He always women older than him.他总

14、是被年纪比他大的女性迷住。(3)When she heard our success, an smile appeared on her face.听到我们成功的消息,她脸上露出了迷人的微笑。2delight na feeling of great pleasure高兴;愉快;乐事; give sb. a lot of pleasure and enjoyment使高兴;使愉快delight in (doing) sth.以某事为乐take delight in以为乐with delight高兴地to ones delightto the delight of sb.使某人高兴的是be

15、 delighted at sth./to do sth.为而高兴(1)Today,customer “delight” is what companies are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share. (2011浙江,阅读C)今天,为了保持或提高市场份额,使顾客“高兴”是公司努力要达到的目标。(2) , everything goes well.使我们高兴的是,一切进展顺利。(3)He finding faults with others.他喜欢挑剔别人的毛病。3arrange vto plan or or

16、ganize sth. in advance安排;筹备;to put sth. in a particular order;to make sth. neat or attractive整理;布置arrange to do sth.安排做某事arrange with sb. to do sth.与某人约定做某事arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事make arrangements for.为做安排注意不能说arrange sb. to do.,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句中用虚拟语气(should) do。(1)Please call my secre

17、tary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or whenever it is convenient to you. (2011江西,29)请打电话让我的秘书安排一个会议,在今天下午或是任何你方便的时候。(2)He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week.He arranged for a week.他已安排好将会议延期一周。(3)Have you arranged Mark this weekend?你安排好了周末与马克会面吗?4convenience nthe quality o

18、f being useful, easy or suitable for sb.方便;便利;便利的事物at ones convenience在方便时for convenience为某人方便起见convenient adj.方便的,便利的It is convenient for sb. to do.对某人来说干某事很方便注意(1)convenience意为“方便;便利”时为不可数名词;表示“便利的事物;便利设施”时可数。(2)convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,多用于It is convenient for sb. to do.这一句型。(1)All of this w

19、as about more than convenience. (2011新课标全国卷,阅读A)所有这一切不仅仅是为了方便。(2)Lets debate about this matter .在你们方便的时候我们讨论一下这件事。(3) for you to pick him up after the meeting?会后你用车去接他方便吗?1consist of由组成(无进行时,也无被动语态)consist ofbe made up ofbe of,consist in.存在于,在于consist with.与一致,与相符(1)Dinners usually consist of meat o

20、r fish with vegetables followed by dessert,fruit and coffee. (2011天津,阅读A)正餐经常由肉与蔬菜或鱼与蔬菜,紧跟着是甜点、水果和咖啡等所组成。(2)The committee ten members.委员会由十人组成。(3)True education does not simply teaching facts.真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实。2to ones credit成为(某人的)荣誉;(某人)值得赞扬;在名下give/offer sb.credit允许某人赊购 credit赊购,赊账为(某人)增光;使值得赞扬/表扬

21、credit card信用卡do,do credit to sb. (1)Although some credit card providers have been experimenting with waveandpay systems that use NFCenabled credit cards,cellphone service providers may try to muscle their way into the pointofsale (POS) market. (2011湖北,阅读E)虽然一些信用卡提供商一直在试验运用NFC信用卡的waveandpa

22、y系统,手机服务 提供商或许试图强行进入销售网点市场。(2)He has fourteen films .他已经完成了14部电影。(3)The work all of us.那项工作为我们所有人带来荣誉。3break away (from)脱离;打破break down出故障;(谈判等)失败;崩溃;分解;(健康等)垮掉break 非法闯入;突然开始(唱、笑、哭等)break through突围;突破;冲垮;克服break up拆开;结束;解散(1)We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken into

23、the office during the night. (2011江西,30)早晨我们来上班,结果发现有人晚上闯入过办公室。(2)The peace talks with no agreement reached.和谈失败了,没有达成任何协议。(3)The car on the way to the airport.车子在去机场的路上抛锚了。4There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.接着参观的是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元1666年伦敦大火以后建造的。句式提取:there位于

24、句首的完全倒装句式There followed意为“接着,随后”,是倒装句型。结构为:There谓语主语(名词),可用于这个句型的动词有come,stand,live,remain,occur,lie,exist,follow等。在表示方向、地点的副词或某些介词词组开头的句子里,如there,here,out,in,up,down,away,in front of等的句子要用倒装结构,以示强调。(1)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River lies Chongqing,one of the ten larg

25、est cities in China. (2010重庆,33)在长江和嘉陵江汇合的地方,坐落着中国十大城市之一的重庆。 (2)Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away .(2009上海,38)听到狗的狂叫声,小偷逃掉了。(3)Between the two buildings .两座楼之间有一棵高大的树。5It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过,并且在

26、伦敦去世。句式提取:It seemed/seemsadj.that从句seem的其他相关句型:It seems/seemed (to sb.)that从句好像;似乎seem (to be)adj./现在分词/过去分词/介词短语好像seem to do/be doing/have done好像要做/在做/已经做了seem as if.好像There seems to be.好像有(1)Yet,it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War . (2011重庆,阅读C)然而,自从二战以

27、后干净的标准好像已远离了科学。(2) that there is something funny about the case.在我看来这件案子有点奇怪。(3)Even minor problems seem him.对他来说即使小问题看来好像也很重要。.根据课文内容完成语法填空If you study British history,you may find the country went 1. several different names.The first name England referred to England and Wales,2. when the two count

28、ries joined Scotland in 1603,the name Great Britain 3. (given) to represent the country.4. the joining of Northern Ireland,the country got the name the United Kingdom,5. was shown to the world in a new flag 6. (call) the Union Jack.Of 7. four countries,England is the 8. (large) and is divided into t

29、hree zones:the South,the North and the Midlands.9. capital London,which has been influenced by some invaders,like the Romans,the Vikings,the AngloSaxons and the Normans,is the greatest 10. (history) treasure of all with its museums,art collections,theatres,parks and buildings.用约30个词概括课文内容 .用本单元所学词汇、句式及语法翻译下列句子1我们经理发表讲话时常参考笔记。(refer to)2上周,公司召开了一次会议,但是由于车在路上坏了我们经理迟到了。(break down)3他打电话让我代替他主持会议。(in place of)4会议由四部分组成,我们逐一进行。(consist of)5为了工作方便,我们建议经理应买辆新车。(for convenience)连句成篇将上述句子连成一篇意义连贯的五句话短文 阅读理解

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