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1、物流英语课后习题答案Unit OneExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1.raw materials, final products 2.replenishments 3.Procurement 4.Packaging 5.Distribution. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-D 2-G 3-B 4-J 5-C 6-I 7-A 8-E 9-F 10-HTask Two Reading Comprehensio

2、n. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T. Cloze.1.average 2.falls 3.plant 4.inventory 5.warehouses 6.shipments 7.locations 8.staff 9.products 11.rise 12.optimum 13.illustration 14.customer 15.governmentTask Three Translatio

3、n. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1. 物资调运 2. 产成品3. 及时付货 4. 储存空间5. 方式选择 6. 车辆调度7. 增值服务 8. 第三方物流9. 物流是为了满足客户需求而对商品、服务及相关信息从原产地到消费地的高效率、高效益的正向或逆向流动及储存进行计划、实施与控制的过程。10. 随着二十世纪七、八十年代北美经济的发展,交通运输的开放改变了商业领域的竞争面貌。. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. raw

4、 materials 2. inventory management3. logistics mix 4. carrier routing5. logistics channel 6. profit margin7. supply chain management 8. Gulf War9. The main functions of logistics consist of procurement, transportation, package, distribution, distribution processing and information management etc.10.

5、 This new conception emphasizes on collaboration among companies within a supply chain, integrate faculties to optimize the overall benefits.Unit TwoExercisesTask One Vocabulary.Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1. Marketing 2. information 3. management 4. logistics system 5. systematic

6、. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-H 2-E 3-J 4-A 5-I 6-B 7-C 8-D 9-F 10-GTask Two Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F. Cloze.1.information 2.response 3.nature 4.central 6.driving 7

7、.emergence 8.operations 9.distribution 10.customerTask Three Translation. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1. 采购订货 2. 在途物资 3. 客户服务 4. 采购信息5. 通信基础设施 6. 广义定义 7. 信息处理 8. 供应商选择9. 以更广阔的眼光来看,物流信息还包括商品交易信息和市场信息。10. 这就是说,物流能够帮助企业有效地控制计划、协调和客户服务等活动。. Translate the following phrases

8、and sentences into English.1. consumers demand 2. promotion activity3. narrow conception 4. marketing plan5. customer analysis 6. material requirement information management7. sub-systematic managing 8. warehouse management system9. Logistics information includes both the information from internal a

9、nd external. Production information and inventory information are examples of internal information. Outside the enterprise, the information of public infrastructures and other competitive organizations is also very important.10. The object of logistics information management can involve goods condit

10、ions, stuff, facilities and equipment information, operation techniques and methods information, time-space information etc.Unit ThreeExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1.sufficient 2.crucial 3.determine 4.approximate 5.potential. Match the words with their

11、exact definitions.1-C 2-E 3-B 4-H 5-G 6- D 7-J 8-F 9-I 10-ATask Two Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T. Cloze.1.somewhat 2.meets 3.make 4.again 5.product 6.expectations 7.greater 8.when 9.performance

12、thatTask Three Translation. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1.生产商 2.批发商 3.生产力4.生产型企业 5.平均消费支出 6.战略管理7.原材料 8.最终产品9.如果没有有效的采购行为,公司运做也许会遭到破坏,顾客服务水平也许会下降,而且长期的客户关系也许会遭到破坏。10.在一个成功的企业中,最重要的一步就是采购经理进入高级管理人员的行列。. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. acqui

13、sition 2. retailer 3. negotiation4. competition 5. stockout 6. dependent upon7. deal with 8. at the right price9. So important is this process that over the years many organizations have developed large departments to deal with supplier transactions.10. While the percentage spent on purchased input

14、does vary considerably across organizations, it is clear that the potential savings from strategic management of purchasing are considerable.Unit FourExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1.transmission 2.access to 3.accommodating 4.available ponent. Match the

15、words with their exact definitions.1-D 2-G 3-B 4-A 5-J 6- F 7-C 8-I 9-E 10-HTask Two Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T. Cloze.1. consumed 2. exchange 3. surplus 4. producers 5. flow 6. distribution 7. obje

16、ctivity 8. minimum 9. wholesales 10. profitabilityTask Three Translation. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1.冷冻运输 2.门到门收货和送货 3.原油4.运输交通 5.管道运输 6.固定成本7.大宗货物 8.超大型油轮 9.一个借助互联网的分销网络,帮助经销商运营多重的商业模式与商业客户合作以获得更经济更顺畅的供应链。10.实际上,货物的自由流动会受到一些限制。每个国家的海岸线周围都有一个区域,被称为“领海”,也就是该国家享有主权的海域

17、。. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. traffic congestion 2. raw material 3. rail-born commuters4. expiration date 5. import license 6. seasonal goods7. domestic packing 8. custom duties9. Air transport has a vast network of airlines, which can reach remote places in the in

18、terior across high mountains, which are hardly accessible by rail or road transport, to say nothing of sea transport.10. As with rail and air transport, large sums of money have to be spent maintaining and controlling traffic through the seaway.Unit FiveExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the corre

19、ct words to fill in the blanks.1.updated 2.In-transit 3.stockouts 4.pick 5.automated. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-G 2-D 3-H 4-I 5-B 6-J 7-A 8-E 9-C 10-FTask Two Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F 2.T 3.T

20、 4.T 5.F. Cloze.1.customers 2.available 3.involved 4.cases 6.crossroads 7.stock 8.varies 9.balancing 10.resolveTask Three Translation. Translate the following phrases and sentences into Chinese.1. 原材料 2. 供应链 3. 配送中心4. 货单 5. 成品 6. 利润7. 仓库运营 8. 快速反应9. 库存之所以存在于商业和企业中,是因为供需的不匹配。10. 重复的脱销会使顾客替换现

21、有的供应商或者寻求其他的供应商。. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. work in process 2. just-in-time 3. Gross Domestic Product 4. material handling 5. integrated logistics 6. economies of scale 7. distribution processing 8. inventory management9. Another significant role inventory plays i

22、s to reduce cost by exploiting any economies ofscale that may exist during both production and distribution. 10. The operational management of logistics is concerned with movement and storage ofmaterials and finished goods. Unit SixExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the correct words or phrases to

23、 fill in the blanks.1.Containment 3.primary packages 4.consumer packaging 5.Industrial packaging. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-G 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-H 6-C 7-I 8-E 9-J 10-FTask Two Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) accordin

24、g to the text.1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T. Cloze.1.standard 2.void space 3.manufacturing 4.layers 5.environmental impact 6.process consumption 8.packaging need cycle 10.containers Task Three Translation. Translate the following words, phrases and sentences into Chinese.1. 货物流 2. 物流渠道 3. 叉架起货

25、机4. 销售(部)包装 5. 储存密度 6. 搬运设备7. 物理库存 8. 最小成本9. 包装能够保护商品不受损坏,确保高效率的运输,向消费者传达信息以及帮助产品在一个高度竞争的市场当中的销售。10. 零售业是对于包装材料选择和在供应链中使用的包装设计发展的驱动力。. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. apportionment 2. retail outlet 3. industrial (exterior) packaging4. unitization 5. primary package 6. h

26、andling costs7. packaging methods 8. transport costs9. Packaging comes in all shapes and sizes and can be made to fit your every need. No matter what is that you have to package and mail away or maybe just to give as a gift to your friend, there is a perfect way of packing it.10. Plastic is the most

27、 common packaging material and, at the same time, one of the most difficult to dispose of. The factors common to all plastics are that they are light, strong and cheap to manufacture. It is for these reasons that they are used so much, as an alternative to cardboards and glass packaging materials.Un

28、it SevenExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.1.supplier 2.retailer 3.distributor 4.Wholesaler 5.manufacturer. Match the words with their exact definitions.1-C 2-G 3-E 4-J 5-I 6- A 7-H 8-F 9-B 10-DTask Two Reading Comprehension. Tell whether the following state

29、ments are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F. Cloze.1.cross-functional 2.internal 3.end-consumer 4.strive 5.channels 6.entities 7.demand 8.operations 9.chain 10.improvingTask Three Translation. Translate the following words, phrases and sentences into Chinese.1.采购 2.供应链

30、3.成品 4.库存管理 5.售后服务 6.最终用户 7.仓库运营 8.客户服务 9.供应链是一个复杂的物流系统,在这个系统中,原材料被转化为成品,然后配送给最终用户。10.二战之后,随着运营研究和管理科学的发展,人们对于供应链计划和管理的兴趣不断增加。. Translate the following phrases and sentences into English.1. customer support 2. supply chain management 3. storage facilities4. equipment maintenance 5. brand store 6. pr

31、oduct transportation 7. operating expense 8. semi-finished product9. An important new trend in supply chain management is the recovery, recycling, or reuse of products from the end user after they have reached the end of their useful life.10. For most manufacturers, the supply chain looks less like a pipeline or chain than an uprooted tree where the branches and roots are the extensive network of customers and suppliers.Unit EightExercisesTask One Vocabulary. Choose the correct words to fill in the 2.inventory 3.outsourcing

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