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1、DD1062中型客车制动系统改进设计说明书毕业设计论文优秀论文 审核通过未经允许 切勿外传摘 要本次设计主要是对中型客车制动系统结构进行分析的基础上,根据对中型客车制动系统的要求,设计出合理的符合国家标准和行业标准的制动系统。汽车制动系统是汽车最重要的系统之一,它直接关系到汽车行驶的安全性。为了保证汽车行驶的安全,制动器性能的好坏成为汽车构造中的重中之重。同时,良好的制动系统还能提高汽车的方向稳定性和制动效能。首先制定出制动系统的结构方案设计计算确定前盘、后鼓式制动器。绘制出了前、后制动器装配图、制动阀装配图、制动管路布置图。最终对设计出的制动系统的各项指标进行评价分析。通过本次设计的计算结果

2、表明设计出的制动系统是合理的、符合标准的。其满足结构简单、成本低、工作可靠等要求。关键词:中型客车;制动系统设计;盘式制动器;鼓式制动器;气压系统;AbstractBased on the structural analysis and the design requirements of n.medium bus braking system, a braking system design is performed in this thesis, according to the national and professional standards. Automotive vehicle

3、 braking system is one of the most important system, it is directly related to car driving safety. In order to ensure the safety of automobile travel, automobile brake performance is good or bad to become a top priority in construction. At the same time, good braking system can improve the cars dire

4、ctional stability and braking performance.The braking system design starts from determination of the structure scheme. Calculating and determining the main dimension and structural type of the front disc、drum brake,brake master cylinder,and therefore draw the engineering drawings of the front and re

5、ar brakes, Brake valve, the diagram of the brake pipelines.The results show the design of braking system is reasonable, consistent with the standards and satisfies the requests such as simple structure and low cost. Key words: Medium-sized passenger car; braking system design; disc brake; drum brake

6、; pneumatic system;目录摘 要 IAbstract II第1章 绪 论 11.1 制动器设计的意义及目的 11.2 汽车制动系统设计的要求 11.3 汽车制动系统的组成 11.4 制动系工作原理 21.5 制动器研究现状 2第2章 汽车制动方案论证分析与选择 42.1 制动器形式方案分析 42.1.1 鼓式制动器结构形式 42.1.2盘式制动器结构形式 62.2 制动驱动机构的结构型式与选择 82.2.1 简单制动系 82.2.2 动力制动系 92.2.3 伺服制动系 92.3 液压分路系统的形式与选择 10第3章 制动系统主要参数的确定 123.1 中型客车主要技术参数 1

7、23.2 同步附着系数的的确定 123.3 前、后轮制动力分配系数的确定。 133.4 盘式制动器主要参数的确定 133.5 制动器最大制动力的确定 143.6 盘式制动器制动因数计算 143.7 鼓式制动器的设计计算 153.8 鼓式制动效能因素计算 153.9 制动器的温升计算 163.10 盘式制动器主要零部件的结构设计 173.11 鼓式制动器主要零部件的结构设计 18第4章 气压制动系统结构设计与分析 204.1 气压制动系统结构 204.1.1 气压制动回路 204.1.2 供能装置 204.1.3 控制装置 214.1.4 制动气室 234.2 气压驱动机构的设计与计算 244.

8、2.1 制动气室设计 244.2.2 贮气筒 254.2.3 空气压缩机的选择 25第5章 制动性能评价分析 265.1 制动性能评价指标 265.2 制动效能 265.3 制动效能的恒定性 275.4 制动时汽车的方向稳定性 275.5 前、后制动器制动力分配 285.5.1 地面对前、后车轮的法向反作用力 285.5.2 理想的前、后制动器制动力分配曲线 295.5.3 实际的前、后制动器制动力分配曲线 29第6章 总 论 30参考文献 31致谢 32附 录1 33附 录2 38第1章 绪 论制动器设计的意义及目的汽车制动系统是汽车最重要的系统之一,它直接关系到汽车行驶的安全性。随着汽车性


10、部件设计的训练,为今后实际工作打下基础。 汽车制动系统设计的要求1、保证客车具有足够的制动效能,客车在30km B.Rae.The American Automobile IndustryM.Boston:Twayne Publishers,1984 14Robert N.brady.Electric and Electronic Systems for Automobiles and TrucksM.Virginia:Reston Publishing Company,Inc.,1982 14张洪图.汽车构造底盘部分.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1996,9 15Oldham,J.Auto T

11、rouble ShooterM.New York:The Hearst Corporation,1976致谢论文的完成标志着我的学生时代即将结束,从刚到大学到即将毕业感觉时间是过的那么快,真的好想继续在学校学习,与老师同学一起生活,在次感受大学的美好时光。毕业设计的完成,首先必须感谢我的导师张立军,从开题报告到最后的审查他给予我的帮助是相当多的。由于工作原因,我的开题报告和数据计算都是在校外完成的,在那段时间内老师通过电话等方式联系帮助我,更使我非常感动。在老师辅导我的过程中,老师的知识渊博更让我佩服无比,在做毕业设计的过程中遇到什么问题老师都能轻易的帮我解决,在次感谢张立军老师。 其次必须感

12、谢我的答辩老师,虽然答辩的时间很短,次数很少,但是在那短短的时间呢,各位老师给我意见非常有用,精辟,使我的毕业设计更加完整,合理,感谢各位答辩老师。还有感谢我的同学,同学的帮助是非常大的,在毕业设计的过程中遇到了许多问题,我的同学都能非常耐心的给我指导,帮助,并且给我提出问题帮我改正,感谢我的同学。最后还得感谢我的家人,他们在精神上对我帮助更是不能缺少的,在我烦恼的时候帮助我放松精神,继续投入到设计当中。再次由衷的感谢各位帮助我的人!附 录1BRAKE SYSTEMThe braking system is the most important system in cars. If the b

13、rakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (.The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tube

14、s and the brake pedal, a plunger is actually been pushing against in the master cylinder which forces be directed through many twists and turns on its way to its destination, arriving with the exact same motion and pressure that it started with. It is very important that the fluid is pure liquid and

15、 that there are no air bubbles in it. Air can compress, which causes a sponginess to the pedal and severely reduced braking efficiency. If air is suspected, then the system must be bled to remove the air. There are “bleeder screws” at each wheel cylinder and caliper for this purpose.With drum brakes

16、, fluid is forced into the wheel cylinder which pushes the brake shoes out so that the friction linings are pressed against the drum which is attached to the wheel, causing the wheel to stop.On a disk brake, the fluid from the master cylinder is forced into a caliper where it presses against a pisto

17、n. The piston, in-turn, squeezes two brake pads against the disk(rotor)which is attached to the wheel, forcing it to slow down or stop. This process is similar to a bicycle brake where two rubber pads rub against the wheel rim creating friction.In either case, the friction surfaces of the pads on a

18、disk brake system, or the shoes on a drum brake convert the forward motion of the vehicle into surfaces (linings) of the pads and shoes to eventually wear out and require replacement.Drum BrakesSo if disk brakes are so great, is cost. While all vehicles produced for many years the front, drum brakes

19、 are cheaper to produce for the rear wheels. The main reason is the parking brake system. On drum brakes, adding a parking brake is the simple addition of a lever, while on disk brakes, we need a complete mechanism, in some cases, a complete mechanical drum brake assembly inside the disk brake rotor

20、! Parking brakes must be a separate system that does not use parking brakes laterWheel Cylinder The wheel cylinder consists of a cylinder that each side. Each piston with a brake shoe. When brake pressure is applied, the pistons are forced out pushing the shoes into contact with the drum. Wheel cyli

21、nders must be rebuilt or replaced if they show signs of leaking.Brake Shoes Like the disk pads, brake shoes consist of a steel shoe with the friction material or lining riveted or bonded to it. Also like disk pads, the linings eventuallywear out and must be replaced. If the linings are allowed to we

22、ar through to the bare metal shoe, they will cause severe damage to the brake drum. Backing PlateThe backing plate is what virtually every car made. On most cars, the front brake are of the disc type, and the rear brakes are of the “drum” type. Drum brakes use two semi-circular shoes to press outwar

23、d against the inner surfaces of a steel drum. Older cars often all four wheels, and many new the same basic principles to slow a vehicle (friction and is far superior to that of drum brakes. Because disc brakes can fling off water more easily than drum brakes, they work much better in wet conditions

24、. This is not to say that water does not affect them, it definitely does. If you splash through a puddle and then try to apply the brakes, your brakes may not work at all for a few seconds!Disc brakes also allow better airflow cooling, which also increases their effectiveness. Some most cars in the

25、early seventies.译 文制动系统制动系统是汽车中主要的系统之一。 如果制动损坏,结果可能是惨重的。制动器是能量转换装置,它将汽车的动能(动量)转化成热能(热量)。制动系统是由下列基本的成分组成:“制动主缸”“制动管路”“制动软管”“制动轮缸” “制动盘”和“衬块”等等。典型的制动系统布置有前后盘式,前盘后鼓式,各个车轮上的制动器通过一套管路系统连接到制动主缸上。踩着制动踏板时,事实上是制动主缸中的活塞通过一连串的管路和软管强制液压油(制动液)推入到每个轮子上。 因为液压油液(或任何的流动性的物质而言)不能够被压缩,推动液体经过一个管路就像推动一个钢筋通过一个管路。然尔,与钢筋不同


27、是鼓式制动器中的制动鼓都是把车轮的往复运动转变为热能。热能就是使制动衬垫和制动蹄上的摩擦消失并且代替。鼓式制动器如果盘式制动器市场很大,为何我们仍然使用鼓式制动器?原因在于成本。 而所有车辆零件的生产,多年来采用前盘式,后轮生产鼓式是由于它的价格低。主要的原因是停车制动系统。在鼓式制动器上,增加的一个驻车制动是一个很简单手柄,而在盘式制动器上,我们需要一个完整的机制,在某些情况下,一个完整的机械鼓式制动器内也有盘式制动器的配件!驻车制动器必须是一个不使用液压独立的系统。它必须完全机械,但更多的用在停车制动器。轮缸 轮缸里有两个对称布置活塞。每个活塞有一个橡胶密封件,和连接活塞的活塞杆。当制动压

28、力一定时,活塞被迫推动液压与制动蹄接触,从而实现制动。制动瓦 Like the disk pads, brake shoes consist of a steel shoe with the friction material or lining riveted or bonded to it. Also like disk pads, the linings eventually wear out and must be replaced. If the linings are allowed to wear through to the bare metal shoe, they will

29、 cause severe damage to the brake drum.像磁盘丝带、制动瓦是由钢制成的摩擦材料或衬内的铆钉组成。像磁盘丝带一样,摩擦衬片也有坏的时候,那时必须更换。如果衬里的允许磨损到露出金属瓦,他们将对制动鼓造成严重的损害。制动底板 制动底板The backing plate is what holds everything together. It attaches to the axle and forms a solid surface for the wheel cylinder, brake shoes and assorted hardware. It ra

30、rely causes any problems.制动底制动底版是起支撑作用的零件,它把一些零件固定起来。它对轴、轮缸、制动瓦、和各类金属零件,形成了一个固体表面,很少导致任何问题。阅读材料:盘式制动器盘式制动器像许多汽车创新一样,最初是为了发展汽车拉力赛,但现在事实上每辆车的制造几乎都是用标准附件。 对于大多数汽车,前制动器由盘式制成,后制动器由“鼓”式制成。鼓式制动器用两个半圆蹄外向的反作用力压在钢鼓的内表面。过去的车通常四个车轮都采用鼓式制动器,而现在许多新车则四轮均采用盘式制动器。虽然盘式制动器依靠同样的基本原理,以减缓车辆(摩擦而产生热),但其设计是远远优于鼓式制动器。由于盘式制动器

31、在甩掉水处工作比鼓式制动器更可靠,盘式制动器可以在潮湿条件下工作得更好。 这并不是说水不会影响到它,它就可以这么做。如果你溅在水坑里行驶,然后尝试应用制动,制动根本无法正常工作!盘式制动器同样有较佳的气流冷却,这也增加了他们的工作效率。一些高性能盘式制动器通过钻子或长孔制成在转动体的表面, 这有助于预防垫,(由于热日趋硬化)。在七十年代初期,大部分轿车的盘式制动器被看作了标准附件。附 录2制动力分配程序:cleara=2.4b=2.0hg=0.9G=78000L=4.4Bt=0.3for i=1:1000f(i)=i1000;Fu1(i)=G*f(i)*(b+f(i)*hg)L;Fu2(i)=G*f(i)*(a-f(i)*hg)L;EndPlot(Fu1,Fu2)F2=(1-bt)bt*Fu1;HoldPlot(Fu1,F2);Title(中型客车制动力分配曲线); cleara=2.4b=2.0hg=1.1G=12000L=4.4Bt=0.3for i=1:1000f(i)=i800;Fu1(i)=G*f(i)*(b+f(i)*hg)L;Fu2(i)=G*f(i)*(a-f(i)*hg)L;EndPlot(Fu1,Fu2)F2=(1-bt)bt*Fu1;HoldPlot(Fu1,F2);Title(中型客车制动力分配曲线);

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