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本文(外研版英语小学三年级起点四年级下册全册教案全英文表格式.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、外研版英语小学三年级起点四年级下册全册教案全英文表格式(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)外研版小学英语四年级下册备课教学目标1. Can read the words of the word-list .2. Listen and understand and say the dialogues.3.Understand and translate the phrases.4.Do the role play after every dialogue.5.Sing and chant.教学重点难点Key point1. Read the words of the word-li

2、st and learn to say every dialogue.2. make some new short dialogue by oneself.3. Read all the phrases of the dialogue.Difficult pointGrammer and pronunciations.教学设想Draw pictures to learn the words if can.Learn to sing and chant.Do more reading of the phrases.Do the role play after learning every dia

3、logue.第一模块 Module1教学目标1、知识目标1)基本能够听懂,会说,并认读词汇:nice, answer, clever, call,bad,little, cool 及短语a bit2)学会用 “This is ”以及 “ HeShe is very naughty nice.”用以介绍人物的句子结构。3)复习词汇:thin, fat, short, tall.2、能力目标:学会描述人物的特征和个性。3、情感目标:培养孩子们尊重他人,广交朋友的情感态度。教学重点与难点1、词汇:nice, answer, clever, call,little, cool, a bit的正确认读及

4、使用。2、认读并理解运用句子“This is ”以及 “ HeShe is very naughty nice.”结构。知道Shes a nice teacher. 与Shes very nice.的区别。教学设想1、课时安排: Unit 1 .1课时 Unit 2 .1课时2、多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。3、设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。课题Unit 1 she is a nice teacher时间教学目标1:Be able to lisen and point to the conversation.2:Be able to say the conversati

5、on proficiently.3:Be able to act it out.教学重难点The students can introduce someoneto others. 准备a recorderpicture教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warmer1.Greetings:Say“Happy New Year”to the students.2.Lead them to sing an English song named Happy New Year.3.Tell the students what they did during the winter in the new

6、term .2.New lesson1.Listen to the tape and point to the sentence .2.Listen again and again after it .3.Work in pairs:One students point to a picture and introduce the person in the pictuer ,the other one listens,then change. 4.Find some pairs to come to the front to act it out.Greetingseachother .Si

7、ng an English song together . Say what they did over the winter .Listen to the tape and point .Readafter the tape .Work in pairs one says and the other listens .Act it out.New year is beginning spring festival is over .Welcome the students back to school.Each one wants to tell the classmates what th

8、ey did during the winter rightly.To train the sentence patternsTo make the students says the dialogue better.课后反思 课题Unit 2 Hes cool时间教学目标1.Be able to introduce own family and friend .2.Be able to work in pairs .3.listen to the tape .教学重难点Talk about own family and friends.准备a recorder、pictures教学过程教师活

9、动学生活动设计意图1.Warmer1.Make the students introduce the person in some pictures.2.Go over the dialogue they the last lesson.3.Look at some pictures and introduce MaomaoMs Smart,Xiaoyong Parrot,etc. 2.New lesson 1.listen to the tape and point2.Listen again and read after the tape .3.Explain the conversati

10、on .4.Take out the photos of your family or friendsand introduce them to your classmate.5.Four students are group,introduce your family or friend to the others. Introduce the person in some pictures.Read theconversation in Unit One .Come to the front to introduce Maomao ,Ms SmartXiaoyong ,parrot etc

11、.Listen to the tape and point.Translate the dialogue .Introduce their family or friend.Work in groups.To go over the conversation they Unit One. To improve thepupilsability of saying . They can improve the ability of improve the ability of ,the pupils can understand the text better.The pupils can kn

12、ow more each other .课后反思课题综合时间教学目标1.Be able to listen and say ,then say the poem and do the actions2.Be able to talk about your classmates.教学重难点Learn to say a poem .Be able to talk about the classmates.准备a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warmer 1.Take out the photos of family or friends and introduce 2.Go

13、oversomewords :naughty ,shy ,clever ,nice ,cool ,etc.3.Work in pairs.2.New lesson 1.Listen to the tape and point to the poem.2.Listen again and read after the tape.3.Say the poem and do the actions.4.Talk about your classmates Lily ia a very clever girl.5.Play a game :one asksAre you naughtly ?the o

14、ther answers yes ,I am .or No ,Im not.Introduce their family or friend to the classmates.Read the words more times.Ask and answer in pairs.Listen to the tape and point .Read after the tape. Say the poem and do the actions.Talk about your classmates. Play a game Togo over the conversation they check

15、their pronunciation.They can add up each others friendship 课后反思第二模块 Module2教学目标1、Words and phrases: city, ship, beautiful, close,be from2、Sentences: Im from London .London is the capital of England Its very big and very beautiful.3、Grammar: the present tense教学重点与难点1. Can understand and say the sente

16、nces.2. Use the sentences to describe a place correctly.3. Make sure the students can use the new words and the pattern in the real situations.教学设想1:课时安排: Unit 1 .1课时 Unit 2 .1课时2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。3:设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。课题Module 2 Unit 1 London is a big city时间教学目标1.Be able to listen and say :Its

17、 a book about London.2. Be able to do according to the teachers order .教学重难点Be able to describe a city or a place.准备a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图I.Warmer 1.Move around the classroom,pick up an object and say “Whats this?”point to another object and say.2.Do many examples with the class.3.Have the stude

18、nts do the activity in pairs .Remind them the word“this” is used for people or objects are touching or close to II.New teaching1.Get the students to look at the pictures and see if they can work out what is and point ,revisebig and small.3.pick up or point to objects in the classroomsay This,That. L

19、ook at the teacher and answer some questions .Make the students do the activity in pairs.Look at the picture and listen to the tape.Be able to answer the teachers question .To do activity better.To improve the students hearing.To improve the ability of speaking.Answer some question. Work in pairs .

20、one point to the things in the story ,the other one asks. 课后反思 课题Unit 2: Its very old.时间教学目标1. Be able to listen and say: This is Hyde Park.Its very beautiful.2. Be able to describe places or things.教学重难点 Be able to describe places or things.准备Pictures、a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图1.Warmer1. Revise adj

21、ectives Tell the students that you are going to say an adjective.They their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or three students to say which object they close.2.New teaching1.Listen to the tape,point and say2. Tell the students close their books and explain the first word of a two_word pla

22、ce name.3.Have the students contunue the activity in pairs.4. Tell the students Im going to say adjectivies .Listen to the teacher carefully.The students their books that the adjective describes.Listen to the tape.The students pairsGuess the city or minument in China according to the teacher.To go o

23、ver some adjectives, the students can remember them.First this, the students can improve their listening.The pupils are able to describe places or things.课后反思课题综合时间教学重难点 Be able to describe places or things.准备Pictures、a recorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图I.Warmer1. sing a song.2.go over the famous place in Lon

24、don。II.New teaching1.teacher say in Chinese,students translate the words into English.2. try to introduce the place of London in own words, or try to remember the dialogue.3. read after the recorder .4.learn to sing the song London Bridge.Try to say the places of this module.Say the words.Go over th

25、e dialogue.Read in pairslisten and learn To go over some adjectives, the students can remember them.Practise the speaking ability.Sing a song to know more about London课后反思第三模块 Module 3教学目标1.Describing things in the future and talking about abilities.2.Describing 星期一至星期天.教学重点与难点1.Senten

26、ces: One day, robots will do everything. It can walk.Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will. No, it wont.2.Words and phrases:roboteverythingone dayour星期几教学设想开展游戏“GuessWhat the robot will do ?”。以小组为单位选派代表扮演机器人,带上“机器人”帽子上前做动作,其他小组使用“You will”或“Will you ”句型进行猜测,优胜者给予奖励课题Module3Unit1:Robotswilldo eve

27、rything时间教学目标1.Be able to say : It can walk .Robots will do everything.2.Be able to talk about something with “will”.教学重难点Be able to describe the abilities with “can”.准备a recorder教师活动学生活动设计意图I.Warmer 1.On the board draw a robot.Then write “It can.”under the robot.2.point to the robot again and say,“

28、It can read ”and then pick up a book and pretend to read.II.New lesson1.Have the students look at the picture.Ask question in Chinese.2. Now say that I;m going to call out the names of different objects and people in the pictures and the students to the student Im going to point to the different pic

29、tures in Activity 3 and make statements about them.Have pairs of students come to the front .Students Asays what the robot can do and student B does the action .Look at the pictures and answer the question.Listen to the teacher and point to them.Have the students continue the activity in pairs.After three turns they should swap roles.Aftertalkingabout the robots ,they can improve the interests about them .

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