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1、六年级上册英语教案六年级英语上册教案广岐完小 陈姣Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?教学目标语音功能能正确运用过去时描述人物已经做过的事情。语言结构Whatdidyoudoduringtheholidays? 词汇掌握词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach;理解词汇:during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach;语法:一般过去时Period1一、教学目标1、听懂会说新单词during,holiday,learn,prac



4、学生根据口型说单词。游戏-Loudandlowvoice(大小声)教师大声说单词,学生小声重复;或者教师小声说,学生大声说。Step3Fastreadingandlistening1出示课文中人物的图片。T:Look!WhatdidMing/Annedoduringtheholidays?Thinkitover.2快速阅读课文A部分,回答问题。T: TodaywelllearnUnitOne. Firstletslistentothetext, andthenanswermyquestion:检查学生阅读情况,帮助学生回答所提问题。3听A部分录音,模仿其语音、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。St



7、英语谈论假期生活。3、能独立完成课文E部分练习。二教学重点及难点重点:能用英语谈论假期生活。难点:完成课文F部分练习。三教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带等。四教学步骤Step1Warmingup1、师生问候。2、复习本单元已学新单词。3、分小组活动(可进行说句子比赛等)。Step2Presentationanddrill(课文E部分)1、听录音,跟读课文。2、复习单词和词组3、听录音,回答问题。Step3Practice(课文F部分)1、教师解释题意。2、让学生们说问句,找出答案。先口头练习,然后完成书面练习。Step4Consolidation1、创设情景,自由会话(要求运用一般过去时。如果有时

8、间,可让学生自己创设情景,自由交换)。2、评价、练习4、家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。Unit2Katiealwaysgetsupearly教学目标语音功能 能正确运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。语言结构 Katie always gets up early .词汇掌握词汇:get up , have breakfast ,return, wave, play chess, dinner;理解词汇:always, often,sometimes,never语法: 一般现在时Period 1一、教学目标1、 能听懂、会说新单词和短语get up , have breakfast ,retu

9、rn, wave, play chess, dinner;2、 能理解课文;3、 能正确运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。二、教学重点及难点重点:掌握本单元四会单词。难点:理解课文。三、教学准备 单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、唱英文歌曲。3、复习已学的单词(during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach;)。Step 2 Presentation and drill1、出示教学挂图。边说边做动作,让学生理解课文。然后,板书单词,带读,并利用单词卡片帮助学生理解其

10、含义。2、让学生看图说话。Step 3 Fast reading and listening1、 速阅读课文A部分,回答问题。T: Today well learn Unit 2. Katie always gets up early . First lets listen to the text, and then answer my question: What time does Katie get up ? 检查学生阅读情况,帮助学生回答所提问题。2、 听A部分录音,模仿其语音、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。Step 4 Intensive reading1、 读课文,然后两人一组完成

11、课文B部分 Lets learn。2、 听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 5 Consolidation1根据黑板上的单词卡片及图片试复述课文。 练习。Period 2一教学目标1、能读课文A部分;2、能理解第三人称单数做主语的一般现在时的用法;3、能运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。二教学重点及难点重点:理解第三人称单数做主语的一般现在时的用法难点:运用一般现在时描述经常发生的行为、活动等。三教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带等。四教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、利用卡片复习本单元新单词。3、试讲述自己的一天。Step 2 Presentation and dr

12、ill1、出示单词always often sometimes never让学生们认读,纠正其发音。3、 总结词义与区别。Step 3 Practice (课文C D部分)1、 学生两人一组根据表格描述Peter的一天。2、 小组活动。3、 两人一组谈论各自的日常生活。4、 完成D部分书面练习。Step4 Consolidation让学生们调查好朋友的妈妈每一天所做的事情,完成表格。Period 3一教学目标1、复习本单元单词、课文及语法知识;2、能独立完成课文E部分练习。3、能独立完成课文F部分练习。二教学重点及难点重点:区别副词always, often,usually,sometimes

13、,never的含义及用法。难点:课文F部分练习。三教学准备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。2、可分小组说句子比赛。Step 2 Presentation and drill (课文E部分)完成E部分练习。Step 3 Practice (课文F部分)1、 Lets rhyme.2、 完成书面练习。Step4 Consolidation1、让学生模仿课本中的表格设计一份调查表。内容自定,然后陈述其调查结果。2、评价。3、完成练习Unit3IlikemycomputerPeriod 1Teaching aims and demands:1

14、.能理解新单词computer2.能听懂、会说本课对话。3.能准确地表达对某事物的喜好。教学重点及难点重点:能听懂、会说本课对话;难点:准确地表达对事物的喜好。教学准备实物或图片,单词卡片,教学挂图,教学磁带等。教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1.师生问候。2.唱已学的英语歌曲。游戏Dragom game(接龙游戏)Step 2 Pressentation and drill1.出示电脑实物或图片。T:Look! This is my computer. I like it very much . Do you like it?S1: Yes, I like it.S2: Yes,

15、I like it.T: Me too,I like this游戏寻宝奇兵。教师将若干单词卡片和图画放入一只不透明的袋子里,学生们轮流上台来“寻宝”,如果摸到的是写有英文的卡片,则英译汉。如果摸到的是写有中文的卡片,则汉译英,并读出来,如果摸到的是图画,则看图说单词。说对的可加分,积分最高的一组获胜。2.将电脑的功能一一写在黑板上,教学生认读。Leatrn words and sentences; play games ; learn writing ;practice listeningStep 3Practice课文A部分。1.听录音,复述所听内容。2听录音,跟读。3分组练习。4分角色表演

16、。Step 4 Consolidation1.让学生利用所学自由创设情景进行会话。What did you do during the holidays?2.评价。3.练习。4、家庭作业。Period 2Teaching aims and demands:1Be able to use“I like”,“Can I have”express his idea .2能阅读理解课文D部分。教学重点和难点重点:阅读理解课文C部分。难点:use“I like”,“Can I have”教学准备玩具、文具实物或图片若干、教学磁带等。教学步骤Step 1Warming up1.师生问候。2.有表情地诵读英

17、语小童谣。游戏悄悄话。分组进行游戏,教师将写有computer,play games等单词的纸条发给每组最后一名学生,该学生将纸片上的单词小声的往前传,依次前传,第一名学生将单词写到黑板上,传得又快又准的一组为胜。Step 2Pressentation and drill课文B部分。单个或同桌练读对话,挑选一两组表演。Step 3Practice课文C部分。1.阅读课文,理解大意,并标出难以理解的地方。2.听录音,回答问题。3.听录音,跟读。4.分角色表演。Step 4Consolidation1.小组活动。2.评价。对学生的手工进行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,激发学生的创新意识及动手动脚能力。3.

18、练习。4.家庭作业:听磁带,读课文,抄单词。Unit4TheMid-AutumnFsetivaliscomingTeaching aims and demands:1. Learn the words & phrase: egg yolk/moon cake/ grapes/ tea2. Be able to master the knowledge of the Mid Autumn Festival.Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc.Period IContent of courses: textbook P14 Part BTea

19、ching aims and demands:1. Be able to master the words & phrase: egg yolk/moon cake/ grapes/ teaEducational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards.Teaching-learning process:Step 1 Warm-up activity1. Greeting.2. Lets play: Look and guess: What is it?Step 2 Presentation & drill1. L

20、earn to say: egg yolkT takes out an egg and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.2. Learn to say: moon cakeT takes out a moon cake and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T.Learn to say: grapes/ tea/in the same way.3. Drill.T shows the pictures and Ss say the wor

21、ds.T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words.A guessing game.4. Open the books at Page14, listen to the tape and read after it.Step 3.Practice1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards.2. Listen & act.Step 4.ConsolidationPeriod IIContent of courses: textbook Part A Part CTeaching aims and demand

22、s:1.Be able to understand and tell the story.Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards.Teaching-learning process:Step 1 Warm-up activity1.Exchange greetings.2.Sing a song weve learned last term together.Step 2 Presentation & drill1. Lead-in. T shows the picture of Part A. T

23、 says, ”Long, long ago, there was a girl called Change. Do you know her story? Do you know the Mid-Autumn Festival?” T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.2. Ss talk about the picture.3. Drill.T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them.T shows the

24、pictures and Ss tell the story.A guessing game.4. Open the books at Pag13, listen to the tape and read after it.Step 3.Practice1. Why did Change take the magic medicine?She wanted to-.2. What did she bring with her to the moon?She brought with her -.3. Was Change happy on the moon?4. How do people c

25、elebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?Answer the questions.2.Ss practice in four.3.A gameA competition among groups.Step 4.Consolidation1.Draw something about Mid-Autumn Festiva and talk about them.Period IIIContent of courses: textbook P15Part D&ETeaching aims and demands:1. Be able to understand and say th

26、e short passage, answer the questions below, then write the answers on the book.2. Role-play the story. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, wordTeaching-learning process:Step 1 Warm-up activity1.Exchange greetings.2.Sing a song weve learned last term together.Step 2 Practice1. L

27、ead-in. T shows the picture of Part E. T says, “The family celebrate the festival today. Listen to the tape. What are they doing?”2. Listen to the tape, number the sentences.3. T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.4. Ss say something about the pic

28、ture.5. Open the books at Page 3, listen to the tape and read after it.6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.Step 4.ConsolidationUnit5ItwellbesunnyandcooltomorrowPeriod 1Teaching aims:1. Foster students communities.2. Listen and say the new words: hate, argue, weatherforecast3. Understand words: thunderstorm, laugh, j

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