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1、河北版小学英语第八册教案备课及教学计划 小学英语教案第八册 教学计划一. 课标要求:1.基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力;培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神;帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。2.基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标:基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力:情感

2、态度:动机兴趣,自信意志,合作精神,祖国意识,国际视野。学习策略:谁知策略,调控策略,交际策略,资源策略。语言技能:听说读写。语言知识:语音,词汇,语法,动能,话题。文化意识:文化知识,文化理解,跨文化交际,意识和能力。3.对本册课本的要求:对英语学习表现出积极性和初步的自信心。能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事。能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题(如学校、家庭生活)交换信息。能读懂小故事及其他文体的简单书面材料。能参照范例或借助图片写出简单的句子。能参与简单的角色扮演等活动。能尝试使用适当的学习方法,克服学习中的困难。能意识到语言交际中存在文化差异。二. 学情分析:学生在小学阶段的最后一年。通过三

3、年的学习,他们对英语已经有了持续的兴趣和爱好。三. 教材分析:1 教学目标:本套教材旨在帮助中国学生学说英语,强调交际和会话,重点在交谈。教材为学生提供了大量的在各种不同交际情景中用英语进行交谈的机会,学生能经常利用角色表演并自边对话,这些交谈有利于培养学生交流真情实感的能力,促进灵活的语言运用,使其在各种情景中都能自如地使用英语。本册教材共分为四个话题功能:sports, good health to you,what will you do in summer,goes home。每个单元都确定了要求学生掌握的词汇,语法,对话,读和写的具体目标。2 教学重点:A 交互式会话B 各种情景下的

4、灵活的语言运用C 理解和表达完整的意思D 真实可信的生活情景E 英语为母语者所讲的日常用语3 教学方法:A 制作和利用手偶B 制作和利用张贴画C 歌曲,游戏,故事书等辅助教学D 浸入式教学4 教具准备: A.相关图片,词汇卡片B. 课文投影片C.录音机和磁带D.手偶四教学进度 本册教材共计四个单元,每单元八课,共计三十二课。需要三十二个课时完成,共需十六个周完成。本学期不能按时完成教学任务。五德育渗透:1.第一单元:热爱生活,珍惜生命,锻炼身体,互相帮助。2.第二单元:讲究卫生,锻炼身体 。3.第三单元:热爱生活,热爱大自然,保护大自然。4.第四单元:勤俭节约,与他人和睦相处。The plan

5、 of unit 1一. General goals of unit 1Level 8 in the learning English continioues the story from level 7 about LiMing s visit to Canada. In this unit, Jenny teaches LiMing how to play basketball, and LiMing and teaches Jenny and Danny to play pingpong,The students learn vocabulary for describing sport

6、s and sports clothing. 二Specific goals of unit 11. mastery vocabulary: Students can read ,write,say and aurally understand the following vocabulary:A: adjectives:any, heavy and lightB: nouns: basketball, game, pingpong, player, runners, shorts, sports, team, T-shirt. C:verbs:catch, hit, lose, need,

7、throw, win 2.oral vocabulary: students can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary: What _ do you like best?I like _best. I like _better than_.三.Allocation of time: ten courses Lesson 1 Pingpong and Basketball一. Teaching Objectives and Demands:1. Student can understand read say and pract

8、ice the dialogue of this lesson . 2. Student can understand read say and practice the drill:_is my favourite sport.3. Student can understand read and say the following sports names: badminton, pingpong, soccer and basketball.二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: the sports nameThe

9、 difficult point: Practice the dialogue.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching1. Greetings2. Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision1. Review clothes the Ss have mastered: jeans, skirt,

10、blouse, boots, hat, pants, sweater, scarf, shoes, socks, jacket and glasses.2. Review locations and the structure “Lets go to the _(location) to _(verb)_(noun).” With an object prompt drill.Object Phrasepot Lets go to the kitchen to make supper.soap Lets go to the bathroom to wash hands.clothes Lets

11、 go to the shop to buy Lets go to the library to read a book.Step 3.Key concepts: basketball, pingpong, sport, runners, shorts, T-shirt1. Introduce:a. Introduce “basketball” and “ping-pong” with real equipment. To introduce “sport” use phrases such as Pingpong /Basketball is a sport.What is p

12、ingpong /basketball?Asport.We play pingpong and basketball.We play sport.b.Introduce “runners” “shorts” and “T-shirt” with real clothes.2. Student book :a. Review the story so far.LiMing has come to Canda to stay with Jennys family. He has learned many things about Canda.Look at the pictures in the

13、student book.b. Note the word “need” in this lesson.c. Note the word “store”. Its a shop.d. Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.3. Practice:a. Play “Go Fish ” with the new vocabulary and any other vocabulary. 六.Students activity:1. Sing the English song “The Monday song”.2. Questio

14、nand-answer drill with pictures of clothes.3. Object prompt drill to review “Lets go to the _to _.”4. Discuss the story in the student book.5. Imitation.6. Game “Go Fishing 七.Blackboard:Lesson 1 Pingpong and Basketball Lets go to the _(location)to _(V.) _(N.)Sports: badminton pingpong soccer basketb

15、all runners Lesson 2 At the sports store二. Teaching Objectives and Demands:1. Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2. Student can understand and practice how to express the price of something.3. Student can understand and make the difference between this and tha

16、t, these and those.二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the dialogueThe difficult point: Use these and those correctly.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teachi

17、ng1.Greetings2.Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision1. Review basketball, pingpong, sports,runners, shorts and T-shirt with a drill.2. Review demonstrative pronouns with a “This and That” chant.3. Review deonstrative pronouns with a matching game. Write two lists of words as shown below.Ask for volu

18、nteers to draw lines to match the words. this shorts pencilthese balls T-shirtthat runners vegetables those sweater stoveStep 3.Key concepts: need any or1.Introduce:a. Role-play to introduce “any” “need” and “or”.Pretend to lose something .Lead a dialogue like this:T: Oh! Where is my _?I cant find i

19、t . I need a _. Say it ,please.S: I need a _.T: (to a student)Do you have any _?Say it please.S: Do you have any _?b.Note that “any” goes with plural things:any pencils, any shorts, any books. We can not say “any soups”.Because soup is one big thing, not lot of little things. So we say “any soup”.2.

20、Student book :a.Note some of the English idioms .What does Jenny say when she wants help from the clerk?(Excuse me)b. Note the word “dollar” in this lesson. Does anyone know what a dollar is?( Its money like yuan)c. Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.3.Practice: Divide the class i

21、nto groups of at least three. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying things. 六.Students activity:1.Sing the English song “The Monday song”.2.This that chant.3.Matching game.4.Group work to practice how to buy things. 七.Blackboard:Lesson 2 At the sports store How much is it? How much are t

22、hey?Lesson 3 At the Gym一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand read say and practice the words heavy and light.3.Student can understand read say and follow the following directions: catch, hit and throw.二

23、.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the dialogue.The difficult point: Four skills the verbs.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation of time: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing an Engl

24、ish song. Step 2. Revision1. Review learn and teach with a game. Ask for two volunteers. Whisper to them that you want to be a teacher and the other to be a student. Ask the class to guess what the volunteers are acting out.Use questions such as:Who is the teacher?Who is the student?What is the teac

25、her doing?(Teaching)What is the student doing?(learning)Step 3.Key concepts:light-heavy catch hit throw 1. Introduce:a.Demonstrate “heavy” and “light” with real heavy and light objects, such as a stone and a feather.b.Usea pingpong ball to demonstrate “throw”“catch”and “hit”. Perform the actions wit

26、h the ball as the teacher say the words.2.Student book :a.Review the story so far.LiMing and Jenny went to the store to buy some clothes and some student book.Where are they now?What are they doing?What happens?b.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.3.Practice: Divide the class into

27、 small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about teaching each other a sport or sports. 六.Students activity:1.Daily dialogue with each other.2.Game: Whisper.3.Imitation.4.Discuss the story in the student book. 5.Group work :A dialogue about teaching sports. 七.Blackboard:Lesson 3 At the Gym h

28、eavy-light throw-catch hitLesson 4 Where did you go?一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand read say and practice the past tense.3.Student can understand read and know the following words of the past tens

29、e: buy-bought, teach-taught, think-thought.4.Ss can sing the song “What did you do?”二.The Importance and The Difficult point:The importance: Practice the dialogue.The difficult point: Practice the past tense.三.Teaching Aids:some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder四.Allocation of ti

30、me: one course五.Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing the Monday song Step 2. Revision1.Review the past tense ,present tense and the fuure tense verbs with a game. As each student makes a match, he or she says: “Yesterday I _(ed).Today I _. Tomorrow I am going to _.” Yester

31、day today tomorrow Worked walk going to laugh Ate go going to jumpLaughed jump going to playWent work going to walkWalked laugh going to workStep 3.Key concepts: bought taught thought1. Introduce:Add “buy” “teach” and “think” to the “today” column. Ask the Ss to give the future tense for each verb.Then write “taught” “thought” and “bought” in the “yesterday” column.2.Student book :a.Review the

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