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1、P916简化词汇听写答案P9-101.指派某人打扫教室Assign sb. to clean the classroom2. 助理工程师an assistant engineer3. 把春天和花朵联想起来associate spring with flowers4. 不要跟他们打交道Dont associate with them5.我假定这个是真实的。I assume it to be true/that it is true 6.对此消息感到惊讶be astonished at the news. 7.认为某事重要attach importance to sth.8.抨击政府的政策Atta

2、ck the government policy 9.对某地发起进攻make an attack on sth.10.心脏病突发 heart attack 11.He attempted to escape=he made an attempt to escape12.参加婚礼Attend the wedding 13.look after the patient=attend the patient14.catch ones attention= catch ones _eye_ attention to sth.= focus attention on_ sth.16.有很多

3、观众。There _is a large audience. 17.The Internet is available to people at home.18.他中等身材。He is of average height 19.平均来说On average20.避免被感染avoid being infected 21.颁与某人奖章Award sb. a prize_22.他被授予诺贝尔物理学奖 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. 23.不断增长的环保意识growing awareness of environmental protection

4、/growing environmental awareness24.回顾某事look back on sth 25.过期杂志a back number of the magazine26在理发店At the barbersP11-121. 禁酒令an alcohol ban 2. 爵士乐队a jazz band 3. 一伙强盗 a band of robbers 4. bargain with sb. about the price5. 成功之障碍a barrier to success 6. 四种基本血型four basic blood types 7. 三原色three primary

5、colors8. battle against the enemy for freedom(填介词)9. 打某人的脸 beat sb. in the face 10. 旁敲侧击 beat about the bush11. 落后于人_fall behind 12. 请随手关门 shut the door behind you_13. 人们普遍认为 It is generally believed that14. 百闻不如一见 seeing is believing 15. 请系好安全带 Please fasten the seat belt.16. 年老驼背be bent with age 1

6、7. 急转弯_a sharp bend_18. 为了某人的利益 for the benefit of sb.19. The advice is beneficial to us=The advice benefits us.20. hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.21. do sth. to the best of ones ability(尽自己所能)22. 畅销小说 best-seller/best-selling novels 23针对某事打赌 bet on sth.24. 迟做总比不做好better late than neve

7、r 25. 理解言外之意read between the lines26. The task is beyond my power/ability(超出我的能力了)27. 预防胜于治疗。Prevention is better than cure.P13-141. 提出一项议案 propose a bill 2.包扎伤口bind a wound3. 一箭双雕 kill two birds with a stone4. 出生率birth rate 5. He is not tired at all=He is not a bit tired.6. 刺骨的寒风_bitter wind_ 7. He

8、 is responsible for the accident=He is to blame for the accident8. 厚厚一层灰a blanket of dust 9. 有幸享有be blessed with 10. 对某事视而不见 be blind to11. 吹口哨 blow a whistle 12. 寄宿制学校 a boarding school_13. boast about/of ones ability= make a boast of ones ability14. 预定演唱会门票book a ticket for the concert15. 生来平等 be

9、born equal16. 一个天生的歌手a born singer 17. 别费心做某事 not bother to do18. 我衷心感谢你 thank you from the bottom of my heart19. 向某人鞠躬 bow to/before sb.20. 商标 a brand name 21. 科学上的突破 (make) a breakthrough in science22. The car broke down on the way. (失灵,出故障)23. He decides to break away from the club. (脱离俱乐部)24. 哄堂

10、大笑_burst into laughter 25. 新品种的羊a new breed of sheep26. 以金钱向某人行贿bribe sb. with money27. 简短的讨论 a brief discussion28. 杰出成就a brilliant achievementP15-161.实施计划bring out a plan/bring a plan into practice 2.随意翻阅browse through 3. 一串钥匙a bunch of keys4. 为来年做预算make a budget for the coming year5. 建立信心build up

11、confidence 6. 挑重担carry/bear a heavy burden7. 沉思be buried in thought 8. 言归正传get down to business9. 别管闲事 Mind your own business10. Hes but a child= he is only/just a child.11. Hes anything but an artist= He is not an artist at all.12. 倒数第三last but two 13. 最后(但不是最不重要的)last but not least14. 职位候选人a candi

12、date for a post 15. postpone = put off/delay 16. 你再怎么仔细都不过分You cant be more careful.17. 所谓的名人 so-called celebrities18. 不胜枚举 beyond calculation 19. 拉着某人的手lead sb by the hand20. 按小时付费pay by the hour21. 成打地卖 be sold by the dozen 22. 用信用卡付费pay by credit card/ with credit cards/ on credit23. 暴风雨后的宁静the calm after a storm24 反对核武器的运动 a campaign against nuclear weapons25. There is no rule but has exceptions.

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