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1、新东方恋练有词考研英语词汇 考研英语词汇 识记与应用大全 publicity influential Chapter 1: impact publicized live publicly - - 高频词汇 alive in public deliver mass unit 01 delivery civil state outlive law statute liveliness claw manifestation livelihood lawful statistic live off lawsuit statistical dwell flaw stationary reside law

2、yer statement survive legislation understatement mean survival overstate inhabit meaning statesman settle well-meaning estate federal meaningless devastate federation meaningfully devastating FBI (Federal Bureau means workstation of Investigation) meanwhile status CIA (Central by means of assert Int

3、elligence Agency) by no means affirm large indicate public largely implication publication enlarge influence republican at large stare at guideline in line with glare at bulky series contemporary outsize row huge issue boundary tissue mark bound claim market route marketplace proclaim succession mar

4、ked disclaim procession marketer acclaim lay claim to value (remark n.v.) overvalue allege remarkable devalued landmark contend worth ) v. adj. n.blot patent(significance spot intellectual property view () stain court(n.n.v.) interview symbol courteous viewer ) n. v.system line(review systematic har

5、dline reviewer systematically underline worldview decline regime in view of online organization in view offline structure on view coastline stress take sth. in view = deadline stressed-out take sth. into account incline highlight perspective emphasize baseline individual(strain airline adj. n.) indi

6、vidually unit 02 outline collective lineage peer ) adj.economic(pipeline gaze at uneconomic unit 03 client environment() n.) subject(economics v. n. adj.environmental economically subjective environmentally socioeconomic be subject to environmentalist lead(v. n.fiscal cliff ) surroundings leadership

7、 IMF(International atmosphere mislead Monetary Fund) situation financial leader essay(n.fiscal ) plead article leading monetary matter() n. v.lead someone on ) create( a matter of fact creature lead up to substance take the lead creative stuff ) intendrecreate (v.material creativity intend to do

8、 /intend doing sth. fund(creation v. n.) fundamental sector(n.) creationism fundamentally ) account(creationist v. n.nonfundamentalist procreation accountant underfund legal() adj.account for illegal hold(v. n.) take into account household leave sth. out of lawful holder account legitimate withhold

9、official on account of shareholder ) v.consider(description shareholding explanation consideration stockholder ) consumer(n.reconsider stakeholder consumption considerable hold back consuming considering hold on consumerism as considerhold out concerned supply offer v.) hold up allow(challenge(n. v.

10、cling ) shallow unchallenged allow for withstand ) product(n.seize unit 05 ) production function(v. n.functional deal(productive n. v.) ideal work productivity dealing employ invention dealership level(n. adj. v.) n.evidence() deal with low-level evident a great deal of level off proof contract conf

11、irmation on the level practice(v. ones level best ) structure(v. n.) restructuring effort(in practice n.) structural effortless perform infrastructure note(v. n.) ) infer(v.content(v. n. adj.) denote inferiority contention inferior noteworthy discontent take/make notes inference self-contented

12、deduce immigrant(unit 04 adj. n.) conclude immigration n. adj.) ) professional( professionalize agreement comprehension(professionalization n.) Greek comprehension v. n.concern(professionalism ) beyond oneconcerned v.provide() s comprehension unconcerned provided potential(provider

13、n. adj.) concern oneself with possible provision be as/so far asprobable recovery astrophysicist material ) discover mass(adj. n.bodily massive cloak introduce(v.massarce reveal(v.) ) introductory biomass uncover launch rally unveil initiate .) display compare(vdisclose figure(v.n.) comparable figur

14、e out n.analysis(comparison ) conduct(comparative anatomy v. n.) semiconductor probe comparatively conductive unit 06 compare with conductor pare to identify() behavior identity contrast steer identity with n. vfeature(.) recognize v.involve() tell(v.) teller title(n.involvement ) intellect entitle

15、revolve intellectual evolve entitlement intellectualism invalid subtitle intelligent doubt() n. v.engage intelligently doubter occupy intelligence ) n.segment(undoubtedly satellite section doubtful inform fraction in doubt notify n. v.access() in no doubt lack(n. v.) ) physical(accessible adj.blacke

16、ned access road physics slack cover(geophysical ) n. v.slacken physician coverage available(adj.) contributing launch wonder(v. available to contribution ) wonderful contribute to obtainable no wonder lead to accessible approach() give rise to v. n.) emerge(v.access to emergence executive(adj.

17、n.) come up to current(n. adj.emergency ) get close to emerge from curve grant(sort(n. v.) surface n. v.) immigrant resort originate takesort sth. out appear for granted position v. adj. assort positive classify press posture secure(v. adj.expression ) composition safeguard impress oppos

18、ition shield impressive proposition unimpressive n.threat() disposition depress menace locate depression unit 07 site n. adj.material() depressant materialism compress brain brainstorm pressing materialistic brain-drain observe oppress term(n. for )observer determine state abide determinedly

19、 convey survey terminate n.consequence() establish terminally in consequence establishment in terms of outcome well-established clause establish oneself in ) v.contribute(increasingly talent indirectly straight respect(increased n. v.)frankly labor respected otherwise(conj. adv.laboratory respectabl

20、e ) likewise elaborate respectively reflectirrespectively laborsaving reflection collaborate with respect to unreflecting collaboratively in respect of relect on workforce esteem despitemaintain mobile in spite of n. v.detail()retain discipline(career n. v.)uphold land( quitn. v.)sustain mainland pr

21、imaryresign landing primarily renounce prime element depart elevate n. adj.essential() principal central necessary indicateexpose unit 08 vital pose relate indispensable purpose interrelated core propose correlate )n. v.(headimpose headache correlated compose go-ahead be correlated with oppose headl

22、ine relate to suppose headway bond supposedly headlong commune be exposed to directlyheadhunter be composed of directory head for as opposed to directive chief be supposed to assemble mistrusted trust fund congregate religionput trust in sb./sth. religious personal criticalsuffer interpersonal criti

23、cally personality suffering hypocritical impersonal suffer sth./suffer from criticize individual sth. be critical of private ) epidemic(n. adj.indeed immediaten. v.addict() immediately certainly paymentinstant hijackdefinitely )scale(n. v. letmanage outlet circumstancemanager let out under the manag

24、eable let alone management circumstance=in the advocate(circumstances administer n. v.) regulate threaten instance instantly control prospect instantaneously unit 09 recognizefor instance reject unrecognized recognition preserve(rejection n. v.) maintain decline )(v. n.object unit 10 refuse objectio

25、n discard objective concept conception objectivity occurpreconception occurrence objectiveness conceive incur object to sth./doing notion happen sth. trust( )v. n.arise enhance enhanced distrust meetchancellor represent be governed by administrate in the presence of enhancement conduct gene boost in

26、terpretgenetic heighten interpretation genealogist reference misinterpret generate parallel define unparalleled codespecify encode parachute prove succeedmoral code improve be succeeded by retailproverb consciousretailer show consciousness entail confirm unconscious upsetreturn upsetting subconsciou

27、s returning disturbance be conscious of overturn partnerbe aware of in return for spouse deliberate versionspontaneous industrial industry conservative diversion industrialized conservation Chapter 2: industrialization conserve energy measureprogressive - -中频词汇global oppose opponent crisisunit 11 be

28、 opposed to critic govern repel criticism government deny musclegovernance counter muscular government-funded imagine presenceself-governing image present imaging afford to owe owing to imaginary complex unimaginable revenue complexity taxation imaginative perplexing voteintricate dream devoted soph

29、isticated picture election campaign ensure drop ballot assure drop by miserydrop out favorbe sorrowful of favorite engagegrief engagement favorable unfavorable engage in routineroutinely in favor of engage with circular bus route propertynovel novelty asset inevitableunemployment requirement unavoid

30、able solverequire employ resolve unit 12 employer solution employee dominate dominant commerceemployment commercialized unemployment rate domestic commercial predominance demonstrate predominantly e-commerce respond recruitcircuitresponsible integrateresponsibility priority integration corresponding henceintegration neglectcorrespondent disintegrate in respond to negative affordintegrate with negotiate disorderbe neglectful of unaffordable distort formation confirm affirm refo

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