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1、人教版六年级下册英语单元测试题及答案全套人教版六年级下册英语单元测试题及答案全套(含期中期末试题,共6套)人教版六年级英语下册第一单元测试题含答案(附:本单元知识小结)Unit 1How tall are you?满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,选择听到的单词。(10分)()1. A.say B.size C.sad()2. A.than B.other C.then()3. A.have B.heavy C.heavier()4. A.small B.smaller C.smallest()5. A.wear B.funny C.wait二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(1

2、0分) 三、听录音,选择听到的句子。(10分)()1. A.My brother is 1.6 metres. B.My brother is 1.7 metres.()2. A.My schoolbag is 5 kilograms. B.My schoolbag is 15 kilograms.()3. A.His tail is longer. B.His head is smaller.()4. A.Im three years older than you. B.Im three years younger than you.()5. A.When the sun gets lowe

3、r, the shadow will become longer.B.When the sun gets lower, the shadow will become shorter.四、听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(10分)()1. A. B.()2. A. B.()3. A. B.()4. A. B.()5. A. B.笔试部分五、选择正确的答案。(10分)()1. Im 48 kilograms.Im than you.A.taller B.heavy C.heavier()2. The pig is than the elephant.A.heavier B.bigger

4、aller()3. My hands are bigger than.A.yours B.your The dinosaur is taller than both us together.A.for B.on C.of()5. How are you? Im 1.64 metres.A.long B.heavy C.tall六、用方框中单词的适当形式填空。(每词只能用一次)(10分)heavytallshortsmallfunnystrongbigthinherlong1. My brother is 45 kilograms. I am 40 kilograms. He

5、 is than me.2. The rabbit is than the elephant.3. How are you?4. You are 1.6 metres.Im 1.56 metres.Im than you.5. Your story is than Toms.6. My bedroom is big, but her bedroom is than mine.7. Sue is 32 kilograms.Tim is 34 kilograms.Sue is than Tim.8. The bear looks so.Some animals are afraid of it.9

6、. Toms schoolbag is bigger than.10. Joes pencil is 10 centimetres.My pencil is 20 centimetres.My pencil is than Joes.七、给下列句子选择合适的图片。(10分)A.B.C.D. E.()1. Lily is shorter than Jenny.()2. Li Mings mother is thinner than Li Qiangs mother.()3. The man is stronger than the woman.()4. My pencil is longer t

7、han yours.()5. The baby is younger than the old man.八、情景交际。(10分)()1. 你想告诉别人天气正变得越来越冷时,你会说: A.Its cold. B.Its colder. C.Its getting colder and colder.()2. 当你想告诉别人你是你们班个子最高的时,应该说: A.I am taller in my class. B.I am the tallest in my class.C.I am the taller in my class.()3. 当你想知道教室有多大时,应该说: A.How long i

8、s the classroom?B.How large is the classroom?C.How heavy is your brother?()4. 当你想告诉别人陈杰比你大时,应该说: A.Chen Jie is younger than me.B.Chen Jie is older than me.C.Chen Jie is old.()5. 当别人问你喜欢哪个颜色的衣服,你想说你喜欢白色的那件时,应该说:A.I dont like white.B.I like the white one.C.Id like the yellow one.九、阅读短文,判断对(􀳫)

9、错()。(10分)Hello, I am a Chinese boy. My name is Wu Yifan. Now, I am happy to have a pen pal. Her name is Susan. She is from Canada. She is 12. And she is older than me. I am 1.56 m tall. And Susan is 1.58 m tall. So she is taller than me. She likes going hiking, planting trees and flying kites, I lik

10、e taking pictures, swimming and reading. We are in different countries. But we are good friends.()1. Wu Yifan is from Canada.()2. Susan is older than Wu Yifan.()3. Susan is taller than Wu Yifan.()4. Susan likes swimming and driving.()5. Wu Yifan and Susan are good friends.十、写作。(10分)根据给出的图表,用比较级写几句话。

11、不少于五句话。NameAgeHeightWeightHobbyChen Jie111.5 metres42 kilogramsswimming (游泳)Sarah131.62 metres45 kilogramsdiving (跳水)参 考 答 案Unit 1听力部分一、听力材料1.size2.than3.heavier4.smaller5.wear答案: 1.B2.A3.C4.B5.A二、听力材料1.The elephant is heavier than the mouse.2.My fingers are longer than yours.3.The giraffes neck is

12、so long.4.My bag is heavier than yours.5.I have so many pencils.答案:42531三、听力材料 1.My brother is 1.7 metres.2.My schoolbag is 5 kilograms. 3.His head is smaller. 4.Im three years older than you.5.When the sun gets lower, the shadow will become longer.答案:1.B2.A3.B4.A5.A四、听力材料1.My mother is thin.2.Li Mi

13、ngs bag is heavier.3.My shoes are size 7.4.The elephant has big ears.5.Your hands are bigger than mine.答案:1.B2.B3.B4.A5.B笔试部分五、1.C2.C3.A4.C5.C六、1.heavier2.smaller3.tall4.shorter5.funnier6.bigger7.thinner8.strong9.hers10.longer七、1.B2.C3.D4.A5.E八、1.C2.B3.B4.B5.B九、1.2.􀳫3.􀳫4.5.𙫤

14、3; 十、略Unit 1 How tall are you?一、 核心词汇互为反义词的比较级:shorter更矮的/更短的 taller更高的/longer更长的older更年长的 younger更年轻的thinner更瘦的 stronger更强壮的/heavier更重的bigger 更大的 smaller 更小的拓展词汇形容词比较级:1. 形容词比较级一般情况下直接在原级词尾加-er。如:clean cleaner;2. 以不发音的e结尾的单词直接加-r。如: large largernice nicer;3. 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的单词变y为i,再加-er。如:easy easier

15、busy busierhappy happierfunny funnier;4. 以重读闭音节结尾的单词,要先双写词尾的辅音字母,再加-er。如:red redderfat fattersad sadder;5. 不规则变化。如:good betterbad worsemany morelittle less6. 多音节词和部分双音节词则在词前加more。如:beautiful more beautiful exciting more exciting二、 了解词汇dinosaur恐龙hall大厅metre米(美式英语: meter)than比both两个都 kilogram千克;公斤coun

16、tryside乡村lower(low的比较级)更低地shadow阴影;影子smarter(smart的比较级)更聪明的become开始变得;变成三、 核心句型1. How tall are you?你有多高? Im 1.64 metres. 我身高1.64米。2. What size are your shoes, Mike?迈克,你穿多大号的鞋? Size 7. 7号。3. How heavy are you?你体重多少? Im 48 kilograms. 我体重48公斤。解读: How + 形容词原级 + be动词(is/are) + 主语?举一反三: How old are you?你多

17、大? Im 14/15(years old). 我14/15(岁了)。 How big are your feet?你的脚多大? I wear size 17/16. 我穿17/16号的鞋。拓展: How long is your pencil?你的铅笔多长?How long are your legs?你的腿多长?How tall is the building?那栋建筑物多高?How heavy are the apples?这些苹果有多重?4. Im thinner than you, and shorter.我比你瘦,比你矮。解读: 主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + 形容词

18、比较级 + than + 宾语.举一反三: Im younger than my brother. 我比我哥哥年轻。The yellow monkey is taller than the brown one. 那只黄色的猴子比棕色的猴子高。He is stronger than us. 他比我们强壮。四、 了解句型1. Your feet are bigger than mine. = Your feet are bigger than my feet. 你的脚比我的(脚)大。解读: mine是名词性物主代词,相当于名词。举一反三: Her hair is longer than his.

19、= Her hair is longer than his hair. 她的头发比他的(头发)长。Your bag is heavier than mine. = Your bag is heavier than my bag. 你的包比我的(包)重。Mikes bedroom is bigger than Toms. = Mikes bedroom is bigger than Toms bedroom. 迈克的卧室比汤姆的(卧室)大。2. But I think you are heavier. 但是我认为你更重。解读: I think 表示“我想;我认为”。在发表自己的意见时,常用I t

20、hink 来表示。它的否定形式为I don􀆳t think 意为“我不认为”。举一反三: I think its a good idea.我认为这个主意不错。I dont think its a good idea.我认为这个主意不怎么样。3. Im taller than this one.我比这只高。解读: 用one来指前面提到的单个人或事物。人教版六年级英语下册第二单元测试题含答案(附:本单元知识小结)Unit 2Last weekend满分:100分时间:60分钟得分:听力部分一、听录音,选择听到的单词。(10分)()1. A.yesterday B.todayC.t

21、omorrow()2. A.seeing B.see C.saw()3. A.watered B.water C.what()4. A.this weekend weekend C.last weekend()5. A.had a cold B.had a fever C.had a headache 二、听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(10分)()1. A.B.()2. A. B.()3. A. B.()4. A. B.()5. A. B.三、听录音,选择听到的句子。(10分)()1. A.What do you usually do on the weekend?B.Wh

22、at did you do last weekend?C.What did you do last night?()2. A.Did you go to the park?B.Did you go at night?C.Did you see a film?()3. A.I went to a park yesterday. B.I visited my grandparents the day before yesterday.C.I visited my grandparents yesterday. ()4. A.Wu Yifan played football with his fri

23、end yesterday. B.Wu Yifan cleaned his room yesterday. C.Wu Yifan watched TV yesterday.()5. A.He went hiking last weekend. B.They went hiking last weekend.C.She went hiking last weekend. 四、听录音,选择答语。(10分)()1. A.Yes, he does. B.Yes, he did. C.Yes, he is. ()2. A.Yes, I take. B.No, I dont. C.Yes, I did.

24、()3.A.I went there by plane. B.I went to the Great Wall. C.I often go there by train. ()4. A.Shes going to swim. B.She swam. C.She swims. ()5.A.Yes, I did homework after school. B.Yes, I am beautiful.C.Yes, I help my mother do the dishes. 笔试部分五、选择正确的答案。(10分)()1. How your vacation? B.was C.did()2

25、. Did you any gifts to your mother?A.give C.gave()3. Were you happy yesterday? Yes, B.was C.were()4. What he this morning? He played the violin.A.did; did B.does; do C.did; do()5. Did you read a book yesterday? A.Yes, I do. B.No, I didnt. C.Yes, I didnt.六、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)visitgoh

26、avewashwatchplayfishreaddolisten1. Last night they a good time.2. He ping-pong at school yesterday afternoon.3. you TV last night?4. Luckily, it rain yesterday.5. Did Mike to music last Saturday?6. My mother often the clothes for me.7. She often swimming on Sundays.8. Why not go with us?9. My father

27、 a newspaper in the living room now.10. Tom and his friend the farm last Sunday.七、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. Mike visits the museum every day.(用last weekend代替every day改写句子)2. I did my homework yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)3. Did you go to the zoo?(作否定回答)4. The boy read a book in the library yesterday.(改为否定句)5. He did th

28、e housework yesterday.(对画线部分提问)八、补全对话。(用所给句子把对话补充完整,把序号写在横线上)(有多余选项)。 (10分)Bob: Hi, Ann.1Ann: Nice to meet you, too.Bob: 2Ann: My mother was ill.3Bob: 4 How is your mother now?Ann: 5Bob: Youd better let her drink more water and have a good rest.Ann: Thank you.A.I went to the hospital.B.Im sorry to hear that.C.She is better.D.What did you do last weekend?E.Nice to meet you.F.Im fine, thank you. G.What do you do?九、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)Hi, Im Li Ming. My father likes watch

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