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1、8AU2词汇38AUnit 2 numbers 词汇基础教案一、Key words:1 .number n.数字 Choose a number between ten and one hundred. We often use Arabic numbers in our daily life. 我们在日常生活中经常使用阿拉伯数字 。 Whats your telephone ? 你的电话号码是多少?总结: number 作 词,表示“ ”,是可数名词, 复数形式“numbers”;拓展:number v. 标序号,给.编号 Number the pages from one to ten.

2、Please the pictures. 请给这些图片编上序号。常用短语: a (large/ small)number of 大/少 量 + 可数名词复数【辨析】常考短语:a number of & the number ofa number of “若干”或“许多”, a small/large number of少量;大量 There are a number of ants on the ground. The number of “.的数量”, The number of the apples is 40.注意:虽然两个短语后面都接复数名词,但是 a number of. 作主语时,

3、谓语动词要用复数 e.g. A number of students are playing. the number of. 作主语时,谓语动词要用单数 e.g. The number of the students is 50. 运用: 不要告诉任何人你的房号。 不要忘记给这些书编号。 在校门外有大量的家长。 2.check v.检查,核实 Please check your answers after finishing doing homework.Our teachers check our homework everyday. 我们的老师每天都检查我们的作业。 Please chec

4、k the answers. 请核对答案。总结: check用作 词时,意思是“ ”拓展:check 相关短语: check up 检验check in : 在旅馆登记住宿;报到;签到 Have you checked in at the hotel yet?你在旅馆登记住宿了吗? The friends we had invited did not check in until Saturday我们邀请的朋友直到星期六才到达。运用: 你为什么要检查洗手间呢? check out: 结账离开 Guests must check out before noon, or they will be

5、charged for the day. 客人必须在中午前结账离开,否则将付全日费用。3.wise adj.充满智慧的 a wise old man 一位博学多识的老先生 近义词:clever/ bright/ intelligent wisdom n. 才能,智慧 句型:It is wise of sb. to do sth. 你做了., 真是太明智了。(wise形容人品,of sb.) eg: It is wise of you to accept my advice. 你接受了我的建议,真是太明智了。拓展句型:It is important for you to take care of

6、 yourself. (important形容事情本身, for sb.)4.challenge v.向.挑战 This is a global challenge. 这是一项全球性挑战。It is time to challenge this vision. 现在是时候质疑这种看法了。总结:challenge用作 词时,意思是“ ” 用作 词时,意思是“ ”常用短语: accept a challenge 应战 challenge sb to 挑战某人做某事challenge nc挑战 Climbing the mountain will be a real challenge. give/

7、offer a challenge 提出挑战 accept/take up a challenge接受挑战运用: 他们会接受挑战吗? 中国学生几乎不会质疑老师的观点。 她向我挑战要我跟她打一场网球 5 promise v. 许诺,承诺 The King promised the old man a golden ring. 国王许诺给老人一个金戒指。Promise me you will not waste your time. 答应我,不要浪费自己的时间。If you make a promise, you should keep it. 如果做出了承诺,就应该遵守。总结:promise用作

8、 词时,意思是“ ” 用作 词,意思是“ ” 常用短语: promise that +从句 承诺 . make a promise(to do) 许下承诺,保证 promise sb sth 答应某人某事 promise sth to sb 答应某事对某人 promise to do sth答应做某事 She promised to give me the money today. make a promise 许下诺言 keep a promise 遵守诺言 break a promise 违背诺言运用:. 你承诺给他一辆新自行车吗? 他们答应准时来参加聚会。 妈妈许下承诺带我去迪斯尼乐园。

9、 6.amount n.数量,数额 a large(great) amount of +不可数名词:大量的. They spent a large amount of money building the house.7. instead adv. 代替,顶替。位于句子的开头时,多用逗号与句子的主体部分隔开。位于句子的结尾时,不用逗号与句子的主体部分隔开。She is very busy, lets go instead. 她太忙了, 还是让我们代替她去吧。Instead ,he set out two options. 相反,他提出两个选择。总结:instead用作 词时,意思是“ ” 辨析

10、:instead 和 instead of instead代替,相反位于句首或句末instead of 代替,而不是后接名词、代词或动名词 He is too busy, let me go instead. 他太忙了,让我去吧。短语:instead of 代替,而不是。后接宾语,宾语多由_词、代词、_形式以及介词短语等充当【即学即练】1. Dave went cycling_ going skating.2. My brother isnt good at math, _, he is good at English.3. Mr. Zhang likes reading newspapers

11、_ books. 4. I like reading in the library_ in the classroom. 5. Yesterday John_ Mr. Zhang gave us a talk on American history.Main phrases1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. a long time ago 很早以前3. 向某人挑战 4. would like 想要5. and so on 等等 6. talk to 和某人交谈7. 带.去. 8. in a year 一年后9. from then on

12、从那以后 10. not.any more 不再11. take place 发生 12. both. and. .和.都.13. copy down 抄写 14. traffic accident 交通事故15. at first 起初 16. in this way 用这种方式17. the amount of .的数量 18. all the year around 一年到头同步练习: 根据句意选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。1. Only _ can we solve the problem. 2. I decided to study hard to please my

13、parents.3. Mum will _ me _the Disney Land. 4. I love all kinds of fruit, apples、bananas、oranges _.5.Because he hurt my feeling, I want to be his friend . 6. _the teachers the students like the show. 7. _ there was a King who was loved by all his people.8. Leo, your boss wants to you right now .9. Il

14、l graduate .10. The this morning, fortunately, nobody was injured.11. -Can you with me? -Of course. 12. I didnt like him, but later I found him a charming(有魅力的) guy. 13. Mary wants to Jim fight.14. -What you ? -A cup of coffee please.15. -Whats water? - 3 liters (升). 【即学即练】一、根据首字母提示,完成所缺单词。1. Before taking off, the pilot c_ both engines carefully.2. 2, 8, 34, 936 are n_.3. You should lie down and r_.4. The r_ of the guests were in the hall.5. I should be able to tell who are w_ and who are foolish.6. I live nea

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