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1、苏教版九年级上18单元重点句9A Unit1 Important SentencesWelcome to the unit& Comic strip1.Heres an interesting article about personality.2.It says some people are generous. It makes them feel good to share things with others.3.People with different personalities behave in different ways.4.Suzy is well organized ,

2、she keeps all her things in good order.5.Daniel is very clever, but he is modest and never shows off.6.Mr Wu is patient enough to repeat grammar rules for us.7.Samuel is creative. He often comes up with new ideas.8.Billy is curious about everything.9.Simon is very energetic. He always plays football

3、 for hours.10.Im patient and I dont get angry easily.11.Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.12.Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.13.Millie has read an article on Sunshine Daily.Reading14.It introduces four people who are outstanding in their fields in

4、Sunshine Town.15.Hes quiet and doesnt like to talk much, but his work shouts.16.Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work.17.His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community.18.I want to share the best art with people, so Im a

5、lways searching for something better or different.19.This in itself is great fun.20.Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company.21.However, in my last job, I could only work with numbers day after day.22.Su Ning is now the gen

6、eral manager of the company.23.Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind.9A Unit1 重点句Welcome to the unit& Comic strip1.这里有一篇关于个性的有趣的文章。2.据说有的人很慷慨,跟别人分享东西会使得他们感觉很好。3.不同个性的人以不同的方式表现。4.Suzy做事很有条理,她所有的东西都保持得井井有条。5.Daniel 很聪明,但他很谦虚,从不炫耀。6.吴老师够耐心地给我们重复语法规则。7.Samuel富有创造力,他经常想出新的主意。8.Bill

7、y对一切都充满好奇心。9.Simon 精力充沛,他总是几个小时踢足球。10.我很耐心,我不轻易生气。11.我和我父母都觉得我不会成为一个好的会计。12.对我来说一整天不说话太可怕了。13.Millie 已经看了阳光日报上的一篇文章。Reading14.它介绍了阳光镇四个各自领域杰出的人物。15.他很安静,不喜欢多说话,但是他用作品代言。16.吴伟,年轻的艺术家,已经用他创造性的作品给整个国家留下了印象。17.他为阳光镇广场设计的雕塑赢得了艺术界的高度赞扬。18.我想和人们分享最好的艺术品,所以我总是在搜寻更好的或者不同的东西。19.这本身就很有乐趣。20.苏宁五年前放弃了会计的工作开始为一家大

8、公司的销售部工作。21.但是,我上一个工作,我只能一天又一天和数字打交道。22.苏宁现在是这个公司的总经理。23.人生就像一场赛跑,要么领先要么落后。24.Im ready to take on new challenges any time. 25.Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin.26.To us, a miss is as good as a mile .We cant afford to make any mistakes.27.All

9、of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail.28.He always works to high standards, but hes modest and easy to work with.29.Fang Yuan, head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon, is kind and patient.30.As a doctor, you cant be too careful.31.Carelessness will be a disaste

10、r not only to ourselves but also to patients.32.Doctor Fang often does operations for about ten hours a day.33.She has devoted most of her time to her work.34.Do you think your personality is suitable for the job?Grammar35.Billy would not accept others advice or think twice.36.Judy is gentle, and sh

11、e never gets angry with others.37.Suzy worries too much.38.Not only the students but also their teacher knows about the four people.39.Either Simon or David is ready to take on new challenges.40.Neither Millie nor her friends know about types of personality.41.In the afternoon, my grandpa and my dad

12、 either(not only) play chess or (but also)chat with each other.42.My mum either (not only) helps clean the rooms for my grandparents or (but also) does some shopping for them.43.Ive learnt about jobs and personalities recently.44.What jobs do you think our classmates can do in the future?45.Shes not

13、 only willing to work with children but also patient with them.24.我随时准备接受挑战。25.刘浩是连接阳光镇和天津之间高铁的总工程师。26.对我们来说,失之毫厘谬以千里,我们承担不起任何错误。27.我们所有人都觉得注重每个细节很有必要。28.他总是高标准的工作,但他谦虚并容易合作。29.方圆,阳光医院的院长,是心脏外科医生带头人,善良又耐心。30.作为一个医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。31.粗心不仅对我们自己而且对病人来说都是灾难。32.方医生经常一天十多个小时动手术。33.她把她的大部分时间都奉献给了她的工作。34.你认为你的个性

14、适合这项工作吗?Grammar35.Billy不听从别人的建议也不三思而行。36.Judy很优雅,从不对别人发怒。37.Suzy 非常担心。38.不仅学生而且他们的老师也了解这四个人。39.要么是Millie要么是David准备接受挑战。40.Millie和她的朋友对性格类型都不了解。41.下午,我爷爷和我爸爸要么/不仅下棋,要么/而且互相聊天。42.我妈妈要么/不仅帮助我祖父母打扫房间,要么/而且为他们购物。43.最近我学了有关职业与性格。44.你认为我们同学将来能做什么工作?45.她不仅乐意和孩子们打交道而且对他们也很有耐心。46.In the Chinese lunar calendar

15、, there are 12 animal signs.47.Each of them represents a lunar year.48.They appear in a fixed order and the cycle repeats every 12 years.49.Neither Davids nor Lisas personality is suitable for being an artist.Integrated Skills50.You can read about them either from some books or on the Internet.51.So

16、me people believe that people born under the same animal sign may have similar personalities.52.Some people believe that your star sign may decide your personality.53.In Western countries, a year is divided into a cycle of 12 star signs, your star sign depends on your date of birth.54.If you are int

17、erested in either animal signs or star signs, read about them just for fun.55.Whats your animal sign?56.It is said that people born in the year of the Tiger are brave.57.What it says about me may be true, but for my cousin Julie, thats not the case.Study Skills & Task58.Personality includes your tho

18、ughts, feelings and behaviours which make you different from other people.59.Most people believe that it is formed by both nature and the environment.60.Some aspects of your personality are passed onto you by your parents.61.Sometimes,these personalities do not change and remain the same throughout

19、your life.62.The environment , including your education, your experiences and the people around you, can change your personality.63.For example, you may become confident if you successfully complete a difficult task through hard work.64.That is how your experience influences your personality.65.We a

20、re writing to recommend David as our new monitor.46.在中国的农历,有12个动物生肖。47.它们每一个都代表一个农历年。48.他们以一种固定的顺序出现并每12年循环重复。49.David和Lisa的个性都不适合做艺术家。Integrated Skills50.你要么可以从一些书上,要么从网上看到它们。51.有些人相信出生于相同生肖的人性格相似。52.有些人相信你的星座可能会决定你的个性。53.在西方国家,一年被分成12个星座的一个循环,你的星座决定于你的出生日期。54.如果你对动物生肖或者星座感兴趣,可以当作娱乐去阅读一下有关内容。55.你的生

21、肖是什么?56.据说出生于虎年的人很勇敢。57.关于说我的内容可能是真实的,但对我表弟来说就不是那么回事了。Study Skills & Task58.个性包括使得你有别于他人的想法,感受及行为。59.大多数人认为它是由先天和环境决定的。60.你个性中的某些方面由你的父母遗传给你。61.有时候,这些个性不会改变,一辈子保持原样。62.环境,包括你所受的教育,你的经历以及你周围的人,都可能改变你的个性。63.例如,如果通过你的努力成功地完成了一项困难的任务,你可能变得自信。64.那就是你的经历怎样影响你的个性。65.我们写信推荐David做我们的新班长。66.We think he has ma

22、ny strong qualities for this position.67.He thinks he can do anything if he tries his best.68.He is not afraid of making a speech in front of many people.69.David is organized and never forgets the things he needs to do.70.For example, he will help with our lessons if we are absent from school.71.We

23、 think David is the most suitable person to be our monitor. We hope that you agree with us.66.我们认为他有很多突出的品质胜任这个职位。67.他觉得如果他尽努力就可以做任何事。68.他不害怕在很多人面前做演讲。69.David很有条理从不会忘记他该做的事。70.比如,如果我们缺课了他将在功课方面帮助我们。71.我们觉得David是做我们班长的最好人选,希望你能同意。9A Unit2 Important sentencesWelcome to the unit& comic strip1.Pink is

24、a girls colour.2.But there is nothing wrong with pink, you know.3.And Im not sure if blue looks good on you.4.The world would be a dull place without colours.5.The Class 1,Grade 9 students are doing a project on colours-what they represent and how they influence people.6.One day, Millie looked out o

25、f her window after a rain shower and saw a rainbow.7.Did you see a rainbow in the sky just now, Amy?8.Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow?9.I like green best.=My favourite colour is green.Reading10.Millie has found an article about the relationship between colours and moods in a maga

26、zine.11.Some people believe that colours can influence our moods.12.You may wonder whether it is true.13.In fact, colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.14.This article explains that colours can do and what characteristics they represent.15.Have you ever walk

27、ed into a room and felt ralaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue.16.It brings peace to your mind and body.17.Blue can also represent sadness, so you may say “Im feeling blue” when you are feeling sad.18.Many women like to wear white on their wedding day.19.People in cold areas prefer

28、 warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.20.Orange represents joy. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad.21.Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day.22.Yellow is also the colour of wisdom. Some people prefer this colour when they h

29、ope for success.23.When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colours like green.24.Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life.25.However, it is also the colour of envy, so we may say someone is “green with envy”.26.If you require strength in either

30、body or mind, red may be of some help to you.27.Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.28.This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.29.Daniel likes the colour blue because it can help him calm down when he is angry.Grammar30.She hopes that yellow can bring her succes

31、s.31.She is sure that yellow can bring her good luck.32.Do you think that your favourite colour matches your characteristics?33.Did you know there is a relationship between colours and moods?34.I think colours influence our everyday lives in many ways. Welcome to the unit& comic strip1.粉色是女孩子穿的颜色。2.但是你知道粉色也没什么不好啊。3.我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。4.没有颜色,世界会是一个沉闷的地方。5.九年级一班的学生正在做一个关于颜色的课题研究颜色代表什么以及他们怎样影响人们。6.一天,米莉在阵雨后向窗外看去,看到了一道彩虹。7.埃米,你刚才在天空中刚看到彩虹了吗?8.你知道彩虹中有多少种色彩吗?9.我最喜欢绿色。(2种)Reading10.米莉在一本杂志上发现了一篇关于颜色和心情之间联系的文章。11.有些人相信颜色能够影响我们的心情。12.你也许想知道这是否正确。13.事

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