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1、精品教案14英语七年级7BU1063教师姓名学生姓名年 级七年级上课时间学 科英语课题名称7BU10 Water Festival教学目标熟练掌握各种词汇的用法;具备准确判断词性及转换的能力;熟练掌握系动词的分类和用法; 熟练运用动名词以及祈使句的能力。教学重难点动名词的用法Module 3 The natural elements U 10 Water Festival教学过程:1. 口语和听力练习2. 基础知识梳理知识点1:本单元词汇知识点2:词组3. 重要句型及语法知识点3:句型知识点4:系动词用法 知识点5:祈使句和动名词用法4. 课堂练习5. 家庭作业Part 1 基础梳理知识点1

2、词汇1ice n. iced a. 冰镇的,加冰块的 icing n. 糖霜, 糖衣Ice is one of the three forms of water. Its not good for you to have so much iced juice. To make a chocolate cake, we need a packet of icing power, some flour, some sugar and some chocolate. 2. lid ld n. 盖子 【易混淆点】lid 盖子 lip 嘴唇3. prepare v. preparation n. My

3、parents are preparing a trip to Xiamen. Students are busy with the preparation for the coming exam. 4. freeze v. 使冻结,结冰 frozen a.冷冻的 freezing a. 极冷的In some northern areas of China, rivers usually freeze in winter. We are going to buy some frozen food at the supermarket. What a freezing day it was ye

4、sterday! 4. safe a. 安全的 safely adv.安全地 safety n.安全 We should try our best to keep our city safe. Safety comes first. Please fasten your safety belt. Finally the plane landed safely.5. toothpick tu:pk n. 牙签 【易混淆点】toothpick 牙签 toothache 牙痛 teethless 无牙的5. mean v. (meant, meant ) meaning n. means n.手段,

5、方法 What do you mean ?Whats the meaning of this word?a means to an end 达到目的的方法 Heachievedhisgoalbypeacefulmeans6. colour n. coloured a. colourful a. Micheals kite is more colourful than mine because he uses a lot of coloured paper In autumn, the colour of the lake turn into green and blue. . 词性转换总结:

6、 _ _2.prepare _ 3.freeze _ _ _5.mean _ _6.colour _ _知识点2 重要短语:1)prepare for 为.准备 2)have a festival about water 举办一个水节 3)at the bottom of 在.的底部(on the top of 在的顶部) 4)different kinds of 不同的种类 5)make ice cubes out of . 用.制出冰块来 6)add the ice cubes to the lemonade 把冰块加到柠檬汽水里 7)look at 看着 8)t

7、hree forms of water 水的三种形式 9)get some questions for sb. 给某人一些问题 10)think about 思考 11)cool down 冷却下来 12)turn into 转变成 13)put a lip on . 把一个盖子放到.上 14)take sth. off 拿下.;脱下. 15)teach sb. how to do sth. 教某人如何做某事 16)how to make a water boat 如何制作纸船 17)make it move 使它移动 18)by pouring water into it 通过倒水进去 19

8、)all you need 所有你所需要的是 20)some tape 一些胶带 21)some toothpicks 一些牙签 22)some pieces of coloured paper 若干张彩纸 23)at the bottle of the paper cup 在纸杯底部 24)on one side of the lunch box lid 在午餐盒盖子的一边 25)connect A and B with C 用C把A和B相连接 26)stick A and B together with C 用C把A和B粘在一起 27).be ready .准备好了28)stick A t

9、o B 把A粘到B上 29)put the boat on the water 把船放到水上 30)have to 得,不得不 31)discuss sth. with sb. 与某人讨论某事 32)be not allowed to do sth. 不允许做某事 33)play with toy boat 玩耍游戏船 34)leave rubbish 扔垃圾 35)pick a sign from the box 从盒子中挑出一个标志 36)start with sb. 从.开始 37)get one point 获得一分 38)its your turn 轮到你了 39)in your n

10、eighbourhood 在你的社区 40)mustnt dive 严禁跳水Part 2【重点句型】和语法点知识点3 重点句型1. No swimming. 1) Swimming is not allowed. = * 2)You are not allowed to swim. 3) Dont swim here.4) We mustnt swim here.2. What happens when water boils?What happens when water freezes?What happens when ice melts?What happens when steam

11、cools down? 3. When , it turns into.When water freezes, it turns into ice.4. prepare for = get ready forI am preparing for the Water Festival= I am getting ready for the Water Festival 5. have to do sth. (不得不做某事,强调客观原因) must do sth.(必须做某事,强调主观原因)eg: It is raining heavily. I have to stay at home inst

12、ead of going out. I must work harder because I want to be a scientist in the future.6. make it move by pouring water into it by doing sth. 通过做某事(表示一种方法),用How 提问。 Eg: We can save water by fixing the dripping tap. How can we save water?7. at the bottom of(反) on top of Eg: Look! There is a hole at the

13、bottom of the box. We took many photos on top of the mountain.8. Use the colored paper to make some small flags and stick them to the lid. (1) coloured: 彩色的 colourful: 丰富的 (2) use sth. to do sth. = use sth. for doing sth. eg: We use water to wash hands. = We use water for washing hands.9. Its your t

14、urn.(n.) to do sth. (轮到你做了) eg: Its your turn to roll the dice.10. the three forms of water: ice, water, steam (水的三态)11. 表示方位的介词:at the bottom of the paper 在纸的底部on the water 在水面上in this box 在这个盒子里near a river/ a beach/ a lake 在河(海滨,湖)边at a swimming pool 在游泳池边12. 表示先后顺序的词:First, Next, Then, Finally13

15、. 英语中的“用”(1) by用(方式) eg: You can make it move by pouring water into it.(2) in 用一种语言 eg: Can you sing this song in English?(3) at 表示用某种价格 eg: I bought the computer at the price of 3000RMB.知识点4重要语法 1)祈使句 祈使句的肯定形式 e.g. Look at the outside of the glass. 请看玻璃杯的外侧。 e.g. Lets start with you. 让我们从你开始吧。 祈使句的

16、否定式 e.g. Dont leave rubbish. 禁止仍垃圾。 e.g. No smoking. 禁止吸烟。 2)系动词的用法 sound听起来,taste尝起来,look看起来,feel摸起来,smell 闻起来,这五个感官动词后+形容词。 e.g. It sounds very interesting. 听上去很有趣。 3)动名词的运用 动词做主语,要用动名词形式。 e.g. Throwing coins is not allowed. 禁止扔硬币。Part 3 课堂练习Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)

17、( ) 30. Its very kind _ you _ lend your bike to me. Thank you very much.A. of; in B. for; in C. for; to D. of; to( ) 31. Would you like to tell _ how to make a water boat? I think its very hard to do it.A. I B. me C. my D. mine( ) 32. You like drinking cold water. When you freeze water, it becomes _

18、.A. gas B. steam C. ice D. liquid( ) 33. Why are you angry now? What happens _ your daughter is sleeping?A. what B. how C. when D. which( )34. My father can _ some desks and chairs out of wood. He is good at making things.A. turn B. make C. have D. get( ) 35. Your advice _ very good and we will take

19、 it. We will make more money soon.A. sounds B. looks C. sees D. smells( ) 36. The children _ to swim in this river, because they are old enough.A. allow B. allowedC. are allowed D. are allowing( ) 37. Whats the meaning of the sign on the wall? I havent seen it before. All the people _ swim here. Its

20、 dangerous.A. couldnt B. needntC. might not D. mustnt( ) 38. When ice melts, it will _ water.A. turn off B. clean upC. turn into D. show off( ) 39. Its so hot today. Why not have a swim this afternoon? _.A. Thats rightB. Youre welcomeC. Im sorry to hear thatD. Its a good idea( ) 40. _? It is sunny t

21、oday. Lets go for a picnic in the park.A. Whats the date todayB. What day is it todayC. Whats the temperature todayD. Whats the weather like today. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。每个单词或短语只能填一次): A. about B. cheap C.

22、 how often D. went up E. really F. themselves G. pictures Hello. Im Cindy from Dalian, China. I want to know whether (是否) film tickets are very expensive in the UK, and (41)_ British people go to the cinema. Thank you.Do you enjoy going to the cinema? You would say yes, but how much do you want to s

23、pend on a ticket? Going to the cinema in the UK is not (42)_: tickets often cost around 10 each (100 yuan). Yet a survey (调查) showed that box office profits (票房利益) went up by over 10% in 2009. In China profits (43)_ even more. Some surveys said they went up by 40% that year.Why do British people sti

24、ll love going to the cinema? Lets listen to what British people say (44)_ it. Its (45)_ expensive to go to the cinema but its good for those special effect (效果) films. Mark.Its the environment you get to see it with different people and you can see if its a good film that makes everybody laugh at th

25、e same time. MichaelThe big screen (屏幕), more of the sound and everything the whole experience (经历). Id see films such as Avatar perhaps where the (46)_ are more important than the story. Mary. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):(共8分)47. Quickly! T

26、here are 15 _ left to play the game. (second)48. Adam, please give me a glass of _ coffee, thank you. (ice)49. Boys and girls, look at the sign. _ is not allowed here, so Im sorry. (fish)50. We all know that water has three _. So, please write them down. (form)51. Lets have some _ paper to make the

27、box. I think it will be the best box. (colour)52. Peter, I know you like eating fish. In the fridge, there is some _ fish. (freeze)53. There will be a(n) _ programme on television tonight. Would you like to see it? (interest)54. Parents are always worried about the _ of their children in school and

28、after school. (safe) . Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词): (共10分)55. Players have to pick a sign from the box. (改为否定句) Players _ _ to pick a sign from the box.56. Ive prepared a game about signs. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ a game about signs?57. We can make it move by pouring water. (对画线部分提问)

29、 _ _ you make it move?58. Pour the lemonade into a glass. (改为反意疑问句) Pour the lemonade into a glass, _ _?59. you, read, should, this, teach, word, I, you, am, how, going, to (连词成句) _.Part 4 课后作业: 阅读提高. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解):(共26分)AChoose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(6分)(词数:212) Toto always dreame

30、d of being a new superman (超人). He often stood by the sea and shouted, “Im Superpower Ultra Man!”, in his loudest voice. He wanted to get strong power (力量) and he thought he shouldnt waste it on little things. And he began to look for threats to the world, so that he could save all the people. But after he looked with his “super eyes”

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