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1、口译模拟题15参考译文口译模拟考试题(1)Part 1A:现在越来越多的人空闲时去练瑜伽。你能告诉我瑜伽到底是什么吗?B: A:“瑜伽”从印度演化而来,那这个词是不是有特殊的含义呢?B:Yes. It is a Sanskrit word for “union”, meaning an experience of oness or union with your inner being (self).A:练瑜伽有什么好处呢?B:Yoga can be practiced by anyone,at any age.It develops flexibility and muscular endu

2、rance and, like many of the martial arts, incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony.It is aimed at the ultimate physical health and happiness,together with mental peace and tranquility.A:听说瑜伽有不同的形式。你能否说说它们有什么区别呢?B: Eastern yogis believe that physical exercise

3、s are simply a stepping stone to higher paths and that working only on the body is a waste of time as the body is mortal whereas the soul is immortal.A:可以去哪里练习瑜伽呢?B:Many people learn Yoga by attending classes;however,videos and books teaching Yoga are also popular. As with all exercises, technique i

4、s very important and for this reason it is advisable for beginners to seek out a reputable teacher.A:非常感谢你的建议。B: Part 1参考译文A: Nowadays, more and more people go and practice yoga in their free time. Can you tell me what indeed yoga is?B:瑜伽是由印度古代的圣人开创的,是提升一个人各个方面的综合系统,包括身体、头脑、精神,有5000多年的历史了。A: Since t

5、he word yoga is from India, is there any special meaning in it?B:是的。瑜伽这个词是梵语,意思是统一,指一体化的体验或与自己的内心合而为一。A: What benefits can yoga bring us?B:任何人,不管什么年龄,都能练瑜伽。瑜伽可以提高一个人的灵活性和肌肉耐力。和许多武术一样,瑜伽融合了多种技巧,可以帮助人们缓解压力,身心和谐,最终获得身体的健康快乐和头脑的平静安宁。A: I heard that there are different types of yoga. Can you tell me the

6、differences between them?B:是的。有许多不同种类的瑜伽。西方主要是哈他瑜伽,包括身体训练、呼吸技巧和冥想。这种瑜伽据说可以通过平衡、健康的方式实现完全的身心健康、快乐与宁静。而东方的瑜伽练习者认为,身体锻炼仅仅是通往更高平台的基石,如果仅仅停留在这一层上,那就是浪费时间,因为身体终会腐朽而灵魂是不朽的。A: Where can I go to practice yoga?B:很多人去上瑜伽课,不过,各种教授瑜伽的视频和书籍也很受欢迎。和所有的运动一样,技巧很重要,因此,我建议初学者跟随有名望的老师学习。A: Thank you very much for your a

7、dvice.B:不客气。Part 2 人们买股票的时候,大多数会在证券交易所或股票债券市场购买。这些市场通常叫做股票交易所。要想理解为什么证券或股票交易所在股票、债券的买卖中这么重要,可以想想,如果你,或任何一个想买卖证券的人自己去找买家或卖家时,会发生什么。你怎么知道哪个价格是公平的呢?更重要的是,怎么找到感兴趣的那个卖家或买家呢?为了解决这一交易问题,证券交易所应运而生。这些交易所就是股票买卖的地点。由于交易所是一个股票交易的公共场所,对股票买卖感兴趣的人就会亲自或派代表去那里交易。结果,一个非常系统的市场就形成了,交易有序地进行,所有的活动都受到法律的监督和管理。这样,买家或卖家就能够确

8、信自己无论如何也不会受骗了。Part 3中国20年内实现了西方国家100年的经济成就,却也在20年内集中引发了西方100年的环境问题。中国在创造GDP增长速度第一、外资引进第一的同时,也成了煤炭、石油、钢材消耗第一、二氧化碳排放第一。当前,越来越多的人意识到,中国面临的环境问题,源于我们的经济发展和环境保护严重失衡,我们在决策中过分偏向了发展,而忽视了环境保护。基于这样的认识,中央在近年来提出科学发展观,力图改变当前以GDP增长为中心的发展模式,实现平衡发展,实现可持续发展。但在实践中,地方政府常常未能找到发展和保护的平衡点。xx实现生态xx的困难在于:第一,我们的人口资源环境结构非常紧张。第

9、二,今天的世界,能源、资源和环境已经成为各国抢夺的焦点,我们不能像发达国家一样将污染转移出去。我们只能不惜代价地坚决走新型工业化道路。我们的优势在于有丰富的历史文化思想资源可以继承;我们地处东亚,有儒家文明与工业文明相融合的现成经验可学;我们也有欧洲社会主义与西方文明融合成功的经验可以借鉴;我们社会主义政治理想中天然蕴含着“社会公正”这一生态文明的核心理念。我们正在不懈努力,把构建社会主义的环境文化与生态文明作为我们的责任与使命。Part 3参考译文In just 20years,China has made remarkable economic progress that took wes

10、tern countries 100years to achieve.But in the meanwhile,China has also suffered from environmental damages that western countries have to deal with in the past century. While Chinas GDP growth and foreign capital records No.1 in the world, the country is consuming the largest amount of coal, oil and

11、 steel, and emitting the most carbon dioxide.Currently, more and more people realize that the environmental problems China faces result from a severe imbalance between economic growth and environmental protection.We have sacrificed environmental protection for development in our policies.Based on su

12、ch understanding,the central government put forward the Outlook on Scientific Development several years ago,striving to change the current GDP-centered mode of growth,so as to realize balanced and sustainable development.The difficulties for China to achieve ecological civilization are as follows: 口

13、译模拟考试题(2)Part 1A:大家好!欢迎收看连线节目。今晚做客演播厅的是大名鼎鼎的网络高手高飞。B:Thanks.The pleasure is mine.But I have to say mine may not be a good example for all of you.A:作为电脑黑客的祖师爷,你能谈谈在网上的感受吗?B: A:你可想过这样做或许是错的?B:Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was an invasion of privacy. Going and getting access to other peoples information is obviou

14、sly a gross invasion of privacy and it is wrong.A:你被指控为电脑恐怖分子,因为你在长达13年的时间里,曾闯入35家国际大企业和其他组织的电脑系统,造成了据估计3亿美元的损失。你怎么看?B: A:不管你是否承认,根据法律,那确实是盗窃。本周日你就要重获自由了。你有什么个人打算?B: Part 1参考译文A: B:谢谢!我很高兴做客演播室。但有一点我必须要说,我对大家可能不是一个好榜样。A: B:我将自己看作一名电子玩家,无比享受在信息高速公路上驰骋的感觉,十分刺激。我觉得自己是电脑屏幕后的007。网络对我来说就是一场大游戏,我在其中玩得很过瘾。A

15、: Did it ever occur to you that maybe what you did might be wrong?B:是的,是的。这是侵犯他人隐私的。上网去获得他人信息显然是对隐私的极大侵犯,是错误的。A: B:我相信我造成了一些损失,但绝没有那么严重。我只是一个执着、熟练的电脑入侵者,我不认为自己是小偷。我并没有窃取那些公司的软件,只是复制了一份,并没有用它来做任何事情。A: No matter you admit it or not, according to law, your behavior is theft indeed.This Sunday you will

16、be free again. Do you have any personal plans?B:啊,在漫长的五年之后重获自由真是太棒了。但我的心情同时也很糟糕,因为,你也知道,在接下来的三年时间里,我是不允许使用电脑或任何无线通讯设备的。这对于我来说无异于死刑。Part 2We all know that energy is fundamental to usto the stability and growth of our economies, the cohesion of our societies, and the very quality of our daily lives.Ye

17、t for too long, here in the U.K. and across the developed world, we have taken access to energy resources for granted. Its so easy for us to turn on the lights and heating that we give barely a thought to it. And yet we are far too dependent on existing energy resources which are neither infinite no

18、r secure;demand for energy is outstripping supply capacity.Science teaches us more than ever of the damage we are causing to the globe by unchecked consumption of high-carbon products. So too the developing world faces its own energy problems.Here too,dependency on unsecured energy imports and an im

19、balance between supply and demand impose often devastating economic pressures. The absence of a sustained energy supply in many parts of Africa,Latin America and Asia imposes constraints on economic growth and development,creating a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty and under-development.Part 2参考译文


21、了限制,陷入了贫穷与落后无止尽的循环当中。Part 3世界正在变得越来越小,国与国、人与人之间的距离越来越近,大家同处“地球村”,同乘一条船。在这个各国利益交融、休戚相依的时代,与世界隔绝不可能实现真正的发展与繁荣,独善其身不可能实现持久的和平与稳定。同舟共济,互利共赢,应成为各国的共同选择。经过30多年的改革开放,中国同世界的关系发生了历史性的变化,中国的前途与命运日益紧密地同世界的前途与命运联系在一起。不管国际风云如何变幻,中国都将高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,恪守维护世界和平、促进共同发展的外交宗旨。Part 3参考译文 口译模拟考试题(3)Part 1A:今天

22、,我们非常高兴地欢迎“神舟六号”载人航天代表团以及各位航天科学家来与我们见面。B:Well,the two Chinese astronauts have toured space on board Shenzhou-6and conducted experiments during their flightPeople have been following the mission with great interestToday,I am very excited to meet the two astronauts face to faceA:确实,中国从1992年启动载人航天工程以来,

23、在航天技术上取得了突破性的进展,在短短13年里,一跃成为能够掌握载人航天技术的少数几个国家之一。这些成果令整个中华民族引以为傲。B:I listened to the speech by Colonel Yang Liwei,the first Chinese astronaut,in 2003,and I feel privileged to have this one more opportunity to pay respects to your space heroes and share the joys of their successA:今天,“神舟六号”载人航天代表团还给我们带

24、来了两套内容丰富的影片,包括航天员的日常训练情况和神舟六号的飞行情况,使我们得以重温那些历史性的时刻。B:The Success of Shenzhou-6marks a new era in Chinas scientific and technological developmentI sincerely hope that there will be continued and tremendous success in the space flight industry of your countryPart 1参考译文A: B:是的,两位中国航天员乘坐“神舟六号”遨游太空,并在太空飞

25、行中进行了各项实验。人们对于这次太空任务表现了浓厚的兴趣。今天,能与两位航天员面对面交流,我很激动。A: A: Today, the delegation of Shenzhou-6 manned space mission has also brought with them two informative films, including the traing of the astronauts and the space mission of Shenzhou-6. So, well be able to relive those historic moments.B:神舟六号的成功标志

26、着中国科技发展的新纪元。我衷心祝愿贵国航天事业的发展一日千里。Part 2Have you ever heard of the Pulitzer Prizes? Named after Hungarian newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer,this award honors excellence in American literature,journalism, drama and music.In writing his 1904 will, which made provision for the establishment of the Pulit

27、zer Prizes as an incentive to excellence,Pulitzer specified solely four awards in journalism,four in letters and drama,one for education,and four traveling scholarships.In letters,prizes were to go to an American novel,an original American play performed in New York, a book on the history of the Uni

28、ted States,an American biography, and a history of public service by the press. The prizes are perceived as a major incentive for high-quality journalism and have focused worldwide attention on American achievements in letters and music.Part 2参考译文你听说过普利策奖吗?此奖项以匈牙利报纸发行人约瑟夫普利策命名,表彰美国文学、新闻、戏剧以及音乐方面的杰出作

29、品。在他1904年的遗嘱中,普利策决定建立普利策奖,以表彰卓越。具体规定是,四项专门新闻奖,四项文学戏剧奖,一项教育奖,以及四项旅游奖学金。在文学奖中,应该有一本美国小说、一部在纽约上演的美国戏剧、一本有关美国历史的书籍,一本美国人的传记以及一本媒体出版的关于公共服务历史的书籍。外界认为普利策奖是高质量新闻产生的一大动力,将世界的目光聚焦到了美国在文学和音乐方面所取得的成就。Part 321世纪将是一个以知识经济为支柱的新世纪。随着信息、互联网、电信技术的迅速发展,世界贸易全球化和一体化的趋势既不可逆转也无法抗拒。这必然对世界经济和贸易产生巨大的影响。当今,以网络技术为基础的电子商务是一个重要

30、而又充满前途的贸易方式。从网上中国市场我们可以看到电子商务有很多的优势,如无限数量的潜在客户、广泛的覆盖面、大量的信息、长期的储存、丰富的展示、更低的成本等等。越来越多的企业都在利用先进的电脑网络技术传播商务信息甚至是完成整个交易过程。Part 3参考译文 口译模拟考试题(4)Part 1A:很高兴见到您,哈德逊先生。请坐,我想向您介绍一下我公司及产品。B:Thank you. I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business,especially the variety of machine t

31、ools you manufacture.I believe my customers will like your new products.A:您对我们的产品感兴趣,我很高兴。不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。B:Sure.Your exhibits are very attractive,though the workmanship is not so desirable.If you dont mind,Id like to make an inquiry.Heres thelist of our interested machines

32、tools. Id like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.F. Seattle.A:谢谢您的询价。您单子上所列的机床我们都有。这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价目单。我们还可以根据您所想要的数量调整价格。B: A:好的。明天见。B:Bye.Part 1参考译文A: B:谢谢。我已经看过你们的宣传册了,贵公司的经营范围、各式各样的机床给我留下了深刻印象。我相信,我的客户一定会喜欢你们的新产品。A: 当然可以。贵公司的展品非常有吸引力,不过制作工艺还不尽如人意。如果您不介意,我想进行询价。这张单子列出了我们感兴趣的机床,希望您报一下西雅图到岸价的最低报价。A: Thanks for your inquiry. We have

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