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1、和老外聊吃的只会说food怎么行这样表达才地道 和老外聊吃的,只会说food怎么行?这样表达才地道 食物的状态fresh : Sushi always requires fresh fish.新鲜的:做寿司总是需要新鲜的鱼。off : Im afraid this cheese tastes off.不新鲜的:恐怕这奶酪不新鲜了。raw : Sushi is made from raw fish as well as vegetables, seaweed, and rice.生的:寿司是由生鱼和蔬菜、海草和大米制成的。ripe : Make sure the bananas are ripe

2、 so I can use them in the cake.熟的:确保香蕉熟了,这样我就可以将它们放入蛋糕中。rotten : This meat smells rotten. I think we should throw it away.腐烂的:这肉闻起来臭了,我想我们应该扔掉它。tough : The steak was very tough. I could hardly chew it!硬的:这道牛排很硬。我简直不能咀嚼它!tender : The lamb was so tender that it seemed to melt in my mouth.嫩的:羊肉真嫩,好像在我嘴

3、里融化了。undercooked : The undercooked salmon was very poor.未煮熟的:未煮熟的烤鲑鱼很差。烹饪的动词bake : Ill bake a cake for her birthday party.烘焙:我要为她的生日派对烘焙蛋糕。boil : You should boil these potatoes for forty-five minutes.煮:煮土豆要煮四十五分钟。cook : What would you like me to cook for dinner?烹饪:你晚饭想让我做什么?fry : I usually fry some

4、eggs and bacon on Saturday mornings.油炸:我通常在星期六早上煎一些鸡蛋和熏肉。grill : During the summer I like to grill meat outside.烤:在夏天我喜欢在外面烤肉。heat : Heat up the soup and make some sandwiches.热把汤加热,做一些三明治。microwave : Microwave the macaroni for three minutes and eat.用微波炉加热:用微波炉加热通心粉三分钟,然后吃。poach : Jennifer prefers to

5、 poach her eggs.水煮:詹妮弗更喜欢煮鸡蛋。roast : Lets put this in the oven and roast for two hours.烤:我们把这个放进烤箱烤两个小时。steam : The best way to cook many vegetables is to steam them for a few minutes.清蒸:烹调许多蔬菜最好的方法是蒸几分钟。食物的数量bar : Melt one bar of butter for the sauce.一条:融化一块黄油做酱汁。liter : Ill put a liter of water on

6、 to boil for the pasta.升:煮面食,我会放一升水。loaf : I bought three loaves of bread at the supermarket.一块:我在超级市场买了三块面包。lump : Put of a lump of butter on top of the casserole to make it tasty.一块:把一块黄油放在炖锅菜上面,就可使它变得美味可口。piece : Would you like a piece of chicken?一片:你想要一片鸡肉吗?pint : I drank a pint of ale at the pu

7、b.品脱:我在酒吧喝了一品脱麦芽啤酒。portion : Have you eaten your portion of vegetables today?一份:你今天吃蔬菜了吗?slice : Please put three slices of cheese on my sandwich.切片:请把三片奶酪放在我的三明治上。spoonful : Add two spoonfuls of sugar to sweeten.一汤匙:加入两勺糖来加甜味。食物的口味bitter : The almonds were very bitter. I could hardly eat the cookie

8、s.苦的:杏仁很苦,我几乎吃不下饼干。bland : This sauce is very bland. It doesnt taste like anything.淡的:这个调味料很淡,它尝起来不像任何东西。creamy : I enjoy eating creamy tomato soup on cold winter days.奶味的:在寒冷的冬天,我喜欢吃奶油番茄汤。crisp : The apple was crisp and delicious.脆的:这个苹果脆口美味。crunchy : Granola is a very crunch type of breakfast cere

9、al.松脆的:格兰诺拉麦片是一种非常松脆的早餐麦片粥。hot : The soup is hot. Let it cool down.热的:汤是热的,让它冷却下来。mild : The spices are very mild.清淡温和的:香料非常温和。salty : The sauce was much too salty. I think you should add some water and boil it down.口味咸的:咸酱汁太咸了。我想你应该加点水把它煮开。savory : Savory crackers with cheese make a great snack.美味的

10、:可口的饼干加上奶酪是一种美味的点心。sour : Lemons are very sour!酸的:柠檬很酸!spicy : Greg enjoys eating spicy Mexican food.辛辣的:格雷戈喜欢吃辣的墨西哥菜。sweet : The cherry pie wasnt too sweet. It was just right.甜的:樱桃派不太甜。它味道刚刚好。tasteless : The vegetables have been cooked for too long. Theyre tasteless.无味的:蔬菜煮得太久了,已经没味儿了。食物的类型barbecue

11、 : Do you enjoy barbecue during the summer?烧烤:你喜欢夏天烧烤吗?buffet : We went to an Indian buffet and had all we could eat.自助餐:我们去了印度自助餐餐厅,吃了所有想吃的食物。four-course meal : My wife and I enjoy making four-course meals on special occasions.四菜套餐:我妻子和我喜欢在特别场合做四菜套餐。picnic : Lets take a picnic to the park and enjoy

12、 the good weather.野餐:我们去公园野餐,享受好天气。snack : You should eat a snack at four, but dont eat too much.零食:你应该在四点吃零食,但不要吃得太多。TV dinner : TV dinners are disgusting but fast.套装电视便餐:电视便餐让人反胃但是很便捷。食用方式bite : Dont bite off more meat than you can comfortably chew.咬:为了咀嚼舒适,不要咬太多的肉。chew : You should chew each bite

13、 well before you swallow.咀嚼:每次吞咽前都要仔细咀嚼。swallow : If you swallow too much you might choke on your food.吞咽:你如果一次吞太多,你可能会噎到。sip : Its best to slowly sip a cocktail rather than gulp it down.啜饮:鸡尾酒最好要啜饮,而不要狼吞虎咽。guzzle : He guzzled a glass of water after he finished the job.狂吃暴饮:他工作结束后狂饮了一大口水。gulp down :

14、 He hungrily gulped down the meal as he was very hungry.狼吞虎咽:他狼吞虎咽地吃完饭,因为他很饿。如何准备饮料add : Add two shots of whiskey and some rum.加:再来两杯威士忌和朗姆酒。fill : Fill the glass with ice.装满:把杯子装满冰块。mix : Mix in a teaspoon of sugar.混合:混合一茶匙糖。pour : Pour your drink over ice cubes.倒入:把饮料倒在冰块上。shake : Shake the drink well and pour into a glass.摇:摇匀饮料,倒入杯中。stir : Stir the ingredients well and enjoy with your favorite seafood.搅拌:充分搅拌原料并搭配您最爱的海鲜美食享用。来源:沪江英语

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