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澳大利亚世界遗产保护法1983 无附录刘翻译.docx

1、澳大利亚世界遗产保护法1983 无附录刘翻译World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 19831983年世界遗产保护法An Act relating to the protection and conservation of certain property, and for related purposes本法涉及保护和保存特定财产以及其他相关事宜Do not delete : Chapter placeholderDo not delete : Part placeholderDo not delete : Division placeholde

2、r1 Short title see Note 1第一条 简称【见注释1】 This Act may be cited as the World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983.本法可以被称为1983年世界遗产保护法。2 Commencement see Note 1 第二条 生效【见注释1】 This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.本法自得到王室御准之日起生效。3 Interpretation第三条 释义(1) I

3、n this Act, unless the contrary intention appears: (1)除非有相反的规定,在本法中:Convention means the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage that has been adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, being the convent

4、ion a copy of the English text of which is set out in the Schedule.公约指已被联合国教科文组织大会采纳的世界文化和自然遗产公约,该公约的英文副本在附录中。cultural heritage has the same meaning as in the Convention.文化遗产和公约中的含义相同。Federal Court means the Federal Court of Australia.联邦法院指澳大利亚联邦法院。inspector means an inspector appointed under subsec

5、tion 17A(1).检查员指根据第十七条A款(1)项被任命的检查员。minerals includes sand, gravel, rock, clay, oil and natural gas.矿产包括沙子、沙砾、岩石、粘土、石油和天然气。natural heritage has the same meaning as in the Convention.自然遗产和公约中的含义相同。 (3) A Proclamation made under this Act comes into force on the day on which it is published in the Gaze

6、tte.(3)根据本法做出的公告自其发布在政府公报之日起生效。(4) A reference in this Act to damage to, or the destruction of, property or a site shall be read as including a reference to damage to, or the destruction of, any part or feature of that property or site. (4)本法所指的损害或者破坏财产或遗址应视为包括损害或者破坏财产或者遗址的任何部分或者任何特征。3A Identified p

7、roperty 3A 被确认的财产 (1) A reference in this Act to identified property is a reference to: 在本法中被确认的财产是指: (a) any property in respect of which one or more of the following conditions is satisfied:(a)任何满足下列一项或者多项条件的财产: (i) the property is subject to an inquiry established by a law of the Commonwealth who

8、se purpose, or one of whose purposes, is to consider whether the property forms part of the cultural heritage or natural heritage;(i)这一财产已受调查,该项调查由联邦的法律规定,目的或者目的之一是考虑这一财产是否构成文化遗产或者自然遗产;(ii) the property is subject to World Heritage List nomination; (ii)这一财产被申报列入世界遗产名录;(iii) the property is included

9、in the World Heritage List provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Convention;(iii)这一财产被列入公约十一条第2款规定的世界遗产名录; (iv) the property forms part of the cultural heritage or natural heritage and is declared by the regulations to form part of the cultural heritage or natural heritage; or(iv) 这一财产构成文

10、化遗产或者自然遗产,且已被规章宣布为构成文化遗产或者自然遗产;或者 (b) any part of property referred to in paragraph (a).(b) (a)款中所指财产的任何部分。 (2) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(a)(i), property shall be (1)(a)(i)taken to be subject to an inquiry of the kind referred to in that subparagraph until the end of 42 days after the rep

11、ort, or the final report, of the inquiry is given to the person to whom it is required to be given.(2)就第(1)款(a)项(i)目而言,财产应自调查报告或最终报告按其要求提交给指定人士后的42日内接受该款所指的调查。 (3) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), where the Commonwealth has, under Article 11 of the Convention, submitted property to the W

12、orld Heritage Committee, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, as suitable for inclusion in the World Heritage List provided for in paragraph 2 of that Article, the property shall be taken to be subject to World Heritage List nomination from the time of its submission until the end o

13、f 7 days after the day on which the Committee informs, or first informs, Australia that it has included or decided not to include the whole or any part of the property in the list.(3)就(1)款(a)项(ii)目而言,如果联邦根据公约十一条的规定向世界遗产委员会递交财产的申报,不管是在本法实行之前还是之后,只要根据该条第2款规定符合列入世界遗产名录,该财产自递交之日起到委员会通知或首次通知澳大利亚该财产或者它的部分

14、属于或者不属于世界遗产之日后7日内,属于世界遗产名录申报财产。 (4) Where any property ceases to be identified property:(4) 在这些情况下,财产不再是被确认的财产: (a) any Proclamation under subsection 6(3) or section 7, and any regulation for the purposes of subsection 9(1) or paragraph 10(2)(m), in relation to the property or any part of the proper

15、ty ceases to be in force; and (a)涉及财产或者财产的一部分,第6款(3)项或者第七条规定的公告以及第9款(1)项或者10款(2)项(m)目中的规章失效;以及(b) any Proclamation under subsection 8(3), and any regulation for the purposes of paragraph 11(1)(j), in relation to a site being, or situated within, the property ceases to be in force. (b) 涉及遗址或者位于财产内的,第

16、8款(3)项规定的公告以及11款(1)项(j)目中的规章失效。3B Judges 3B 法官(1) In this Act: (1)在本法中eligible Judge means a Judge in relation to whom a consent under subsection (2) and a declaration under subsection (3) are in force.符合条件的法官指第(2)款规定的许可与第(3)款规定的声明已生效的法官。Judge means a person who is a Judge of a court created by the Parliament.法官指议会所创立的法院的法官。 (2) A Judge may by writing

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