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1、客舱广播词一、正常情况51、登机广播 52、舱门关后 53、致词 5A正常情况(鞠躬) 5B正常情况 5C短时间延误 6D长时间延误 6E支线航班 64、安全演示 7A安全演示录像 7B安全演示示范 75、起飞前安全检查 8A白天8B夜间86、驾驶舱发出起飞信号后87、起飞后广播9A国内航班9B国际/地区航班9C短程航线108、电影节目10A可选择频道的飞机11B不可选择频道的飞机119、餐前广播1110、旅客计划广播1111、填写入境卡1112、机上免税品销售1213、夜间飞行1214、颠簸12A颠簸12B持续颠簸 1315、预报到达时间(回收毛毯、耳机)13A国内航班13B国际航班 131

2、6、各国检疫规定1417、喷洒药物1418、下降时安全检查1419、驾驶舱发出着陆信号后1420、中途落地14A国内航班14B国际航班(国内经停) 15C国际航班(国际经停) 1621、终点站落地 17A国内航班 17B国际/地区航班 1722、首尔(汉城)落地 1823、广州-洛杉矶起飞后 1824、洛杉矶-广州起飞后 19二、特殊情况 20(一)起飞前2025、等待旅客等机 20a旅客已办完手续20b旅客未办完手续20c等待中转旅客2026、旅客未等机,查找行李2127、查机票、查护照2128、飞机清舱2129、清点旅客2130、等待随机文件2131、航空管制2232、等待起飞2233、机

3、械故障2234、故障已排除2235、需要到候机厅等待2236、换乘飞机2337、临时增加配餐2338、装货等待2339、货物超载、卸货2340、配平不好/调整座位2441、除冰24(二)关门后 2442、飞机滑回停机位2443、录像系统故障2444、供水系统故障2445、空调系统在地面制冷不佳2546、找医生2547、机上有病人备降25(三)落地前 2548、由于强逆风飞机推迟落地时间2549、空中盘旋2550、备降(降落站天气不好)2651、中途站天气不好直飞2652、返航2653、加降加油27(四)落地后 2754、旅客下机广播27A女士们、先生们:27B女士们、先生们:2755、等待下机

4、2756、继续滑行2757、无停机位,旅客们需要在机上等待2758、下机时,外面下雨2859、临时着陆28A到候机厅等待28B 机上等待 2860、航班取消(过夜)2861、备降后2962、延误后对转机旅客的广播2963、安抚旅客广播(航班延误时)2964、填写旅客意见卡2965、救生衣的管理3066、禁烟告示3067、机组休息区3068、停止销售免税品(美国)3069、广播找人3170、失物招领3171、生日祝词3172、关于使用卫星电话3173、公安人员上机执行公务3174、升舱32三、专机3275、专机起飞广播3276、专机落地广播3277、各国使节3378、劳务专家3379、春运欢迎词


6、温馨愉快的空中之旅。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome abroad China Southern Airlines. As you enter the cabin, please take your seat as soon as possible. Your seat number is indicated on the edge of the overhead bins.Please put your carry-on baggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. If you n

7、eed any assistance, we are glad to help you. We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you!2、舱门关后 亲爱的旅客朋友们: 飞机客舱门已经关闭。为了您的安全,飞行全程请关闭手提电话及遥控电子设备。飞机平飞后,手提电脑可以使用,下降前请关闭。在本次航班上请您不要吸烟。现在请确认您的手提电话已关闭。谢谢您的合作! Ladies and Gentlemen: The cabin door is closed. For your safety, please do not use your mobile phones

8、and certain electronic devices on board at any time. Laptop computers may not be used during takeoff and landing. Please ensure that your mobile phone is turned off. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board. Thank you for your cooperation.3、致辞A正常情况(鞠躬)尊敬的女士们,先生们:你们好!我是本次航班的(主任)乘务长,

9、首先我代表南方航空向您致以最诚挚的问候,同时感谢明珠俱乐部会员再次加入我们的航程,很高兴又与您相聚南航“空中之家”。现在向您介绍我的组员:头等舱乘务长,乘务员,(公务舱乘务长,乘务员,)普通舱乘务长,乘务员。我们的团队将精诚合作,为您带来轻松愉快的旅途!Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:I am _ , your (chief ) purser. On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you. And

10、to members of our Sky Pearl Club, it is a pleasear to see you again!Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one. Thank you!B.正常情况尊敬的女士们,先生们:你们好!我是本次航班的(主任)乘务长,首先我代表南方航空向您致以最诚挚的问候,同时感谢明珠俱乐部会员再次加入我们的航程,很高兴又与您相聚南航“空中之家”。我们的团队将精诚合作,为您带来轻松愉快的旅途!Good (morning/aftern

11、oon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:I am _ , your (chief ) purser. On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you. And to members of our Sky Pearl Club, it is a pleasear to see you again!Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant

12、 one. Thank you!C短时间延误尊敬的女士们,先生们:你们好!我是本次航班的(主任)乘务长,首先我代表南方航空向您致以最诚挚的问候。今天由于(飞机晚到/机场天气不符和飞行标准/航路交通管制/机场跑道繁忙/飞机故障/等待旅客/装货等待/临时加餐)耽误了您的旅行时间,希望能得到您的谅解。现在向您介绍我的组员:头等舱乘务长,乘务员,(公务舱乘务长,乘务员,)普通舱乘务长,乘务员。我们的团队将精诚合作,为您带来轻松愉快的旅途!Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:I am _ , your (chief ) purse

13、r. On behalf of China Southern Airlines, we extend the most sincere greetings to you. We are sorry for the brief delay due to _(aircraft late arrival/ unfavorable weather conditions/ air traffic control/ airport congestion/ mechanical problems/ waiting for some passengers/ cargo loading/ catering ).

14、Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one. Thank you!D. 长时间延误尊敬的女士们,先生们:你们好!我是本次航班的(主任)乘务长,今天由于(飞机晚到/机场天气不符和飞行标准/航路交通管制/机场跑道繁忙/飞机故障/等待旅客/装货等待)造成了较长时间的延误,耽误了您的行程,给您带来了诸多不便,在此,我们深表歉意。我们机组全体成员愿通过加倍的努力、真诚的服务答谢您对我们工作的支持与配合。谢谢! Good (morning/afternoon/evening), la

15、dies and gentlemen: I am _ , your (chief ) purser. We sincerely apologize for the delay due to_(aircraft late arrival/ unfavorable weather conditions/ air traffic control/ airport congestion/ mechanical problems/ waiting for some passengers/ cargo loading). Together with my team, we will try our bes

16、t to make the rest of your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We thank you for your patience and understanding.E. 支线航班尊敬的女士们,先生们:你们好!我是本次航班的乘务长,今天很荣幸由我和我的组员与您一起共度这段愉快的空中之旅,愿我们真诚的服务能为您添上一份好心情。谢谢!Good (morning/afternoon/evening), ladies and gentlemen:I am _ , your (chief ) purser. Our te

17、am is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and pleasant one. Thank you!4、安全演示A安全演示录像女士们,先生们:现在我们将为您播放安全演示录像,请注意观看。如有疑问,请随时与乘务员联系。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: May we please have your attention for the safety demonstration? If you have any questions after the safety video, please contac

18、t the flight attendants. Thank you!B.安全演示示范现在客舱乘务员将为您介绍机上应急设备的使用方法及紧急出口的位置。Ladies and Gentlemen:We will now take moment to explain how to use the emergency equipment and locate the exits.救生衣在您座椅下面的口袋里(座椅上方),仅供水上迫降时使用。在正常情况下请不要取出。Your life vest is located (under/ above) your seat. It may only be used

19、 in case of a water landing. Please do not remove it unless instructed by one of your flight attendants.使用时取出,经头部穿好。将带子由后向前扣好系紧。To put your vest on, simply slip it over your head. Then fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.当您离开飞机时,拉动救生衣两侧的红色充气手柄,但在客舱内请不要充气。充气不足时,请将救生衣上部的两个充气

20、管拉出,用嘴向里充气。Upon exiting the aircraft, pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest while inside the cabin. For further inflation, simply blow into the mouth pieces in either side of your vest.夜间迫降时,救生衣上的指示灯遇水自动发亮。 For water landing at night, a sea light will be illuminated.氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方。发生紧急情况时,面罩会

21、自动脱落。Your oxygen mask is above your head. It will drop down automatically in case of emergency.氧气面罩脱落后,请用力向下拉面罩。将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。在帮助别人之前,请自己先带好。When it does so, pull the mask firmly towards you to start the flow of oxygen. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head.

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