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1、牛津译林版初三英语上册期末综合复习专练含答案 牛津译林版初三英语上册期末综合复习专练一完形填空1Once upon a time,some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle(海龟)They began to beat the turtleJust at that time,a young man came and said to them,Stop!The children ran(1) quicklyThe turtle was very thankful and said,Thanks for your ki

2、ndnessI really would like (2) you to a wonderful palace nowThe young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the seaWhen he (3) the palace,he was very surprised and said to the turtle,What a nice palace!To thank him,the king of the turtles gave him(4) He had never se

3、en such a dinner beforeHe received a warm welcome there and was very(5) everythingAfter dinner,the king of the turtles said,I am going to give you two boxes,(6) you can open only oneYou mustnt open bothDont forget it!the turtle warned himAll rightI will open only one,the young man promised(许诺)At thi

4、s time,a large wave sent him out of the seaAfter he(7) ,he opened the bigger one of the two boxes(8) the box was full of goldMy God!he criedIm(9) nowThen he thought,Things in the other box must be expensive,tooHe could not wait any longerHe broke his promise and opened the other boxAs soon as he ope

5、ned it,he became an old manHis hair turned whiteHis face(10) an old man over eighty years oldIt all happened in a momentHe was sorry for what he did,but it was too late1AthroughBawayCintoDout2AwantingBaskingCto letDto invite3Aleft forBarrived onCarrived atDgot away4Aa very big dinnerBa very poor din

6、nerCa very bad dinnerDa very small dinner5Apleased withBstrict inCangry withDsorry for6AsoBorCbutDas7Awent back to homeBwas back homeCwent back to the seaDwas back the sea8ATo his surprisingBTo ones surprisingCTo ones surpriseDTo his surprise9Aa poor manBa rich manCan old manDa young man10AlikedBfel

7、t likeClooked likeDlooked2We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were childrenIf we could learn(1) second language in the same way,it would not seem so(2) Think(3) what a small child doesIt listens to what people say and tries(4) what it hearsWhen it wants something,it

8、has to ask(5) itIt is using the language,talking in it,and thinking in it all the timeIf people(6) use a second language all the time,they would learn it quicklyWe learn our own language(7) hearing people speak it,not by seeing what they writeWe imitate(8) what we hearIn school,though you learn to r

9、ead and write(9) to hear and speak,it is the best way(10) all the new words through the earYou can read them,speak them,and write them later1AaBanCtheD/2AeasyBfastCsimpleDdifficult3AofBoutCoverDabout4AimitateBimitatingCto imitateDimitated5AofBforCafterDabout6AcouldBshouldCwouldDhad to7AofBbyConDwith

10、8AwhatBwhenCwhereDhow9AandBbutCas well asDas long as10AlearnBlearnsClearningDto learn3There have been many great inventions that change the way we liveThe first great(1) was one that is still very important todaythe wheelThis made it easy for man(2) heavy things and to travel long distancesFor hundr

11、eds of years after that,there were(3) inventions that had as much effect as the wheelThen in the early 1800s the world started to change(4) There was little unknown land left in the worldPeople did not have to explore much any moreIn the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were mad

12、e(5) them were the camera,the electric light and the radioThese have all become a big part of our life todayThe first part of the 20th century saw more great inventionsThe helicopter in 1909Movies(6) sound in 1926The computer in 1928And jet planes in 1930This was also a time when a new(7) was first

13、madeNylon came out in 1935It changed the kind of clothes people wearOf course new inventions continued to be madeMan began looking(8) ways to go into spaceRussia made the first stepThen the United States took anotherSince then other countries,including China and Japan,(9) their steps into spaceIn 19

14、69man took his biggest step away from earth(10) first walked on the moonThis was certainly just a beginningNew inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of1AscientistBartistCmusicianDinvention2AcarryBcarryingCto carryDcarried3AfewBa fewClittleDa little4AlargelyBdifferen

15、tlyCgreatlyDfreely5ABetweenBAmongCBeforeDAfter6AinBofConDwith7AmistakeBproductCworldDmaterial8AforBoutCafterDaround9AmadeBwere madeChave madeDhade made10AChineseBJapaneseCAmericansDRussians4I was ten years old when we had to move to a place far awayI was(1) to leave because I spent all those years i

16、n that houseWhen the day came,I ran to a corner and sat by myselfI thought and thought and began to(2) Suddenly I felt a hand on my head,I (3) It was my grandpaI knew he was sorry,tooHe sat beside me and said,It isnt easy,is it,Tommy?Before I could find any (4) ,he went on to say,Goodbye is a cold w

17、ord,it is so cold that we couldnt use itThen we walked in the garden,hand in handWe stopped in front of (5) Its so beautiful here,I saidYes,you think it is beautiful only because it is a(6) place in your heart,said my grandpaAfter a moment he said,I planted those flowers a long time ago,when your (7

18、) was bornThen the (8) came,and like many other young people,he went to fightTen months later,news came that your father had diedThat afternoon,I picked some flowers from here,put them in front of his picture and said (9) to himWith tears in his eyes,grandpa held me in his arms and said,We are going

19、 to(10) but we wont say goodbye to our old house,never,never1AhappyBangryCsurprisedDsorry2AcryBguessClaughDwrite3AwatchedBsawClooked upDturned back4AplacesBideasCpicturesDwords5Aa treeBa riverCsome housesDsome flowers6AspecialBquietCbigDnew7AuncleBbrotherCfatherDmother8AdayBwarCnewsDrain9AthanksBgoo

20、dbyeChelloDgood morning10AstayBbuildCmoveDkeep5Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050What will(1) be like in the year 2050?asked TomI dont know,said FredWhat do you think?Well,no one knowsBut it is (2) to guess,said TomIn the year 2050everybody will (3) a pocket (袖珍) computerThe computer will

21、 give people the (4) to all their problemsWe shall all have telephones in our pockets,(5) And well be able to talk to our friends all over the worldPerhaps well be able to (6) them at the same timeMachines will do (7) of the work,and people will have more (8) perhaps they will work only two or three

22、 days a weekThey will be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays thereIm very (9) to hear thatI hope to fly to the moonAnd I hope Ill be able to live (10) ,said FredWont that be interesting?Just like a fish1Aour homeBthe trafficCa factoryDthe world2ApleasedBno useCinterestingDu

23、nusual3AcarryBbringCgiveDsend4AnewsBwaysCthingsDanswers5AeitherBagainCtooDalso6AcallBseeClookDlisten7AmostBmanyClotDevery8AworkBdutyCholidaysDtimes9AsorryBgladCsureDafraid10Ain the seaBon landCon the mountainDunder the ground6Most adults once studied at school,had classes and did their homework ever

24、y dayThe same(1) is going on at school now(2) it seems that doing weekend homework is(3) problem for the modern studentsAll the students should agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消)Its(4) for them studying at school five days a weekThey have a lot of interestsWith homework to do on Sat

25、urday and Sunday,when can they find(5) to help around the house,go and see a football or basketball game or a good film,join in family recreations(娱乐),or just have(6) at home?Because of these other activities,the homework cant be finished until(7) So their weekend homework is usually done in such a

26、hurry that on Monday teachers are(8) and often threaten to fail whole class of students because they know nothing about the(9) If there were no weekend homework for the students to do,they would be happy to go to school on Monday(10) having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach1AthingBsch

27、oolCclassDhomework2AAlsoBButCStillDThough3AnoBanotherConeDother4Anot enoughBenoughCno goodDno use5AfriendsBtimeCplacesDmoney6Aa restBan examCa lessonDa picnic7AMonday afternoonBSaturday afternoonCFriday nightDSunday night8ApleasedBsorryCunhappyDnot worried9AlessonBgamesCinterestsDactivities10AuntilB

28、whenCbeforeDafter7Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin,a world funny(1) People everywhere laugh(2) his films until tears run down their(3) From his appearance they know what will happenThe little man is always(3) black moustache,wideopen eyes,round black hat and shoes too (5) for his feetHe will struggle

29、 through snow,and fall from windowsHe will fight with men who are twice his size and(6) notice himThe poor man that Charlie Chaplin(7) in hundreds of films makes all kinds of mistakesHe is always in (8) ,but he never gives upHe dreams of(9) a great manEven people who dont understand English can enjoy his films,because they are mostly silentIt isnt w

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