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1、1学年高中英语Module3ForeignFoodSectionIntroducModule 3 Foreign Food Section Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 03 课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. He is so hungry that he begins to eat g_.答案:greedily2. You o_ it to your supporter now.答案:owe3. The meat is so tough that I can hardly c_ it.答案:chew4. Many young men ar

2、e o_ with computer games these days.答案:obsessed5. The meals he makes are simple but they are a_.答案:appetising6. It is bad _(礼貌) to stare at others.答案:manners7. Xiao Wang is doing his best to meet the _(要求) of his parents.答案:requirements8. Some foreigners dont know how to eat dumplings; some of them

3、throw the _(馅) away.答案:fillings9. The waiter served _(甜点) after the dinner.答案:dessert10. The liquid has a bitter _(味道)答案:taste. 选词填空the first time, end up, no wonder, make out, owe .to ., get used to, be amazed at, go against1. If you continue wasting money like this, you will _ losing what you have

4、.答案:end up2. He talked on and on, but the audience couldnt _ what he was driving at.答案:make out3. He was born and grew up in the town._ he knows it so well.答案:No wonder4. You will _ the progress we have made.答案:be amazed at5. _ you see it, you will never forget it.答案:The first time6. Dont do anythin

5、g that _ your mothers will.答案:goes against7. Having lived abroad for years, he has _ the life there.答案:got used to8. He _ his success more _ luck than ability.答案:owed; to. 完成句子1. 如此多的人每天用英语交流,自由使用英语将变得越来越重要。(with结构)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ every day, it will become more and more important to use English freely

6、.答案:With so many people communicating in English2. 这两种文化有很多相似之处。The two cultures _ _ _ _ _.答案:have a lot in common3. 孩子们在外面玩耍,而玛丽在写信。The children were playing outside, _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:while Mary was writing a letter4. 电脑在他第一次使用时就坏了。The computer was just out of order _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:the first time he u

7、sed it5. 是由于你的错误我们才又失败的。_ _ _ _ _ _ that we failed again.答案:It was owing to your mistake6. 他一定认为刚才我在开玩笑。_ _ _ _ I was joking.答案:He must have thought7. 在西方询问女士年龄是不礼貌的。_ _ _ to ask a lady how old she is in western countries.答案:Its bad manners8. 她害怕违背父亲的愿望。She was scared _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:to go against he

8、r fathers wishes. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. It was the first time they _(meet)答案:had met2. It was yesterday _ I had my bicycle lost.答案:that3. Words are important, but the manners _ a person stands, folds his arms or moves his hands can also give away his feelings.答案:in which4. Its required that the problem

9、_ (solve) immediately.答案:be solved5. Many high school students are obsessed _ cyber games.答案:with6. We were to go out, but ended up _(watch) TV.答案:watching7. The boy lay on the grass with his eyes _(fix) on the sky.答案:fixed8. _ their son away to college, the old couple will get more room in the hous

10、e.答案:With9. When you look for a job, _ is not your book knowledge but your experience that matters most.答案:it10. I wonder how much you charge for your services.The first two are free _ the third costs $30.答案:while提升实战能力. 完形填空Volunteer victimsA man who dined regularly in his favorite restaurant compl

11、ained about the bread. It wasnt _1_, he said, that other restaurants served lots of _2_. But here he got only one piece.So the next time he came in, they _3_ him four pieces. He still said it wasnt _4_. For his next visit they put a large basket of bread on the table. But still he _5_, “The other re

12、staurants give all the bread you can _6_.”They decided to be _7_ for him the next day. They had _8_ an enormous loaf of bread. It was six feet long and two feet wide. Four people carried the loaf to his _9_. They plopped(使掉下) it down in front of him. It took up half the table and _10_ over both side

13、s. The chef stood back to see _11_ the customer would react.He looked over the loaf and _12_, “So, were back to one piece again, arent we?”Like this man, we volunteer to be _13_. We believe life is unfair and people are _14_. We think everyone should know just how _15_ things are and we feel obliged

14、 to tell them.The problem is that life sometimes is unfair, _16_ the greater truth is that people can decide whether they are victims or _17_. Happy people have learned that they cannot always _18_ their circumstances, but they can often decide how they will _19_. What life means to us is determined not so much by what life b

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