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1、21世纪大学英语17单元Vocabulary21世纪大学英语1-7单元Vocabulary1.Do you think that making music and art compulsory subjects in schools may reduce some childrens enjoyment of them?2.Bobs one of those people who relish risk and danger hed be bored in a safe, steady job. 3.Elizabeths certainly talented enough to succeed

2、 in her career; she just doesnt have enough confidence in her own abilities. 4.Im sorry youre in trouble, but you made your decision on your own and youll just have to face the consequences.5.Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams, but worry that without them there would be too little in

3、centive for students to work hard.6.The teacher accidentally hit the boys hand with an eraser and was henceforth known as “Dead-Eye Bean”.7.If I had money, Id invest it all in Internet companies.8.Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to consciously perc

4、eive.9.Hes always had a passion for books. If he could work in a library, it would be a dream come true. 10.Look at those three whispering in the corner again theyre scheming something, I just dont know what!1.Lily has been going steady with Richard for three years now. I think its true love. 2.Fred

5、 and Jim didnt like each other at first, but in time they became good friends. 3.By leading his army into the valley, the general played into his enemys hands.4.It was beyond her wildest dreams that more than a hundred thousand copies of her recent novel were sold in three months. 5.Did you notice h

6、ow Ann hung on Michaels every word all evening?6.The photos he took at the conference are so out of focus that I cant tell whos who. 7.What do albatrosses feed on when shellfish are out of season? 8.That car is the apple of Chriss eye hell be devastated when he hears you scratched the paint. 9.The p

7、risoners filed into the courtroom with their heads down and without even glancing at the crowd of excited journalists. 10.She used to be fascinated by butterfliesshe would spend hours in the museumporing over their collection.1.Please label all the boxes clearly so that well know which ones are ours

8、 and which belong to you.2.Its not a simple question. Many different factors have converged to create the current crisis.3.I can never repay my parents for the many sacrifices they made for me.4.Research shows that humor and fear are two excellent ways to motivate students.5.At first tea was produce

9、d only in China; it was later transplanted to India and Japan.6.The sight of the animals sufferings so horrified him that he vowed never to visit the zoo again.7.A mothers bond with her newborn baby is an infinitely deep one that nothing can replace.8.In Australia, women constitute 51% of the popula

10、tion, but occupy only 19% of the managerial positions.9.Thousands of striking workers surged into the city square, demanding higher wages and better working conditions.10.There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries became rivals and went to war.11.Mary resents having to go

11、 to work while her husband sits about the house all day.12.Not all of the authors recommendations for improving students performance at school are logical.1.Research carried out at Berkeley shows that Asian children are motivated by a sense of guilt. 2.Professor Glover explained how 19th-century soc

12、ial policies led to a loss of faith in the value of hard work. 3.The controversy about “multiculturalism” springs from recent changes in the curricula of US 4.A good education will make it easier for you to get ahead. 5.Ted finally showed up a little after eleven. He said hed overslept.6.Women now m

13、ake up two-fifths of the work force in this country.7.Kim says she works hard because she owes it to her parents. 8.She found herself unable to cope with all the work she had been assigned to do.9.The girls carefully divided the cake into seven pieces.10.Immigrants are excluded from many of the righ

14、ts that citizens have.11.As a teacher, Henry is committed to awakening his students to the joys of education.12.In the mid-1960s, many Frenchmen wondered if the Americans would ever make it to the moon if they insisted on calculating distances in feet and inches.1.We expected Ellen to do well, but w

15、hen she got straight As she surpassed all our expectations.2.You made a good decision, and I thoroughly approved of it.3.They arrived at the stadium three hours early to ensure that theyd get good seats.4.The company is now thriving thanks to the skillful management and outstanding technology.5.The

16、directors disagreement rapidly escalated into a fight, so the meeting became more exciting than anyone had expected.6.As a junior member of the schools teaching staff, Janet didnt feel qualified to discuss the issue with the principal.7.The 20-year-old tennis players dream is to represent China at t

17、he next Olympics.8.It was becoming apparent that the elderly chemists skills were no longer needed.9.I dont understand how you can justify spending money on space exploration when there are hungry children in the world.10.Many of the conflicts that spring from cultural differences can be avoided if

18、you keep an open mind.1.You dont have to go along with his plan if you think its crazy. 2.Oh, stop complaining about the rain! Its good from the farmers viewpoint. 3.This 67-year-old Canadian novelist has delighted multitudes of readers with his tales of mystery.4.Another joint venture in auto manuf

19、acturing has run into financial problems.5.For Sally, the wonderful evening of music and dancing had come to an end too soon.6.Rosemary picked up the basics of Chinese very quickly because she used the language at every opportunity.7.At times when I had trouble controlling my temper, I hardly knew w

20、hat I was saying or doing.8.Once hed gotten into the habit of eating with chopsticks, he preferred them to a knife and fork.9.Seeing that she had nothing to say after brief greetings, I tried my best to smooth over the awkwardness of the first meeting.10.I thought the man was lying to protect his wi

21、fe, but in fact it was the reverse.1.When every student imagines that every other student is working harder and doing better, stress is the inevitable result.2.It is my firm conviction that violence is never a reasonable solution to conflict.3.Everyone jumped up when a piercing scream suddenly broke

22、 the silence.4.In many cultures a memorial service is a joyful celebration, not a solemn event.5.The recession has put increasing pressure on the job market, so employment prospects for this years graduates are unfortunately rather grim.6.If you keep too firm a grip on your children, theyll never le

23、arn to think for themselves.7.I dont know what induced Alfred to read your letter. Presumably he thought it was addressed to him.8.What are you thinking of!? This medicine is much too potent for a small child!9.A large segment of the population reckoned at about 20% still takes spirit-worship (神灵崇拜)

24、 seriously.10.Before going on a camping trip, its wise to make sure youre well equipped for a wide range of emergencies.11.As soon as the director left the room, Sam commenced to entertain us with his wild stories.12.I talked to Alice last week incidentally, has she returned the book you lent her? I

25、d like to borrow it, if you dont mind.1.The professor is often seen strolling around the campus in the dead of night.2.In a crowded dormitory its especially important to be considerate of other peoples needs and feelings.3.The end of the movie didnt surprise me I knew all along who the murderer was.

26、4.After her husbands death, fearsome of what the future would bring, Barbara closed the family business and went to work in a bank.5.Please excuse my irritability. Ive been under too many pressures at work lately.6.None of Lucys usual methods for attracting attention worked on the professor.7.Its ha

27、rd to conceive of a culture where smell or touch are more important than sight.8.If he doesnt find some time to relax a little, Im afraid hes going to bug out.1.Politicians are always promising to introduce legislation to raise salaries and lower taxes.2.The new poetry collection was compiled from a

28、 wide variety of sources and includes poems from twelve countries and seven centuries.3.Every culture is full of beliefs and assumptions that most people never question until they come into contact with another culture.4.Many people who emigrate to America in hopes of becoming rich are surprised at

29、how hard they have to work.5.He has a wide circle of acquaintances but very few close friends.6.Shes a renowned tennis player, but her real ambition is to become a writer.7.To avoid confusion, youd better start by explaining the whole idea from beginning to end in an orderly way.8.When you take a sm

30、all child on a long trip, you need to bring lots of books and toys to keep him or her amused.9.Most visitors to Shanghai find it a very impressive/amusing city.10.They teach at night school to supplement their income, which otherwise wouldnt be sufficient to live on.1.The students sent a twelve-memb

31、er delegation to the conference.2.Three army officers were charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government.3.The first step in applying for an entry permit to Great Britain is filling out this form. visa4.I consider religion a private matter and dont like it when people preach.5.If William is dr

32、iving, Ill take the bus. Hes too reckless and I just dont feel safe with him behind the wheel.1.When he failed the entrance exam, his despair drove him to consider suicide. 2.Their van ran into a taxi but fortunately no one was injured.3.It would take years for the pain over her divorce to fade away.4.The soldiers vowed to get revenge for their captains death.5.Milk baths are a very effective way to

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