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1、雅思必考40大场景总结含高频词汇雅思备考资料 频词汇表abbreviation cohesive editing intensive pattern reject survey ability combine effective intimate pause related syllabus academic committee efficient invest peak relevant synonym accomplishment commumicate elective investigate per reliable synthetic accurate comparison elic

2、itation irrelevant perceive remainder system acquisition competent eligible isolate percentage represent tally adapt compile emerge issue period reputable taxation adequacy complex emphasis journal permanent request technical adhered comprehensive emulate judgement persuade require technique adminis

3、tration comprise endure knowledge petition research technological adopt concern enrol laboratory pie chart resemble tend advantage conclusive ensure labour pitfall reserve tertiary affirmative conduct envisage lack placement resource theoretical agenda conflict essential latter plus respondent thesi

4、s amend confront ethnic lecture policy response timetable analysis connectives evaluation legal poll result tradition annually constant evidence legendary positive resume transfer anticipate consumer example legible postgraduate revenue trend anxiety context expand lesser postpone review trial appea

5、l contradict exponent literally potential revise tuition appendix contrast extracurricular lobby proctical rigorous tutor approach convert facility location predict roster tutorial appropriate convince factor logical preference rough draft undergraduate approved copyright faculty maintain prefix rou

6、te undertake approximate core familiar major pressure safety unique argument corporate federal majority prestige sample unofficial arranged correspond fervent manual principal scales upgrade array counsellor field marketing printout scan utilise aspect course financial materials priority scene vacat

7、ion assess credit finite maximum procedure schedule valid asset criteria focus maximise process scope value assignment criticism formation minimise profile score variables associate crucial former minimum programme scrutinise variation assumption curriculum formulate media progress section variety a

8、ssured cyclic forum minor project sector variousauxiliary deadline foundation minus proposal security vary ballot debate function model prospect selection vast bar chart decade gender monitor provision semester venue barriers decline generalise national proximity seminar virtual basic degree graduat

9、e negative qualify sensitive virus basis demerit graphic negotiate quality separate vital bibliography department gross network query sequence vocabulary boost detail hectare noticeable questionnaire series vocational brainstorm determine identity notify queue session welfare budget development ille

10、gal notion quote situation wide-ranging campus diction immediate numerous radical skill windfall cancel diploma impact obtain range skim wisdom canteen disaster improvise official ranking software withdraw capacity discard inadequate operate ratio source witness catalyst discipline income opinion re

11、act specialise worldwide cater discussion increase opponent realistic specific workforce caution distinct indicator oppose reality stagnant workshop ceremony diversify induce optimism recession standard x-axis chaotic diversity inflation option reduce state y-axis chronological doctorate influence o

12、rganise reference statement zone civic document influx original reflect statistics civil domestic inform outcome refute steep classify dot-matrix innovation outline regard stem client draft instance passage region submit cognitive drawback intake passive regular suffix coherent economic integral pat

13、ron regulation summary雅思必考40大场景总结乘机词汇boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞行 bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight 平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯 altitude, height 高度 air route, air line 航线 extra flight 加班 economy class, tourist class 经济座 non-stop flight 连续飞行 climbing, to gain height 爬升 circling 盘旋 forced l

14、anding 迫降connecting flight 衔接航班 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度 cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 first class 头等 night service 夜航 airsick 晕机 direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆 to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸 to taxi along 滑行 to lose height, to fly low 降低 to take off, take-off 起飞 to board a p

15、lane, get into a plane 上飞机 to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机 to face the wind 迎风 食品味道词汇taste 味道tasty 美味的delicious 味道好的sweet 甜的sour 酸的bitter 苦的hot 辣的salty 咸的spiced 加香料的fragrant 香的seasoned 加作料的tasteless 无味的flat 淡而无味的(如走了气的啤酒)greasy 油腻的bland 清淡的light 清淡的餐厅词汇cafetetia 自助餐厅snack-bar 快餐部,小吃店read

16、y-to-eat section 快餐部dining-room 餐室cafe 美咖啡室,酒馆英咖啡馆banquet hall 宴会厅breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐luncheon 午餐,午餐会,午宴,工作午餐supper 晚餐dinner (午间或晚间的)正餐(一天中主要的一餐)snack 快餐afternoon tea 下午茶点refreshments 茶点tea party 茶会informal dinner 便宴buffet (车站,火车内的)餐室,快餐柜头,小吃店cooktail party 鸡尾酒会banquet 宴会meal 一顿饭a la carte 照菜单点菜的tab

17、le dhote (按规定菜肴和价格供应的)客饭,份饭,套餐餐具及调味品词汇tableware 餐具chopsticks 筷子 knife 刀fork *spoon 匙tea spoon 茶匙soup spoon 汤匙ladle 大汤匙carving knife 切肉刀wine glass 酒杯beer mug 啤酒大杯tea cup 茶杯cup and saucer (茶)杯和托碟coffee pot 咖啡壶bowl 碗jug (有把手的)大壶cruet-stand 调味瓶sauce cruet 酱油瓶vinegar cruet 醋瓶mustard pot 芥末瓶pepper pot 胡椒瓶

18、egg cup 蛋杯toothpick 牙签napkin 餐巾table salt 食盐sugar 糖vingar 醋soy sauce 酱油oyster sauce 蚝油shrimp sauce 虾酱pepper 胡椒chilli 干辣椒curry 咖喱goumet powder 味精spice 香料edible oils 食用油类lard 猪油margarine 人造黄油sesame butter 芝麻油peanut butter 花生酱tomato paste 西红柿酱soybean paste 豆瓣酱mustard 芥末honey 蜜糖mint 薄荷essence 香精烹饪词汇Culi

19、nary Arts烹饪术culinary 烹饪的cookery 烹调法cuisine 菜色boiled (用水)煮的roasted 烤的(如肉类)broiled 烧烤braised with soy sauce 红烧的shallow-fried 煎的deep-fried 炒的stir-fried 炸的stewed 炖的simmered 文火炖的,煨的scalded 嫩煮的toasted 烤的(如面包)grilled 铁扒烤的baked 烘的braised 焖,(用文火)炖smoked 熏的basted 在(烤肉)上溜油cookeddone 煮熟的well-done 熟透的underdone 半

20、生不熟的burnt 烧焦了的carved 切好的ground 磨碎的minced 切成末的mashed 捣烂的dried 干的iced 冰镇的frozen 冰冻的raw 生的,未煮的fresh 新鲜的stale 陈腐的,变坏了的;(酒)走了味的厨房用具词汇kitchen utensils 厨房用具pan 锅frying-pan 煎锅spatula (沙锅的)铲stew-pan 煮锅wok (圆底的)煎锅,沙锅(源自粤语)steamer 蒸锅pressure-cooker 压力锅electric rice cooker 电饭锅earthenware cooking pot 砂锅aluminium

21、 ware 铝制品chopper (粗切用)肉刀can-opner 罐头刀cockscrew 开塞钻子egg-beater 打蛋器chopping board 砧板gas stove 煤气炉electric stove 电炉kitchen range (使用煤气或电的)大灶oven 烤箱microwave oven 微波炉kerosene stove 煤油炉toaster 烤面包架refrigerator 电冰箱panry 食物储藏室cupboard 碗柜dust-pan 簸箕mop 拖把broom 扫把dustbin 垃圾箱garbage can 垃圾筒停车场景车型FORD 福特,ROLLS

22、 & ROYCE 劳仕莱斯,许可证parking permit/sticker停车场parking lot/area,car park停车规则处罚tow away拖走,pay a fine罚款,clamp the wheel锁轮胎生活咨询词汇考点飞机机票,舱位,个人信息,预订门票,用餐订座位,外出、商店书店等公共场所的营业时间咨询订座位make a reservation预定,confirm a reservation确认预定,cancel ones reservation取消预定, frist come,frist serve先到先服务原则,机票saver ticket优惠票,open ti

23、cket开放机票,one-way ticket单程票,round-trip ticket往返票,layover/stopover中途停留, timetable时刻表,fare票价,toll通行费,non-stop flight直达航班,connecting-flight转机,舱位first class头等舱,business class商务舱,economy class经济舱 ,常用词汇airport tax机场税 ,duty-free shop免税店,excess charge超重 ,vacant seat空座,destination目的地, extra charge/surcharge附加

24、费,fulling-booked满了 , seat arrangement/assignment定座,E.T.A(estimated time of arrival)预计到达时间E.T.D(estimated time of departure)预计起飞时间交通工具van中巴,shuttle bus班车, airport limousine机场大巴,berth铺位(火车上), pullman卧铺车证件办理场景个人信息full name全名,first/given name名字,surname/family name/last name姓氏,middle initial中间名缩写,nationa

25、lity国籍,passport number护照号码,visa签证,ID/identification/identity身份证,driving/drivers license/licence驾驶执照,date of birth出生年月日,age年龄,blood type血型,height身高,weight体重,marital status婚姻状况,home address家庭住址,time to move in/stay,course applied申请课程,prefered/favourite food比较/最爱吃的食物,prefered transportation比较喜欢的交通工具,ho

26、bbies,register/enrollment date注册/报道日期,first/second/third/fourth-year student一/二/三/四年级学生,English proficiency英语水平,problems with(or first impressions of) the town/city/college/university/accommodation,home/office number家庭/办公电话号码,date of arrival/departure到达/出发日期,signature签名计算机房场景考点计算机数量及类型,网络数量及类型,时间,硬件

27、,软件,制度,问题及解决,硬件mainframe主机,monitor监视器,显示器,screen屏幕,keyboard键盘,modem调制解调器,cable moderm宽带调制解调器,mouse鼠标,hard disk硬盘,floppy disk软盘,disc光盘(圆形),memory内存,sound card声卡,graphic card图形卡,显卡,loudspeaker扬声器,printer打印机,scanner扫描仪,photocopier/copier复印机,laser printer激光打印机,dot-matrix printer针式打印机,color inject printe

28、r彩色喷墨打印机,软件software,programs程序,viruses病毒,copyright laws版权法,copy复制,制度no students disks are allowed学生不准带盘,copying programs bought by the college is not allowed,个人健康场景考点医院,医生,体检,症状,诊断结果, 治疗方案 ,相关建议医院及医生clinic诊所,physician内科医生, oculist/eye doctor眼科医生,surgon外科医生,dentist牙医,vet兽医 ,see a doctor看病,send for a

29、doctor请医生,make an appointment预约症状symptom症状, have/catch a cold感冒 ,have a sore throat嗓子痛, stomachache胃痛,fever发烧 ,cough咳嗽,headache头痛 ,toothache牙痛,have a runny nose流鼻涕,depression沮丧,消沉,vomit/throw up/呕吐,dizzy头晕,feel chilly觉得发冷,phlegm痰,疾病liver trouble肝炎,pneumonia肺炎,flu流感,allergy过敏症,twisted扭伤的,asthma哮喘,dia

30、betics糖尿病患者,cramps抽筋,diarrhea腹泻,have a stuffed nose鼻子不通,cholera霍乱,stiff neck脖子发僵,yellow fever黄热病,hay fever枯草热,药剂pills药丸,tablet药片,capsule胶囊,mixture合剂,eyedrops眼药水,syrup糖浆,pad药棉块,vitamin维他命,penicillin盘尼西林,antibiotic抗生素,ointment药膏,medication药物,aspirin阿司匹林,cold cure感冒药,sweating medicine发汗药,febrifuge退烧药,治疗bandage绷带,syringe注射器,stethoscope听诊器,injection注射,preventive injection预防针,gauze纱布,case history病历,extract拔牙,take ones temperature量体温,feel ones pulse量脉搏,take ones blood pressure量血压,give a prescription开药方,have an operation 动手术 ,convention会议,chairperson主席,guest speaker讲话嘉宾,facilitator司仪,主持人,pa

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