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1、PMBOK指南第5版第七章习题1. The cumulative CPI has been shown to be relatively stable after whatpercentage of project completion?A. 5% to 10%B. 15% to 20%C. 25% to 35%D. 50% to 75%1. 在完成项目工作多少个百分比后,累计成本绩效指数相对稳定?A. 5% to 10%B. 15% to 20%C. 25% to 35%D. 50% to 75%2. A project is considered complete when -A. BAC

2、 = PVB. EV = ACC. PV = ACD. BAC = EV2. 当-时一个项目可以认为完成了?A. BAC = PVB. EV = ACC. PV = ACD. BAC = EV3. The project sponsor told the PM that he wanted to cut the 6 month project to3 monthsby doubling the number of resources. The PM was experienced enough to knowthis would NOTwork because ofA. Sunk costsB

3、. Resources depreciationC. Lost opportunityD. The law of diminishing returns3. 项目发起人告诉项目经理,他想通过把资源加倍,来把工期由六个月减少为3 个月。经验丰富的项目经理知道这是不可行的,因为:A. 沉没成本B. 资源折旧C. 损失机会成本D. 收益递减法则4. You need to decide between two alternatives. You can either hire a contractorto build one of the projects deliverables, or you

4、can buy the deliverable from anoverseas supplier. Both options require acquisition, operating, and disposalcosts that you compare between the two alternatives to make a decision. Whatis this technique called?A. Value EngineeringB. Life cycle costingC. Earned Value ManagementD. Financial analysis4. 你

5、需要决定两个方案,你可以雇佣一个承包商来建设项目的交付成果,也可以从海外供应商那里购买。你需要比较两个方案的获取、运营和处置成本,以便作出决策。这种技术称为:A. 价值工程B. 生命周期成本C. 挣值管理D. 财务分析5 In order to establish the budget,all of the following needs to evaluatedexcept: :A.Contingency costsB.sunk costsC.diract costD.indirect cost5. 为了建立预算,必须评估下列所有的需求,除了:A.应急费用B.沉没成本C.直接成本D.间接成本

6、6.某人刚刚被任命为某项目的项目经理,正在指导项目计划的编制工作。你是该项目的关键干系人之一,你想要立即拿到项目的成本预算,但项目经理没有给你。最可能的原因是:A在风险管理规划还没有完成之前,无法确定项目的预算B项目章程中没有规定成本目标C你没有权利索要项目预算D项目经理与你有一些私人恩怨,他不愿意给你7. 副总裁给你打来紧急电话,说她15 分钟后要去见一个重要的客户,谈一个很大很复杂的关于网站的项目。她给你30 秒钟的时间考虑,然后告诉她这个项目需要多少成本。你迅速地回顾了过去的类似项目,虽然有些信息尚未知晓,但你还是给了她一个大概的数字。你刚才使用的是什么类型的估计方法?A 确定性估计B

7、预算C 数量级估算D 详细估计8Which of the depreciation methods offers the least tax advantage?A. Double declining balanceB. straight lineC. Sum of the years digitD. Salvage value8. 下列哪种折旧方法享受的税收优惠最小?A双倍余额递减法B直线法C年数总和法D折余值9. There are two projects to choose between: Project A with an NPV of US$45,000; or Project

8、Bwith an NPV of US $85,000. What is the opportunity costof selecting project B?A. US $45,000B. US $85,000C. US $40,000D. US $130,0009.有两个项目可以被选择: 项目A 净现值(NPV)为45,000 美元;项目B 净现值(NPV)为85,000 美元 选择项目B 的机会成本是多少?A. US $45,000B. US $85,000C. US $40,000D. US $130,00010A project is seriously delayed. Earned

9、 value analysis shows that the projectneeds to be completed 10% faster than the work has been going. To get theproject back on track, management wants to add 10 people to a task currentlyassigned to one person. The project manager disagrees, noting that such anincrease will not produce an increase i

10、n speed. This is an example of:A. law of diminishing returns.B. fast tracking.C. earned value.D. life-cycle costing.10. 项目确实已经延迟。实现值分析显示这个项目需要比现在的情况加快10%来完成。为了使此项目返回预期进度,管理者计划增加10 个人到现在分配给1 人的任务上。项目经理不同意,增加投入未必能够增加速度。这是一个什么的例子?A 收益递减法则B 快速跟进C 实现值D 全生命周期成本11The previous project manager informed manag

11、ement that all was well onthe project. However, the new project manager discovers that the project has aCPI of .89. What does this mean?A. At this time, it is expected that the total project will take 89% longer thanplanned.B. When the project is completed, 89% more than planned will have beenspent.

12、C. The project is only progressing at 89% of what was planned.D. The project is only getting 89 cents out of every dollar invested.11. 前任项目经理告诉管理者项目一切都好,然而,新项目经理发现这个项目的CPI 为089。这意味着什么?A 此刻,预期总体项目进度会比计划的要长89%B 当项目完成时, 花费的要比预期的多89%C 这个项目只取得了计划的89%的进展D 这个项目每一美元投入只获得89 美分的产出12 A management team is tryin

13、g to decide if it will continue working on aproject that has spent US$500,000. The original estimate for work completed todate was US $200,000. The difference between the actual cost and the originalestimate (US $300,000) is a(n):A. customer cost.B. example of how bad the schedule wasC. direct cost.

14、D. sunk cost.12. 一个管理团队正在确定是否继续某项目,这个项目已经花费了500,000 美元。到目前已完成工作的最初估算为200,000 美元。介于最初估算与实际成本之间的的$300,000 美元称为:A 客户成本B 进度表多么差的一个例子C 直接成本D 沉没成本13What is the fundamental weakness of the earned value concept?A. Not knowing the clients project scope as it relates to the current W BSB. Once the BCWP is cal

15、culated. It is too late to take corrective action on theproject costsC. The ability to provide accurate estimates of the percentage of workcompleted.D. D There is no weakness on this concept13. 什么是挣值(earned value)概念的基本缺点?A由于它与当前的W B S 有关,故无法知道客户项目范围B等到B C W P 计算出来,再对项目成本采取纠正措施就太晚了C要对完工的百分比作出准确评估是很困难

16、的D这个概念中没有缺点14.AC=400,CPI=0.875,PV=325,问EV=?A. 200B. 300C. 350D. 40015. There comes a point, a quality level, where spending more money onimproving the product or service equals the extra revenue generated by doingso. This is known as:A. PaybackB. Marginal analysisC. Product (or service) equilibriumD

17、. Zero tolerance15. 有一个质量水平点,达到后,用于改善产品或服务的成本刚好等于通过质量改善所产生的收益。这是:A. 回收期B. 边际分析C. 产品平衡D. 零容限如果EV(BCWP)=350,用AC(ACWP)=400,PV(BCWS)=325,请回答下述问题16 和17:16. 进度偏差(SV)和进度绩效指标(SPI)为多少?A+25;0.875B+25;1.077C-50;0.875D+50;1.07717. CV 和CPI 为多少?A+25;0.875B+25;1.077C-50;0.875D+50;1.07718If operations on a work pac

18、kage were estimated to cost $1,500 and finishtoday but, instead, have cost $1,350 and are only two-thirds complete, thecost variance is-A. +$150B. -$150C. -$350D. -$50018. 如果一个工作包中的部分操作的估算成本是$1 500,并且在今天完成了,然而实际上成本用了$1 350,而工作只完成了全部的2 / 3,成本偏差是:A+$150B-$150C-$350D-$50019Completion cost forecasting c

19、alculations include:A. EAC=ACWP+(BAC-BCWP)B. EAC = BAC-CVC. EAC=ACWP+(BAC/CPI)D. A or B above19. 完成成本的预测计算应包括:AEAC ACWP+ (B A C - B C W P)BE A C BAC- C VCE A C A C W P + (B A C/C P I)DA 或B20.The performance measurement baseline is theA. BACB. EVC. ACD. ACWS20.绩效测量基准是:ABACBEVCACDACWS21.To what does t

20、he following sentence refer? “The concept of optimal qualitylevel is reached at the point where the incremental revenue from productimprovement equals the incremental cost to secure it.”A.Quality control analysisB.Marginal analysisC.Standard quality analysisD.Conformance analysis21.“当质量提高带来的效益等于为了保证

21、质量所花费的成本时的质量为最佳”,这句话是指:A. 质量控制分析B. 边际分析C. 标准质量分析D. 一致性分析22. The _ is a time-phased budget that is used as a basisagainst which to measure, monitor and control overall cost performance on theproject.A. Resource baselineB. Schedule baselineC. Cost performance baselineD. Project management plan22._是按时间

22、分段的预算,用作度量和监控项目整体成本A. 资源基准B. 进度基准C. 成本绩效基准D. 项目管理计划23. 类比估算与下列哪一项相同?A参数估算B自下而上估算C自上而下估算D三点估算24. According to earned value report, the project achieved 30% complete. Anidentified riskwhich is categorized “known unknown” has occurred, and the PM has chosen todraw fundsfrom contingency reserve and take

23、 necessary actions to deal with the problem.What shouldhe do next?A. The schedule baseline should be changed; the cost baseline should not bechanged.B. The cost baseline should be changed; the schedule baseline should not bechanged.C. The schedule and cost baselines should not be changed because the

24、 event isa “known unknown”.D. The schedule and cost baselines should be changed to show the new work.24. 根据挣值报告,项目已经完成了30%。一个识别的“已知的未知”风险出现了,项目经理只好选择动用风险储备金并采取一些必要的活动来解决风险带来的问题。接下来他该做什么?A. 进度基准应该改变,成本基准不变。B. 成本基准应该改变,进度基准不变。C. 进度和成本基准不应该改变,因为这是一个“已知的未知”。D. 进度和成本基准都应改变,以反应新的工作。25. Planned Duration =

25、12 months, ACWP = $10,000, BCWP = $14,000, BCWS= $17,500, BAC = $28,000. Based on the above data, if we are now at the endof month 6, then the remaining time needed to complete the project is:A. 6 monthsB. 8 monthsC. 9 monthsD. 4 months25. 计划历时=12 个月,ACWP = $10,000,BCWP = $14,000,BCWS = $17,500,BAC

26、= $28,000 根据上述数据,现在是第六个月的结束,完成项目所需的剩余的时间是多少?A. 6 个月B. 8 个月C. 9 个月D. 4 个月26Schedule variance in the monthly report was 0. But there were delays foundin the milestones. Which was not properly reported?A. Variance in communication managementB. Resources management planC. Critical Path StatusD. Risk ass

27、essment26.月度报表上的进度偏差是0。但里程碑有所拖延,那么哪一项可能没有在报表上反映出来:A沟通管理中的偏差B资源管理计划C. 关键路径状态D风险评估27A project manager is finalizing a project that has had repeated problemswith cost conformance.He is concerned about what management will say. Whichof the following types of information would be BEST for the project man

28、ager touse to evaluate performance?A. The CPIB. A list of complaints from senior managementC. The last Gantt chartD. The project budget27.项目经理确定一个项目存在与成本相一致的重复出现的问题,他非常担心管理层的看法。下面哪种类型的信息对项目经理评估绩效最有用A CPIB高级管理层的抱怨清单C最终的甘特图D项目预算28Which term describes those costs in a contract that are associated with

29、twoor more projects but are not traceable to either of them individually?A VariableB DirectC IndirectD Semi variable28.一个合同所规定的成本中有一部分的内容可能牵扯到多个项目, 但是却不能把这部分成本归为哪一个项目的花费,这部分成本叫做什么:A 变动成本B 直接成本C 间接成本D 半变动成本29Your boss has asked you for a cost estimate for the project, but it is early inthe project cr

30、eation process and there is very little project information. In thiscircumstance, what is the BEST way to estimate this project?A. Do a parametric estimateB. Ask the team for estimates of each taskC. Provide an order of magnitude estimateD. Calculate an estimate using a computer model29.你的老板希望你对项目进行成本估算,可是目前是项目启动过程的初期,只有非常少的项目信息。此种情况下,估算此项目的最好方式是?A做一个参数估算B请团队成员估算每个任务C提供一个量级估算D使用计算机模型计算一个估算30It is expensive to lease office space in cities around the world. Office spacecan cost approximately USD $80 per square foot in the Unit

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