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1、外贸英语学生课件Foreign Trade EnglishPart One: Business and Administrative Communication Introduction Business has become truly global and the electronic age has made possible instantaneous communication. The ability to keep up with these changes and to understand them defines our success as business profes

2、sionals .1. Definition of communication:Definitions of Communication 1Communication is a multifaceted process through which we exchange information with the world around us.Definition of communication 2Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between or among individuals through

3、a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior. Definitions of Communication 3Communication is the way people get their points across and get work done. 2. Definition of Business CommunicationBusiness communication is a dynamic, multi-channeled process, which covers internal as well as external com

4、munication in a given organizationInternal Communication Internal Communication refers to the part of communication that takes place within a given organization. External CommunicationExternal Communication refers to the kind of communication between the organization and the outside institutions and

5、 persons concerned, which involves a lot of activities. 3. Forms of CommunicationVerbalNonverbal Interpersonal non-verbal signals1) Verbal Communication One to one communications Telephone communications Video teleconferencing Presentation to a small group Public speaking to a large audiences E-mail

6、 messages Memos Report Letters2) Nonverbal Communication pictures computer graphics company logos etc3) Interpersonal non-verbal signals smiles, who sits where at a meeting , the size of an office, and how long someone keeps a visitor waiting 4. Definition of Organization An organization refers to a

7、n administrative and functional structure like a company or corporation, in which a certain number of people are able to communicate with each other and are willing to make contributions to a common goal.5. An organizations structure An organizations structure is a hierarchical system .Department by

8、 Product Department by Function Department by Region Chapter One: Business Communication, Management, and SuccessWhy People Put Things in Writing To create a record To convey complex data To make things convenient for the reader To save money To convey their own messages more effectivelyTypes of Doc

9、uments Internal: Go to people inside the organization External: Go to people outside the organizationThree Basic Purposes The three basic purposes of all business and administrative communication are To inform To request or persuade To build goodwill Most messages have more than one purpose!Costs of

10、 Poor Correspondence Wasted TimeWasted EffortsLost GoodwillBenefits of Improving CorrespondenceBetter writing helps you to Save time. Make your efforts more effective. Communicate your points more clearly. Build goodwill.Criteria for Effective MessagesGood business and administrative writing1. Is cl

11、ear: The reader understands what the writer meant. The reader doesnt have to guess.2. Is complete: All the readers questions are answered. The reader doesnt have to guess.3. Is correct: The facts and information are accurate. The message is free from sentence-level errors.4. Saves the readers time:

12、The style, organization, and visual impact help the reader to read, understand, and act on information as quickly as possible.5. Builds goodwill: The message presents a positive image of the writer and his or her organization. It treats the reader as a person, not a number. It cements a good relatio

13、nship between the writer and the reader.Ten Trends Affecting Business Communication1. Focus on quality and customers needs2. Entrepreneurship and outsourcing3. Teams4. Diversity5. Globalization6. Technology7. Legal and ethical concerns8. Balancing work and family9. The end of the job10. Rate of chan

14、geUnderstanding Business Communication Situations Whats at staketo whom? Should you send a message? What channel should you use? What should you say? How should you say it?How to Solve Business Communication Problems Answer the six questions for analysis.Organize your information to fit your audienc

15、es, your purposes, and the situation.Make your document visually inviting. Revise your draft to create a friendly, businesslike, positive style.Edit your draft for standard English; double-check names and numbers.Use the response you get to plan future messages.Six Questions for Analysis1. Who is (a

16、re) your audience(s)? What characteristics of your audience(s) are relevant to this particular message? If you are writing or speaking to more than one person, how do the people in your audience differ?2. What are your purposes in writing? What must this message do to solve the organizational proble

17、m? What must it do to meet your own needs? What do you want your readers to do? To think or feel?3. What information must your message include? Make a list of all points that must be included. To include information without emphasizing it, put it in the middle of a document or paragraph and present

18、it as briefly as possible.4. How can you build support for your position? What reasons or reader benefits will your reader find convincing? Brainstorm to develop reasons for your decision. logic behind your argument. possible benefits to readers if they do as you ask.5. What objection(s) can you exp

19、ect your reader(s) to have? What negative elements must you deemphasize or overcome?6. What aspects of the total situation may affect reader response? Time of year? Morale in the organization? Relationship between reader and writer? Any special circumstances?Chapter Two: Building GoodwillThe Element

20、s of Goodwill You-Attitude Positive Emphasis Bias-Free Language1. You-Attitude You-attitude is a style of writing that Looks at things from the readers point of view. Emphasizes what the reader wants to know. Respects the readers intelligence. Protects the readers ego.How to Create You-Attitude1.) F

21、ocus on what the reader receives or can do, not on what youve done.Not YA: We have expanded our inventory to give you the largest selection in town.2.) Emphasize what the reader wants to know.Not YA: We shipped your order today.3.) Dont talk about your own feelings, unless youre sure that the reader

22、 wants to know.Not YA: We are happy to give you a credit line of $2000.Exception: You may talk about feelings in a condolence or congratulatory message:4.) Dont tell readers how they feel or will react.Not YA: You will be happy to learn that your reimbursement request has been approved.5.) In positi

23、ve situations, use “you” more often than “I.” Use “we” when it includes the reader.Not YA: We provide access to state-of-the-art exercise facilities to all full-time employees.6.) In negative situations, protect the readers ego。Avoid “you” when it criticizes the reader. Instead, use an impersonal ex

24、pression or a passive verb to avoid assigning blame.Not YA: You failed to sign your flexible spending account form. Avoid “you” when it limits the readers freedom. Instead, talk about the group to which the reader belongs.Not YA: You must get approval from the Director before you publish anything ba

25、sed on your work in the agency.You-Attitude beyond the Sentence LevelApply you-attitude beyond the sentence by using content organizationto build goodwill.To Create Goodwill with Content Be complete. Anticipate and answer readers questions. When you include information the reader didnt ask for, show

26、 why it is important. Show readers how the subject of your message affects them.To Build Goodwill through Organization Put information readers are most interested in first. Arrange information to meet readers needs, not yours. Using headings and lists so readers can find key points quickly.2. Positi

27、ve EmphasisPositive emphasis is a style of writing that focuses on the positive.Negative: The glass is half empty.How to Create Positive Emphasis1.) Avoid negative words Replace double negatives with a positiveNegative: Never fail to return library books on time. When a negative is necessary, use th

28、e least negative term.Negative: Because you failed to pay your bill, your account is delinquent.2.) State information positively.Negative: You will not get your tuition reimbursement check until after you submit your official grade report at the end of the semester.3.) Justify negative information b

29、y giving a reason or linking it to a reader benefit.Negative: You cannot take vacation days this summer without prior approval from your supervisor.4.) If the negative is truly unimportant, omit it.5.) Bury the negative information and present it compactly. Put negatives in the middle of a paragraph

30、 and in the middle of a message; the beginning and end are positions of emphasis. Devote as little space to the negative as possible.3Reducing BiasBias-free language and visuals do not discriminate against people on the basis of sex, physicalcondition , race, age, or any other category.1) Making Lan

31、guage Nonsexist Eliminate sexism in words and phrases job titles courtesy titles pronouns2) Making Language Nonracist and nonagist Give someones age or race only if it is relevant. Refer to a group by the name it prefers. Avoid terms that suggest that competent people are unusual.3)Talking about People with Disabilities and Diseases Use people-first language to focus on the person, not the condition. Avoid negative term

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