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仁爱湘教版初中英语八年级上册单元测试 Unit.docx

1、仁爱湘教版初中英语八年级上册单元测试 Unit新课程教学达标检测八年级 英语 上学期Unit1一 单项选择(15分)()1.I will be in the boys 800meter race this afternoon .Will you come and _?A. cheer to me B.cheer for me C.cheer me up D.cheer me on()2.Are you _Beijing _ Shanghai this Friday?A.leaving ,to B.left,from C. leaving,for D.leave,for()3.Michael e

2、njoys _all kinds of activities in the school. join B.taking part C.joining in be()4.He will be a new student in Beijing University.It _ his parents very happy. A.keep B.made D.let()5.I asked her to _ to buy some eggs .Which of the following is wrong?A.give me a favor B.give me hand C

3、.do me a favor a favor for me ()6._ do you surf the Interner(上网)?Once a week.A. How soon B.How often C.How long D.How far()7.Would you mind _ here? I wont be here too long. A.I take photos B.if I take photos C.for me to take photos D.I taking photos (). My wife prefers _ to _ at

4、ping,staying at home,stay at,stay at home,be at home ()9.Each of us has much fun_with our Chinese teacher.A.speaking B.talking say talk()10.I hear him _soccer every Sunday afternoon,but I saw him _ TV at home at this time yesterday.,to watch B.playin

5、g,to watch,watching play,watching()11.There _going to _ two basketball games between Class 2 and our class.,have B.are,have C.are,be, he()12.Im going hiking with some of my friends tomorrow.Sorry.I cant go with you._! A.Have a good way B.Have a good trip C.Congratulations! D.Im

6、 not sure about it ()13.Kangkang cant be angry _ you.He is so good to be _. A.for,with B.with,with,on D.with,for ()14.Where did the Olympic Games_ in the year 2000?_. A,take place,Sydney,Los Ageles C.hold,Athens D.happen,Sydney()15.Do you know what PRC_?The Peoples Republic of China. A.s

7、hows B.mean C.instead of D.stands for二完形填空。(15分)All over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help people to keep 16_,happy and to live longer.People17_ different games in summer and winter.18_ is good for swimming .And in winter people often go skiing.Some sports are very 19_ and people around the

8、world like them.For example ,soccer is very popular.In China,most peoplemen,women,boys and girls like to20 _ soccer games.They often 21_ it.Some people often play sooccer in their spare time.Running and jumping began long,long ago.22_basketball and volleyball are quite new and young.People began to

9、play them not long ago.And people are 23_ new sports or games all the time.Water-skiing is one of the newest.People 24_ differert countries may not understand each other ,but 25_a game,they can become good friends.() B.busy C. strong do B. play C.have D.take()18.A.Winter B

10、. Summer C. Autumn D.Spring()19.A.excited B. new C.exciting D.old()20.A.look B. look at C. see B. talk about C. say about But B. So C. And D.Or()23.A.start B. play C.starting D.playing()24.A. on B. of C. at D.from()25.A. after B.before C. ago D.later三、阅读理解。(20分)ADear

11、Mom,I dont think you understand my life .You think I should be studying all the time.I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up,but I would llike to have a wonderful time,too.You never think about funny things for me to do like music,sports.Two days ago, when I was watching a football game

12、 on TV,you asked me to stop and do my homework.After finishing my homework,still I wasnt allowed to read my football magazines.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad enough, but yesterday was the worst day.I bought some computer games ,and put them in my bag so that you wouldnt see them.I to

13、ld you I had to do my homework first.I knew it was wrong to lie to you,but you told me that dad would talk to me later.Mom,I dont quite like what you have done to me!I really love you,Mom,but I wish you could try not to be so hard on me. Love Zhang Ning26.Zhang Nings mother wants him _ when he grows

14、 up. be a teacher find a good job work in a big city become a football star27._ is Zhang Nings favourite sport. B.Volleball C.Basketball D.Baseball28.Zhang Ning is asked _ watch TV do sports play computer games study all the time 29.Why did Zhang Ni

15、ng put the computer games in the bag?Because_ A.he didt like them B.he played them may times C.he wouldnt like his mother to find them D.there was something wrong with them3.We know from the letter that_ A.Zhang Ning lives a very happy life B.Zhang Ning hates his mother C.Zhang Ning wishes to study

16、all the time D.Zhang Nings parents are very hard on him BTable tennis is a sports.In this game,two or four player hit a small round ball.The game takes place on a table divided by a net.Players must allow a ball played towards them only one jumping on their side of the table,then the players must re

17、turn it so that it jumps on the opposite(对面的) side.Points are scored(得分) when the opponent(对手) fails to return the ball within the rules.In general ,the ball moves very fast during the game.Table tennis bagan in England in the 1880s.People played it as an after-dinner amusement .At that time,they us

18、ed a lot of books as a net,a bowl or a plate as a pat,adining table as the playfield.Table tennis became into the modern game in Europe,the United States and Japan.ITTF(世界兵乓球联合会) is the leader of this game.It was founded in 1926.Since 1988,table tennis is an Olympic sport.Four gold medals were born

19、then.They were mens singles(男子单打),womens singles,mens singles,mens doules,and womens doubles.Chinese table tennis team is the strongest in the world now.Ma Lin,Wang Hao,Wang Liqin,Zhang Yining,Wang Nan are good players in the world top.Liu Guoliang was also an excellent player,but now he is the nati

20、onal teams coach.Table tennis is called the national ball by Chinese people.()31.Who is not a table tennis player now according to this passage?A. Wang Hao B.Liu Guoliang C.Wang Nan D.Ma Lin()32.Which country is not the one to make table tennis become into the mordern game? A.China B.Japan C.English

21、 D.The United States()33.When did the table tennis become a member of Olympics? A.In 1880 B.In 1988 C.In 1923 D.In 2008()34.Which is not the first match about table tennis? A.womens singles B.mens doules C.womens doubles D.mixes(混合的) doubles()35.How can a player win a point in the game ?A. The playe

22、r hits the ball too quicklyB. The ball jumps on the other side of the tableC. The ball returns to the other side of the table.D. The ball jumps twice on one side of the table.四、词语运用。(15分)A.用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使文章通顺完整,每词只用一次。其中有两个为多余选项。“All work and 36_ play makes jack a dull bag” is a popular saying in

23、the U.S.A.We need to rest as we need to work .Without 37 _recreation(娱乐),we cant keep ourselves in good 38_ and high spirit(精神),and so we cant go on 39_well.People have differert ways to relax 40_,but the most popular way 41_ to take part in some sports.There are individual(个人的) 42_,such as 43_,runn

24、ing,skating and climbing mountains.There are also team sports,such as baketball ,volleyball and football.Many people also like some forms of indoor recreation,such as singing,dancing and watching TV.It dosent matter 44_ you like indoor recreation or outdoor sports.You need to play 45_ if you want to

25、 work well.36._37_.38._39._40._41._42._43._44._45._B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。46.Doing morning exercises every day helps keep us _(health).47.Is Ping-pong our _ ball?(nation)48.Do you think who will be _ in the relay race(one)。49.You made some mistakes again.Why were you so _(care)?50.Thousands of forengn _came

26、 to Beijing in the year 2008(visit).五补全对话。(15分) A.May I ask you some questions,Bruce? BCertainly. A.51_ B.Table tennis is my favorite sports. A.52_ B.No,I only play it on Sundays. A.53_? B.Zhang Yining.54_? A.I dont like table tennis.55_. B.Who is your favourite player? A.Luo Xuejuan.She is good at

27、swimming and won a gold medal in the 2004 Olympic Games.六,书面表达(20分)请以My favorite sport为题,写一篇70词左右的短文。要点:1.人们通常做哪些运动 2.你最喜欢的运动项目 3.运动带给你的益处。参考词汇:be good for,build up My favorite sport 答案15:DCCBC 610:BBABC1115:CBBAD 1620:DBBCD2125:BADDA 2630:BADCD3135:BABDC 3640:no,enjoying,health,working,themselves41

28、45:is,sports,swimming,whether,well 4650:healthy,national,first,careless,visitors51.Whats your favorite sport?52.Do you often play it?53.Who is your favorite player?54.Do you like table tennis?55.I like swimming.小贴士:夏季养生常识立夏已过,炎热的夏季来了。夏季是充满生气的季节,但同时也要特别注意养生保健。我们该如何保持在炎热的夏季保持身体健康,从而享受这个夏季呢?让我来告诉大家几个夏季

29、养生保健小常识吧。1.夏季养生保健之多喝温水 每天要喝七八杯白开水,身体要随时保持水分和补充水分,水在人体内起着至关重要的作明,维持着人体正常的生理功能。水是人体不可缺少的重要组成部分,器官、肌肉、血液、头发、骨骼、牙齿都含有水分,夏季失水会比较多,若不及时补水就会严重影响健康,易使皮肤干燥,皱纹增多,加速人体衰老。另外矿泉水、冷茶,牛奶,苹果汁是理想的解渴饮料。2.夏季养生保健之补钾 暑天出汗多,随汗液流失的钾离子也比较多,由此造成的低血钾现象,会引起人体倦怠无力、头昏头痛、食欲不振等症候。热天防止缺钾最有效的方法是多吃含钾食物,新鲜蔬菜和水果中含有较多的钾,可多吃些草莓、杏子、荔枝、桃子、

30、李子等;蔬菜中有大葱、芹菜、毛豆等也富含钾。茶叶中亦含有较多的钾,热天多饮茶,既可消暑,又能补钾,可谓一举两得。3.夏季养生保健之尽量穿浅色衣服 深色衣服会吸收阳光,使人体温升高燥热;同时蚊子有趋暗的习性,深色容易吸引蚊子,特别是黑色。4.夏季养生保健之福自“苦”中来 苦味食品中所含有的生物碱具有消暑清热、促进血液循环、舒张血管等药理作用。热天适当吃些苦味食品,不仅能清心除烦、醒脑提神,且可增进食欲、健脾利胃。苦瓜:取其未熟嫩果作蔬菜,成熟果瓤可生食,既可凉拌又能肉炒、烧鱼,清嫩爽口,别具风味。苦瓜具有增食欲、助消化、除热邪、解疲乏、清心明目等作用。此外,苦菜、茶叶、咖啡等苦味食品亦可酌情选用。应注意的是,食用苦味食品不宜过量,否则可能引起恶心、呕吐等症状。5.夏季养生保健之皮肤瘙痒注意事项 夏季出游,因日晒而导致皮肤瘙痒、干疼时,可涂少量肤轻松等软膏,不要用热水烫洗,也不宜用碱性大的肥皂清洗,以免刺激皮肤,加重症状。

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