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1、词根1否定前缀un- uncomfortable, unacceptable, unavoidablein- incomplete, incapable, indispensable, inevitableim- imperfect, impartial, immortaldis- disable, disadvantagemis- misplace, mislead, misfortuneab- abnormalde- deactivate, degradeil- illegal, illiterateir- irregular, irrelativemal- malfunction, ma

2、lnutrition2. trans across(横过)through(通过)beyond(那边)from one place to another transient 短暂的transplant 移植(器官)transaction 交易transition 过渡,转变 transition from A to B transition periodtransmit 传输,传送(无线电,电视)transmission (n) a live transmission 现场直播cultural transmission 文化的继承transform 完全改变的外观/特性 transformati

3、on(常做陪衬)transfer 传递,迁移translate 翻译transport 运输3. com-, con- 1、加强语气 2、共同,一起combine, compete, compromiseconfirm, conspicuous, concession4. -tain 1、支撑 2、保持,维持,保留sustain, retain, maintain5. re- 再,又,回,反renew, reshape, refresh6. uni- / mono- one (一个),sole(单一的)uniform, unique, unitymonotonous (单调的),monopol

4、y (垄断)7. ex- 向外,超出expand extend exceed excessive exclusive(ly) excursion8. pre-/pro- 前,在前predominant precede, previous, premise, prevalentproceed, prominent, propel9. magn- 大(large)magnify(microscope), magnificent, magnitude10. viv- /vit- live, life 生命,生活 vivid, survive, revive vital, vitamin11. int

5、er- 在之间 相互intervene, interfere12. man- hand (手工)manufacture , manipulate,manuscript13. sci- knowledgescience, scientific, consciousness14. sub- / sus- 下,次,附属subsidiary subordinate(to) sustain15. laps 滑,落(时间)elapse, collapse16. spec- / spic- lookspectator, speculate, spectacular, perspective conspicu

6、ous 17.clud(s)-, clos- 关闭shutconclude, include ,exclusive close18. not notenotify notion(=idea) notorious19. homo- samehomogeneously20. simul- togetherSimultaneously 21. multi 多,多倍multiply, multitude22. contra, contro 相反contradiction contrarycontroversy23. dict- say, tell, speakdictate, dictator , d

7、ictionary, verdict, predict 24. per- throughpermeate, perplex, permanent, perpetual, persistent 25. ver- truthverify verdict26. -logy study(学习) sciencebiology psychology27. -vert / -vers turndivert advertisediversify versatile reverse28. -ics 作抽象名词的后缀,表学科economics politics physics29. -ist 表示“人”piani

8、st geologist typist30. bio- lifebiography biology31. -ician 从事专业的人music musician32. -ism 主义论(抽象名词)realism Marxism33. -cid killsuicide insecticide34. mort- deathmortal mortality immortal35. -scrib / -scrip write drawdescribe inscribe prescribe subscribe ascribedescription inscription prescription sub

9、scription ascription36. di-/du-/ambi- /bi- two, doubledilemma / duplicate / ambiguous/ bilateral 37. tri- threetriangle38. bene- good, well, happily benefit beneficiary39. volu/ volv roll(滚动)turn(转动)evolution revolution involve evolve title=v.(使)旋转;循环revolve evolve 40. fer carry(带) produce(生产)transf

10、er refer fertile41. phil- lovephilosophy42. deca- tendecade43. cred believecredible incredible credit44. cent one hundredcentury45. mill / kilo 一千,千分之一millennium million kilometer kilogram46. dom master, controldomaindominate, dominant, predominant47. val 有权力,影响valid, invalid, valuable, evaluate, pr

11、evalent(popular)48. graph / gram writebiography, geography / grammar, telegram49. equi 同等,相等equivalent equilibrium50. bat beat打debate combat battle batter battery51. seg, sect cutsegment, segregate / section intersection52. plex 折叠perplex complex53. en- / -ify makeenlarge entitle enrich enablesimpli

12、fy magnify signify54. sym- / syn- 共同same, 类似similarsympathy symptom symmetry / syndrome55 path feelingpathetic sympathy sympathetic56. ceed / cess / cede / cest / cur runproceedrecession, access, excess, successorprecede, recedeancestorcurrent currency excursion occur57. serv 保存,保护(protect)conserve

13、preserve58. ?able , -ible 可respectable, imaginable comprehensible59. hypo- 下,在之下hypothesis hypotension60. ?pel 推propel, expel, repel, dispel, impel, compel61. scend climbascend descend62. spiraspire, inspire, expire, respire, conspire63. sent, sens feelingsentimentalsense, consensus 64. grav 重grave,

14、 gravity, aggravate (grieve)65.lev 轻,上升alleviate, elevate (relieve)66.rupt breakbankrupt, interrupt, corrupt 关键字:四六级学习资料生词表: incomplete ,inkmpli:t a.不完全的,未完成的 六级词汇 incapable inkeipbl a.无能力的;不能的 四级词汇 imperfect imp:fikt a.不完全的;未完成的 四级词汇 impartial imp:l a.公平的,无私的 六级词汇 disable diseibl vt.使残废 四级词汇 illega

15、l ili:gl a.不合法的,非法的 六级词汇 transient trnzint, trnnt a.短暂的;无常的 六级词汇 transition trnzin, -si- n.转变;过渡 四级词汇 transmission trnzmin, trns- n.传送;播送;发射 六级词汇 premise premis n.前提 v.引导 四级词汇 speculate spekjuleit vi.思索;推测;投机 六级词汇 spectacular spektkjul a.壮观的;惊人的 四级词汇 perspective pspektiv n.望远镜 a.透视的 六级词汇 dictator di

16、kteit n.独裁者;口授者 六级词汇 verdict v:dikt n.裁决,判决;判定 四级词汇 mortality m:tliti n.致命性;死亡率 四级词汇 inscribe inskraib vt.题写;铭刻;题名 四级词汇 subscribe sbskraib vi.捐助;预订;签名 四级词汇 subscription sbskripn n.预订;预约;捐款 四级词汇 duplicate dju:plikit vt.复写 a.副的 n.复本 四级词汇 revolve rivlv v.(使)旋转;循环 四级词汇 evolve ivlv v.进化;发展;引出;推论 六级词汇 kilometer kil,mi:t n.=kilometre 公里 六级词汇 dominant dminnt a.统治的;占优势的 四级词汇 invalid invlid n.病人 a.无效的 四级词汇 magnify mgnifai vt.放大;推崇;夸张 四级词汇 excursion iksk:n n.短途旅行,游览;离题 四级词汇 dispel dispel vt.驱逐;驱散(乌云) 六级词汇 aggravate grveit vt.使加剧;激怒 四级词汇

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