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1、上海市杨浦区中考一模英语试题及答案及答案杨浦区2017学年度第一学期期末质量调研初三英语练习卷 1Part1 Listening(第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8分)7. A) He went ca

2、mping. B) He visited campus. C) He stayed at home. D) He did housework.8. A) Rainy. B) Fine. C) Windy. D). Snowy. 9. A) Every day. B) Once a week. C) Every two days. D) A couple of times a year.10.A) 10yuan. B) 20yuan. C)30yuan. D)40dyuan.11.A) In the supermarket. B) At the airport.C) In the church.

3、 D) At the post office.12.A) The weather. B) Southeast Asia. C) Travel plan. D) Christmas gifts.13.A) By taxi. B) By plane. C) By train. D) By bus.14.A)Several towns were struck by the floods. B)Several people were killed in the floods. C)Nobody got hurt or killed in the floods. D)Many people were h

4、omeless after the floods.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列 句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共6分)15.Tom went interview and was told to take s test.16.The manager of the big company wanted to email the test result to Tom.17.Tom didnt get th

5、e job as an office boy because he didnt have an email.18.With $10 Tom bought 10 kilos of tomatoes and sold them on the streets.19.It took several years for Tom to become one of the biggest food retailers (零售商) in the US.20. The story tells us that modem technology brings great convenience to busines

6、smen.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空 格限填一词): (共10分)2I.Tim Berners-Lee studied at Oxford University , and while he was there he built his first computer.22.In 1980 he a computer program to organize his notes.23.He designed a system called HTML that allows

7、people to and put them on a web on the Internet. .24.In 1991, 11 years after his first idea for a program, the World Wide Web .25.Berners-Lee wanted his invention to be for everybody.Part2 Phonetics,Grammar and vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)26.I could see he w

8、as carrying a gun. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A) /gu;n/ B) /gn/ C) /gn/ D) /gn/27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) Wild animals should not be kept in zoos. B) Add a little more liquid to the sauce. C

9、) I had a burning desire to visit France. D) Its not wise for hurt to travel alone.28.The sign says we can park our ear here. Its information sign A) a B)an C)the D)/29.A fire had broken out and caused much to the roof. A) death B) accident C) damage D) problem30.The stampede(踩踏事件) which happened at

10、 the Bund area is disaster to hit Shanghai in recent years. A) bad B) worse C) worst D) the worst31. The war lasts, the more the people there will suffer. A)Long B)The long C)Longer D)The longer32.95% of the passengers say they are satisfied the public transport service. A)in B)for C)to D)with33.I c

11、alled my father and told him about my progress. He sounded really . A) happy B) happily C) happiness D) unhappy34.Even a small portable computer store huge amounts of information., A) can B) may C) must D) should35.Would you mind me a small favor? A) do B) doing C) to do D) to doing36.There are no e

12、mpty seats on this flight, but there are available on the next one. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little37. the government has promised to improve road safety, little has been achieved so far. A) If B) Although C) Unless D) Because38.They in Italy for twelve years before they moved to England. A) l

13、ive B) were living C) have lived D) had lived39. As soon as the sun down, the temperature drops sharply. A) goes B)went C) will go D) had gone40.The house was just what 1 wanted, it was the right price. A) or B) but C) and D) so41.I dont believe in letting children whatever they want to do. A) do B)

14、 doing C) to do D) to doing42.The Red Cross is always the first help to victims when a disaster happens. A) provide B) providing C) to provide D) to providing43. exciting program Tint Running Man is! A) What B) What a C) What an D) How44.Here is the package yon ordered. It this morning. A) deliver B

15、) is delivered C)delivered D) was delivered45.Are you going to buy a car this year? The price for a car plate is so high. Ill wait and see, A) Why not? B) Not really. C) Well, Ill certainly buy one. D) 1 couldnt agree with you more. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box

16、. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次): (共8分) A.prefer B.attention about D.predict E.personalWhat do you look for when you go shopping for clothes? Do you choose something fashionable, or comfortable? Do you like to look different? Or do you wear the sam

17、e clothes as your friends? Do you go for this years clothes? Is it the logo the company symbolthat clothes your 46 ? Or maybe film stars are wearing these clothes? What helps you choose the clothes you like?Everyone spends money on clothes and everyone has their 47 look. The bestselling clothing com

18、panies sell their “designer” clothes all over the world. But the number of these big name companies is in fact very small, and the clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well-known companies. Many people even 48 them to cheaper clothes. Why?Many young people today 49 the

19、way they look. They often buy “designer” clothes because they think they look cool. Then the less well-known companies make clothes which look the same. But they dont sell as well because they dont have the logo.A.succeed B.speed up C.speed D.shown off E.popularPeople also think designer clothes are

20、 better made. For example, many people, think the right running shoes will make you run faster or play better. Of course, this is not always true. Its the training not the trainers-that improves your 50 or your score. But thats not the-point. People believe that and then buy the shoes. The big compa

21、nies only want to make money.Most of all, designer clothes are more 51 because of clever advertising. All of the International companies, spend millions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes. And they 52 . Most people dress in a way that their personality can be 53 . But if some of us b

22、uy expensive clothes just to look cool what does that say about us? Maybe its just clever advertising. So next weekend, think about the clothes you put on. Whats the logo on your trainers? Who made your coat? And how many of your friends wear the same clothes as you do? And then think that maybe som

23、e of us could spend our money better.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共8分)54.Small greeting are available at the Information Desk. (card)55.Last summer I went for a budget trip with my father to . It was great fun. (German):56.Kevin mad

24、e all the furniture . Hes very good with his hands, (he)57.What is your countrys language? French. (officer)58.Hundreds of soldiers died from and hunger. (ill)59.These plates are damaged, so please be careful with them. (easy)60.In the educational program four players will with animals for food.(com

25、petition)61.This program has the of being more expensive than the others. (advantage).Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。6267题,每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写): (共14分)62.My family used to go to church regularly. (改为一般疑问句) your family to go to church regularly?63.The new light rail line wil

26、l be built in two years. (对划线部分提问) will the new light rail line he built?64.The new Law for the Protection of Children will become effective immediately. (保持句意基 本不变) The new Law for the Protection of Children will become effective .65.We dont allow people to smoke anywhere in the building, (改为被动语态)

27、People to smoke anywhere in the building.66.Lydia was very tired. She almost fell asleep at the dinner table. (保持句意基本不变) Lydia was tired she almost fell asleep at the dinner table.67.Does water cover most of the Earths surface? asked the boy. (改为宾语从句) The boy wanted to know water most of the Earths

28、surface.68. From,weather, prevented, bad, leaving, us(连词成句) Part3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写).Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (6分)Taking a trip by air? When you get to an airport, check inside for a TV display like the one below.The departure display

29、 will give you information about the plane youre taking.69.Most airlines ask you to check in one hour before the scheduled departure time. What time should you check in for your flight to Salt Lake City? A) At 6:05 a.m. B) At 7:00 a.m. C) At 7:15a.m. D) At 8:05 a.m.70.When you get to the airport, yo

30、u see that your flight to Shanghai . A) will leave on time B) will leave one hour later C) has taken off D) has been cancelled71.Imagine youre headed for Paris on the 8:15 a.m flight. Which sign below can help you get to the right gate? A) Gates 1-9 B) Gates 10-21 C) Gates 22-30 D) Gates 31-40B. Cho

31、ose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (6分)An artist panned many pictures of great beauty. But he found tat he had not yet painted a “real” beautiful picture.He began his trip to look for the most beautiful thing in the world. On the way. he met an aged priest (牧师) who asked him where he was going.1 dont know, said the artist, 1 want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world. Perhaps you can direct me to it.How easy! replied the priest. In any church, you will find itFaith is the most beautiful thing in the world.The artist travelled on

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