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1、金鞭溪英文导游词金鞭溪英文导游词【篇一:金鞭溪英语导游词】 金鞭溪 jinbianxi-the golden whip stream hello,friends,welcome to zhangjiajie for the first spot you will visit is jinbianxi-the golden whip stream. jinbianxi is one of the most beautiful valleys in the is about 7.5km long and 30-50m wide.jinbianxi

2、is like a blue silk ribbon around the matchless beauty,which displays the beauty of 3000 strange peaks and eight hundred fine watersto the utmost. then,what a valley is jinbianxi after all?shen congwen,a famous chinese writer,praised it to be maid of zhangjiajie.wu guanzhon-the then promoter of zhan

3、g jiajie and a famous chinese painter,praised it as a world in children lets go and unveil the mysteries of jinbianxi along the footprints of mr.shen and mr.wu. please carefully look at the strange plants on the left side.they are the national first-class protective plants-dove trees.the

4、 dove tree is a perennial woody flower,which generally blossoms in the end of spring and beginning of summer.the flower is white,but its stigma has slight purplish red,like a doves head and mouth,and its flower has two long and big bracts,like a pair of wings.the whole shape of the flower is like a

5、flying dove.this is a peculiar kind of trees of china and foreign friends endearingly call it the chinese dove flower. please look at both the sides of the valley before you .what you areseeing is a tall and luxuriant tower-like tree-dawn redwood,also one of the national first-class protective plant

6、s.the dawn redwood is a very ancient tree.people once thought it had thoroughly disappeared as a result of the assault by the quaternary period 1941,the botanist of our country discovered it in modaogou of wanxian.sichuan 1982,when zhangjiajie was developed ,we found large are

7、as of dawn redwoods and other rare plants of over 3000 species growing here .this is really a huge wealth the great nature has bestowed us. please look to the right front.before us ,the stone pillar towering into the sky is the jinbianyan-the golden whip rock,well-known far and wide.jinbianxi is nam

8、ed just because it always runs past jinbianyan.this rock is 378m high,just resembles a lifted steel whip,directly pointing into the sky,making people watch it with awe.whats more,its stone structure is that of red quartzose sandstone and limestone,which,in the sunshine,illuminates golden lights,and

9、hence the name golden whip is the highest,steepest and most magnificent stone peak in the scenic area of people praise:everywhere you can see famous mountains and great rivers.only golden whip rock is the most marvelous of all the marvelous. look,there is something more marvel

10、ous still.a huge peak is leaning closely onto the left side of the magic resembles a powerful eagle,with its head of its wings is flapped,ready to soar into thesky,while the other is still mightily half-embracing the golden whip it is called the condor guarding the whip,al

11、so one of the ace scenic spots of jinbianxi. after seeing the spectacle of golden whip rock,you may wonder why the nature should be so demonstrated by science,three hundred and eighty million years ago,it was a vast sea here.about one hundred million years ago,as the result of lash by

12、sea waves,quartzose sandstone deposited over 500m thick on the sea floor.later,this place became dry land after the strong rise by the new structure movement.when the land surface rose,with the action of flowing water,some small sands and stones were washed away.besides,rocks collapsed under the act

13、ion of gravity,and were washed slowly by rainfalls and streams.all these factors have made zhangjiajie area a rocky and woody landform of peculiar quartzose sand stone,which is composed of a series of pillars and peaks,square mountains and valleys.seeing this marvelous scenery,we cannot but sigh for

14、 the uncanny craftsmanship of great nature. we are enjoying singing birds and fragrant flowers in mountains.please notice those strange-shaped flowers along the stream.they rather resemble lobsters.right,they are called lobster is a rare herbaceous plant,which sprouts in spring,blossoms in

15、 summer,and bear fruits in autumn and whose leaves fall in winter.people say that wulingyuan has two bright eyes,and now we see one of them-purple grass pond(zicaotan).it is so called because a kind of purple grass was said to always grow on the wall of the,the river course abruptly widens

16、,and the waters rushing down from shadaogou.after about 15m of repeated blocking,no longer have so many ripples and waves,the surface of the pond is as tranquil as a mirror.the pond,with a width of 4m and a depth of about 5m,is the hoted for the national secon-class protective animals-giant salamand

17、ers,and once was the production place of the renowned golden whip fish. now,my explanation is come to an end.thank you. 1.金鞭溪因何而得名 jinbianxi is named just because it always runs past jinbianyan 2.被称为“最富有诗意的溪流”是 the golden whip stream金鞭溪 3.金鞭溪有着“千年长旱不断流,万年连雨水碧清”美誉 suffering from thousand years of dro

18、ught,its water will never run dry; suffering from endless excessive rain,its water will always be green. 4.金鞭溪是世界时最美丽的峡谷之一,整个峡谷全程? it is about 7.5km long 5.金鞭溪就好比是张家界这位绝代佳丽身上的? it is like a blue silk ribbon around the matchless beauty 6.著名文学家沈从文先生赞誉金鞭溪是 shen congwen praised it to be maid of zhangjia

19、jie 7.当年张家界的宣传者著名画家吴冠中赞誉金鞭溪是 wu guanzhong praised it as a world in children stories 8.请介绍国家一级保护植物珙桐 the dove tree is the national first-class protective plants.the dove tree is a perennial woody flower,which generally blossoms in the end of spring and beginning of summer.the flower is white,but its

20、stigma has slight purplish red,like a doves head and mouth,and its flower has two long and big bracts,like a pair of wings.the whole shape of the flower is like a flying dove.this is a peculiar kind of trees of china and foreign friends endearingly call it the chinese dove flower. 9.张家界国家森林公园的标志景点th

21、e golden whip rock金鞭岩 10.金鞭岩是整个张家界景区最高、最斗、最壮观的石峰,人们称赞它是“名山大川处处有,唯有金鞭奇上奇” everywhere you can see famous mountains and great rivers.only golden whip rock is the most marvelous of all the marvelous. 11.请述说张家界的国家一级保护植物水杉 the dawn redwood tree is a tall and luxuriant just like is also one of the

22、 national first-class protective plants.the dawn redwood is a very ancient tree.people once thought it had thoroughly disappeared as a result of the assault by the quaternary period 1941,the botanist of our country discovered it in modaogou of wanxian.sichuan 1982,when zhangji

23、ajie was developed ,we found large areas of dawn redwoods and other rare plants of over 3000 species growing here .this is really a huge wealth the great nature has bestowed us. 12.张家界的楠木共有多少种?试举5例 nanmu trees 光叶石楠红叶石楠 虎皮楠 photinia glabra ; photinia fraseri daphniphyllum oldhami 香楠 赤楠 machilus zuiho

24、ensis hayata syzygium buxifolium 13.娃娃鱼的学名 giant salamander 大鲵 14.全世界只有哪些国家有娃娃鱼? china,japan and,日本,美国 15.娃娃鱼因何而得名(baby fish) it is named just because its voice like the babies cry 16.著名的“娃娃鱼之乡”the hometown of the baby fish the sangzhi country of zhangjiajie张家界桑植县 17.张家界一种其一的映花楠有何特征 there

25、 are many fantastic furrows on the board of it,such as mountain peaks,running water,flowers,grass,sun,moon,and even flying birds and running wild animal. 映花楠板子上有十分奇特的纹路,有山峰,有流水,有小草,有花朵,有太阳,有月亮,有飞翔的小鸟,有奔跑的野兽 18.位于水绕四门柏柳岩下孤台上的人文景观是 zhangliangs tomb张良墓 19.金鞭溪沿溪遍布着一种形状怪异的什么花 the lobster flower龙虾花 20.金鞭溪

26、的龙虾花是一种珍贵的草本植物,它什么时候发芽?什么时候开花?什么时候结实?什么时候落叶? it is a rare herbaceous plant,which sprouts in spring,blossoms in summer,and bear fruits in autumn and whose leaves fall in winter. 21.位于张家界二级保护动物娃娃鱼生活的温床在哪 the purple grass pond(zicaotan) 22.紫草潭因何而得名 it is so called because a kind of purple grass was sai

27、d to always grow on the wall of the pond【篇二:湖南省崀山_天子山_金鞭溪英文导游词】 langshan mountain hello, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to langshan mountain for sightseeing. lang shan mountain is a national geologic park as well as a national key scenic area. it is located in xining county, southwest part of hunan p

28、rovince. legend has it that emperor shun made a stop here and was astonished at the fantastic natural beauty here, saying “this mountain looks good, so we may name it lang shan mountain”. thats how the mountain got its name.lang shan mountain is famous for its unique danxia landform.according to sci

29、entific research, a few million years ago, here was an inland lake, due to the movements of earths crust, the land here appeared out of the deep water, which formed the structure of the red sandy conglomerate danxia landform.dear friends, here we are at the ox nose castle. isnt it a strange name? th

30、e fact was that ox nose-shaped holes were seen in pair on the right side of a giant stone in the east. the giant stone was, therefore, locally known as hill of ox nose. during the late qing dynasty, shidaka, one leader of the taiping uprising, led his army here. in memory of the historical event, th

31、e place was renamed as ox nose castle.looking up, you can spot several huge characters “天下第一巷”, which means no.1 lane in chinese. they were written by professor chen guoda, a famous chinese geologist and academician of chinese academy of science, when he made a visit here in 1993. the lane is 0.8 m

32、at its widest point and 0.3m at its narrowest point. walking through the lane, you shall have a special experience. cannot wait, lets go!now we can enjoy the spot of bajiao stronghold, which lies in the border between hunan and guangxi province. bajiao means octagon in chinese. the fact is that 8 peaks on the top of mountain are closely connected, resembling octagonal lotus.ladies and gentlemen, can you see a camel-shaped peak? its composed of four stone summits. each stone represents camels head, body, ridge and tail.seeing far awa

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