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模块十 Unit 34.docx

1、模块十 Unit 34.单词一、核心单词1.slide n.降低;衰退;滑动vi.& vt. 降低,衰退2.trap vt. 使陷入困境;使陷入圈套;夹住,卡住n. 陷阱;圈套;困境3.weapon n. 武器4.delete_vt. 删去;删除 n. 签证6.luggage n. 行李 n. 财产,财物;不动产8.suspect n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象vt. 怀疑9.request vt.& n. 要求,请求二、阅读单词1.abortion n.堕胎;(计划等)终止2.discriminate vi.& vt. 歧视;区分,辨别3.confidential a

2、dj. 机密的;保密的4.suspension n. 暂令停学;暂停,延期5.unconscious adj. 无知觉的;未察觉到的6.offensive adj. _冒犯的,极其讨厌的;攻击性的pensate vt.& vi. 补偿;给(某人)赔偿8.certificate n. 证书;证明9.considerate adj. 体贴的,为他人着想的10.smooth vt. 使顺利;使光滑,使平坦三、拓展单词1.abrupt adj.突然的;意外的abruptly adv.突然地2.bathe vt.& vi.(给)洗澡bath n.洗澡3.prevention n.预防,防止prevent

3、 vt.预防,防止4.conclude vi.& vt.(使)结束;下结论;推断conclusion n.结论;结束5.reaction n.生理反应,副作用;回应,反应react vi.反应,回应6.hatred n.仇恨hate vt.讨厌,憎恨7.assess vt.评估;估算assessment n.评价,评估8.negotiate vt.& vi.商定;谈判negotiation n.谈判9.additional adj.补充的,额外的,附加的addition n.相加;增加物10.applicant n.申请者apply vi.申请application n.申请书11.inspe

4、ct vt.检查;视察inspection n.检查;视察.短语/词块1.be_harmful_to对有害2.give_a_sideways_glance 向旁边瞥了一眼3.contrary_to 与相反4.burst_on_the_scene 突然出现5.lose_sb_to. 因为而失去某人6.over_again 再,重新7.wipe_away 消除,去除8.without_permission 未经许可9.refer_to 涉及,指的是10.in_one_way_or_another 用某种方法11.in_addition 此外12.join_forces 合作,联合13.keep u

5、p with 跟上,不落后14.put into effect 使生效,实施 faced with 面临,面对16.the key to 的关键 a high rate 以很高的速度18.uptodate technology 最新科技19.the bodys immune system 身体的免疫系统mit crime online 网上犯罪21.assess the problem of cybercrime 评估网络犯罪的问题 increasing number of such case 越来越多的这种情况23.a survey conducted in 2

6、010 在2010年进行的调查24.protect their confidential information 保护他们的机密信息25.the only answer to the problem 这个问题的唯一答案.句式一、补全句子1.It_is_fortunate_for_her_that she got better and is now resting at home.她在家休息,身体已经康复,这对她来说是幸运的。2.As_I_said_yesterday,my friends and I have been playing computer games at the Interne

7、t cafe.正像我昨天所说的,我和我的朋友们一直在网吧玩电脑游戏。3.The government is working hard to_control the Aids epidemic,and has opened labs to_test_and_monitor the disease.政府正努力工作控制艾滋病传染,并已开办了实验室检验和监控这种疾病。4.All of this makes_it_clear_that something must be done to stop this deadly disease.所有这一切很清楚地表明,必须采取措施制止这种致命的疾病。二、分析长难

8、句1.Eventually,the bodys immune system becomes so weak that the person often becomes very ill from usually mild sicknesses.【分析】so.that.“如此以至于”,that引导结果状语从句。【翻译】最后,人体的免疫系统变得如此脆弱以至于一些轻微的疾病都会使这个人病得很严重。2.While in the beginning some people may even enjoy abusing drugs,in the end drug users find themselves

9、 trapped in a prison from which they cannot escape.【分析】本句是复合句,while引导让步状语从句,from which引导定语从句。【翻译】尽管最初一些人甚至喜欢滥用毒品,但是最终他们发现自己深陷泥潭而不能自拔。3.The work of international organizations is even more important when you consider how much more severe the situation could become.【分析】本句是复合句,when引导时间状语从句,how引导宾语从句。【翻

10、译】当考虑到这一形势变得那么严峻时,国际组织的工作就显得更加重要了。4.A survey conducted in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute showed that 45.6 percent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies had had their security systems broken into in the previous year.【分析】本句是复合句,that引导宾语从句,conducted in 2010 by the Computer Secu

11、rity Institute为过去分词短语作后置定语。【翻译】电脑安全协会在2010年进行的一项调查表明,在被调查的351家最大的公司和政府部门中,有45.6%的单位安全系统在前一年遭到入侵。1.conclude vi.& vt.(使)结束;下结论;推断(1)to conclude (常用作插入语)最后;总之conclude sth with sth/by doing sth 以结束conclude that. 推断出/断定;决定(2)draw/reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion (from) (由)得出结论make a conclusion 下结论bri

12、 a conclusion 使结束in conclusion 最后To conclude,Aids education is the best way to protect ourselves from this terrible disease.(教材原句)In_conclusion,Aids education is the best way to protect ourselves from this terrible disease.总之,艾滋病教育是我们保护自己免遭这种可怕疾病危害的最好方式。Our teacher told you to conclude your spe

13、ech with one sentence.我们的老师叫你用一句话结束你的演讲。We concluded that where there is a will,there is a way.We came to a conclusion (conclude)that where there is a will,there is a way.我们得出结论:有志者事竟成。2.reaction n.生理反应,副作用;回应,反应(1)reaction to对的反应(2)react vi. 反应,回应react to. 对作出反应/回应react with 与起化学反应react against 反对;

14、反抗react on/upon 影响;对起作用Her research has led her to find out two clearly different mindsets that have a great effect on how we react to it.她的研究已经使她发现了两种明显不同的心态,这两种心态对我们如何去应对它有很大影响。People will not endure oppression forever; sooner or later they will react against it.人民不会永远忍受压迫,他们迟早要反抗的。Unkindness ofte

15、n reacts on/upon the unkind person.恶有恶报。3.trap vt.使陷入困境;使陷入圈套;夹住,卡住 n.陷阱;圈套;困境(1)trap sb in 把某人困在中be/feel trapped in 被困在中;陷入困境trap sb into (doing) sth 诱骗某人(做)某事(2)set/lay a trap (for) (为)布好陷阱;(为)下套While in the beginning some people may even enjoy abusing drugs,in the end drug users find themselves t

16、rapped (trap)in a prison from which they cannot escape.尽管最初一些人甚至喜欢滥用毒品,但是最终他们发现自己深陷泥潭而不能自拔。The firefighters managed to save a girl trapped in the big fire.The firefighters managed to save a girl who_was_trapped_in_the big fire.消防员设法救出了被困在大火中的一个女孩。Were you just going to trap_her_into making some admi

17、ssion?你刚才想诱使她供认吗?4.regarding prep.关于(1)regard v.认为;注意;留意n. 尊重,敬重;注意;关心 把看作in/with regard to sb/sth 关于某人/某物(2)regardless adv. 不顾,不加理会regardless of 不管,不顾Regarding your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details.With_regard_to_your recent advertisement,I am writing to reques

18、t further details.关于贵方最近的广告,现特函查询详情。Regardless (regard) of what happened yesterday and what may or may not happen tomorrow,the present moment is where we are.不管昨天发生了什么,也不管明天可能发生或者不会发生什么,现在才是我们关注的所在。I regard him as one of the most famous scientists in China.我把他看作是中国最著名的科学家之一。名师指津部分动词的ing形式转化为介词的除rega

19、rding外,还有including包括;concerning关于;considering考虑到。5.suspect n.嫌疑犯,可疑对象 vt.怀疑(某人有罪);怀疑(某事属实或可能发生,尤指坏事)(1)suspect that. 怀疑suspect sb of (doing) sth 怀疑某人(做)某事suspect sb/sth to be. 怀疑某人/某物为(2)suspected adj. 被怀疑的,可疑的Suspected(suspect)of being involved in the attempted murder,she was questioned by the poli

20、ce.被怀疑参与了这起谋杀未遂案,她受到了警察的讯问。What she said sounded convincing,but I suspect it to_be_a_lie.她说的话听起来像那么回事,但我怀疑那是谎话。名师指津与suspect sb of sth结构相同的短语还有:remind sb of sth提醒某人某事rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事inform sb of/about sth 通知某人某事warn sb of sth 警告某人某事6.request vt.要求,请求n.C要求,请求,需求(1)request st

21、h from/of sb向某人要求某物request sb(not) to do sth 要求某人做(不做)某事request that. 要求(从句用虚拟语气)It is/was requested that. 人们要求/请求(从句用虚拟语气)(2)at ones request/at the request of sb 在某人的要求下make a request for sth/that. 提出请求要(从句用虚拟语气)Whenever I go out,my mother requests_me_to_come_back before 10 oclock at night.无论我什么时候出

22、去,妈妈都要求我晚上十点以前回家。The two strangers requested some old clothes from/of the villagers.两个外乡人向村民们要了些旧衣服穿。Mary made a request that I _should_help(help) her with her English.玛丽要求我帮她学英语。名师指津request后面跟名词从句时,从句中的谓语动词用“(should) do”结构。类似的动词还有propose,recommend,suggest,advise,require,order,demand等。7.burst on the

23、 scene 突然出现on the scene当场,在现场come/appear/arrive on the scene 到场behind the scenes 秘密地,在幕后,不公开地However,since the disease burst_on_the_scene in the 1980s,it has become a serious problem around the world.(教材原句)但是,自从艾滋病在20世纪80年代突然爆发以来,它已经成为一个严重的全球性问题。The students were able to go behind the scenes (scene)

24、 to see how programmes were made.学生们可以去后台,看看节目是怎么制作出来的。名师指津scene有“场景;场面;地点”的含义,后接定语从句,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,一般用关系副词where或in which来引导。The reporter interviewed several witnesses on the scene,where/in_which the traffic accident happened.记者采访了几位在交通事故现场的目击者。8.wipe away 消除,去除;(用手或布)擦净While they cannot wipe away

25、the stain of the past,they can certainly move forward.尽管他们不能消除过去的污点,但他们肯定可以继续生活下去。Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。I hastily wiped up the milk I had spilled.我连忙把洒出来的牛奶擦干净。9.put into effect 使生效,实施(1)have an effect on/upon对产生影响bring/carry/put.into effect 实施;使生效/起作用com

26、e into effect/take effect 生效in effect 事实上;实际上side effect 副作用(2)effective adj. 有效的;有影响的Global warming is having a great effect on/upon hundreds of plant and animal species around the world.全球变暖正在对全球数以百计的动植物物种产生重大影响。Its reported that this regulation will come into effect from September 1,2019.据报道本章程自2

27、019年9月1日起生效。One of the most effective (effect) ways to reduce stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.减少压力最有效的方法之一就是与你信任的人聊聊感受。10.It_is_fortunate for her that she got better and is now resting at home.她在家休息,身体已经康复,这对她来说是幸运的。本句为“It is/wasadj.that.”句型,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的从句。常见it替代后面

28、的从句作形式主语的句式有:(1)It isadj.(clear,apparent,obvious,possible,probable,likely,certain,natural.)that从句(谓语动词用陈述语气)(2)It isn.(a pity,a shame,ones duty,no use,no good,no wonder,no surprise.)that从句(谓语动词用陈述语气)(3)It isp.p.(said,believed,known,recorded,estimated,announced,expected.)that从句(谓语动词用陈述语气)(4)It不及物动词(h

29、appen,occur,appear,seem.)that从句(谓语动词用陈述语气)It_was_obvious_that there was conflict between accounts of the witnesses for the murder case.很明显谋杀案证人的描述前后矛盾。It_was_a_pity_that you missed such a good lecture about the robots in the future.你错过了一场这么好的关于未来机器人的报告真是可惜。It_is_reported_that no passengers were inju

30、red in the accident.据报道,在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。课 下 作 业.单词拼写1.The _artificial (人造的) heart resulted from experiments on the space shuttle.2.Its difficult to assess (评估) the effects of these changes.3.He resigned after being suspected (怀疑) of theft.4.He had to pause from time to time to wipe (擦掉)the sweat from his forehead.5.She is always polite and considerate (体贴的) towards her employees.6.The teacher walked around inspecting (检查) their work.7.Nothing can compensate (补偿) for the loss of a loved one.8.This morning,he was informed that he had to negotiat

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