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1、初中英语牛津深圳版七年级下册Unit5单元检测含答案Module 3 Natural elements - 单元检测 一、翻译(翻译选择题)(共5小题;共5分) 1. That little boy dropped from the tall building. A. watched B. pushed C. disappeared D. fell 2. We spent part of the time in the museum. A. all B. some of C. most of D. any of 3. Now I can walk to work instead of goin

2、g by car. A. in place of B. in fact C. in a way D. in the centre of 4. Dont forget to return the magazines next Monday. A. look up B. learn about C. give back D. look for 5. The factory produced the dress in large quantities. A. lengths B. sizes C. heights D. numbers二、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 6. Its said th

3、at of the water around the world polluted. A. two third; has B. two thirds; have C. two third; are D. two thirds; is 7. Its possible to get $100 a day in this company, and some days you can get . A. much B. more C. little D. fewer 8. - Do you drink much coffee as before? - No, at all. My sleeping pr

4、oblem is getting worse. A. none B. little C. nothing D. anything 9. In our school, students like English, but of them can speak English smoothly. A. a little; a few B. a few; few C. a few; little D. a little; few10. You dont know I want to see you again. Its a year since I last saw you. A. how often

5、 B. how long C. how much D. how far11. - You look so tired. - My mother makes me playing the piano for 2 hours every day. A. practice B. to practice C. practicing12. The sweet smell of the flowers in the garden comes in the open window, making us feel in a good mood(心情)。 A. on B. with C. through D.

6、across13. - Do you know the latest information about Flight MH370? - Ive no idea. Lets the TV to watch the news programme. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn up D. turn off14. John is getting very thin. He doesnt eat food. A. many B. enough C. few D. little15. What a nice day! We should go sightseeing

7、watching TV in the hotel. A. because of B. instead of C. together with D. out of三、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Natural resources are things that we use that come from Earth. Our natural resources are limited(有限的). This means that they will not 16 forever. Some are renewable, like when you plant a new tree when

8、you 17 one down. Others are not renewable, like when you dig coal(煤) out of the 18 . Once it is used, it is gone. People realize the 19 that Earths natural resources are limited, and people can do things to help conserve(节约) those resources. 20 you try to conserve a natural resource, you try to use

9、less of it so it does not get used up so 21 . One way that people conserve fuel, like gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or walking when the 22 is short instead of driving everywhere. Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay 23 . We can conserve water 24 making sure th

10、at our pipes and taps do not leak(漏). We can also make 25 choices to conserve water, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full. Everyone can make contribution to protecting natural resources.16. A. last B. spread C. burn D. change17. A. turn B. cut C. put D. move18. A. sta

11、tion B. building C. ground D. brick19. A. news B. plan C. decision D. fact20. A. When B. Although C. Whatever D. Whether21. A. slowly B. hard C. regularly D. fast22. A. money B. space C. place D. distance23. A. alive B. alone C. asleep D. awake24. A. about B. for C. by D. with25. A. generous B. funn

12、y C. wise D. surprising四、阅读理解(共10小题;共20分)A American researchers have successfully developed a way to clean waste water without chemicals. The technique uses green plants. The tests were carried out at a waste treatment center. The scientists put plants in narrow containers(容器) inside a glass buildin

13、g. One end of each container was a little higher than the other end. Waste water was directed down the container through the plants thick roots. The roots absorbed the wastes in the water and used them for food. At the same time the plants produced natural gases. The gases could be collected and sol

14、d as fuel(燃料). Four places in Florida have used green plants to clean their waste water.26. The best title for this passage is . A. The Success of American Scientists B. A New Way to Treat Waste Water C. Waste Water and Green Plants D. Advanced Technology in America27. The technique to clean waste w

15、ater is based on the fact that . A. green plants can be put in narrow containers B. most green plants have thick roots C. water can be directed down the container through the plants thick roots D. the wastes in water are excellent food for plants28. The technique is called a new way because . A. it

16、is cheaper than any other ways B. it can be carried out in a glass building C. it makes the waste water clean but uses no chemicals D. it needs only narrow containers and green plants29. The new technique . A. has come to be widely used in America B. is still being tested since its first use C. is p

17、roved to be more valuable than expected D. has come into use in some places of America30. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Green plants are successfully used to clean waste water. B. Scientists are able to clean water. C. Green plants have been used to clean water in Florida. D. New ways of

18、 making waste water clean are better than the chemical ones.B There is little rain in deserts. Because deserts are so dry, they have no quilt to help stop the soil from going away. As a result, they may get very hot during the day with the sun shining, but dont hold the heat overnight. Many deserts

19、can quickly get cold once the sun goes down. Some deserts can reach temperatures of over 100 degrees F during the day and then drop below freezing (32 degrees F) during the night. The largest hot and dry desert in the world is the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa. The Sahara is a sandy desert with g

20、reat sand hills. It covers over 3 million square miles of Africa. Other large deserts include the Arabian Desert in the Middle East, the Gobi Desert in Northern China and Mongolia, and the Kalahari Desert in Africa. Animals that live in the desert are also used to needing little water. Many get all

21、the water they need from the food they eat. Other animals keep water that they can use later. The camel stores up fat in its hump while other animals keep something they need in their tails. Only certain types of plants can live in the terrible environment of the desert. You wont see a lot of tall t

22、rees in the desert. Most plants have a way to keep water in their leaves, or trunks so they can live a long time without water. Now deserts cover around 20% of the worlds land, but they are growing. This is called desertification and is caused by different reasons including human activities. The Sah

23、ara Desert is growing larger and larger each year. What should we do with it?31. How is the weather during the night in the desert? A. Hot. B. Cold. C. Cool.32. Where does the camel store up fat? A. In its hump. B. In its stomach. C. In its tail.33. Why wont we see a lot of tall trees in the desert?

24、 A. Because of few people there. B. Because of the sun shining. C. Because of the terrible environment.34. How much of the land do deserts cover in the world? A. One fifth. B. Less than 10%. C. Two fifth.35. Is the Sahara Desert growing or not? A. Nobody knows it. B. It is growing. C. It is not grow

25、ing.五、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;共5分)36. David left his boring job to go on a train (旅行).37. Where is the (盐)? I cant find it.38. They did the (实验) in the classroom yesterday.39. Farmers shouldnt use too many (化学品). They are not good for us.40. We need a longer (管道). Let me buy it on the Internet.六、单词拼写(

26、单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5分)41. F water is important in this place.42. Please speak in a loud v , or I cant hear you.43. Time is very v , so we should use it well.44. Most people put their money in the b , because they think money is safe there.45. - Ill give you 100 yuan for the shoes. Keep the c .- Thanks a

27、 lot.七、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共10小题;共10分)46. My father always tells jokes to make us (laugh).47. Our teacher often tells us (help) the poor.48. It is not easy (learn) a foreign language well.49. The water here is safe (drink).50. We have enough rooms (live) in. Dont worry about that.51. We need (water) the

28、flowers twice a week.52. When I came into my room, I heard someone (sing) next to my room.53. Tom has to (finish) his homework first and then goes to play with others.54. Johns garden becomes (beauty) with the help of Lucy.55. Its hot today. Lets (go) swimming.八、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共5分)56. 不要浪费一滴水。D

29、ont waste .57. 汽车是由许多不同的部分组成的。A car many different parts.58. 这条裤子有些短。This pair of trousers is short.59. 雨下得很少,水库现在都于涸了。It rains very little and the reservoir now.60. 我爸爸每月给我十美元零用钱。My father gives me ten dollars a month for .九、补全对话(选择)(共5小题;共10分)A: Hi, Cindy. Your handbag looks so nice. 61. B: Online

30、. Its only 30 yuan.A: 30 yuan online? 62. Tell me how to do it, please.B: All right. Thats easy. Just enter Ebay.A: 63. B: Well, first, you need to apply for (申请) a users passport. Next, go through the shopping list.A: And then?B: Choose one you like. 64. Youll receive it in a few days.A: Thank you!

31、 65. A. And Ill have a try myself. B. When did you get it? C. Sounds great! D. Could you please tell me in detail? E. Click on it and follow the instructions. F. Where did you buy it? G. How much is it?十、作文(共1小题;共25分)66. 下面是自制草毒酱(strawberry jam)的做法,请根据下列提示写一篇不少于60词的短文。提示: 1. 买草毒,最好是自己刚摘的新鲜草莓; 2. 把草莓洗干净; 3. 在草莓里放糖; 4. 加热大约半小时。答案一、翻译(翻译选择题) 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 二、单项选择 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. B 三、完形填空16. A 17. B 18. C 19. D 20

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