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1、ZKW英语中考命题研究遵义八年级下12八年级(下)Units 12,遵义中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.stomach(名词)胃痛,腹痛_2foot(复数)_3own(名词)_4break(形容词)_5train(名词)_6kind(名词)_7.climb(名词)_8strong(反义词)_9feel(名词)_(过去式)_10tooth(复数)_(名词)牙痛_短语归纳1.感冒_2胃痛_3躺下_4量体温_5发烧_6休息_7下车_8使惊讶的是;出乎的意料_9立即,马上_10陷入,参与_11习惯于_12冒险_13用尽,耗尽_14切除_15离开,从出来_16掌管,管理_17.放弃_18打扫

2、(或清除)干净_19(使)变得更高兴,振奋起来_20分发,散发_21想出,提出_22推迟_23分发_24打电话给(某人),征召_25照顾,非常喜欢_26参加选拔,试用_27修理,装饰_28赠送,捐赠_29(外貌或行为)像_30建立,设立_31影响,有作用_32帮助走出困境_句型再现1.“你怎么啦?”“我背痛。”_?I_2我该怎么办?_I_?3“我应该放些药在上面吗?”“应该。/不应该。”_put some medicine on it?Yes,_/No,_4昨天上午9:00,26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边。At 9:00 am. yesterday,bus No.

3、26_Zhonghua Road when the driver_an old man_on the side of the road.5有人头部受到撞击。Someone_on the head.6.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。As a mountain climber,Aron _ risks.7他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的。They told me stories about the past and how things _8她在四岁时就能独自看书了。She could read _9有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“Lucky”。You helped to_ for m

4、e to have Lucky.10我喜爱动物,我对拥有一条狗这个想法感到兴奋。I love animals and I was _the idea _.语法结构1.情态动词should的用法。2常用的动词词组的用法。话题1.Health and first aid(健康与急救)2Volunteering and charity(志愿服务与慈善),遵义五年中考真题演练动词短语()1.(2015遵义31题)What do you want to do in the future,Allen?I want to _ a Hope School to help students who are un

5、able to go to school.Aset outBset offCset up()2.(2012遵义21题)The children in our school are dancing to raise_money for charity.Alose money Bmake moneyCspend money词汇()3.(2011遵义27题)_ our surprise,the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year.AWith BIn CTo单词拼写4(2014遵义84题)We should

6、 be brave when we meet illness and _(difficult)5(2011遵义77题)In order to improve Marys selfconfidence,her teacher asked her to look at _(she) in a mirror every morning and say “Im the best.”6(2011遵义80题)Trust him!He has no difficulty _(work) out the problem.,遵义中考重难点突破辨析hurt,wound,harm与injure【考点抢测】hurtw

7、oundharminjure1The driver _ himself badly in the accident.2Never do anything to _ the interests of the people.3Smoking can _ ones health.4Blood started out of his _.()5.You should not _ your parents.Ahurt BwoundCharm Dinjure【满分点拨】hurt,injure,harm和wound都有“伤”的意思,但各自的含义和用法不同。hurt为普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、

8、感情上的伤害。如:The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。wound可以作及物动词,表示“使受伤,伤害”;也可以作名词,表示“创伤,伤口”。如:He got wounded in action.他在战斗中受伤。注意:wound主要用于肉体上的“创伤”,一般指严重的外伤,主要指在战场上受枪弹伤害。作为及物动词,它的宾语是整个人,而不是受伤的部位。如:The bullet wounded him in the shoulder.子弹伤了他的肩膀。harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象

9、事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。如:Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。injure常指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损伤。如:A bullet injured his left eye.一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。mean的用法【考点抢测】6He meant _(leave) on Sunday,but stayed on.7In some parts of London,missing a bus means _(wait) for another hour.8Being a student _(意味着)s

10、tudying hard.【满分点拨】mean(v.)meaning(n.)意思,含义meaningful(adj.)有意义的,意味深长的(1)sth. means“意思是”。如:“Quake”means“to shake”“Quake”的意思是“震动”。What does the word mean?这个单词是什么意思?(2)sth. meansthat从句。“表示”(3)mean doing sth.“意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)”,其主语通常是指事物的词。如Success means working hard.成功意味着努力工作。(4)mean to do sth.“打算或企图做

11、某事”,其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,其过去完成时表示“本来打算做某事”。如:We mean to call on you tomorrow.我们打算明天看望你。(5)What do you mean by?该句型的意思是“你是什么意思?”如:What do you mean by acting like this?你这样做是什么意思?(6)I mean的意思是“就是说;我是说”,常用来更正或补充前面所说的话。如:She is smartI mean,she knows exactly what I think.她很聪明我的意思是说,她完全知道我的想法。辨析lonely与alone【考点抢测

12、】lonelyalone9He doesnt feel _ when he is left alone.10I dont like walking home _.()11.They leave their daughter _ in the house on weekdays.Alonely BaloneClone Dsilent【满分点拨】辨析:lonely与alonealone形容词只作表语,表示“独自一人的”,陈述一个客观事实,没有同伴或助手He was alone in the house.他独自一人在房子里。副词独自地;单独地My sister lives alone.我姐姐独居。l

13、onely形容词孤独的;寂寞的,有浓厚的感情色调He felt very lonely when he left his family.当他离开家后,他感到非常孤独。辨析raise与rise【考点抢测】raiserise12The water _ another meter and people became worried.13He _ his voice so that everybody could hear him.14If you _ any pets,please _ your hands.【满分点拨】辨析:raise,rise两个词都有“举起、提高、升起”之意,但其用法不尽相同。

14、不同例句raiseraise是及物动词,“举起、提高、抬高”的意思,强调动作的姿势。He wants to raise the rent.他想提高租金。riserise是不及物动词,“升起、上升、上涨”的意思。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起而落在西方。辨析repair,mend与fix【考点抢测】repairmendfix15I am going to have my bike _ tomorrow.16The workers are _ the machine.()17.My brother can _ this

15、broken chair.ArepairBmendCfix【满分点拨】不同例句repairrepair常指损失重大或构造较复杂的事物,如房屋、汽车、桥梁的修理。也可指修鞋Mary repaired the radio just for the fun of it.玛丽修理收音机只是为了消遣。mendmend着重指修补小至日常用具,大到较复杂的物体。很多时候可与repair互换。Can you mend a broken dish?你能修理破碟子吗?She is mending her shoes.她正在修理她的鞋子。fixfix则侧重于“安装”,有时也用作“修理”。The workers ar

16、e fixing the machine.工人们在安装机器。一、单项选择()1.There was an unexpected explosion in our street,but nobody was _ badly.AhurtBwoundCharmed()2.Missing this train means_for another hour.Ato wait Bwaiting Cwait()3.Uncle Li lives _,but he doesnt feel _.Aalone;alone Blonely;lonelyCalone;lonely()4.This shirt is to

17、o old to _.You could ask your parents to buy another.Afix Brepair Cmend()5.(2015遵义航天中学模拟)We _ our heads to watch the sun _ over the bridge.Araised;rise Brose;raiseCrised;raised()6.His _ makes me sad.Adie Bdeath Cdead()7.There is no paper.We _ it yesterday.Aran out of Bran outCrun out of()8.(2015呼和浩特

18、中考)Mr. Smith told his son _ the football match because of the exam.Anot to watch Bto not watchCnot watching()9.(2015遵义二中模拟)This is my _ house.Im the _ of the house.Amyself;owner Bown;ownerCowner;own()10.He is used to _ the plane.Aput off making Bput off to makeCputting off making二、单词拼写1Have you see

19、a dog _(lie) on the floor just now?2We get to know the _(important) of working hard.3Most of us have lots of _(difficult) in speaking Russian well.4Thanks for your _(kind)5In the end,he made a good _(decide),高频话题写作指导健康与急救写作导图从全国近五年“健康与急救”相关话题书面表达的命题来看,此类作文命题通常有以下两个角度的内容:1保持健康已经成为人们关注的热点话题之一,健康包括哪些方面

20、、中学生面临的健康问题、保持健康的重要性。2如何保持健康成为命题点。结合遵义考情,可以预测第二种考查角度几率更大。how tokeep healthydietdont eat too much rich food,like meateat fruit and vegetablesdrink milkno junk foodexerciserunplay basketballdo yogasleepgo to bed early and get up earlydont stay up亮点句型速成常用句型:She has a fever/headache/sore throatYou mustn

21、t smoke.Its bad for your health.推荐句型:You mustnt smoke because its bad for your health.(一)开头句1It is very important to keep healthy.(二)中间句2We cant go to sleep too late.We cant get up too late.3We should eat the food healthily.4We should do more exercise.5I didnt feel like eating anything.6I decided to

22、 see the doctor.7In the doctors office,the doctor looks me over carefully.8He told me to take a rest and drink more water.9The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day.10A few days later,I felt better.(三)结尾句11A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.12Please drink enough wat

23、er every day.13Dont get stressed out.Its not healthy.14You should go to bed early and get up early.15Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle,and its important to eat a balanced diet.写作模板Nowadays,more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.For me,there are 几种方法 to keep healthy.First,it i

24、s necessary to 观点一Secondly,we shouldnt 观点二Thirdly,it is important to观点三If people follow these three ways of keeping fit,they will find健康会有怎样的改善。典例剖析根据以下提示,请以“How to keep healthy”为题写一篇短文,从良好的生活习惯,适当的体育锻炼以及健康的饮食习惯等方面,为那些生活习惯欠佳、缺乏锻炼的朋友提出良好的建议。(要求意思连贯、表达准确,词数80词左右)参考词汇:熬夜(stay up);垃圾食品(junk food);定时定量(h

25、ave meals regularly)【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息:1就“保持健康”提出建议,全文用说明文;2所写建议尽量全面,涉及内容尽量多角度,深层次;3要求意思连贯、表达准确,词数为80词左右。【范文点评】How To Keep HealthyNowadays,more_and_more_people_know_the_importance_of_keeping_healthy.For_me,there_are_three_main_ways_to_keep_healthyFirstly,it_is_necessary_to_keep_a_balanced_diet

26、.开篇用了more and more people,there are three main ways to keep healthy,既体现问题的严重性,又交代了文章的主题。运用句型it is形容词to do sth.增加了文章的亮点。We_shouldnt_eat_too_much_junk_food.It_is_better_for_us_to_have_more_fruit_and_vegetables_every_day.Whats_more,we are supposed to have meals regularly.Secondly,we shouldnt stay up too late.Getting_enough_sleep_is_also_necessary.Thirdly,it_is_important_to take regular exerci

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