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1、医学考博英语作文写作句型如何表达数量关系医学考博英语作文写作句型:如何表达数量关系【 络课程】 医学考博英语统考全程班!点击免费试听 从广义上讲,数量关系也是比较关系,也与后面的“增加”、“减少”的句型密切相关。单独列为一个意念功能,是希望大家注意数量的正确表达。这种句型在图表作文中运用得很多,在摘要写作中,主要用来提供一些重要证据。大家如果掌握得好,在必要的情况下运用可以提高摘要的质量,如果掌握得不好,可以尽量回避。 基本句型 be X times / X% as + 形容词或副词 + as sth. decrease X times / X% as + 形容词或副词 + sth. incr

2、ease X times / X% as +形容词或副词 + sth. do sth. X times / X% as + 形容词或副词 + sth. 动词词组 account for /add up to / amount to / come (数量总计) decrease / drop / fall / increase / rise from to (数量增减) decrease / drop / fall / increase / rise (by) X times / X% (数量增减) 名词词组 a drop / an increase in sth. the proportion

3、 / ratio of sth. to sth. 例句 1. 2003年的门诊量比上一年增加了67%,达到15,000多人。 Compared with those of last year, the annual outpatients of 2003 increased / rose / went up / grew by 67%, amounting to 15,000. Compared with those of last year, there was a 67% increase in 2003s outpatients, coming to 15,000. The annual

4、 outpatients of 2003 increased / rose/ went up/ grew by 67% of those of last year, adding up to 15,000. 2. 人均寿命在经济更发达的国家更长一些。日本上报的人均寿命最长,达78岁,其次是加拿大,76岁。 The average life expectancy was longer among / in the more developed countries. The longest one was reported by Japan, 78. It was followed by Cana

5、das, 76. The average life expectancy was longer among / in the more developed countries. Japan reported the longest life expectancy, 78. This was followed by Canada, 76. 3. 该市2004年的人均医疗支出是改革开放刚开始时1978年的30多倍。 The average medical expenses of people in that city in 2004 are over 30 times as great/high

6、as in 1978 when the reform and open policy began. The average medical expenses of people in that city in 2004 are over 30 times greater/higher than (those) in 1978 when the reform and open policy began. The average medical expenses of people in that city in 2004 have increased over 30 times, compare

7、d with (those in) 1978 when the reform and open policy began. 4. 每周饮酒次数为3次以上的妇女患乳腺癌的危险可增加30%至100%。 A woman who has 3 or more alcoholic drinks each week may increase her danger of breast cancer between 30% and 100%. The danger of breast cancer for a woman who has 3 or more alcoholic drinks each week

8、may be increased between 30% and 100%. The danger of breast cancer for a woman who has 3 or more alcoholic drinks each week may be between 30% and 100% greater than (that of) one who does not. 5. 三级医院治疗的病人平均为一级医院的234% / 两倍 / 一半。 On average, a Grade Three hospital treats/deals with 234% / twice / hal

9、f as many patients as a Grade One hospital. On average, patients treated/deals with by a Grade Three hospital are 234% / twice / half as many as those by a Grade One hospital. 6. 根据中国日报报道,1994年中国人的寿命比1988年增加了2年,男子达到了平均72.3岁,女性平均77.1岁。婴儿死亡率也以每年2%的速度下降。 According to China Daily, life expectancy of Chi

10、nese people rose/increased (by) 2 years from 1988 to 1994, with an average of 72.3 for men and 77.1 for women. And infant mortality/death rate dropped/decreased on average by 2% each year. 7. 为孩子提供足够的粮食类食品,使碳水化合物提供的热量到达总热量的60%左右。 Parents should provide enough grain food to their children so that the

11、 calories provided by carbohydrate can amount to / add up to / come to / account for 60% of the total calories needed by them. Parents should provide enough grain food to their children, making the calories provided by carbohydrate amount to / add up to / come to / account for 60% of the total calor

12、ies needed by them. 8. WHO公布影响健康的四个因素中,不良生活方式和行为占全球死亡因素的60%,我国也占50%以上。 Among the four health-related factors that WHO published, unhealthy lifestyles and behavior have accounted for 60% of the total causes of death worldwide, while in China the figure has been above 50%. Among the four health-relate

13、d factors that WHO published, unhealthy lifestyles and behavior have caused 60% of the total deaths worldwide, while in china they have done more than 50%. 9. 洋医院所收费用的80%是患者为院方的高质量服务而付的,而公立医院的收入主要来自药品差价,有的达到了总收入的90%。 80% of the charges by foreign-funded hospitals come from high quality service for t

14、he patients, while 90% of the incomes of public hospitals from huge profits form medicines. 80% of the charges by foreign-funded hospitals come from high quality service for the patients, while the incomes of public hospitals mainly come from the price differences of medicines which can even amount

15、to 90% of the total income in some. 10. 农村卫生总费用所占比例没有变大,反而缩小了,中3/4的人口只占用1/3的医疗卫生费用。 The proportion of expenditure for rural health care to the total national expenditure for health care did not increase but decreased, for the 3/4 of the Chinese population only used 1/3 of the total national expendit

16、ure for health care. Instead of becoming larger, the proportion of rural medical expenditure to the total national medical expenditure became smaller, for the 3/4 of the Chinese population only had 1/3 of the total national expenditure. 11. 世界上发达国家每1,000人所拥有的卫生服务人员为10名,根据2000年的统计数据,我国的平均水平为3.63人,而农村

17、不足2人。 In the developed countries, every one thousand people have 10 medical workers. In our country, however, the national average number is 3.63 and the number for rural areas is less than 2, according to the statistics of 2000. 12. WHO推荐的一个卫生服务机构的服务人员高、中、初级职称的比例是1:3:1,我国农村是1:2.4:1.83。 The ratio of

18、 senior to intermediate to junior medical professionals recommended by WHO for a medical organization is 1:3:1, but this ratio is 1:2.4:1.83 in the rural areas in China. 13. 而世界上有些发达国家的大都市CT的拥有量仅为每200万人1台。 In some large cities of developed countries, there is only one CT machine for every two millio

19、n people. 14. 吸烟者患心脏病的危险比普通人多两倍。 A cigarette smoker faces 3 times the normal danger of suffering a heart attack. A cigarette smoker faces the danger of suffering a heart attack twice more than a normal person. A cigarette smoker faces 3 times the danger of suffering a heart attack for a normal perso

20、n. The danger of suffering a heart attack for a cigarette smoker is 3 times as great as that for a normal person. The danger of suffering a heart attack for a cigarette smoker is twice more than that for a normal person. 15. 新的治疗方法可以使该病的死亡率从90%以上降到约60%。 The new therapy can reduce /decrease the morta

21、lity of the illness from above 90% to about 60%. 练习:用英语表达以下意念,注意数字关系的表达。 1. 在从1978到2004年的26年期间,中国的私营医院增加了大约7倍,不过规模仍然很小。 2. 死于心血管疾病的人数比10年前增加了一半。 3. 新中国成立的1949年,全国医生只有大约8万,到了1998年的50年后,这一数字达到了250万。 4. 到2000年,许多国家的人均用水量只有1975年的一半。 5. 10年前,医疗费用只占整个预算的10%,而现在已占到30%。 6. 根据一份调查报告,该地区的农村婴儿死亡率是全国平均的七倍。 7. 碳

22、水化合物提供的热量是人体热量的主要来源,约占总热量的60%。 8. 我国70%80%的大学生有心理问题,20.3%有心理障碍。 9. 近20年来,高血压患病率下降3/4,心血管患病率下降2/3。 10. 冬季比春季从事同等强度的运动热量消耗高10%左右。 11. 20岁以上成人高血压患病率为5.8%,临界高血压患病率为3.3%,合计总发病率为9.1%。 12. 目前,合理的膳食摄盐量应该先控制在每日710g,以后逐渐降低,逐渐达5g以下。 13. 1991年中国农村卫生费用占全国卫生总费用的33.73%,到2000年,所占比例下降为32.07%。 14. 按WHO的标准,医护比例应该是1:2,

23、而我国是1:0.61,农村更低。 15. 我国乡村卫生院的病床平均使用率低于50%,有的才20%30%。 16. 实施健康危险因素评价(health risk factor appraisal)的公司由1985年的65%增加到1992年的90%以上。 17. 积极参加运动的妇女与不活动的妇女相比,患乳腺癌的可能性要低一半。 18. 一只雄性白鼠接受的咖啡因的剂量,相当于一个男人每天喝90杯咖啡的剂量。 19. 半数以上的病人,症状改善了50%以上,有的到达70%。 20. 从1995年到2005年,个人医疗开支上升了近4倍,从850元到3200元。 答案: 1. In the period o

24、f 26 years from 1978 to 2004, the number of private-owned hospitals in China increased roughly 7 times, but their sizes were still very small. 2. Compared with 10 years ago, people who died from diseases of heart and blood vessels have increased by half / 50%. People who died from diseases of heart

25、and blood vessels have increased by half / 50% of those 10 years ago. People who died from diseases of heart and blood vessels have been 50% more than (those) 10 years ago. People who died from diseases of heart and blood vessels have been 150% as many as (those) 10 years ago. 3. There were only abo

26、ut 8 thousand doctors when New china was founded in 1949, while the number hit /reached 2.5 million 50 years in 1998. 4. In many countries, the average amount of water used per person in 2000 was only half / 50% of that in 1975. By 2000, many countries had only half / 50% as much water for one perso

27、n as they had had in 1975. 5. Ten years ago, medical expenses accounted for 10% of the total budget, but the figure has risen to 30%. Ten years ago, medical expenses accounted for 10% of the total budget, but have now accounted for 30%. 6. A study points out that in that rural area the rate of infan

28、t death is 7 times the national average. According to a study, the infant death rate in that rural area is 7 times as high as the national average. 7. The calories provided by carbohydrate are the main source of human energy, accounting for about 60% of the total calories needed by man. 8. In China,

29、 70%80% of college students suffer from mental problems and 20.3% mental obstructions. 9. In the recent 20 years, the incidence / morbidity of hypertension has decreased / dropped by 3/4 and that of diseases of heart and blood vessels by 2/3. 10. Winter sports consume / need / use about 10% more cal

30、ories than spring sports of the same intensity / activity. To do winter sports consumes / needs / uses about 10% calories than to do spring sports of the same intensity / activity. Winter sports consume / need / use about 110% as much energy as spring sports of the same intensity / activity do. 11.

31、In adults of 20 years old or above, the incidence / morbidity of hypertension is 5.8% and that of critical hypertension is 3.3%, with the total incidence / morbidity being 9.1%. 12. At present, a reasonable intake / amount of salt in diet should be controlled at 710g per day, which can be reduced gr

32、adually to less than 5g per day. 13. In 1991, the expenditure for rural health care in China accounted for 33.73% of the total national expenditure for health care, but the proportion decreased / dropped to 32.07% in 2000. 14. According to the WHO standard, the ratio of doctors to nurses should be 1:2, but in china the ratio is 1:0.61 and even lower in the rural areas. 15. The rate of bed utilization / The bed utilization ratio in the rural hospitals in our country

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